Fatal_Error and Anti-Error

Last Breath takes a deep breath, as he than spoke out to the others.

"So...let me get this straight."

Last Breath looks at Core and Ink, as he tries to digest the information that is in his head, as he than spoke out again.

"You guys are alternate versions of the people that I know of, mostly me, and you are at war with other alternate versions of me that are trying to commit very evil acts across the Multiverse. Is that what you are telling me?"

Core nodded, as Ink spoke out.

"Unfortunately so, with one of them being formerly good, but now he has been corrupted by an apple of negativity, which made him into a Bering of negativity as well. And because of this, the situation became urgent enough to try and bring as many people from the Genocide Timelines and from different AUs as possible so that we have a chance to stand up to them."

Last Breath looked around a little bit, a little bit unsure what to think of this, as he felt conflicted and a little bit unsure about this, before he than spoke out.

"I...I need some time to think about it. Do you mind if I can have some alone time to think this."

Core nodded his head, as Dust spoke out.

"You can, and believe me, well, other me, I too had to take in a lot when I first discovered that the Multiverse existed thanks to another version of us."

Last Breath nodded, as he walked away. He really needs to get this sort of thing in his head and think about it, due to how so much is happening right now. Dust looked at his turned away, as he than looked down and he saw that Fennekin and Vulpix are looking up at him.

They both seem to be worried, with Vulpix even rubbing her head against Dust's leg, as Dust bent down and rubbed their heads.

He is doing all that he can to reassure to them that he is fine and that nothing bad will happen to him. And it seems to be working, as the both of them are getting a little bit better, or at least, in how they are feeling. Dust than looks at Ink, as he than spoke out to him.

"Hey, Ink. Is there an AU that Error has no desire to destroy?"

Ink looks at Dust, as he spoke out.

"Well...actually, I only know of 2, and it is one of them that you have visited from before."

This made Dust confused, as he than spoke out to him.

"Which one?"

Ink than spoke out to him.

"Outertale. You know, the area where you had been in space?"

This made Dust speak out to Ink.

"I wanna have a little look at Outertale's stars, as well as show it to Fennekin and Vulpix. I think it can make them cheer up a little bit of seeing it."

Ink smiled, as he spoke out.

"But of course. After all, they both do seem to like you a lot."

Dust nodded his head, as Ink than took out his normal-sized paintbrush, as he than began to make a door to Outertale, complete with a normal handle, as the door is white in color. Dust stepped forward and turned the knob, as Ink spoke out.

"And don't worry about the door disappearing. It will only disappear when you decide to go back into the Omega Timeline, after you go back inside."

This made Dust relieved, due to the fact that he had worried himself for such a thing just happening if he does go outside. He opened the door, and as that happened, Fennekin and Vulpix entered through the door, as Dust than goes through last, closing the door quietly, as to not cause some bad attention to suddenly appear. Dust than turns around, and he sees that he is in the AU that he had once been to, where he has met some of the members of his group.

Dust and his Pokémon are now in Outertale. Apparently, this is one of the rare AUs that Error decides not to destroy, due to how peaceful and beautiful the stars around the area are. And needless to say, as much as Dust hates to admit to Error, it really is a very beautiful sight. And it is a very beautiful sight for Fennekin and Vulpix, as the 2 Fox Pokémon looked up and see the stars all over the area, which made them entranced. They have never seen the stars before, due to the fact that the Pokémon in Pokétale are underground, unlike the Pokémon in the other Multiverse, who are on a surface and are able to see the stars. So this is the first time that they are seeing such as this, the stars that are above them, and it is such a beautiful sight for the both of them.

Dust smiled, as he sat on the edge in between both of the Fox Pokémon, as both Fennekin and Vulpix than went to both of Dust's sides, as Dust than pets both of the Pokémon, he rubs his hands on top of their heads, in order to show them how beautiful the AU is to them. And the beauty really lifted their spirits a lot, as they want nothing more now than to stay inside of this AU so that they can forever look at the stars above them. Dust smiled, as even he is entranced by the beauty of the stars.

"You both loving this?"



Both the Fennekin and Vulpix made sounds, as the tone that they make show that they are indeed loving the seen before them. They even rubbed their heads against Dust's body, as Dust smiled, his left eye now being a normal-sized red eye, as both of his eyes glowed a faint red color, due to the sight of the stars that he is seeing. He just wished that his home was as beautiful as this. That way, he can make some of the most precious memories that he can make with all of the photos in his hands for him to see.

As Dust closed his eyes with a smile on his face, Dust than...felt something. 2 new presences suddenly appearing inside of this AU. And that magic that he is feeling...it is similar to Error's, but one of them is more severe, and the other, has some additional powers compared to Error, but possibly weaker, if not just as strong as Error himself, despite having a little bit more abilities compared to him. This made Dust curious, as he stood up, and he than spoke out.

"What is it that I am feeling?"

Dust than began to move, as he goes the source of where he is feeling it. Fennekin and Vulpix looked concerned, as Dust than goes to see the location of the magic that he is sensing, as Fennekin and Vulpix followed him. He continues to move through Outertale, into parts of Outertale that is not exploded by the human of this AU, and as he moved, he sees 2 figures, and both of them are glitching out. Dust got a little bit curious,  as he than moved and walks closer and closer, the 2 Pokémon at his sides, as Dust goes to see what it is that those 2 entities are. And what he saw really has caught him by surprise.

Inside of Outertale's Snowdin, is none other than a Sans that appears to resemble Geno, except that, there are som differences. He is wearing a black shirt, there are red and cyan glitches all over the place, with code and sentences all over his shirt, shorts, slash wound, the red spots on his slippers, and scarf, as well as inside of his eyes sockets as well. Speaking of his eye sockets, the left eye is Dark Blue, but the right eye, it is shown to be uncovered and melted, and it is colored a red color, as red as Determination.

The other skeleton has a very odd resemblance to Error, but with multiple differences. The skeleton appears as a fluffhooded-jacket wearing classic sans but inverted and recolored. His jacket and slippers is gradient black to purplish-magenta while the fluff on the hood is colored dandelion yellow to green. His shirt, pants and lower legs are colored pitch black, with a hint of gradient yellow for the shirt and a bright magenta stripe on his pants as opposed to his original color scheme where the stripe on his pants were yellow and his slippers were gradient blue. Both his eye lights are green with purple iris on the left and white on the right.

These 2 glitched skeletons are called Fatal_Error and Anti-Error. They are both versions of 2 Sanses from the Alternate Timeline known as Aftertale, the same timeline that Error had been made, when Geno went into the Anti-Void and got corrupted. However, Fatal_Error is the result of Error trying to delete and erase Geno from existence, only for Geno to come back and undelete himself as Fatal_Error, but now having been driven to immense instability, and while he is somewhat weaker compared to Error, he is also a lot more dangerous. Anti-Error, on the other hand, is the result of the Classic Sans of Aftertale to try and find him, only to end up in the Anti-Void, which Classic Sans slept in. Waking up, he became Anti-Error, and is given that name by Ink.

This made Dust confused, as he stepped forward, and spoke out to them.

"Didn't think I would be seeing more glitched me's."

This made both Anti-Error and Fatal_Error turn around and see Dust, as he stepped forward, his hands in his pocket, and his left eye gaining the cyan iris again, as his left eye flared purple, as if ready to fight. Fatal_Error and Anti-Error looked surprised, as Anti than spoke out.

"Woah, didn't think that another Sans would appear in this AU. Especially a Dust Sans."

Sans than spoke out.

"Well, you seem to know me. So I'll ask a question of my own. Who are you, and why do you both look like Error?"

The moment that he said that, Fatal_Error snapped his head at Dust, and spoke out with anger in his voice.

"You know of Error?"

Dust nodded his head, as he looked at Fatal, before he than spoke out.

"I do. I fought against him and fled from him, and went into the Omega Timeline, due to needing to keep some stuff safe."

This made Anti-Error confused, until he looked down, and he saw the Fennekin and Vulpix looking at Anti-Error and Fatal_Error, as Fatal than spoke out.

"Did you kill him?"

Dust than shook his head, as he than spoke out.

"He is way too powerful for me. I can't kill him, even if I want to. So no."

Fatal's left eye narrowed, as Anti-Error than spoke out.

"Well, it seems you know about Error, so do you mind telling me why the AUs are feeling like they are in such danger. And also, call me Anti-Error. This behind me is Fatal_Error, and he really hates Error a lot."

Dust than looks at Anti, and nodded his head, before he than began to tell him about the war that he and the other members of the Omega Timeline are in. Anti-Error than spoke out.

"Yikes. That must be a very harrowing and very difficult task. Well, would the Omega Timeline mind if I can join in on the fun?"

This made Dust very surprised, as he looked at Anti-Error and spoke out.

"Wait, you actually want to join in on the war, Anti?"

Anti than spoke out to Dust.

"Dust, I always want to save someone and something. And I had to make sure that Error does not get out of line. And now, Error did get one of line. So I am going to try and help the Omega Timeline by saving the denizens of the AUs."

This made Dust surprised, as he than looks at Anti, and seeing that he really means it, nods his head, and he spoke out.

"Well, it is great to hear this. But what about Fatal? Does he mind coming along to help us in this?"

Fatal than looks at Dust, as he narrows his eyes at Dust, and he than spoke out.

"If I join you, will I have a chance to fight against Error?"

Dust than looks at Fatal, as he than spoke out.

"Well, he is in Team Void, and me and Team Hope are fighting against him. So, I think you might have a chance to go against him."

Fatal narrowed his eyes, as he than spoke out.

"If I join, and Error is shown before me, leave it up to me to take care of him and deal with him. I want to be the one that takes him down."

Dust looks at Fatal and spoke out.

"Well, whatever suits your boat, other me. So, if you are agreeing to join, come to the Omega Timeline with me."

Fatal nodded his head, as he narrowed his left eye, and he than goes to Dust. Dust beckons them to follow him, as Anti and Fatal followed, the 2 Fox Pokémon beside the both of them, as they are unsure about them joining. Especially since they both resemble the one that had destroyed their home. But since Dust seem to have faith in him, they are going to have to trust Dust in this sort of thing, as they both walked beside Dust. Than, Dust is able to reach and find the door, as he spoke out to Ink.

"Hey, Ink. I believe I manage to find some new people to help the Omega Timeline."

This made Ink surprised, as he spoke out.

"Really, who is it?"

Than, before Dust, can speak out, Anti-Error than spoke out.

"Heya, Ink. It's me, Anti-Error, mind if I can join in your small army?"

This made Ink surprised, as he spoke out.

"Anti-Error, for real?!"

Than, Ink's head popped out of the door, and he saw that Anti-Error is indeed hear, as Ink than grabbed Anti-Error and pulled him in, and closed it. Luckily, this did not make the door dissolve, as Dust needs to do that, when he crosses over to the other side. But as that happened, a voice spoke out.

"Found you."

Fatal, Dust, and the 2 Fox Pokémon turned around and saw where the voice had came from.

It came from none other than Error himself, who has decided to get revenge. He clearly has not forgotten what Dust had done to him before, and he wants him to pay for what Dust had done to him back at Pokétale.

"Finally found you, you annoying glitch. Now I am going to make sure that you die, just line the mistake you are meant to be."

Dust stepped back, as he readies his scythe, but than, Fatal began to laugh, and it is when Error notices him.

"Hehehehehehehehehehe. Hahahahahahahahahaha."

This made Error's eyes widened in fear, as he stepped back, realizing who it is that has decide to make his presence known.

"Oh no, not again."

Fatal smiled, as he raised his arms, and he began speaking out.

"It's really you! It's really you! It's really you! It's really you! It's really you!"

Than, glitched bones and Fatal Blasters appeared in the air, as Fatal got ready to go out and kill Error, in order to take revenge on him for making him the way that he is. Both of his eyes became red, as Fatal smiled psychotically, as he wants to take pleasure in his death. Error, not wanting to be outdone, launches his own glitched bones and Error Blasters, as well as his Blue Strings.

Error and Fatal_Error are now fighting against each other, and needless to say, neither of the glitched skeletons, who hate each other so much, are going to hold back against one another, as Fatal_Error and Error are going to do whatever it takes to try and kill the other skeleton. But Fatal hates him far more than Error does hate him, as his goal is based Soul on getting his revenge.

The Fatal_Blasters and Error Blasters fired, as the 2 attacks clashed and pushed against each other, and the bones fired at each other, causing them both to crash, as the beams exploded in the middle, with Fatal_Error jumping through and attempting to grab Error. But Error teleported out of the way, as he than launched Blue Strings at Fatal, only for Fatal to make a bone and rise it up at Error, which made the blue strings wrap around it. Fatal teleports and kicks Error, snapping the strings and sending him crashing down to the ground. This made Error hurt, but than, Fatal tried to stab Error in the face with a very sharp bone.

Both Error and Fatal_Error unleashed their strings, as they launched them against each other quickly. The moment that they did, the Red and Blue Strings wrapped around each other and ensnared one another, as Fatal_Error and Error began to go in a sort of dangerous form of tug-of-war against each other.

Fatal_Error and Error pulled against each other's strings, as Fatal_Error is doing all that he can to try and kill Error, so that he can pay for what he has done to him. But Error, unlike Fatal, has been training with Error404, and thus, thought a bit more intelligently than before, and when Fatal thought he was about to give in, Error simply turned his body around, and swung Fatal, into space, before letting go of the strings, and sending him away. Error smiled, but than, before he knew it, a Gaster Blaster hits him from behind, as it than sends him crashing down hard. 

This made Error groan in pain, as he than looked to see that a Scythe is about to meet his face. Error rolled out of the way, but is than kicked hard, and is sent to the edge of the ground, but is able to stand up just in time to see that a Spear is about to pierce his face.

"Clearly, you forgot about me."

Error snarled, as he spoke out.

"How dare you, you filthy glitch!!!"

Error for out of the way, as he sees that it is none other than Dust. Scythe in hand, he is ready to kill Error. He gripped his scythe, and ran as fast as he can, as he tries to decapitate his head, but Error was able to dodge it. Error than launched Red Bones at Dust, but Dust launches Tridents, which destroyed the bones and nearly hit Error. But than, Error made a bone wall to try and defend against the Tridents. It stopped the tridents, but then, the Tridents exploded, as Error is sent backwards. But Dust is not done yet, as he launches Purple Webbing onto Error, as he reels him in and slams him down to the ground. Error stood up, as Dust than made Fireballs rain down on Error, which detonated in his face, and caused massive amounts of harm to him, as well as giving him more pain with the smaller fireballs, which also detonated. But Error jumped into the air, and launched Error Blasters at Dust, while Dust launched his Gaster Blasters at the Error Blasters to counter it. Surprisingly, the Gaster Blasters are handling a little well against the Error Blasters, although the Error Blasters are still stronger, and are beginning to push the Gaster Blasters back. Dust snarled, as he used his Blue Magic to move Fennekin and Vulpix out of the way, as Dust teleported, the Error Blasters striking at the ground, but Dust was nowhere to be seen. This made Error confused, until a Gaster Blaster hits Error from above, as Dust appeared above him. Error crashed down, and Dust attacks with all of his might, launching Friendliness Pellets, Fireballs, Purple Bones, Spears, and Tridents at Error, in attempt to try and defeat him. This attack caused a massive explosion, as Dust blocked the force on his eye sockets with his arm, as he looks down to see if Error is still alive. Sure enough, Error is back on his feet, his clothes damages and he took a lot of hits, although this made Error feel very frustrated that Dust is causing this much trouble for him. Narrowing his eyes, Error than jumped into the air, and made a red bone to slam it down on top of Dust, who blocked it with his Scythe, sending him back down to the ground. Thankfully, Dust is okay, as he looks up, and sees Error pulling out Blue Strings. Dust gets ready, as Error than fired the strings at Dust, who than slices through them with the Scythe of Fear, due to the fact that it is far more superior sharpness than even the Trident itself. And it is all thanks to Bete making herself stronger by absorbing Kumu into herself, and by absorbing countless Human Souls, which increased the power of her Scythe to surpass the Trident, which she is able to successfully do.

Dust than launched a Pink Slash at Error, who than blocks it with his Error Blasters. And than, a Blue String ties around Dust, and Error fires at it with his Error Blasters, looking like he vaporized him. But Error knows that this is not the case, and he than closed his eyes a little bit, before turning around and fired Blue Strings, at the real Dust, who has his scythe in the air, and is ready to decapitate him. This caught Dust by surprise, as his soul has been wrapped around by the Blue Strings, which made Error feel immense agony, as Error smiled.

"Nice try, Dust. But this time, I'm not falling for it a second time."

Dust was shocked. Error learned? He thought that Error was supposed to be dumb and erratic in fights! But Dust was wrong.

"You know, for a version of Dust, you gave me quite a lot of trouble. Only Ink can surpass that. But unfortunately for you, while Shattered may want you alive...I have a better option...and that is making sure, you are erased from existence."

Error smiled, as he than summoned an Error Blaster, and Dust's eye socket widened, as he realizes he'll be destoryed. But than, Dust thought of an idea, and shouted out.

"Fennekin, Ember!!"


Fennekin than breaths in, as she than fired an Ember attack at Error, which hits him on the face. This made Error feel a lot of pain, due to the Ember attack burning his face, before Fennekin than launched herself into the air, and does her Scratch attack on the strings.

Fennekin than began to have white claws that grows out of her paws, as she scratched at the strings, in order to force Error to let go of Dust, as Dust landed onto the ground, as Dust than spoke out.

"Thanks, Fennekin."

Dust than rubbed Fennekin's head, as Fennekin smiled at a dust, happy that her owner is okay.

Vulpix than used Powder Snow on Error, which encased his head on ice. But this made Error a little bit mad, as he than raised his fist, and punched the ice off of his head, as he has a furious expression on his face, before speaking out.

"You filthy glitch. I am going to-"

But before Error could finish, Fatal_Error than leapt back into the fight, but with his red strings wrapped around something. up at Error and wrapped another set of Red Strings around his nil, and caused an immense painful feeling of burning around it. Fatal run took out a sharp bone and stabbed it in Error.


Than, Fatal leapt off of Error, as he than tugged at something from space. This made Error confused, until he hears another Sans speaking out.

"Time to have a bad time, pal."

Error turned around to see where the voice had came from, only to see something that he is not expecting.

A charred-black Sans with blue fire and glowing blue sockets came reeling in and punched Error hard in the face, as Error is sent flying down below the map, only for Error to make Blue Strings, so he does not fall into the void. Than, the blue-flames Sans appeared, as he spoke out.

"Nice to meet you guys. Mind if I can drop in?"

Dust than spoke out.

"Not in this fight. I think you are best suited in here."

Dust than opened the door, and points inside, as the other Sans nodded, and he goes inside. Fatal than wrapped Error in a bunch of red strings, and tied him up, before Fatal than made a bone, and cracked it, before he than broke it, making a sharp bone that is as dangerous as the Real Knife. Fatal steps forward, as he raises his sharp bone into the air, and he goes in to stab Error. But before he could, a blue glow is seen around Fatal, as a voice spoke out.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

This made Fatal look, along with Dust, as the entity that appeared is none other than Error404 himself.

Dust, seeing him, immediately used his Blue Magic to lift his Pokémon and put them inside, as well as hold them in place. Ink has told Dust about Error404, and of how strong he is, and needless to say, he does not want to take the risk in fighting him, due to how dangerous he is. And than, Error404 smiled, as he launched Fatal at Dust, who is than knocked off of his feet. But luckily, he is able to close the door while he is in midair, which made the door dissolve, so Error404 and Error do not go into the Omega Timeline, as both Fatal and Dust than landed onto the ground, painfully.


Dust said, as he than stood up, with Fatal_Error also standing up, and both Fatal and Dust looked around. Luckily, Anti-Error is present, and is already helping people, and the Flame-Headed Sans is just sleeping. Core looks at Dust, and he spoke out.

"It seems that luck has allowed you to find more people that are able to help us in this right, Dust."

Dust looks up at Core and spoke out.

"Yeah, perhaps so."

Than, Fennekin and Vulpix, both of whom are free from Dust's Blue Magic a minute ago, scamper to him and held onto him, as they rubbed their heads against his chest, and are happy to see him okay. Dust smiled, as he rubbed his hand against their heads. And now, they have more and more people by their sides. Team Hope will soon triumph over against Team Void's corrupting forces.

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