The room began filling up as politicians streamed into the room. Tony, Maddie and Commander Woods stood back and they watch as the meeting began taking place
The Hong Kong politician stood up and he said," Those monsters are a threat, why aren't we starting our attack on Infant Island?" The UN leader faces the politician and she said," Calm yourself, the Shobijin has already ensured that the Earth monsters remain on the island. There is no need to issue an attack."" Oh really?" The Hong Kong politician smugly questioned, he switched on the television, showing a footage of Jet Jaguar meeting up with Rodan. The Hong Kong politician points an accusing finger at the screen and he said," I bet that stupid robot is probably conspiring with that bird to destroy us."" No! You are wrong!" Everyone looked and they saw Goro standing up. Goro then explained," I sent Jet Jaguar to convince the Earth monsters to prepare in case anything bad were to happen."" Yeah, sure. And I bet in the next couple of days, those monsters will start tearing the world apart." Tony looked at Maddie and he whispered," Man, that guy is crazy."
The UN leader looked at the Hong Kong politician and she said in a reasonable tone," Look, I know you are angry but please..." Without waiting for her to finish, the Hong Kong politician interupted crudely," Forget it. I shall launch a full fledge invasion on Infant Island and I will not listen to anymore reasoning!" Tony and Maddie's eyes widened in shock." What?! Invasion on Infant Island? That's not right, those people haven't done anything wrong why should he invade them?"" I know it's bad Maddie but there's nothing we can do. I suggest we go to Infant Island to warn the people before that Hong Kong tyrant kills any innocent people."" I agree." With that, the pair bolted out of the room.
Pacific Ocean
Jet Jaguar is flying across the ocean when all of a sudden, something burst out of the water, startling him. Jet Jaguar looked and he immediately recognized the figure. It is Megalon, his arch-enemy. Megalon roars as a way to say," Jet Jaguar, pleasure to be seeing you again." Jet Jaguar made a grinding sound to say," I can't say the same to you." Megalon roars as a way to say," Well too bad robot, we have decided that we shall destroy you today."" Say wha?" Jet Jaguar made a grinding sound and he turns, seeing Gigan burst out of the water and making a bloodcurling screech. Megalon fires an electrical beam at Jet Jaguar, forcing the robot to dodge. But as Jet Jaguar is distracted, Gigan fires an explosive eye beam at Jet Jaguar, damaging the robot. As Jet Jaguar recovers, Megalon began attacking Jet Jaguar with his drill arms while Gigan slashes at the robot. Jet Jaguar attempts to flee by flying but Gigan fires a grappling hook at Jet Jaguar, holding him down. As Jet Jaguar attempts to break free. Megalon fires an electrical beam at Jet Jaguar, damaging the robot. Megalon held up the damaged Jet Jaguar and he roars to Gigan. Gigan nods and he approaches the vulnerable robot. Gigan began activating his chainsaws and Megalon edges Jet Jaguar towards it. As the blades slices into his torso, Jet Jaguar made a grinding sound of agony with oil spilling out of his torso. Weakened, Jet Jaguar fell onto Gigan's shoulder, unable to lift himself up.
The sadistic cyborg grabbed Jet Jaguar and he screeches to Megalon as a way to say," What are you waiting for? Isn't this what you came for? Finish it!" But to his surprise, Megalon shook his head and he roars to say," Why not bring him back to your Master? He can probably reprogram that stupid robot to help us and once his usefulness has expired, we can torture him some more." Gigan thought for a while and he screeches to say," Hm, why not? I suppose that could be a good plan." With that, Gigan and Megalon both flew into the orbit, carrying the damaged Jet Jaguar with them.
Sol 4
King Ghidorah looked as he saw a new Mechagodzilla unit approaching him. King Ghidorah screeches a greeting and the Mechagodzilla screeches as a way to say," Spare me the formalities Ghidorah. I have no wish to speak with you." Confused, King Ghidorah screeches as a way to say," You dare say that to me worm?" Mechagodzilla screeches to retort," As a matter of fact, I do. Don't think I have forgotten our battle." King Ghidorah screeches to question," I'm sorry, who are you? Cause I only see you as a mechanical doppleganger of my arch-enemy."
Mechagodzilla screeches to say," I was once a lobster called Ebirah. And despite our dispute, I can assure you I hate Godzilla more than you. After Godzilla killed me, your Master took my dying body and he managed to save my consciousness into a computer file. So when he built these 'Mechagodzilla' units, he transferred my consciousness into this body, thus granting me a second life." King Ghidorah rolled his eyes and he screeches to say," Whatever, I couldn't care less about your worthless 'second' life. Get the rest of the Mechagodzilla units ready. I shall be expecting you on Earth in an hour." Mechagodzilla nods and he flew off to prepare the other Mechagodzilla units to battle. King Ghidorah then flew towards Earth, hoping to see his potential allies ready to take down the Earth monsters.
Earth's orbit
Monster X and Spacegodzilla floats around the orbit, waiting for their allies. It wasn't long before Monster X notices two figures approaching. Monster X roars to say," Ah good. You're here Gigan. And I see you've got Megalon here with you. And why are you holding onto that robot?" Gigan looks at Jet Jaguar, looks back at Monster X and he began explaining his plan. After listening, Monster X nods and he growls to say," Very good. With that goody-two shoes robot on our side, those pathetic Earthlings won't know what hit them." Just then, the foursome notices three figure approaching. Gigan looked closer and he screeches to say," It's Megaguirus. She's here." All of a sudden, Megaguirus instantly vanished, causing everyone to look around. As Spacegodzilla is looking, all of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain from his back, causing his to screech in pain. Gigan, Megalon and Monster X looked and they saw Megaguirus with her stinger impaled inside Spacegodzilla. Confused, Megalon roars to say," How? You were down there just now? How did appeared behind him?"
Megaguirus screeches to explain," Surely you boys should have known. I was injected by a special serum created by my master, granting me speed ten trillion times faster than light." Monster X nods and Gigan screeches to boast," That's nothing. Wait until you see what I'm truly capable of." Monster X growls to ask Megaguirus," Speaking of which, who are these two ladies?" Megaguirus looked and she screeches to introduce," Oh these are my friends, Biollante and MUTO. They have agreed to join us." Monster X, Spacegodzilla, Gigan and Megalon looked at the two. A giant rose opened it's petals and Biollante rose from beneath it. MUTO on the other hand, floats next to Biollante, surrounded by an energy shield. Upon getting close, Gigan suddenly felt his power draining, causing the cyborg to screech weakly.
MUTO notices this and she roars to say," Man, that metal bird can't handle a girl's charm." Monster X growls to question," What have you done to him?" MUTO roars to explain," Oh, I just got hungry and I ate his power with my EMP. Sorry, haven't eaten for a while." Monster X turns to Megalon and he roars to the Seatopian god to move Gigan back to Earth. Megalon obeys and he pulls Gigan down into orbit. As he left, all of a sudden, the evil kaiju notices two flying figures approaching them. Megaguirus immediately recognizes them. She screeches to call out," Hey there Orga, I see you got Hedorah with you." Orga morphs back into his original shape and he growls to say," Hedorah has agreed to help. I'll be sending him to any military base I can sense." Monster X nods and he growls to say," Excellent plan, he could weaken the planet's defenses. The Ghidorah turns to Hedorah and he roars as a way to say," Go down to any military base. You can start your attack now." Hedorah nods and he flew down into Earth. Monster X turns to the other monsters and he roars to tell them his plan," Alright listen up, it's time to start our attack. While the planet's military fends off Hedorah, I want Biollante, Megaguirus and MUTO to attack Infant Island but leave Godzilla to me. Orga shall go to the East of the planet and start creating copies of the monsters there. We will need an army to fufill our Master's plan. Spacegodzilla, I need you to encase Jet Jaguar in the crystals first." Spacegodzilla obeys and almost immediately, a crystaline prison began forming around Jet Jaguar, trapping the robot inside. Spacegodzilla turns to face Monster X and the Ghidorah roars to continue," I need you to go down to Infant Island and start imprisoning the Earth's monsters. We can't afford them to ruin our Master's plan. Now is that clear?" The monsters nods and Monster X roars to say," That what are you waiting for? Attack!" The monsters then began heading towards their assigned destinations.
Infant Island
Tony and Maddie alighted from their speedboat and they ran as fast as they could to the temple, ignoring an onlooking Zilla and Komodithrax. It wasn't long before the pair reached the temple but just as they were climbing up the stairs, Mosura flew down in front of them, stopping them in their path. Mosura screeches a question a Tony pleaded with urgency in his voice," Please let us in Mosura, something bad is going to happen and we've got to warn the priestesses." Mosura screeches and she flew up, allowing the pair to enter the temple.
The Shobijin sat on the rock, meditating about Godzilla's condition when all of a sudden, they heard a voice calling out to them. The Shobijin turned and they saw Tony and Maddie approaching them." What is it, human?" Lora questioned. Tony explained," Listen, you two have gotta get out now, something bad is going to happen."" What's going to happen?" Moll asked in concern. Tony looked at Maddie and the policewoman explained," You see, there's an irrational Hong Kong leader coming to destroy the monsters and he's targeting the entire island. You've got to leave now." The Shobijin's eyes widened in horror and they said in unison," But there are innocent people on the island. We better get them out as soon as possible." Lora turns to Fairy Mothra and she said," Fairy, tell the larvae to get everyone out of the island." Fairy Mothra screeches and it flew out of the island. Tony put his hand down, allowing the Shobijin to crawl up his palm. Tony slipped them into his pocket and he said," Come on, let's go." As they ran, all of a sudden, there was a loud explosion, causing the entire temple to shake.
Tony looked around and he questioned," What happened?" Moll eyes widened in horror and she said," We're too late. He's here."
Anguirus woke up with a snort, apparently awoken from the sound. The irradicated Anklyosaurus looked and he saw a metallic looking version of Godzilla knee deep in the water. Anguirus recognized the robot as Kiryu, a name the humans gave the third Mechagodzilla. Annoyed, Anguirus decided to confront the machine.
The Hong Kong leader activates his microphone and his voice boomed across the radio," Attention Infant Island, I am Senator Low Hsien of Hong Kong and I have come to rid the world of the kaiju."
Maddie clenches her fist and she cursed," Damn it."
Low Hsien continued," And for getting involve with the kaiju, I have declared that all of you shall be destroyed. So bow down to the power of Hong Kong...ah!" Without warning, a rock suddenly smashes onto Kiryu's face, damaging the robot. Kiryu turned and it saw Anguirus glaring at it. Anguirus roars to say," Hey you! Who are you in there?" Kiryu turned and Low Hsien said," Ah, you must be Anguirus. I have always hated your guts. And for attacking a world leader, I shall grant you beautiful death!" Kiryu then fires a barrage of missiles, forcing Anguirus to run. Anguirus runs past the missiles and he punches Kiryu in the face. Anguirus screeches to retort," Fat chance hoesay, I ain't no b*tch. You wanna fight huh?" Anguirus charges forward and he rams into Kiryu, screeching as a way to say," Well let's step outside mother@*$#er!" The natives close to the beach watches as Anguirus and Kiryu began trading blows.
While the fighting ensues, Tony yelled out," Everyone! Get to the port now!" The natives began racing to the island, unwilling to be in the crossfire. Kiryu fires a missile at Anguirus, forcing him to dodge, the missile instead flew towards a cliff and it exploded, causing a landslide to fall in front of the natives, causing them to scream. Tony cursed and he said," Everyone, run that way!" The group then runs East towards the port.
Godzilla heard the commotion and he turns to face the ocean. As Godzilla rises, all of a sudden, he felt something wrap around his leg. Godzilla looked and he saw a vine tied around his leg. Before Godzilla knew it, the vine tugged and Godzilla felt himself getting dragged across the ground, causing him to roar in agony. Suddenly, the vine rose, lifting Godzilla up. Godzilla looked and his eyes widened in horror and recognition upon laying his eyes on the figure.
Anguirus punches Kiryu but the mecha retaliated by striking Anguirus by the jaw. Anguirus dived under water and he trips Kiryu down but Kiryu fires it's jet booster, blasting fire into Anguirus's face. As Anguirus recovers, Low Hsien laughs as he made Kiryu kick Anguirus down. Kiryu activated it's weapons and it fires a barrage of red lasers onto Anguirus, causing him to screech in pain. Anguirus used his tail to collect some boulder and he hurls it at Kiryu, knocking the mecha back. Anguirus charges forward and he tackles Kiryu. Anguirus then lifts Kiryu up and he hurls Kiryu across the water, causing it to splash into the ocean. Low Hsien cursed in anger and he activated Kiryu's jet boosters. Kiryu flew out of the water and it charges towards Anguirus, firing lasers from it's eyes at Anguirus. As Anguirus blocks, Kiryu activates it's vibroblade and it slashed across Anguirus's face, creating a gash on his cheek. Angered, Anguirus screeches to curse," @#$/ you lady! You've made the biggest mistake of your life!"
Anguirus roars in anger and he tackles Kiryu onto the ground, striking it repeatly in it's face. Low Hsien growls in fury and he activates a switch, activating Kiryu's taser. Kiryu used it's taser and it inpales it into Anguirus's face, electrocuting the anklyosaurus. As Anguirus roars in pain, all of a sudden, something struck Kiryu, knocking it down. Amguirus turned and to his horror, he saw Biollante rising up from the vegetation. Biollante roars as a way to say," Hello there Anguirus, I've got your friend here." Anguirus looked and he saw Godzilla, wrapped in vines. Anguirus roars in anger and he charges forward but without warning, two vines burst out of the water, stabbing right into Anguirus's flesh. As Biollante roars, all of a sudden, something struck her from the back, causing her to roar in pain. Biollante looked and she saw Komodithrax roaring at her as a way to say," Stop hurting my friends!" Biollante roars to chuckle," Heh heh, well if it isn't the sweet Komodithrax, what's wrong? Is Mothra busy?" Komodithrax roars to say," I'm not weak! I shall defeat you!" Biollante roars to mock the monitor lizard," How? With your power level? You're no Mothra, you're no King Ghidorah and you're certainly no Godzilla. You're just a lizard." Angered, Komodithrax charges up a heat beam and she growls to say," @#$/ power levels, @#$/ godzillasaurus and @#$/ YOU!!!" Komodithrax fires a heat beam at Biollante, knocking the plant monster back. Godzilla looked and Komodithrax roars to say," Don't worry Godzilla, I've got you. Help is on the way."
All of a sudden, Komodithrax heard a growl, causing her blood to run cold. Komodithrax turns and she saw Monster X leering at her. As Komodithrax roars in shock, Monster X fires his gravity beams at Komodithrax, knocking her out. Godzilla roars in anguish and Monster X points to the left.
Godzilla turns and his eyes widens in horror as he saw Megalon holding onto Rodan, Gigan putting his blades around Zilla's neck, Megaguirus pinning Battra down onto the ground, Spacegodzilla holding Mothra still with his telekinesis, and Orga wrapping his hands around Mosura's neck. Monster X growls as a way to say," That's not all of them." Godzilla looked back and he saw Biollante wrapping her vines around the unconscious Anguirus. Angered, Godzilla roars to question," What do you want from me Monster X?" Monster X growls to say," My Master wants to take over the planet and obviously, to kill you. But first..." Monster X looked and he saw Kiryu attempting to rise. Monster X growls to say," Let me take care of this later problem." Without warning, Monster X fires a power stream of gravity beams, damaging Kiryu. Low Hsien screams as the machines overheats. Godzilla and the Earth monsters watches in horror as Kiryu exploded, leaving nothing but a burnt mess. Godzilla glares at Monster X but the ghidorah wasn't finished. Monster X roars to say," We will be taking all your friends prisoner. Especially the larvae." Godzilla eyes widened in shock as he saw the Mothra larvae trapped within MUTO's legs. Godzilla roars to scream," You won't get away with this!" MonsterX growls to say," Oh, I already have."
Without warning, the vine began to rise, lifting Godzilla up. Godzilla roars to question," What are you doing?" Monster X growls to say," I'm going to kill you. Goodbye Godzilla." Godzilla roars in pain and prostest as Monster X fires his gravity beams, sending Godzilla flying into space. The Earth monsters roars in protest as Godzilla flies into space.
Godzilla floats emptily in space, with a gaping hole in his chest. As his vision fades, Godzilla made a low growl to say," I'm sorry everyone, I...failed...." And the entire world went dark.
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