Chapter 77

Days passed Callie received recent calls from Jughead and Archie, keeping her updated on where they were headed. She's tried to contact Betty, but she was not answering and no answers at the Cooper's house, no human was in it. During those days Callie has barely spoken to anyone, she missed the entire week of school, her dad called in saying she a sinus infection for her and will be out for a while. Sweet Pea tried to stop by, but couldn't get in, he couldn't get Callie to answer her phone from calling her to texting. At the moment Callie was putting touches to her murder board. Notes where pinned all over it, pictures of people. Right now her prime suspects were Ms. Blossom, Mr. Cooper, both Lodges and Mr. Blossom as well. She stood in front of the board, her cheer shorts, a t-shirt, hair up in a messy bun.

" Mr. Cooper is serial killer, " Callie said to her. " Currently locked up, but he did have an affair with Ms. Blossom, who has an odd obsession with poisons...That still doesn't explain where the game originated from."

" Nor does it explain your disappearance," a voice said, starling her, in the window stood Sweet Pea. He seemed different, he looked like he had four eyes and three hands. Sweet Pea noticed she had bags under eyes, her hair was all over the place, she was a mess. " You've been silent all week."

" I've been busy," Callie corrected as she turned back toward her board. " Mr. Lodge has ties with Warden Norton who was in charge of L&L, but Warden is dead. He also introduced the game to Joaquin, but he is dead too."

"Callie," Sweet Pea breathed.

" Big question of the day...Who introduced Dilton, Ben, and Ethel to the game?" Callie asked, mainly herself.

" You need to get some sleep," Sweet Pea ordered as he got in front of the board. 

" I'm fine," Callie assured. He then picked her up and over his shoulder. " Put me down."

" Okay," Sweet Pea said as he placed her on the bed. " I am going to go get you some food, and when I get back you better be asleep." He then left, Callie then climbed out of her window and ran for Fox Forest, they had information stored there as well. 

" I made you peanut butter and jelly," Sweet Pea said as he opened the door, he walked in to see her missing. He looked to the side to see that she had left her phone behind. " She is going to be the death of me." He then put the sandwich on her bed, before going after her, hopefully, she did not go too far.

When Callie got into the bunker, she lit a candle or two before closing the bunker. She then started to examine all the pictures.

" If Jughead and Betty were here, it would be so much easier," Callie told her self. She then studied all the markings that were on the picture of Dilton's back. She saw them at Sweet Water River swimming hole, all over the janitors closet, on people's backs. But nothing was giving her answers about the runics, she had a hard time finding them in the scripture. She looked over and saw manual laying out, she grabbed it, took a Dilton's back picture and sat down on the bed. She searched through the manual looking for the symbols.

"Together it spells out T G and K, I think," Callie said to herself.

" Which you shall find out in the morning," a voice said, she jumped looked up and saw Cheryl and Toni.

" How did you find me?" Callie asked.

" Sweet Pea sent out a text," Cheryl answered. " And he is on his way now." Cheryl pressed a button on her phone before putting it away.

" Shouldn't you two be co-leading the Serpents?" Callie asked.

" Serpents look out for each other," Toni answered. " And you are clearly a mess."

" Wait, " Callie said. " That makes sense." She looked back at the picture. " The letters are T, G, and K, which most likely stands for The Gargoyle King, which is what Dilton and Ben were devoted to being in his kingdom...Ethel too."

" Cheryl?" Toni asked.

"When Callie overextends her self and gets real tired, she becomes oddly smarter," Cheryl said. " I had her do my homework once, and I did amazing on the assignment while she only got an A- on her assignment."

" Well, its time to put Ms. Einstein to bed," Toni reminded Cheryl. " She's way past burning midnight oils, I don't know how she is still running."

" Callie, come on, I know where you can get more answers," Callie called.

" You do?" Callie asked looking up.

" Come with us," Cheryl insisted. 

" Pea said to stay put till he comes for her," Toni reminded her girlfriend.

" I thought about leaving her in a better spot TT," Cheryl answered. " We are endgame, and my OTP has broken up."


Sweet Pea was now outside his trailer, none of the girls were at the bunker. 

"Any luck?" Fangs asked.

" Toni and Cheryl said they found her, but they left with her," Sweet Pea answered.

" Why are you putting yourself through this?" Fangs asked. " You two broke up?"

" Callie said she would protect us, she would lay down her life for us to Hiram," Sweet Pea said. " She was brave."

" Callie's always has been brave," Fangs told him. " Are you just realizing that?" Sweet Pea shrugged, he walked into his trailer, and to his surprise on his bed was Callie, sound asleep. He shook his head, walked over and scooted her over.

" I'm sorry Callie," Sweet Pea apologized as he petted her hair. " I really am, Jughead gave me a quest, he said I had to break up with you, now I see why you hate the game. It has brought nothing, but pain."

The next morning Callie woke up to find herself alone, she sat up, before crashing back down, she had a killer headache.

" Maybe if you slept more, you wouldn't have a headache," a voice said, she looked to the side and saw Sweet Pea, he was sitting on a chair tying his shoe.

" How did I get here?" Callie asked as she slowly sat up rubbing her head.

" Do you remember anything?" Sweet Pea asked.

" I remember talking to Cheryl and Tonu in the bunker and Cheryl said she would take me to a place that had more answers."

" You are a complete mess Andrews," Sweet Pea shook his head. 

" Do you have any information?" Callie asked as she moved the blankets to get up.

" None to help you with anything," Sweet Pea asked. " I tried to look into the Farm, but I haven't gotten very far."

" You looked?" Callie asked.

" We are a team, right?" Sweet Pea asked. " We have been seen we checked out that old Conway house." He stood up and looked at her. " We are a team right?"

" Yeah," Callie confirmed. " Want to go to Pops?"

" Milkshake?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Coffee," Callie corrected as she looked for her shoes.

" That won't help with your headache," Sweet Pea said.

" It might and if not it's a waker," Callie answered. Soon the two reached Pops.

" Girl, where have you been?" Veronica asked as soon as they walked in.

" Sinus infection," Callie answered.

" And that restricted you from texting or calling?" Veronica asked. " If Arche bails on me and now you."

" Sorry, Vee," Callie apologized, she went to find a table and sat down as Sweet Pea stayed back to talk to Veronica.

" She didn't have a sinus infection," Sweet Pea informed. " She's been up for days trying to figure out Gryphons and Gargoyles, how it;'s connected to any murders and the Farm."

" So she dodges everyone?" Veronica asked as she dried a glass.

" With Jughead gone and Betty missing, she's taken everything on to her own shoulders, I've trying to help," Sweet Pea answered. " She's taking Archie's bail as hard as you are." Veronica looked at Callie who had her head on the table.

" I'll pour her a coffee," Veronica said.

" Three sugars and two creams," Sweet Pea stated. 

" Still know her coffee order?" Veronica asked. " Very sweet for an ex"

" I made a mistake and I'm trying to fix it," Sweet Pea said.

" Did you give her space?" Veronica asked.

" All week," Sweet Pea answered as walked away with the coffee, he set it down on the table. " I'll be right back." He went to the restrooms as Hiram entered the place and walked over to Veronica. Callie put the sunglasses she took from Sweet Pea on, and covered herself with a newspaper, pretending to read it as she drank coffee.

"Nice uniform," Hiram complimented.

" What are you doing here?" Veronica asked.

" I'll take a cafe con leche please," Hiram requested. Callie watched Veronica happily pour coffee.

" Anything else?" Veronica asked as she pushed the cup to him.

" Your mother's worried about you," Hiram informed. " As am I. We both know you've been struggling ever since Archie abandoned you." Veronica turned around and put the coffee bak. " I also heard through a grapevine that you're hosting a casino night."

" So?" Veronica asked.

" So? Instead of coming to me for advice and help, you went to one of our competitors?" Hiram questioned. " It's ironic, for all your high talk on wanting a legitimate business, you're now inviting a bunch of criminals over to play cards? Times must be tough."

" They're not criminals," Veronica declined. " They're Elio's friends."

" And how do you think Elio's family built their gambling empire?" Hiram asked. " They're cheaters. And criminals. And they're gonna rob you blind."

" Yeah. Well, you would know all about that, wouldn't you?" Veronica questioned.

" Are you angry about something?" Hiram questioned. His daughter let out a loud sigh.

" Am I angry?" Veronica asked. " You drove Archie away."

"Did I?" Hiram asked. " I swear I read in the papers that he was cleared on all charges."

" So you came here to twist the knife, is that it?" Veronica asked.

" No," Hiram declined. " I came here to remind you who your true allies are. Your mother and I, we're still here for you, to welcome you back with open arms, because we're family. And that will never change."

" Get out, Daddy," Veronica ordered angrily. Callie heard the bell signaling Hiram had left, she put the paper down to see a new face in front of her, she jumped. It was a boy with dark hair, dark clothing, a choker, and a creepy smile.

" Hello, Red hair princess," the boy said with a sadistic smile.

"Um...hello," Callie greeted.

" I heard also through the grapevine that you have been reading the scripture," the boy said.

" What?" Callie said as she tilted her head, Sweet Pea came out of the bathroom, his eyes were a little red, he saw some boy sitting with Callie.

" I'm Kurtz," the boy introduced himself. " You say it's all just stupid game, but it's not. It's law, it's his law."

" Who's law?" Callie asked, her brain was working a bit slow today.

" The Gargoyle King," Kurtz answered. 

" You really let that game get to your head," Callie stated as she went to go leave. The boy grabbed her hand, and Sweet Pea watched more intensely.

" It's law," Kurtz said. " And you have disrespected the law, soon you'll fly."

" Fly?" Callie asked.

" We all fly, if we want to ascend," Kurtz said. " My first sacrifice is going to be your red hair princess."

" Like hell," Callie stated firmly and ripped her hands out of his grip. She stood up and saw Sweet Pea looking at them.

" You want to know how the scripture got into my hands, don't you?" Kurtz asked, she slowly looked at him. " Join the game, I'll read you the scripture, and you'll see that it is the only law, you'll want to ascend. I'm the Game Master, used to be a knight, we can be a team. A knight and a princess."

" No thanks," Callie said. " My team consists of the princess and the thief," Callie said. She then looked at Sweet Pea. " Come on tree topper, we've got work to do."

" Lead the way," Sweet Pea nodded.

" You choose a thief over a knight?" Kurtz asked.

" I've found Thieves more trusty then princes, all princes do is make you love them and then stab ya in the back," Callie answered. " When it comes to thieves...they will stab you in the back as well, but I trust this one."

" Doesn't matter who you trust red hair princess, soon we'll all ascend," Kurtz laughed. " And we will all be in his kingdom." She quickly left the place.

" You trust me?" Sweet Pea asked.

" With my life," Callie answered. " Now let's get a move on." Sweet Pea smiled and nodded, he drove them back to the Andrews place, and together they worked out the murder board, symbols, the game, and the Farm as best as they could, cause they were a team.


Author's Note: I'm sorry if this chapter was really crappy. But I do hope you enjoyed it.

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