5. The Trader

Thankfully, the trader wasn't so far away that Wooyoung had to call things off because he worried about the distance to Yunho. A rickety old cart stood tucked in the shade between two boulders. Its hind doors stood wide open and were hung with various items, none like the other. The middle offered an assortment of weapons and ammunition and crates with food. Even two water bottles rested on the ground.

On its side, and smoking the cigarettes one often found in the leftovers of the old civilization, leaned a tall man. His hair was the colors of flames and his dark clothes matched his shady business. Over his shoulder leaned a shotgun, ready to meet those looking for a quick steal. When the two raiders neared without malevolent intentions, he pushed off the swaying wood and came over. Full lips pulled into a smirk when he recognized San.

"Ah, a familiar face. Who did you bring me?" His voice was deep and scratched in his throat as if rubbed with sand. His posture was lax, swinging the gun around as if it were a plaything.

"Found this one battling some fouls. We need ammunition," San said, jabbing his bandaged thumb at Wooyoung. Reluctantly, Wooyoung drew closer.

The trader was tall, and younger than one would think. His body was lean, legs long and durable for someone who could unwind when it concerned survival. Upon their request, he rummaged through his rich assortment with the glimmering cigarette tucked between his lips.

"Pick the ones you need. What you got in exchange?"

Wooyoung peered into his bag when San left the dealing to him.

"Some wipes, a full bottle of water, scrap, cloth, and a bunch of bones."

Yunho and he never carried more than they needed. Investing in valuables was a tireless burden.

When he spotted the second gun, his frown lit up.

"And another gun. What does it fare?" He handed it to the trader, and he contemplated it. Wooyoung clutched his bag close, scared for the precious water now that the two hyenas knew about it.

"I can take it off your hands. Pick five packs of your bullets," the trader grinned. When Wooyoung accepted, he let him access the stack. Hawk eyes watched how many he took.

San leaned against the rock for casual conversation.

"Any news out here?"

"Sky's been looking kind of cloudy today. We are expecting rain," the trader chuckled. Wooyoung was too tense to laugh with them. He pocketed his ammunition, reloading the gun on the occasion.

"You also got a shovel?"

"Whoa, slow down there, fella. Isn't it too early to dig yourself a grave? Still so young and fresh," the trader cooed. He reached out to tuck Wooyoung's hair behind his ear, but Wooyoung flicked his head back. When he came back with a scowl, the trader giggled.

"Keep your hands to yourself. He's trying to dig out his boyfriend," San scolded, and that mocking lilt was back. Wooyoung ignored it as he awaited the trader's reply. The shotgun shrugged.

"Is it fun when those parts also foul away? Guess it's nice and squishy, I wouldn't know. I got a shovel. But it's the water in return."

Wooyoung hesitated. He would hate to give up the water he just found. It was such a rare and precious treasure, and he wanted to feed it to Yunho once he got out.

The trader noticed his reluctance and waved it off.

"Then leave it."

Before Wooyoung had to torment himself with priorities, San pushed off the wall. His hand delved into his bag and came up with a metal flask.

"I have this, if you are interested," he lured. He offered the bottle to the trader to uncork and sniff on. A moment later, he reeled back with a grimace.

"Damn, I wonder how the old ones survived drinking that stuff. That's a deal. Whatever devilish liquid you got in there against a shovel. I'll even give you a second one to make it worthwhile." His eyes glinted with greed, but San's laughter was light.

"A shovel and some bandages for me. How's that?"

Wooyoung never properly haggled before and he had no idea which items equaled which out here. He supposed with a trader around; it was worth gathering the useless stuff. He found a purpose for it elsewhere.

"Deal," the trader grinned. He took the flask and handed San his bandages, Wooyoung his shovel. "You got a valuable partner there, kid," he said with a wink at Wooyoung. When Wooyoung nodded with pursed lips, the trader retreated.

"Now fly away, you two, before you attract the fouls. Don't want them messing up my sweet store." He fluttered a hand at them before he ducked away with his cigarette. Wooyoung thanked him and took his distance with San.

"That wouldn't have been necessary," he muttered, meek with his shovel. He scraped its tip through the sand. Had he made up his mind faster, San wouldn't have had to give up his weird bottle.

"You need it to save your love. How could I not?" San asked. The quirk of his cheeks still irked Wooyoung, still seemed a tad too smug, but he wouldn't bite the hand that fed him.

"You can have it back later. And trade it for something better," Wooyoung swore, loyal to those he owed. If traveling with Yunho taught him one thing, it was manners.

San cocked his head.

"How do you imagine finding back to me out here?"

Though Wooyoung scowled at his feet when he had to admit it, he swallowed his pride. San wasn't so bad of a stranger to run into.

"I was thinking... If those caves actually make such good shelter, they might be just what Yunho needs. Would it bother you if we follow you? We can keep our distance. I only need them until Yunho feels better. And it gives me an opportunity to give you back your shovel."

For a while, San contemplated him. Wooyoung's failure at keeping his word ashamed him and he wound himself under the torment. What made him think he was worthy for San to drag around?

Ultimately, however, San gave a hum of approval.

"Then let me come with you to find Yunho. You need any help you can get to dig him back out."

Hopeful, Wooyoung lifted his head. San's eyes weren't all that cruel, and though his expression was obscured by his hair, he knew they wouldn't betray one another.

"Thank you," Wooyoung huffed. "I'll repay you for this." He brandished the shovel at San and he beckoned Wooyoung to go ahead with his thoughts hidden under the veil of his bandages.

"Lead the way."


Allied in an unexpected pair with the strange raider he met a day ago, Wooyoung soothed his anxious heart once they were on the way back to where he parted from Yunho. Every second apart was tormenting, but there was no more reason to dawdle. Wooyoung found a shovel, bandages, and even an unexpected helper.

Yunho just needed to wait a little while longer.

Their pace was firm, marching through the precious hours of the day. The breeze whirled sand into their faces and Wooyoung tugged his scarf over his lips and nose to protect his airways. In the evening, when they had no other choice but to tuck away from the hungry eyes of the predators and rest, Wooyoung addressed San's usage of bandages.

"Your scars, what's their deal?"

Today, they made a fire to cook some meat from the coyote they killed earlier. Though it wasn't the best, it was something else than hardtack. Mysteriously, San carried some aromatic leaves to season it and it was the best meal Wooyoung had in a long while. He wished he could share it with Yunho.

"They are rather hideous, hence I cover them. The less sensitive parts appreciate the fabric, too." San glanced down at his right arm with a mysterious expression. His brows knitted together and his lips shifted downward, straining in disgust. He must hate looking at them.

"I understand," Wooyoung quickly ended the topic. As curious as he was, he wouldn't dig if San wished to conceal them. From how large patches they covered, they must be burn scars. They were grisly to look at, so no wonder San hated seeing them. Whichever memory was attached must be painful.

San's brow quirked when he lifted his face back up. He studied Wooyoung's face and its resolve despite the lingering curiosity.

Forcing himself not to look too invested in his unlikely partner, Wooyoung thought about Yunho. About kissing him once they reunited, and about the warmth of his embrace. Their being together meant happiness in an otherwise heartless surrounding. Wooyoung missed his ray of light.

"They are rashes," San explained when Wooyoung failed gloriously. His fingers undid the bandages tied around his fingers, stubbornly in place no matter hard his grip. Instantly, Wooyoung's eyes were glued to the exposed skin. He forgot about Yunho as he studied the honeyed hue. Once the back of his hand was free, Wooyoung could tell the weird discoloration of his skin traveled up his wrist, creeping under the rest of the bandages. It seemed to cover his skin yet was distinctively part of it.

Curious, Wooyoung scooted closer to examine the hand San lifted at him. The hues of yellow and green blended under the firelight, matching his veins though the patterns were off. Bolder were the specs of aggressive reds and browns that splashed over him like the pattern of a plant. They were willfully random, though some left deeper scars than others, as if a knife tried to dig them from his flesh in the past.

Though repulsed, Wooyoung couldn't help his fascination. His hand reached out by itself, skimming the scarred flesh. Only when San's hand jerked as if struck by lightning, Wooyoung flinched awake. Wide eyes looked up at San as each of them clutched their hands to their bodies.

"My bad. I shouldn't have touched you without warning," Wooyoung choked out. A blush filled his cheeks when the heat of San's skin lingered in his fingertip.

San's surprise melted away.

"All forgiven." He relaxed, shaking out his shoulders. When his hand hovered before them once more, Wooyoung tried his best to concentrate. His fingers remained clutched to each other so they wouldn't act recklessly.

"What happened to you? It looks as if..." Wooyoung's words died in his throat. Suddenly, understanding settled in his chest, spreading with icy tendrils. He blinked his eyes, all shyness forgotten, as he looked at San's skin properly. At those odd patches, the callouses they left in their wake.


Wooyoung was fast, but San was faster. The second Wooyoung's hand flung to his belt for his knife, San crowded into his space, packing him at his wrists. He jerked them up into the air, holding Wooyoung in place while his mind spun. How could it be? Was this something else? That frayed skin, the oozing gaps and craters?

"You're a foul!" Wooyoung spat, panic bright in his voice. He wriggled and fought, but San's grip was bone-crushing.

"I'm not," San insisted, voice summoning Wooyoung to rethink. "Could we talk like this if I were? No. I would have dug my teeth into you already."

Horror and heat flared in Wooyoung. Embarrassed, he played down the latter. What a fool he had been to trust easily. San had so many opportunities to kill him.

But he didn't. He was right.

Wooyoung flicked narrow eyes between San's hand and his eye. It looked back with disarming honesty.

Would he have exposed himself to Wooyoung if he had ulterior plans? Probably not. Wooyoung also never heard a foul talk before. Their brains died when the fungus infested them.

"How?" Wooyoung choked out. "How can you be sane yet have it all over you?"

San let go of him, backing away slowly. While Wooyoung rubbed his sore wrists, he studied his disfigured hand.

"I was infected once, but I was incredibly lucky. My community found an antidote and saved me before it could get to my brain. Though I am a freak for us people, I can wander among them without being a stranger. Though I am neither a friend." He sent Wooyoung a contorted smile and his stomach dropped once more; this time with guilt.

He met San as a person with morals and intelligence. Calling him a foul was a harsh accusation after being shown his vulnerability. San helped him. The fouls were his enemies as well.

Wooyoung ducked his head.

"I'm sorry."

San wrapped the bandages anew, tightening them around his fingers.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. It isn't spreading anymore."

Wooyoung watched him curiously until the rashes were obscured. He never met someone like San before; someone who recovered. Though touching that skin seemed to have tainted Wooyoung's tingling fingers, it also proved San's human warmth.

So distracted by this person, and his peculiar story, Wooyoung forgot to think about Yunho.

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