Chapter 89
Callie was given the morning off by Veronica, she took the chance to get to school early that morning. She had a lot to get together for the Heathers musical. Callie was currently at her locker, she had to admit. Ever since her break up with Sweet Pea, she has missing him so much, she missed his jacket in her locker, and all the little notes stuck on the inside. Now the inside of her locker was just filled with colleges she dreams of getting into. She had a rule of not going back on anyone, but she broke that rule by booty calling Reggie, and he booty calling her. And after the booty calls, they would lay in Reggie's bed and just tell each other about much they miss Sweet Pea or Veronica. And how Reggie wants to be more to Veronica. At the moment Kevin and Evelyn was were in Principal Wetherbee's office with Mayor Lodge and somebody guard. They fighting to put the production, by Mrs. Lodge did not think it was a good idea, especially after what happened last year.
"We were so happy and shiny," Kevin began to sing. "Playing tag and getting chased." He walked out of the office, and everyone else followed. "Then we got bigger. That was the trigger. Like the Huns invading Rome. "They finally got out into the hallways. "Welcome to my school. This ain't no high school. This is the Thunderdome. Callie closed her locker, and walked down the hall singing.
"Hold your breath and count the days. We're graduating soon. College will be paradise. If I'm not dead by June" Kevin and the others joined her side and Kevin stopped in the hallway and sang. Students around him danced.
"But I know, I know. Life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray. For a better way. If we changed back then. We could change again. We can be beautiful. Just not today." A football student walked passed a kid with glasses and knocked down his books.
"Dweeb," the football player insulted. They then stopped in front of a billboard filled of colleges.
"Things will get better," Callie sang. "As soon as my letter comes from Harvard, Duke, or Brown. Wake up from this coma. Take my diploma. Then I can blow this town"
Scene changes to Veronica cleaning up Pop's,
"Dream of ivy-covered walls," Veronica sang. "And Smokey French cafes, Fight the urge to strike a match and set this dump on blaze." She then placed a bouncer wanted sign on the doors.
Scene changes
In the Andrew's home, Archie was in his room having a cute time with Josie.
"But I know, I know, I know. Life can be beautiful," Archie sang. Josie smiled and shook her head. "I pray, I pray, I pray for a better way."
"We were kind before," Josie sang. "We can be kind once more. We can be beautiful." She caressed the side of his face before tapping it." Just not today."
Over at the Jones's new home, ex Coopers house. Jughead and Betty sat on the window seat.
"I had a dream I was searching for a needle in a haystack," Jughead reported, Betty set down her tea. "Care to interpret, Dr. Freud?"
"Your plan's a good one, Jug," Betty assured him. "Your mom can't start dealing drugs without a lab to make them in. So, you find the lab, shut it down, and stop her before she gets a toehold."
"That's the goal for the week," Jughead smiled weakly at her.
"And I know, I know, I know. Life can be beautiful," Betty sang as she stood up. "I pray, I pray for a better way. "She put on her bag as Jughead stood up. "We were kind before. We can be kind once more. We can beautiful."
"Just not today," Jughead sang as he bopped her nose, she blushed and smiled.
Back at the school they walked into a classroom where a bunch of students sat, Callie saw Sweet Pea sitting in front of Archie, neither of them made eye contact.
"Look, listen, you guys don't know," Kevin advised to the adults as Evelyn and Callie went and sat down. She sat down in front of Reggie. "What your kids are thinking, what they're dealing with."
"Why," Kevin began sang as he walked back to his seat.
"Why do they hate me?" they all sang.
"Why don't I fight back?" Josie sang as she put a hand on her head.
"Why do I act like such a creep?" Reggie sang.
"Why won't she date me?" Archie sang as he looked at Josie.
"Why did I hit him?" Sweet Pea and Fangs sang as they threw his hands in the air. Callie gathered her books back up, to leave the room.
"Why do I cry myself to sleep?" Everyone sang. "Somebody hugs me. Somebody fixes me. Somebody saves me. Send me sign, god. Gove me some hope here. Something to live for." Kevin walked back to the front and Callie joined him.
"Are all of you this miserable?" Mrs. Lodge asked.
"Most of us, yes," Callie answered. "Some of us, no." Kevin and Callie then lead the adults into the hallway, Callie glanced back to see Sweet Pea watching her walk out of the room, his eyes filled with questions. "Well, there is Cheryl Blossom."
"Floating above it all as Heather Chandler," Kevin informed. At the end of the hallway Cheryl in red, Betty in green, and Veronica in yellow all turned around singing.
"I love heather, heather, and heather, I love heather, heather, and heather," the three all sang, Callie then walked ahead and met Cheryl at her locker.
"She was a real mess after her break up with Toni," Kevin recalled. "But then she gave herself the role of HBIC. Veronica and Betty are playing the other Heathers, Heather McNamara and Heather Duke. But Cheryl's the mythic bitch."
"How you feeling?" Callie asked her.
"Like hell," Cheryl answered as she opened her locker, she stared at her locker fixing her look and began to sing. Betty and Veronica looked into their mirrors.
And you know, you know, you know
This could be beautiful
Mascara, maybe some lip gloss. "Cheryl held out her hand and Betty handed her lip-gloss. "And we're on our way. Get this girl some blush. And heather I need your brush. "Cheryl held out her hand and Veronica gave Cheryl a brush. Let's make me beautiful".
"Let's make her beautiful," Veronica sang as they started walking in a circle, as Toni and her group walked by.
"Let's make her beautiful," Betty sang.
"Okay?" Cheryl sang looking back at them as Callie closed the locker.
"Okay!" the sang back happily, the class all got out.
"Out of my way geek!" Reggie ordered as he pushed Fangs to the side.
"I don't want trouble," Fangs sang.
"You're going to die at 3:00 p.m.," Reggie sang at Sweet Pea and pushed him making him slam into Callie.
"Don't you dare touch me," Callie ordered/sang as she glared at him.
"Get away pervert," Cheryl sang as she pulled Callie closer to her. The two girls walked away arm in arm. As Kevin walked next to them.
"What did I ever do to them?" Sweet Pea asked/sang. They all started for the theater room.
"Who could survive this?" Everyone sang. "I can't escape this. I think I'm dying." They busted into the theater room.
"And you know, you know You know, life can be beautiful," Callie sang as she and Kevin punched the air, they all ran to get on stage and started dancing.
"You hope, you dream, you pray and you get your way," Betty and Veronica sang.
"Ask me how it feels. Looking like hell on wheels. My, god it's beautiful," Cheryl sang as they danced.
"Beautiful!" Everyone sang.
"I might be beautiful!" Kevin sang.
"And when you're beautiful!" Cheryl sang.
"It's a beautiful fricking day!" Archie finished the song with everyone else joining in.
After the song, the all sat in the auditorium. Callie sat next to Cheryl, both girls leaned back and had their feet up on the seats in front of them.
"Greetings Heather's family," Kevin greeted everyone. "Now, before we start today, there's been a slight change to our creative team. You all know Evelyn Ever never and Callie Andrews has been helping me produce the musical. "Cheryl and Callie both smiled at each other. "But I've also asked Evelyn to step up and be co-director. Evelyn stood up and joined Kevin at the front.
"Yay!" Evelyn cheered. "So fun!"
"What?" Betty demanded. "Kevin, no you always direct the musical alone, along with Callie doing the choreography."
"Which has been incredibly stressful, Betty," Kevin informed.
"It can be quite stressful," Callie huffed in agreement as she looked back at Betty.
"I witnessed her stress first-hand last year," Archie brought up.
"Tell me all about it," Sweet Pea groaned as he tiled his head back.
"It's been incredibly stressful after last year's events," Kevin added, to avoid a fight between Callie and Sweet Pea. There was a sigh from Fangs.
"Can we just not talk about Midge?" Fangs requested last year Fangs was accused of her murder. It ended up getting him shot. "Please?"
"No," Kevin dismissed him with a hand wave. "How about we do a rundown of everyone's parts, catch Evelyn up to speed?"
"I'm playing Veronica Sawyer," Josie reported. "Outcast turned Heather turned outcast again."
"Hi, I'm Sweet Pea," Sweet Pea greeted everyone. "Um, playing JD, Veronica Sawyer's bad boy love interest."
"No shocker on the bad boy part," Callie noted.
"If you have something to say, say it to my face," Sweet Pea ordered.
"Gladly," Callie agreed as she sat up. "As I recall you didn't really like showbiz."
"Just opening my horizons," Sweet Pea glared at her.
"Are they open enough for you to leave the show?" Callie asked.
"Calm it down Strawberry," Reggie advised. "You know how much I love when you get all fire up."
"I am right here," Archie informed. "Can you two not start talking about each other again like this in front of me?"
"Again?" Betty asked raising an eyebrow, Callie and Reggie glanced at each other and shook heads.
"It's just in his fantasy wank bank," Callie said looking at Betty.
"Who is your character, Reggie?" Evelyn asked trying to get back on task.
"Reggie Mantle," Reggie told everyone. "AKA jock Ram Sweeney. Gonna bro it up with the Andrews with my bud Arch here." Reggie slapped a hand on Archie's back, he then put Archie in a playful hold and messed up his hair. "Just two single straight dudes doing some theatre." Archie smiled and got out of the hold.
"Give how much dancing there is in Heathers," Kevin brought. "Due to Callie's multiple breakdowns, Evelyn and I spoke to Callie and she agreed to have another choreographer on board to help."
"Thank the Heathers," Callie smiled happily in relief.
"So, give a big Heathers to Riverdale's resident fly girl, Toni Topaz!" Toni walked out on stage as Cheryl's smile dropped as everyone dropped. Cheryl then sat up as she and Callie looked at each other and back at Toni. Callie had no idea Cheryl's ex would be helping.
"Um, does anyone have a chainsaw?" Cheryl asked as she glared at Toni. "Because what the..." Callie put her hand over Cheryl's mouth to cut off the last word.
Soon they all were laying on the ground of the student lounge, trying to relax, and connect. Callie laid next to Archie.
"Everything in your lives matters," Evelyn told them, she was demonstrating a practice on the farm. She was walking around them as best as she could. "The universal truths within each of your personal experiences. A you inside of me, a me inside of you. In rehearsal, we are gonna explore our own personal traumas and experiences." Callie did not want to talk about hers at all. "And exercise them through our art." Kevin walked in clapping.
"Cheryl, Veronica, Betty, Candy Store," Kevin requested. "Set and costumes are ready. Go get changed, Callie you go get changed too." Soon they all sat in the theatre, Callie was going over the number with Veronica and Toni. Callie was wearing Westerberg's cheerleader uniform.
"So, this number is about the Heather's undeniable power," Callie instructed. "Each of you can get anything you want at any time. So unreleash that force." Toni at the table on set stood.
"I was wondering if I could change up the choreography a bit Callie?" Toni requested.
"Go for it," Callie smiled at her.
"We'll all start with some simple steps," Toni began to explain.
"Yeah, I like Callie's choreography more," Cheryl said looking forward. "We got it, thanks."
"Give Toni a chance to show what she has in mind," Callie advised.
"She has fantastic choreography," Kevin added.
"How very," Cheryl said sarcastically. "But my Callie has already worked out our choreography with my heathers." Cheryl held up her club.
"Come on, Cheryl," Toni begged while looking annoyed. "I'm trying to be professional here, can you not?" Toni and Cheryl both faced each other threateningly.
"I wanna see where this goes," Callie admitted as she took a seat at the table with Pretty Poisons.
"Don't you have to dance with them?" Peaches asked.
"True fact," Callie nodded, she got up and got into position. In the crowd, she saw Archie give her a thumbs up. After all this time, it great to know that Archie would still be there for her.
"Are we going to have a problem?" Cheryl sang. "Did zombies eat your brain? You've come so far. Why now are you yanking on my chain? I'd normally slap your face off. And everyone here could watch. But I'm feeling nice. Here's some advice. Listen up, batch!" She then got in formation with Veronica and Betty, they began to sing and dance to Callie's choreography.
"I like!" Betty and Veronica sang.
"Looking hot. Buying stuff, they cannot," Cheryl sang.
"I like!" the two girls repeated.
"Drinking hard. Maxing dad's credit card," Cheryl sang.
"I like!" the two girls repeated.
"Skipping gym. Scaring her. Screwing him," Cheryl sang.
[Veronica & Betty:]
I like!
"Killer clothes," Cheryl sang.
"Kicking nerds in the nose!" all the girls sang.
"If you lack the deuce
Go play duck duck goose
Let your mommy fix you ice-cream,"
[Veronica, Betty & Cheryl:]
Or come hang with me
And tonight, we'll be
Dirty dancing with the football team
[Veronica, Betty & Cheryl:]
Honey, whatcha waiting for?
Welcome to my candy store
It's time for you to prove
You're not a loser anymore
Then step into my candy store"
Toni walked out with her crew and started singing.
"Whoa! Whoa!" Toni sang and began to show off her choreography. "Honey, whatcha waiting for?
Welcome to my candy store
It's time for you to prove
You're not a loser anymore
Then step into my candy store"
You can join the team
"Or you can bitch and moan," Toni sang as she got into Cheryl's space.
You can live the dream
Or you can die alone
You can fly with eagles
Or if you prefer
Keep on testing me
And end up like her
Honey, whatcha waiting for...
Shut up Toni! (Veronica and Betty both their eyes at each other.)
Step into my candy store (Cheryl and Toni then began fighting for the center.)
Time for you to prove
You're not a lame ass anymore
[Cheryl & Toni:]
Then step into my candy store
It's my candy store
It's my candy
It's my candy store
It's my candy
It's my candy store
It's my candy store." In the end, Cheryl pushed Toni into Peaches as she finished the dance.
Soon they moved on to the next number, they had Callie and Toni a little bit of time to recover from the number. The two girls stood at the table talking.
"I liked some of the moves you had in mind," Callie admitted.
"At least somebody does," Toni groaned.
"We should probably work together on the choreography or split up the numbers," Callie advised. "Just too avoid any more conflict like this."
"If you want to avoid contact, stop picking fights with Sweet Pea," Toni advised as she crossed her arms. Callie glanced at Sweet Pea who was going over his lines.
"Yeah," Callie breathed. "I can put aside my fighting with him for the remainder of this production." She looked at Toni. "Can you and Cheryl do the same?"
"That all depends on Cheryl," Toni informed.
"Fact," Callie nodded.
"Everyone, hi," Evelyn called, they looked over to see her standing on the table. "Um, I know that cast parties are usually after opening night, but the Farm will be hosting a little get-together tonight at former Sisters of Quiet Mercy—"
"Sweet," Kevin smiled as others agreed.
"And, um, I know it may seem a little weird or methody, but come in costume," Evelyn added. They all whooped in agreement.
"Let's go," a guy agreed.
"Callie!" Kevin called. "Work with Sweet Pea." Callie shot almost live eye daggers at them.
"Only for the show," Toni whispered to her. Callie gave a sly smile and walked over to Sweet Pea.
"Come here to rattle me up?" Sweet Pea asked as he cracked knuckles.
"Calm it down bronze knuckles," Callie rolled her eyes. "If you opened your ears, you would have heard Kevin asking me to work with you." Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "Script." She held out her hand, Sweet Pea reluctantly handed it to her. She read through his lines and handed it back to him. "It's slow mode, fighting."
" Meaning?" Sweet Pea grunted.
" Can you open your ears?" Callie demanded.
" Um no," Sweet Pea said.
" That's right like most snakes you are deaf," Callie glared.
" What did you say?" Callie demanded.
"Can you just work on me with this?" Callie ordered.
" Only because I have to," Sweet Pea said.
"Improv some anger," Callie told him. "I'm sure you have lots of it." Sweet Pea glared at her.
"Let me guess, you have no anger?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Tons," Callie corrected.
"Come over before the party, and we will watch the movie," Callie suggested.
"Are we arriving at the party together?" Sweet Pea asked as he folded his arms. " We only together if we have too."
"Hmmm, I will send you a clip," Callie changed her mind. "Just watch it."
"What if I don't?" Sweet Pea asked.
"You are going to look stupid, but you do that naturally," Callie said. "You are going to the party?"
"Yeah," Sweet Pea answered as he scratched the back of his head, Callie could feel something inside her heat up, she loved when he did that move. "Will you?"
"Yeah," Callie nodded her head. "Now work with me." She then began to work with him on the dance as Kevin and Betty watched from a distance.
"So why did you pair Callie with Treetopper?" Betty asked.
"To keep my ship going," Kevin answered. "Callie has been hitting many one nightstands with Reggie, but the end game for Callie is Sweet Pea."
"Would the Farm be okay with you doing this?" Betty asked. Kevin shook his head and walked away, Toni then walked up to him.
"What is your damage?" Toni demanded. "I can work with Sweet Pea. If you want to avoid conflict, let me work with that specific Serpent."
"It's them that are acting weird around each other," Kevin pointed out. "I just stirred the first act." Toni looked at him weirdly, he pointed back at Callie and Sweet Pea. Toni looked to see Callie showing Sweet Pea a video on her phone, he then began to imitate the moves with his hands.
"Just don't actually punch anyone," they heard Callie tell him.
"When have I ever punched someone?" Sweet Pea asked he began to fake-punch her.
"I lost count," Callie answered, Sweet Pea dropped his hands. "Don't stop."
After rehearsal, Callie and Archie headed home to quickly change into costumes for the cast party.
"Have you figured anything out with Josie?" Callie asked as they headed out the door.
"I wish," Archie said. "How was working with Sweet Pea?"
"Not completely horrible," Callie admitted. "The arguing seemed to cease for a little."
"Be careful," Archie warned. "If you two start dating again, you will hurt more if you break up again."
"You know I don't go back on people," She told Archie, more like tried to convince herself. " I almost made that mistake already."
"Callie, I remember all the times you snuck out to go Reggie's place, and that is happening," Archie told her. "But from I can tell, it's not Reggie you want." Soon they got to the party where everyone was waiting. Callie arrived and immediately joined the side of Kevin.
"Well, given the night I've been having I, for could use a libation, so..." Veronica announced as she picked up a jello shot. "Salud."
"I'll take one," Sweet Pea insisted.
"That's the spirit," Evelyn giggled happily. Kevin handed Callie a jello shot, and she just glanced at it while everyone else took it.
"Dad says act your age," Evelyn sang, Reggie ran up and swung an arm around her.
"You heard the boss it's time to rage," Reggie sang.
"Blast the bass, turn out the light. Ain't nobody home tonight," Everyone sang as they began to dance throughout the place.
"Get down, it's all cool," Kevin sang.
"Jump right in my heated pool," Callie sang.
"Punch the wall and start a fight! Ain't nobody home tonight!" Everyone sang.
"His folks got a waterbed. Come upstairs and rest your head," Fangs sang.
"Let us cuddle you. While dialing up some pay-per-vew," Sweet Pea sang.
"The folks are gone. It's time for big fun!" Everyone sang. Big fun! We're up till dawn. Having some big fun! Big fun! It's time to overflow
That hot tub on the patio. It's big fun! Big fun! Whoo!" Sweet Pea smiled at Callie as Reggie pulled Veronica off to the side.
"Veronica, you are looking good tonight," Reggie sang as he backed her up in a corner. Callie turned an Evelyn and Kevin.
"A hot guy smiled at me. Without a trace of mockery! Brainiac cleans up all right. Callie is hot tonight," Callie sang as she did a small gesture to Sweet Pea.
"This night's all a blur," Reggie sang as Veronica pulled him close. "How did I get so popular?" Veronica pushed him off.
"Don't get close. You might ignite," Veronica sang. "Veronica is hot tonight!"
"Dreams are coming true," Evelyn sang.
"When people laugh, but not at you," Kevin sang.
"I'm not alone, I'm not afraid," Callie sang.
"I feel like Bono at Live-Aid," Kevin sang.
"The house is ours
It's time for big fun!" Everyone sang. "Big fun!
Let's use their showers
That sounds like
Big fun!
Big fun!
Come out and climb the roof"
Take a picture, I'll need proof
Big fun
Big fun
Big fun
I'm actually having
Big fun
Big fun
Big fun
Josie was laughing as Archie had an arm around her, Reggie and Veronica were making out.
The party's hot hot hot
It's time for big fun
Big fun
Big fun
"You need a jell-o shot!" Sweet Pea encouraged Fangs. He rounded the corner to see Callie partying up with Cheryl, he looked at her, at Reggie, then back at Callie.
"We're having big fun
Big fun." Everyone sang.
"Dang! Dang! Diggety-dang-a-dang!
Dang-dang! Diggety-dang-a-dang!" Toni and Peaches sang as their group walked into the party. Cheryl shook her head at Toni as they went into another room, she then felt slump as Evelyn walked up to them.
"I can't believe she actually came," Cheryl groaned.
"Refill?" Callie asked.
"Please," Cheryl nodded, Evelyn then touched Cheryl.
"It's time to let everything go," Evelyn advised. "Follow my lead."
"Dang! Dang! Diggety-dang-a-dang!
Dang! Dang! Diggety-dang-a-dang!
Diggety-dang-a-dang!" Everyone sang they danced into the room.
"The folks are gone
It's time for big fun
Big fun
We're up till dawn
We're having big fun
Big fun
So, let the speakers blow
They'll buy another stereo
Our folks got no clue
'Bout half the stuff their children do
Why are they surprised?
Whenever we're unsupervised
It's big fun
Big fun
Big fun
Big fun
Big fun
Big fun
Whoo! "
They stopped singing and Callie leaned against the wall, taking in a breather, Betty walked in.
"Partying hard?" Callie asked.
"Not hard enough," Betty groaned.
"Loosen up a little Betts," Callie advised. "What is the worse that could happen?"
"A lot," Betty answered. "Evelyn, the Farm, everything."
"Take a shot," Callie offered as she picked up a cup from passing by the cup tray. "I will make sure nothing bad happens."
"And what if something does happen?" Betty asked as she was handed the cup. "I don't want to put anyone's life in danger."
"You won't, "Callie said. "Besides if anything were to happen Archie would most likely come to rescue. Along with everyone one of our friends."
"Ones that haven't been draped into the farm," Betty answered, Callie, shook her head,
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