Chapter 102
The rest summer vacation passed in a surreal haze for Callie. A couple more road trips with Sweet Pea, spending time with her family to mourn the death of her father, and hot summer with her best friends. Callie has dinner at Pop's every night she was home. Everyday Callie and Archie were getting better and better.
The day before Callie was working at Pop's, the door opened and in walked Melody and Valerie.
"Hey, Cal," Melody greeted walking over to her.
"What can I do for you lovely ladies today?" Callie asked. "Coffee?"
"And a record deal?" Valerie requested.
"A one-way ticket out of this horror town?" Melody requested.
"Let's just start off with a cup of coffee before ditching this town for good," Callie laughed as she poured the coffee.
"Let's not forget, we still have the senior year," Melody stated as they took a seat. "Applying anywhere?"
"We all know she's going to get into Harvard," Valerie stated.
"What about you ladies?" Callie asked leaning over the table.
"We are going to try for UCLA together," Melody answered.
"Sauve," Callie complimented.
That night, Callie was at the Veronica's house, she was with Archie, Veronica, Jughead, and Betty. Couples sat together.
"You know I really can't imagine a better way to spend our last night of summer vacation," Betty stated holding her glass.
"Isn't it crazy?" Veronica asked. "In just nine months, life as we know it will be over."
"No more high school," Callie stated.
"No more Blue and Gold," Betty added.
"No more detentions," Sweet Pea stated, Callie, looked up at him.
"No more heart-to-hearts at the lockers," Betty added.
"Oh, B, don't be sad," Veronica gushed.
"I'm sorry, guys," Veronica apologized. " I can't help but think life goes by so fast. And none of us are very good at stopping to savor it." She looked down at Jughead. "But tonight, we will be." They started to kiss. The coupes all separated, Archie and Veronica went into her room, Jughead and Betty stayed out in the opened, while Callie and Sweet Pea went all the way back to his trailer.
The next morning came around, Callie made sure they got to school as early as possible. They were now at her locker. She wore yellow black shorts, with a see-through yellow shirt, with a red tube top underneath. Her hair was down and curled.
"Shortstop, tell me why we have to be early," Sweet Pea demanded. "It's the first day of senior."
"Exactly," Callie stated as she fixed her lipstick. "As my first day as a senior, I want to start better habits, such as showing up every day."
"Don't let your good habits break my bad ones," Sweet Pea said. Callie laughed, Sweet Pea turned her around, placing a passionate kiss on her lips.
"This is a hallway not the club," a voice said. "They pulled apart to see a man in a suit, with glasses. "And this is your only warning wearing shorts that short again and I will send you home."
"Who's this uptight pencil?" Sweet Pea asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"This uptight pencil, is Principal Weatherbee's replacement, Mr. Honey," the man introduced himself. " I don't know what kind of a ship Waldo Weatherbee was running around here, but things are doing to be different this year. We'll have, order. Discipline. Consequences. Now stop the PDA and get out of my sight."
"The warning bell didn't even go off," Callie stated.
"Did I stutter Ms. Andrews?" Mr. Honey asked, stepping up to her.
"No, sir," Callie denied, she took Sweet Pea's hand, closed her locker, and walked away. "For someone who's name is Honey, he's not all that sweet."
"You are surprised someone with a sweet name isn't sweet?" Sweet Pea asked looking down her.
"Shut up," Callie nudged him playfully, Sweet Pea laughed. "All I'm saying in terms of honey he's more sticky than sweet." School had gotten even more boring, Callie didn't think that would be possible. She chit chatted with Melody a lot throughout the day. She was now in the Vixen's locker room, it was after practice, she was sitting in a towel at her locker, she was putting on lotion, staring into the mirror.
"So no back-to-school dance?" Callie asked. "I had such a cute dress picked out."
"Same here, Mini-Me," Cheryl groaned. "This honey is being unpleasant sticky."
"Someone needs to whack his hive with a stick before he becomes an infestation," Callie said.
"I second that," Cheryl agreed, looking to the side.
"Oh no," Callie breathed looking at her best friend. "What are you planning now?"
"Vixens!" Veronica shouted before Cheryl could respond. They all gathered around to see a young boy, maybe freshmen or sophomore. Veronica held him up at a locker bu his shirt. "This pervert was taking pictures of us while we changed."
"Collecting photos for your sad pubescent spank bank, are you?" Cheryl asked. He looked away, Veronica slammed him into a locker.
"No! No," the boy denied. "A reporter from the reached out, and he told me he would pay 500 bucks for a photo of Veronica."
"Really?" Callie asked crossing her arms.
"How am I supposed to say no to that?" the boy asked as Veronica let go of him.
"You just say it, you worm," Veronica answered, she took his camera, and ripped out the film, dropping the camera on the ground.
Night came around, Callie was working another shift at Pops.
"Aren't you the cutest waitress around," a voice said. Callie looked up and smiled.
"Thanks, Mom," Callie smiled at her. "Is there anything I can get you?"
"How about you take a break, have a milkshake with me and discuss your Harvard plans," Mom suggested. "I have so many High School law weekend workshops to take.."
"I'm guessing this also means law nights with you if I don't go on some weekends," Callie stated. "Besides, I'm not even sure if I want to be a lawyer."
"But working in the law is all that you ever talked about," Mom brought.
"I'd rather be behind the scenes like a paralegal," Callie answered. "Still deals with the law, just not front and center."
"Ms. Cheerleader doesn't want to be front and center for once?" Mom asked. "Liked I'd believe that."
"Mom," Callie breathed.
"Oh fine," Mom sighed. "But I will still teach all the ways of being a lawyer."
"Fair enough," Callie agreed as she grabbed the milkshakes, and headed over to a booth. As soon as she sat down, numerous papers hit the table, it was going to be a long night.
The next morning Callie woke up to a call from Cheryl Blossom.
"Cher?" Callie groaned answering the phone.
"Print out these party invitations I'm sending to up," Cheryl ordered. "Toni and I are picking you at 7l." She hung up the phone before Callie could even respond. Callie opened her laptop, the fliers Cheryl sent were there, she printed out as many as possible.
"I guess this is better than getting woken up to solve a murder for once," Callie muttered to herself as she got ready. By the time Callie showered, did her hair, and got dressed, she was hearing out the door with a stack of invitations. Callie had her hair up in a high ponytail, and a purple sundress, with red lipstick.
"So Back-to-school party instead of a back-to-school dance," Callie said as she read the invitation for once.
"Honeysucker can't suck the honey out of this event," Toni said as they pulled up to the school. "He only controls the school."
"Clever," Callie smirked. Moments later, the Vixens, Toni, Cheryl, and Callie were passing out the invitations to anyone they passed. It didn't take long for them to become face to face with Mr. Honey.
"Your name may be Honey, but I will always be the queen bee," Cheryl declared. "You have no power over me." She walked passed him flipping her hair, all the girls followed.
"Busy tonight, Ms. Andrew?" Cheryl asked. "We could use help decorating the Thistlehouse."
"Sadly yes," Callie sighed. "Veronica has me working La Bonne Nuit tonight."
"Tell my poisons hello," Toni said.
"Always do," Callie smiled. As said, Callie was back down at La Bonne Nuit that night. She was standing at the bar with Veronica...Reggie sat on the other side in his Bulldog varsity jacket, he was wearing sunglasses. Callie stared at him as she dried the glasses, she knew why he was wearing sunglasses.
"Reggie, Callie, Mr. Honey is riding up my ass about this article on" Veronica stated, showing them the papers. "About me. About La Bonne Nuit. An 'inside source' with 'intimate knowledge' of my business claims that I'm the criminal kingpin, not my father. Was it either of you, Reggie, Callie?"
"Excuse me?" Callie demanded.
"Are you two the inside source? One of you or both of you?" Veronica asked. "Is that why you're hiding behind those shades?" Reggie took off his shades.
"Neither of said a word to the press," Reggie said.
"Oh, my God, Reggie, your eye," Veronica gasped in horror. "But maybe you should ask your old man." He started to walk away.
"I'm taking the rest of the night of V," Callie said leaving the bar.
"Cal!" Veronica shouted.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to spread inside information," Callie said, glaring back at her. She got up to the top by Reggie. "Reg!"
"What do you want Strawberry?" Reggie asked. "I'm not in the mood."
"Reggie," Callie breathed touching the side of his face. "Would you like to stay over for the night? To stay clear of your old man?" Reggie stared down at her.
"Is my favorite blanket still around?" Reggie asked.
"Along with the favorite pillow," Callie answered.
"You always did look out for me with it came to my old man," Reggie said, putting his hand over hers. He took her out to his car. He opened the door. "After you."
"Thanks, Reggie," Callie breathed getting in. They started to drive towards the Andrew's household.
"Is it really wise for your ex-boyfriend to be crashing at your house?" Reggie asked. "Wouldn't your tree topper or brother have a thing to say about this?"
"First off, you are just getting away from your dad for the night," Callie reminded him. "Also, Sweet Pea is busy with the Serpents...and Archie's probably going to be with Veronica."
The next day, Callie spent it doing a law workday with her mom, the night took way to long to come around.
"Ready?" Callie asked getting into Sweet Pea's pick up truck. She had her hair down, a blue mini skirt, and an orange crop top.
"You are looking hot," Sweet Pea smiled, he kissed her.
"You as well," Callie smiled, kissing back. As soon as they arrived, they partied, they were glued to each other. It was good to see that Munroe was fitting in, Peaches was working the Dj. The two of them were currently swiping their hand passed a fire as fast as they could without burning it They stopped at the sounds of Cheryl calling everyone's attention with a fork. Sweet Pea put his arms around Callie as they gave Queen Bee their undivided attention.
"My esteemed guest, may I have your attention please?" Cheryl requested. "Students of Riverdale, we have a new enemy in our midst. This killjoy is our new principal, Mr. Honey." Everyone booed. "However, never fear. I, as your student body president, will make sure that he is beheaded by Homecoming, or my name isn't Cheryl Majorie Blossom." Everyone cheered, the music started back up along with the party.
"Do they have a toaster?" Sweet Pea asked. " I could really go for some peanut butter toast."
"Yeah," Callie laughed. "It should be in the kitchen."
"I'll be back," Sweet Pea smiled widely, he kissed her before running off to get something to munch on.
"Callie!" Melody sang drunkenly putting her arms around her.
"Sounds like this pussycat is having a little too much milk," Callie laughed as she grabbed Melody's hands, they now faced each other.
"I'm not wasted, you are just sober," Melody laughed.
"Where are your keys?" Callie asked.
"No need to worry Calls," Valerie said walking up. "I drew the short straw."
"As long you make it home safely," Callie said. Tired screeched, the sirens wailed, the red and blue lights flashed into everyone's eyes. "Which looks like is going to be sooner than planned."
"Party's over," FP announced stepping out of the car. "Everybody go home." People slowly began to leave. " Go home. Move." Callie walked over to where Jughead was standing.
"Jughead boy, you better not be drinking whatever's in that cup," FP warned. Jughead nonchalantly poured out the liquor.
"Sheriff Jones," Reggie greeted. "Someone get this man a beer."
"You want to see the inside of the drunk tank tonight, Mantle?" FP asked.
"I'll be taking him home, Mr. Jones," Callie assured, she grabbed Reggie by the shirt and pulled him away from the scene. Callie borrowed Sweet Pea's truck, she took Reggie home. Luckily, she drew the short straw as well.
"Reg," Callie breathed. "Archie told me what happened at practice earlier."
"What do you want me to say to him?" Reggie asked. "That my dad hits me? That he beats the crap out of me over the stupidest things? That he's been doing it for as long as I can remember." He smiled and looked away. "I tried to run away once, I didn't get far, you help stay hidden in your treehouse for days when were in elementary school."
"Reggie," Callie breathed, glancing at him. "I'm sorry."
"I was always so jealous of the relationship you and Archie had with your dad," Reggie admitted. "No matter what he wanted you to do, he always stuck by the two of you. No matter how mad you made him, he never rose a hand. I have no idea what that feels like. And when your dad died, all I kept thinking was, what if it had been my old man instead?" He looked away, shaking his head.
"Is there anything me and Arch can do?" Callie asked.
"You two have already done enough, Strawberry," Reggie denied shaking his head. "Your brother called him out. Now, it's on me."
"You going to take a stand?" Callie asked.
"I gotta take a stand," Reggie declared.
"So, what are you thinking?" Callie asked. "What's your plan?"
"I'll show you," Reggie stated as she pulled up to his house. They went inside, Reggie took her to the garage where the red car sat, he had a baseball bat.
"Ah execution of a car," Callie said staring at it.
"Sometimes I think he loves this car more than he does me and my mom," Reggie said tapping a headlight with the bat.
"This will get him to listen for sure," Callie nodded. He started swinging at the window shield. "No wonder you made the baseball team."
"That'll bring this to a head," Reggie said. He looked over at her, Callie had to admit, she was quite worried about the outcome, it could go south. "It's okay, Strawberry. I outweigh him by 50 pounds." He hit the car a couple more times, Callie leaned against the garage watching. Reggie dropped the bat, he walked over to her, he placed his hands on her face and kissed her.
"Reggie!" Callie gasped pushing him back. "My heart belongs to Sweet Pea."
"Come on Strawberry, you can't deny the old feelings stirring between us," Reggie said. "This was to get your head thinking too...I felt you kiss back." Callie remained silent. "Go back to Cheryl's, your boyfriend is waiting." Callie did just that, she drove with radio up, all the way back to Cheryl's, Sweet Pea, got in as soon as she pulled up.
"Where were you?" Sweet Pea asked.
"I was taking Reggie home," Callie asked. He looked at her oddly. "He was a bit too drunk to drive home."
"You are too good to him, for an ex," Sweet Pea as Callie started her way to Sweet Pea's trailer. She laid in the bed, staring up at the ceiling as Sweet Pea slept. Callie knew she didn't kiss back, so why would Reggie say that she did? She looked up at Sweet Pea. The old feelings stirring up with Reggie...where they really stirring up? Or is he just messing with her? She couldn't imagine life without Sweet Pea, not even a little. She loved his kisses, his love for the Serpents, for her. She soon fell asleep, she woke up the morning, she was startled to find she slept passed the time school started.
"I called us in," Sweet Pea said handing her toast. "So much for wanting to show up to school more this year."
"Thanks," Callie breathed rubbing her eyes,
"What's bothering you?" Sweet Pea asked. Callie stared at him, she couldn't lie to would make things worse. "Shortstop?"
"It's Reggie," Callie answered. "He kissed me yesterday."
"What?" Sweet Pea demanded standing up angrily. "You said were just taking him home, not going behind my back and proving disloyalty."
"No," Callie breathed. " I was dropping him off--" Callie explained the parts of Reggie breaking his dad's car. " And he kissed me and I pushed him off right away."
"Is that so?" Sweet Pea asked crossing his arms. "I know he spent the night the other night, what else are you hiding?"
"It was just to get away from his dad," Callie answered. "I felt nothing when Reggie kissed me, I didn't even want it. There are no old romantic feelings stirring for him."
"What do you feel when you kiss me?" Sweet Pea demanded.
"As if I'm floating in space," Callie answered. "It's an endless, never-ending feeling that I never want to disappear. I'm sorry about not telling you about Reggie spending the night, and I'm sorry about him kissing me...but Pea...You are the one I want." Sweet Pea stared her angrily, seconds later his face softened up as he sat down on the bed. He grabbed her face and kissed her, the feeling of kissing him hasn't changed, she was floating. "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry for getting angry at you," Sweet Pea apologized.
"I love you," Callie breathed. Sweet Pea's eyes widened.
"I love you, too," Sweet Pea said, he kissed her even more passionately then last time. Callie looked at her phone. "Is it him?"
"As him, as in Archie," Callie answered. "Asking why I'm not at school, and thanks for telling , me about Reggie and his dad's car." She flipped her phone over, she laid back on the bed, pulling Sweet Pea close. He happily complied. Fouled shortly by more sleep. A few hours, Callie woke up to a call from Veronica.
"V?" Callie yawned answering the phone. Sweet Pe opened his eyes, looking down at her.
"I'm sorry for accusing you of selling information about th club, I need a favor, I'll pay you extra" Veronica rambled.
"Say no more," Callie answered sitting up.
"Where are you going?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Show up at La Bonne Nuit tonight," Callie ordered putting her clothes on as fast as possible. "It's going to be a real show." She opened the door, then faced him.
"You need a ride?" Sweet Pea smirked.
"It comes with a freeze Strawberry Milkshake," Callie smiled sheepishly.
"Say no more!" Sweet Pea roared throwing the covers off, he threw on pants, and his serpent jacket, he drove her over to Pops. After giving him a Strawberry Milkshake, he drove back to his trailer as Callie went down to La Bonne Nuit and quickly threw together a dance number. Night rolled around, she was doing a dance number to And All That Jazz from the Musical Chicago, with Veronica, Cheryl, Toni, and another girl from the vixens. All of them wore black. The dance number wasn't entirely what Callie had in mind, but she had to work with Veronica on it, and she was getting paid extra for it.
"Come on, babe, Why don't we paint the town?" Veronica sang as they did their dance number. "And all that jazz. I'm gonna rouge my knees. And roll my stockings down and all that jazz. Start the car, I know a whoopee spot, where the gin is cold, but the piano's hot. It's just a noisy hall, where there's a nightly brawl, and all that...Jazz...Find a flask, we're playing fast and loose, and all that jazz. Right up here, is where I store the juice and all that jazz. Come on, babe we're gonna brush the sky, I bet you Lucky Lindy never flew so high. 'Cause in the stratosphere, how could he lend an ear. To all...That...Jazz...No, I'm no one's wife! But, oh, I love my life! And all! Thaaaat! Jaaaaaaaz! That jazz!"
The school day rolled around that morning after And All That Jazz, Callie stood at her locker, she was switching out books, picking ones to take home for homework.
"Cal," Reggie said walking up to her locker.
"Reggie," Callie said bluntly, not even looking at him.
"Breaking my old man's car did exactly what was supposed to do, we talked and I told him things he needed to hear," Reggie informed.
"That's wonderful," Callie smiled at him.
"Also, I came to apologize for trying to force myself on you," Reggie apologized.
"Make sure it doesn't happen again," Callie ordered.
"So are we cool?" Reggie asked with a cheap smile.
"For now," Callie sighed. "Also I'm not the only you should be apologizing too...there's Munroe...Cheryl...Sweet Pea."
"Why do I need to apologize to that snakeskin?" Reggie asked.
"Cause that Snake Skin nows you kissed me," Callie answered. "And for the record, I didn't kiss back."
"Sorry," Reggie apologized scratching the back off his head. "I'll get started on my rounds of apologies."
"Good," Callie smiled as Reggie walked away.
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