grammar 1

Grammar file 2

1.      I don't know nothing" . is considered correct and nature by  some grammarians while ungrammatical by other . what is the theoretical basis of this disagreement ? Give examples to support your points .

This is the essential difference between descriptive grammar & prescriptive grammar. Those who follow PG would say the sentence is wrong or ungrammatical because it doesn't comply with a normative rule but those who follow DG would accept it and say it's natural because many people tend to express their idea that way (according to DG , there is nothing imposed....)

Ex: I don't know anything or I know nothing

2.      Identify different types of factual conditional sentences and their uses . Write two examples of each type

Factual conditional includes 4 types:

-          Generic factual: express the relationships that are true & unchanging(not bounded in time) Ex: if you mix sugar and water , it dissolves .-if you boil shrimp , they turn red

-          Habitual factual conditional resembles generic expressing relationship that are not bounded in time, however , the relationship is based on habits instead of physical laws . they express either past or present relationship that are habitually or typically true   Ex: if you teach children small numbers , they remember  . - if mom said : "go to bed" we went to bed ( go)

-          Implicit inference factual conditional expresses inferences about specific time-bound relationships . they make use of a much wider range of tense & aspect  maker & also occur with certain modal auxiliary , tending to maintain the same tense & aspect or the same modal auxiliary in both clauses Ex: if it's raining in my home village, the rice fields there are being flooded . - if the Liverpool can beat the MANU , it can beat the Blues

-          Explicit inference (the only case) where there is no strict parallelism :2 clauses have different tenses , aspects or modals Ex: if she sits in someone's car , it must be  john's

- if he was there , he must have seen the painting

3.      state the four ways of determining phrase structure

There are four ways of determining phrase structure: substitution test, movement criterion , conjoining  and anaphora

Ex: - he/tigers went over the mountain- over the mountain the bear went-the bear went over the mountain and the pass-the bear went over the mountain . he was hungry

4.      Clarify the difference between coordinators and subordinators . Write two sentences with each type

Coordinators connect words , group of words , and independent clauses . they can be used to express the meaning of addition for ex: "and , both",

the opposite meaning for instance: "but. Still , yet" ,

the meaning of choices , for instance: "or , otherwise" , results or consequences , for ex: "so, therefore"

Ex: newspapers & magazines are indispensable in modern life.

Make haste!      - Harry up or you will be late! - More haste , less speed

Subordinators connect the subordinate clauses with the independent clause . they can be used to introduce subject , predicative , object clauses or to introduce adverbial clauses of time , places , reasons , conceptions ...

Ex: Whether they are in love or not doesn't matter to me

That she refuses his present surprises all of us

I tell mom everything when she comes back.

5.      state the rules to change the direct imperative sentences into the reported ones . Give examples for illustration

To change the direct imperative sentences into the reported one , the following changes are necessary :

-          The introductory verb 'to say' e.g. changes to a verb command or request such as : tell , order , command , ask ... Ex: he said : ' give me your hand' => he told me to give him my hand

-          The introductory verb of indirect command must be followed by the person addressed and the infinitive . Ex: she said : 'Give me back my book , cuc' => she told Cuc to give her back her book

-          + In direct commands the person addressed is often not mentioned but in indirect commands the person addressed must be included  . Ex: she said : ; shut up' => she told me to shut up

-          Negative commands are expressed by placing  'not' before the infinitive  Ex: he said : ' don't talk too loudly here' => He told me not to talk too loudly there

-          Pronouns and advs of time and places change as in statement . Ex: she said : ' don't come tomorrow as I wasn't be here' => she told me not to come the next day because she wouldn't be there

6.      How are borrowed nouns in English used in their plural form ? Give examples for illustration

In E , there are 3 main ways to make the plural form of the borrowed nouns :

-          Retaining their foreign plural form .  Datum- data; phenomenon - phenomena ; stimulus - stimuli ; Fungus - formulas

-          Applying the rules of forming plural nouns in E . Formula - formulas . Index-indexes

-          Using both the foreign & E plural form . Formula-formulas/formulae . Antenna-antennas/antennae

7.      how is gender expressed in the English language ?

Gender is not grammatically represented in E nouns . Most nouns have the same form of masculine & feminine  Ex: parent , cousin , teacher , worker

However , in some case , gender can be expressed by lexical meaning that's by :

-          The meaning of a different word Boy-girl , hen-cock , cow-ox

-          The world building suffix "ess" Tiger - tigeress  , Lion - lioness

-          The 1 st stem of compound noun . He-dog , she-dog , he-goat , she-goat

8.      state different types of phrase in the English language on the ground of syntactical functions . Give at least three examples of each type

1, On the ground of part of speech , phrases include : a. NP : products of gigh quality , foreign invested company b, Adj phrase : quite happy , very special , really disappointed , pretty good  C, Adj phrase : out there , in here , very well  D, V phrase : must go , can't be done, have approved  E, prepositional phrase : in the sky , under the shape

2, On the syntactic function , phrase consists of : A, subject phrase : Any hesitation now means loss- Too much familiarity breeds contempt B, Objective phrase : she tries to forget that terrible experience - Don't ask me such a stupid question.  C, Complement phrase : I tell him to be careful - I always consider him my big brother  D, attributive phrase : the boy loving me is studying at HANU - that cool black-eyed girl is my younger sister  E, Adverbial phrase : she got married at the age of 21 . - He ate the cake with great delight.- In spite of my angel , I tries to be nice to him

9.      List the syntactical functions a clause can play in the sentence and give one example of each

Syntactical functions of a clause : Subject , object , complement , attribute , adverbial ( with its smaller types )

EX: - Subject : why he didn't tell me the truth is always a haunting question to me

-          Object : I don't know how much they invested in this project

-          Attribute : The lady who is wearing red dress is my friend

-          Adverbial / adjunct : When I heard that bad news , my head seemed to standstill

-          Complement : Our concern is how we can get good mark at English grammar


10.  compare the sentence and the clause in the English language  with examples

Sentences and clauses are similar in that both have finite verb and one or more subject . They're different in that a clause is a part of a sentence which has its meaning is incomplete and can't be used independently .

Ex: while she cries - who she loves - what she does

A sentence , however , is a complete grammatical unit . It has its own subject and predicate and its meaning is complete . sentences are independent in use

Ex: he's so kind to inform me about that . -she's best friend that I have

The sentence is the largest unit and can be very complex , consisting of more than one clause . The clause can be considered a simple sentence embedded in a larger sentence 'main clause' or modifying the meaning of the sentence 'subordinate clause'  Ex: he has been waiting in vain for the woman he loves for years .

The film that I have seen is full of stunning actions

11.  briefly classify sentences on the ground of their meaning . Give examples of each type

On the ground of th meaning sentence are classified into 4 types:

a.       declarative sentences ( to give information onto state facts) I'm studying in HanoiUniversity . I love honesty and sincerity .

b.      interrogative sentences ( to ask question) Ex: Are you willing to tell the truth ?  Do you want to go with me all the way ?

c.       imperative/ command sentences ( to induce someone to fulfill a certain action)   Tell him the truth!  -  stop telling lies ! -

d.      exclamatory ( to express emotion ) what a good idea ! how beautiful you are !

12.  when is the passive voice used in the English language ? Give examples for each use

-          When the agent is redundant  Ex: the impressive tower was built within 6 months .many varieties of roses were grown in this field

-          To emphasize the receiver or the result of the action Ex: Russian tourists were killed in that accident .  - immediate actions were taken to curve inflation

-          To make a statement sound objective without revealing the source of information Ex: it is reported that he was arrested for corruption

-          To be tactful or evasive by not mentioning the agent when the agent can't be identified . Ex: ten million VND was sent to poor family for charity . - Mistake was made in that report

-          To retain the same grammatical subject in successive clauses  . Ex: the Blue beat the Kop but it was beaten by the MU . - when I arrived at the company . I was interviewed by the director

-          When the passive is more appropriate than the active  Ex: the initiative which has been purposed by the labor activists was warmly welcomed .- The soap opera which is being shown on TV attracts the tension of many young viewers

-          When the theme is given information and the agent is new information  Ex: Look at the opera house ; it has been renovated by a French architect .

What a lovely painting , it was painted by a disable artist .

13.  state the uses of reciprocal pronouns . Write sentences in which a reciprocal pronoun is used

Reciprocal pronoun "each other" , "one another" are used to indicate the relationship of neutrality : people do the same thing , feel the same way or have the same relationship

Traditionally , " each other" refers to 2 people or things , " one another" refers to more than two .

Ex: after their quarrel , we tried to avoid seeing each other - all parties agree to support one another in case of emergency

14.  Describe the five- rank hierarchy , which is widely used as model to identify grammatical units in the study of grammar . Give examples of each unit

The five-rank hierarchy used as model to identify grammatical unit can be illustrated as follows

Sentences are analyzed into clause => phrases=> morphemes

Morphemes are used to build words=> phrases=>clauses=>sentences

Ex: the sentence ' the man who we are talking about is one of the most famous artists' can be analyzed into:

+ Clause : who we are talking about

+ Phrase : one of the most famous artists

+ Morpheme : artists

15.  Describe the two main ways of making sentences more complex . Give two examples of each way

Sentences can be made more complex in 2 main ways namely:

a.       coordination is to make a sentence more complex by joining 2 or more clause of equal standing (importance) , resulting in a compound sentence by means of coordination conjunction ( also known as connecter )

Ex: it's raining but my heart is burning with joy .

You can stay here with me or you can leave me alone

b.      Subordination is to make a sentence more  complex by adding 1 or more subordinate clauses to a main clause , resulting a complex sentence , by means of a subordinating conjunction ( also know as subordinator )

Ex: this is the letter she wrote to me the other day .

I don't know why you make me cry .

Ex: I wish he were with me now . - Don't talk as if you were my father

16.  Describe the subjunctive mood in the English language and write example sentences to illustrate your description

Subjunctive mood in the E is the form of the V often used to express uncertainty , wishes , desires , supposition ...

In contrast to the indicative mood , the subjunctive mood usually refers to non factual or hypothetical .

·         3 categories of subjunctive may be distinguished : man -dative subjunctive , formulaic subjunctive & the subjunctive "were"

·         Ex:  MS: I demand that he come at once

-FS: Long live VN - God be with you

- SW: Were I you , I would give him a lesson

17.  List different ways of forming compound adjective . Give two examples of each way

The compound adjectives are the adjectives formed by combining two or more free morphemes ( and sometimes a derivational morpheme can be applied ) together and are often written with hyphens

N + Adjective : World famous , tax free

N + past participle : home - made , candle - lit

Adjective + Adjective : dark blue , light - brown

Adjective + Noun : round - table , square - yard

Adjective + Noun + ed : open- minded , warm - hearted

Adjective + present participle : good - looking , loose - fitting

Adverb + present participle : long - playing , far - seeing

Noun + present participle : time - consuming , labor - saving

Adverb + past participle : well - done  , fully - furnished

Preposition + noun : over -age , off -guard

18.  state the uses of the simple present . write two example sentences in each use

It denotes a habit or repeated an action at present

Ex: He never get up early - He comes here everyday to see me

It denotes here a permanent property of an object at the present

Ex: she is beautiful

19.  State the uses of the present perfect . write two example sentences in each use .

It denotes the action completed before the moment we are talking of without mentioning when the action was completed :

Ex: he has got married / he has been to Moscow

It denotes the duration of an action counting from the starting point of to now

Ex: they have learned English here for 3 years

20.  Describe the classification of English adjectives ? Give examples of each type

The adjectives in the English language can be classified as follow

-          The demonstrative adjectives are the adjectives used to demonstrate things , objects , people and phenomena

Ex:  that book is interesting - those pens are good

-          The interrogative adjective are the adjective used to form questions to distinguish things , objects , people and phenomena Ex: which pen is yours ?

-          The possessive adjectives are the adjective expressing the possession . Ex: I don't know their names .

-          The quantitative adjectives are the adjective denoting the quantity or the number . Ex: she has many books

-          The qualitative adjectives are the adjective expressing the quality , color , size , etc . of things , objects , people and phenomena . Ex: she is beautiful

-          The short adjectives are the adjective which have just one or two syllables . Ex: hot ,cold

-          The long adjectives the adjectives which have more than two syllables , including the derived and borrowing adjectives Ex: convenient , beautiful

-          The special adjectives are the adjectives of which the degrees of comparison are formed in special ways . Ex: good - better - the best , little - less - the least

21.  state the similarity and difference between a clause and a sentence . Give examples of each

-          Clause is a part of the sentence . It has own subject and predicate but its meaning is incomplete and cannot be used independently

-          Sentence is a complete grammatical unit . It has its own subject and predicate and its meaning is complete and it is independent in use

-          The sentence and clause are similar in that both have a finite verb and one or more subjects .

-          The difference between them is :

-          + The sentence is the largest unit and can be very complex , consisting of more than  1 clause.

-          + The clause can be considered as simple sentence embedded in a larger sentence , being the focus of the sentence (main clause) or modifying the meaning of the sentence ( subordinate clause )

Ex: I don't know why she left without saying any thing

Whenever I am at home with my parents , I feel very happy

22.  Describe the means by which the object can be expressed in the English sentence . Give examples of each

Two kinds of objects follow verbs: direct objects and indirect objects.

Direct object: Refers to a person or thing affected by the action of the verb.

Indirect object: Refers to a person or thing who receives the direct object.

For example:

He opened the door. 

* Here the door is the direct object as it is the thing being affected by the verb to open.

I gave him the book. 

* Here him (he) is the indirect object as he is the beneficiary of the action.

23.  Explain the following term used in the study of words : morpheme , root , stem , affix

-          Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language . A morpheme cannot be divided without altering or destroying its meaning.

-          Ex: in morpheme " kind" , if the "d" is removed , it changes to "kin" which has a different meaning

-          Stem is the part of the word to which an inflectional morpheme is ot can be added

-          Ex: inflectional "s" can be added to the stem " work" or " book" to form plural in " works of Shakespeare" or " many books".

-          The stem of a word may be

-          + A single stem : consisting of only one morpheme : work , book ...

-          + A root plus a derivational morpheme : work + e r=worker

-          + Two or more roots : house +hold = household

-          Affix is a letter or a group of letters which is added to word and which changes the meaning of function of the word

Affixes are bound forms that can be added

+ To the beginning of the word (prefix): unhappy , dishonest

+ To the end of the word (suffix) : happiness , development ...

-          Root is a morpheme which is the basic part of a word and which may occurs on its own or may be joined with other roots

Ex: house , hold , workshop ...

24.  Describe the use of the impersonal pronoun "it" Give one example of each use

Beside the general use and function of personal pronoun , "It" is also used in some special meanings and functions . "It" is used as vague subjective to denote

+ Weather : It is raining

+ Time : It is morning

+ Temperature : It is very hot

+ Environment : It is very noisy in this area

+ Distance : It is about 2 kilometers

+ Impersonal statement : It say in today's paper that there was a train accident

+ Introductory or preparatory subject : It is  good to know that story

( Introductory "It" It is worth reading

+ Emphasis (emphatic "It") : It was him who saved her life

"It" is used as "formal object" Ex: I find it hard to understand - we have just moved it

25.  state the other of adjectives used together in the English sentence . write three sentences with three or more adjectives used together in each to show the order .

In the English language , some adjectives can be used together , however , they should follow certain order as this : quality , size , age , shape , color , material , origin , participle etc .

Ex: A good large old rectangular brow wooden Victorian dressing table was on auction at Sotheby in London

Her short black hair is beautiful

We have some delicious Thai food

She likes an expensive antique silver mirror

26.  Name different types of adverbial clause . write two sentences with each type

Adverbial clause of time : When the speaker entered the room, we all stand up

- She had finished her homework before her mother came home.

Adverbial clause of purpose : - In order for a film to be interesting, it must have a good plot

- In order for your child to be respectful, you must educate him very early

Adverbial clause of result : - She had studied hard so she pass the exam successfully.

- She is so nice that everyone loves her

Adverbial clause of cause : - It rained heavily so they cancelled the match

She is old so she retires

My mother has been away so I am cooking by myself

Adverbial clause of contrast/concession : - Although he is old, he is very active

- He is old. He is, however very active.

Adverbial clause of manner : - she took it down carefully

- she angrily slammed the door behind her

Adverbial clause of condition  : - If you study hard, you will pass the next exam

If pigs had wings, they would fly

Adverbial clause comparison  :- The office is further than he thought.

- He can climb as well as monkey.

27.  what are the ways and rules to report imperative sentences . Give one example of each rule .

The second person 'you' is always addressed in the imperative sentences.

In the following sentences, 'you' is the subject, though understood: -

1. Believe in God.

2. Worship Ma Sarswatiji, Ma Durgaji, Ma Luxmiji.

3. Don't be superstitious.

4. Don't deceive anyone.

5. Always speak the truth.

Pay Attention: In the above-mentioned sentences, the verbs in their base form are "believe, worship, be, deceive, speak,

In the following sentences, 'you' is addressed but the subject of the verb is in the first person [me, us] or in the third person [him, her, them, it]. In such sentences, 'let' is used in the very beginning of the sentences or the clauses with bare infinitive [infinitive without 'to'].

Study the following sentences: -

1. Let us find out the truth.

2. Let me study what has happened with you.

3. Let the children play in the garden. Don't disturb them.

4. Let her decide what she wants.

5. Let the strangers not come into the office

28.  Classify English conjunctions on the ground of their forms .

Classify  English conjunction are two main kinks

+ The co- coordinative conjunctions ( or coordinators ) connect words , groups of words and clauses that are independent on each other .

Ex: newspapers and magazines are on the table

+ The sub- coordinative conjunctions ( or subordinators ) connect subordinate clause(s) with the clause on which it (they) depends . Ex: promise me that you will be on time

-The sub- coordinative conjunctions can be used to introduce ; subject , predicative and object clauses ; that - if - whether

- The sub- coordinative conjunctions can be used to introduce adverbial clauses of :

+ Place : where , wherever

+ Time : when , whenever , as son as , as , while ...

+ reason or cause : because , since , as , seeing that , for fear that ...

+ concession : though , although , even if ...

+ purpose : in order that ,  so that ..

+ result : so ... that , such ... that

+ comparison : as , as , not so

+ condition : if , unless , provided (that)

29.  In what way is gerund a noun ? In what way is it a verb ? Give examples

-          Like a noun : Gerund can be modified by a noun in the possessive or by the adj. the nominal characteristics of gerund are also expressed in it functions as subject object , predicative , attribute  and adverbial modifier . Ex: he answered me without raising his head

-          Like the verb , the gerund can : + be followed by an indirect object . Ex: I spens all my holiday traveling  + Take perfect form : Ex: I regret having told him my secret   + Be followed by a predicative adj. Ex: Going mad made her blind . + take a passive   Ex: she hated being called " baby"  + be follwed by adverbial  Ex; studying hard is the shortest way to succeed .


30.  In what ways can new English words be coinaged /formed ? examples are expected to prove your view

New verbs in English can be formed in 3 main ways :

1.      Conversion : Words of other word classes are converted into verbs. Ex: Green - to green , pale - to pale

2.      Affixation : Affixes (either prefixes or suffixes ) are added to a root to form verbs ; Ex: sure- to ensure , able -to able , red - to redden , short- to shorten , estimate - to overestimate , do - overdo , Vietnam - Vietnamese

3.      Composition : Two or more roots or stems are combined to form verbs . Ex: to baby - sit , to blood transfer , to stir - fry , to deep - fry , to lip - read

31.  For each item below , write one sentence that has ....

a.       an adverbial clause of purpose : We have to eat so that we may live.

b.      the impersonal pronoun denoting the preparatory subject : It is good to know that story. (Introductory 'it':) It's worth reading. It's clear that she made no mistake.

c.       an adversative conjunction : we like apple but he doesn't

·       the present perfect expressing a past experience with current relevance : I have had a cold for two weeks.

·       She has been in England for six months.

d.      a participial preposition : Sitting on the porch, it started to get cold,

an object clause : We did not realize she was so ill.

e.       an adverbial clause of concession : Even though we treat her kindly, she is suspicious of us.

a phrase playing the function of an attributive : We usually eat dinner from the dinner table.

The dinner-table manufacturer is in North Carolina

32.  Write two sentences in each of these groups

a.       sentences with the present perfect expressing a very recently completed action

I have finished my homework

We have come back from work

b.      sentences in which has an adjective used in the positive degree of comparison

He is an intelligent boy.

This flower is beautiful.

c.       sentences in which a present participle stands for a clause

My idea of fun is singing in the rain

He devoted all his time to singing in the rain

d.      sentences with a subject complement

I am fine

This pie smell delicious

e.       sentences with a preposition of relation ( underline the preposition you use)

He sat near me.

Put it on the table.

f.       sentences with a modal verb expressing willingness

will you act as interpreter ?

Will you come to my party ?

g.      sentences with an agent less passive

Taxes will be increased.

Benefits will be reduced

h.      sentences in which the normal subject - verb order is reversed

At the end of the list are divorced men.

There is one significant reason why men remarry

i.        sentences with an adverbial clause of purpose

We have to eat so that we may live.

I will give you a map so that you can find the way to your relative's house

j.        sentences with a modal verb expressing intention

He said he would help tomorrow. (He said, "I will help tomorrow.")

She told me she would be in late today. (She told me, "I will be in late today.")

k.      sentences with an adverbial clause of manner

He finished the work as she requested

We mixed the chemicals exactly as the lab instructor had told us to.

l.        sentences with an object complement

They considered him insane.

They elected him President anyway

m.    sentences in which inversion takes place

Never have I done that

Seldom has the boss been so upset!

n.      sentences in which a subordinate conjunction is used

Before you go, sign the log book

That is the place where he was last seen

o.      sentences with a modal verb expressing compulsion

You must do by yourself

She must go home early

p.      sentences with an empty subject

It was crowded in the market

There is an apple on the table

q.      sentences with a gerund in the perfect form

I remember having played Cricket once last summer.

I'm proud of having been sent there by my country.

r.        sentences in which "the" is  used to form a substantivized noun

The most stoic is beautiful English

The impossible interests him

s.       sentences with a modal verb expressing possibility

I can go home

May I ask you a question

t.        sentences with an adverbial clause of result

He is such a good man that all respect him.

A fire raged so strong that London was burnt down.

u.      sentences with an adverbial clause of time

When you have finished your work, you may go home

I will do it when I think fit.

v.      sentences in reported speech without reporting verbs

w.    sentences in which a type - 2 conditional is used

If I were you, I would eat less

If I found her address ,I would send her the invitation

x.      sentences with a modal verb expressing theoretical possibility

we can be friends if you want to

you can get good point when you prepare this plan

y.      sentences with a preparatory subject

It won't be any good my talking to him about it.

It is no use trying to convince him.

z.       sentences with an subject complement

It is no fun having so many children to look after.

It is just silly throwing away your chances just like that

aa.   sentences with an adverbial expressed by a clause

John works wherever we want.

Joan works after school is out.

bb.  sentences with a modal verb expressing permission

Students can register for fall classes beginning next week.

Children under ten cannot use the pool without adult supervision

cc.   sentences in which a stative verb is used in the past time

I heard about him long time ago

We saw that place on the driving way

dd. sentences in which a zero article is used in front of a proper noun

·         Kangaroos are common in Australia.

·         Wine is one of this country's major exports

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