Right When I'm About To Say I Love You...
For several weeks, Garrett, Starlight, and Rainbow would hang out with Sonic. They would play games and chat, having all sorts of fun. Sonic was truly in love with Rainbow, and he considered Garrett and Starlight to be his best friends. Sonic had also met the rest of the Hamato Brother's girlfriends Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie, even meeting Fluttershy and Ivy. They all seemed to get along great with Sonic, making him feel accepted and happy. Also during this time, Garrett and Starlight began to get more personally close. They really had feelings for each other.
On one particular day, Garrett was with his father Ray at the grocery store. As they were at the dairy section, Garrett said, "hey Dad, I think I'm starting to get over Twilight." Ray was at first surprised, then he said, "I'm glad to know you're feeling better." Garrett nodded and said, "yeah, you were right when you said there are plenty of others out there." Ray smirked and said, "is there a particular girl who you like? Don't worry, our little secret." He winked at him. Garrett blushed and said, "yeah... her name's Starlight Glimmer. We've been hanging out a lot ever since she invited me to her house once." Ray smiled and said, "I'm really happy for you, Garrett. So, have you told her your feelings yet?"
"Well... No." admitted Garrett, "when do you think I should?" He rubbed his arm a little. "I think you should tell her when you feel the time is right," said Ray, "but hey, it's as we say, carpe diem." Carpe diem meant seize the day and moment. Garrett knew his father was right. Better to take the risk than not take one at all. The next day, Garrett was at school when he saw Starlight there. Garrett walked on over to Starlight and said, "hey Starlight."
"Hey Garrett," replied Starlight as she smiled at him, blushing a little. "How are you doing?" Garrett bashfully asked. "I'm doing good," said Starlight as she looked into his cyan eyes. "So, uh, are you doing anything after school?" Garrett asked, looking into Starlight's modern Persian blue eyes. "Well, no..." Starlight admitted. "How would you like to hang out at Sugarcube Corner after school?" Garrett asked, "there's something I want to tell you." Starlight smiled and said, "sure! I would love to hang out with you. I'll see you there." Garrett perked up and said, "great! See you after school." And so, school came and went, and soon Garrett went to Sugarcube Corner, ordering milkshakes for him and Starlight. Also there was Fluttershy and Ivy, along with Pinkie and Michelangelo. Garrett sat at the table, waiting for Starlight. Five minutes later, someone said behind Garrett, "looking for someone?" Garrett turned around and saw it was Starlight. "Hey Starlight," said Garrett, "I got you your favorite milkshake." Starlight smiled and said, "that's very sweet of you, Garrett. Thank you." Starlight took her seat, drinking her milkshake. "So what did you want to tell me?" Starlight asked. "Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you," said Garrett, "these last few weeks have been a roller coaster for both of us. And through it all, I've enjoyed hanging out with you, Starlight. You're smart, nice, funny, and really pretty, err, I mean beautiful... I didn't think I could find anyone other than Twilight, but I'm honestly glad I was wrong..." Starlight's heart swelled with joy. Could her crush be reciprocating her feelings?
"You see Starlight," said Garrett, "I've developed a crush on you, and I l-" KABOOM! Before Garrett could finish professing his love for Starlight, an explosion occurred, breaking the wall open to reveal a massive hole. People screamed, Fluttershy held on tightly to Ivy. And who was responsible for destroying the wall? Why, it was Dr. Ivo Robotnik on his dimensional traveling spaceship! Above him were several drones! "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" Robotnik asked, grinning evilly. Starlight got mad and walked up to the doctor, saying, "who the hell do you think you are, rudely interrupting us with an explosion and destroying public property! I oughtta rip that silly mustache off your face and shove 'em up your-" But then a drone shot out a dart into Starlight's neck, causing her to be knocked out, unconscious. As she fainted, Robotnik scoffed, "bah! A person who uses language like that truly has no intelligence. Now you there, boy. You happen to know about an extraterrestrial being in this dimension?"
"Wait, are you that mad scientist known as Dr. Robotnik?" Garrett asked, not liking him. "We all go mad sometimes," taunted Robotnik, "but you assume correctly. I am Dr. Ivo Robotnik! I know you and the hedgehog are close. Although I can never understand why you would want to be friends with such a freak. Friendship and attachments are a weakness." One of the drones grabbed Starlight, tying her up. "But your attachment to these people will be useful," said Robotnik, "meet me at the Canterlot Aquarium, and bring the hedgehog with you. You will give him to me, and I will release the girl whom you care for. You have 24 hours to do so. If you do not meet my demands, the girl dies. And I won't stop there. It's either the girl or the hedgehog. Your choice. The countdown begins as of now!" Robotnik grabbed the unconscious Starlight, carrying her and flying off with the drones, leaving Garrett helpless. Michelangelo ran up to him and Garrett said, "Mikey! You saw that, right?" Mikey nodded and said, "I sure did, dude. We gotta warn Sonic and my brothers! Come on, let's get out of here so we can think of a plan!" As Garrett and Michelangelo ran off, Pinkie called out, "be safe, you two!"
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