Thunder Decent
The scouts all stood by the wall, eager and anxious to know what'll happen next. They were faced to faced with their enemies; their deaths. A calm before the storm silence filled the air, y/n was filled with an unexplained hatred as she stood next to Erwin.
"Erwin he's going to climb the wall." Levi warned Erwin.
The Armored Titan hardened it's fingers and toes and clashed the wall.
"All troops! Avoid clashing with the Armored Titan! Stay away from him!" Erwin ordered.
Y/n then took notice of one of the Titans there... it was on all fours. It wasn't a dumb Titan, no... It was one like Eren and her. And it seems Erwin thinks that too.
"That quadruped type down there is an intelligent Titan. No, there might even be others." Erwin says.
After Erwin said that, the Beast let out a loud roar and slammed the ground. The smaller Titans started running towards the horses.
A loud crash was made and the Armored Titan was close to coming up the wall.
"Commander, the Armored Titan is close. And we still don't know where Bertolt is." y/n notifies.
"Yeah, I know." Erwin says.
Y/n found it weird about how quiet Erwin was but by the look in his eyes, he was thinking and right now, the Survey Corps needed his thinking.
"Are you finally ready to say something? I could've had breakfast during the wait." Levi sarcastically said.
"Dirk Squad and Marlene Squad! Protect the horses at the gate with Klaus Squad! Levi Squad and Hanji Squad! Take down the Armored Titan! Employ the Thunder Spears at your own discretion! Achieve your objectives whatever it takes! This moment! This battle! The survival of humanity depends on it! Once more, for humanity... give up your hearts!" Erwin commanded.
"Yes, sir!"
Y/n, Armin, and Levi went to go leave to take down the Armored Titan until Erwin stopped them.
"Wait! Levi, Armin, Y/n!" the three stop in their tracks, "I did say Levi Squad, but I need you to stay, Levi, Y/n." Erwin said.
"To protect the horses and y/n and not Eren?" Levi asks.
"That's right. And to strike down that when the chance comes." Erwin said as he pointed to the Beast Titan. "You and y/n are the only ones I can entrust to take on the Beast Titan."
"Understood. Since I failed to kill that armored brat earlier, I'll make it up for it with the Beast Titan's head." Levi said then jumped within Wall Maria.
"Why am I relevant, sir?" y/n asks.
Erwin then turned to her, "You cannot harden you skin like Eren. He will defend Shiganshina while you defend the horses and Wall Maria. Not only that, taking down what seems to be their leader." Erwin answered and referred to the Beast as the Commander for the enemies.
Y/n hesitantly looked back into Shiganshina then back to Erwin before nodding and jumping off the wall too.
She jumps atop of a roof and watches as the new recruits try to hide the horses while the Survey Corps before them fight off the small Titans. A 3-meter class Titan was about to head it's way towards a small group of recruits so y/n jumps off the roof to slash it's nape. When she was about to kill it though, a strong force kicked her out of the way and she stumbled in on another roof.
She looks up to see Levi landed on the same roof as her and with Titan blood on him and the same Titan that y/n was about to kill, falling to the ground, dying.
"If you wanted the kill you could have just called it. I didn't know you were so competitive." y/n groans as she got up.
"Don't be stupid. You can't fight. We can't risk loosing you right now. It seems they are more after Eren than you. But despite that, don't fight." Levi says and flies away.
Y/n let out a tsk sound and sat down on the roof with her elbows on her knees. "Yeah, just sit here and watch as my comrades fight and die for me." she groaned as she helplessly and uselessly watches.
Y/n started getting bored and remembered what happened yesterday. Hanji and her made weapons from the power of her Titan.
Thunder Spears.
"That metal rod is your new weapon?" Eren asks.
"You could call it a spear. The Corps of Engineers and y/n really pulled through for me. Using technology kept secret by the Interior Police, that is. I told them, and y/n, basically, we needed a weapon we could use against the Armored Titan." Hanji says as she caresses the new weapon.
"Against the Armored Titan?!" Armin asks.
"Our blades were all but useless against the Armored Titan. As long as he didn't show an opening in his hardening, all we could do was watch Eren fight from the sidelines." Hanji says.
"It's true... We couldn't stop him taking Eren away even if we wanted to. Back then, if the Commander hadn't drawn a horde of Titans to him..." Jean says remembering the day Reiner tried to kidnap Eren.
"But," everyone's attention turned to Hanji who had a serious face on. "on that day Reiner and Bertolt tried to kidnap Eren, Ymir, and Y/n, y/n striked thunder with the power of her Thunder Titan and it penetrated the armor. By the product of Titan experimenting and technology from the Interior Police, thus far, the only attacks effective against the Armored Titan. That, and Eren's strangles and locks as a Titan. Also, we have high hopes for his "hardened punch" from recent experiments. Not only plugging the wall is our only problem, but we must kill Reiner and Bertolt, who are responsible for destroying the wall." Hanji explains.
"So you're saying... you want us to stab the Armored Titan with those spears?" Mikasa asks and Hanji smirks.
"It's easier just to show you. Let's step outside."
Everyone around the blown up tree covers their eyes from the sound of the thunder spear blowing it up while y/n stands there unfazed because she's heard it a million times. Not to mention when she strikes thunder herself.
"It's powerful, as you can see. It's like the thunder y/n can strike. Hence the name, "Thunder Spear." However, we see that y/n's raw thunder could penetrate the armor but we are still unsure if this could as well. We won't know until we try. It's effective against normal Titans, but to deal a blow to the Armored Titan might take a little more work." Hanji explains.
Y/n thinks back to that day and wonders if they are using them right now. As if someone heard her question and gave her an answer, multiple farmilar-sounding explosions set off in Shiganshina.
"Huh, I guess they are using it." y/n mutters to herself.
She looked forward and stares at the Beast Titan and looked closer to it. All of a sudden, flashes of a blonde girl crying near a tree and a hand comforting her went by and y/n groans from the pain of the sudden flashback and headache.
"What does that mean?! Who is Samuel?!" she complains out loud as she rubs her temples. She then sighs before looking out at the horde of Titans again.
"How much do I not know about this world? Let along myself...?"
y/n sits boredly on the roof as she watches her comrades start to kill Titans hoping she can be somewhat useful. All of a sudden she heard a loud grueling roar from the other side of the wall. She flinches and her eyebrows scrunch in confusion. Suddenly the Beast Titan threw a barrel all the way to the other side of the town to Shiganshina.
'The Colossal Titan..." y/n thought.
After awhile a bright red light shined in the sky and y/n looks up in awe but also fear. It wasn't just any normal transformation, but the Colossal's. She could only wonder what was even happening on the other side of the wall that she desired to be in and wondering how many of them were getting caught up in the explosion.
A heat wave rushed over y/n as she heard the loudest explosion she has ever heard and she though that HE shell was bad.
Just as she thought the loud explosion was over, more crashes and explosion happened again. She could only pray that her friends were safe.
That Eren was safe.
Levi then landed next to her wiping the invisible sweat on his face and soon after another scout landed next to them too.
"We cleaned the majority of this area. The only small ones left are the ones away at the front. Still, how will we take down the Beast Titan? He's perfectly content sitting way over there, not moving an inch." the soldier said.
"Yeah, it seems he's a coward. Not like he's ever had balls to begin with." Levi commented.
"We can use my Titan." y/n suggested.
"We'll wait for Erwin's command. Right now, you stay put." Levi ordered.
"You take a break. We'll mop up the rest of the small ones." the scout said and flew away.
"Shit... What was that explosion? What happened to those guys?" Levi asks.
"From what I'm guessing, it's the Colossal Titan transformation." y/n says as she stares boredly out into nothing.
Levi only looked at her for a second before turning his gaze back to the scenery. All of a sudden, a tiny little pebble caught his eye but it was followed after other slightly larger rocks. His eyes widened when multiple rocks and boulders flew his way crashing many houses. He then turned his attention to y/n.
"Capta-" she called out but was met with a boulder straight into her upper half of her body. Levi's eyes widened in panic and tried to lift the boulder up. He then heard faint screams and looked out to see blood of his comrades splattering all of the houses around them. He quickly used the boulder that crushed y/n and protected himself.
After what it seems like the throwing stopped, Levi got out of the boulders protection.
"Shit! You guys!" Levi yelled and tried going to the front. The Beast Titan threw rocks at them again and the ghostly reverb screams echoed as crashes added the psychotic atmosphere. Levi duck down in between houses to protect himself again and blood splashes everywhere like paint and watercolors.
This Beast Titan was having fun.
Levi then flew over to the new recruits who were protecting the horses.
"The Beast is throwing rocks!" Levi yells.
"Captain Levi!"
"All of you, retreat to the wall with the horses! Y/n is still out there so we can't use her Titan!" Levi yelled and everyone gasp and their breaths hitches. But Marlow only looked determined unlike the others.
Another round of the boulders crashing came.
"Hurry! Stay outta the line of fire!" Levi orders.
They all start to retreat with the horses and Floch falls to the ground and screams in fear. Levi pulled his hood.
"Hey, stand up! You wanna die?!" Levi yelled.
Commander Erwin then landed where everyone else was and stares out into the murderous scenery freakishly calmly.
"How's it looking?" Levi ask him.
"Terrible. His throws have destroyed the front line of houses. If he keeps on throwing, everything will get leveled. We won't have anywhere left to hide." Erwin explains.
"We can't retreat to the other side of the wall?" Levi asks.
"No... The Colossal Titan is already heading this way. Spreading fire all along his path. Supposing we scale the wall to evade stones, we'd have to leave the horses. If we retreat here, there's no hope for victory." Erwin says.
"What happened to Hanji's group? Is Eren all right?" Levi asks.
"I don't know. Majority of them were caught in the explosion. And in this side is even worst. Dirk, Marlene, and Klaus squad all got wiped out from the boulders, meaning the only forces we have here is the new scout recruits, me, and you." Erwin said but then stopped for a second to look around. "Where is y/n?" Erwin asks as another round of rocks came through.
"She somewhere out there. She got completely crushed by a boulder but if it's true, since she is a Titan shifter, she should be alive. So right now we have to devise a plan because with her still under that boulder and possibly piles of debris unconcious, we are powerless Titan wise." Levi reported.
"This is worst case scenario. She should be alive. At least she is somewhat safe..." Erwin trailed off.
"Erwin... Do you have any sort of plan?" Levi asks but no answer. A sudden crash erupted on top of the wall and Levi and Erwin look up to see Eren crashed there.
"Hey... Is that Eren? He got himself flung on top of the wall? By him..." Levi said.
Another round of the rocks came and screams were heard as well.
Y/n could hear and feel everything when she was under that boulder. Every screaming muscle in her body was screaming at her to get up and transform but her mind was telling her just stop and die.
"Will I ever find out the truth...? Who knows..."
Back over to the recruits and Levi, every recruit can only think that their death was soon to become. Erwin still was freakishly calm and Levi was only scowling.
"The Beast Titan has a good guess where we're at. This place will look like a honeycomb soon. Erwin. If you're saying we've got no chance to counterattack, let's get ready to flee. Wake Eren sprawled out up there. Ride him and flee with as many as possible and find y/n. At least we'll have some survivors..."
"No. I have a plan."
The Beast Titan smiles as he crushes more gigantic rocks to throw at the scouts. He giddily plays with them like their some sort of toy. But that ridiculous plastering smile fades once he hears screams of war cries of many Scouts charging at him.
"I knew they wouldn't lay down and die but... a suicide charge? Here I was thinking they could do better than that..." the Beast says.
"Now! Fire!" Erwin orders as he shoots his green flare gun and so does the other recruits.
Levi flies around while killing the line of Titans the Beast set up for himself as he watches all of his comrades go in for a suicide charge. While looking out at the broken city, he tries to look for y/n but there was so much rocks that impacted the house he was sure that she was buried deep beneath debris.
As the recruits and Commander Erwin prepare for their deaths, y/n lays down in the debris hearing everything but not doing anything.
"Get up, y/n..."
Someone tells her. She doesn't move, afraid that the aching pain will not kill her.
"Get up, y/n..." the farmiliar feminine voice asks.
"...why...?" she mutters. When she said that, her jaw ached in pain at the sudden movement of her crushed body underneath the debris.
"They're all dying... Remember why you came here, y/n. It's to protect the Founder." the women said.
Y/n didn't answer or reply but laid there quite peacefully. She could hear the screams and the rocks outside of the debris. It was nostalgic and reverb but all she wanted to do was die.
"...I just want to die, peacefully. I don't care about the truth anymore..." she finally spoke.
"But what about Eren?"
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