Uprooted Roots

Your bag held little to no snacks nor enough water. Clean water. If you find the river again, would you be able to make clean water from it? Be able to strip all bad minerals and muk to create drinkable clean water? You didn't know. This ability was still unknown to you. You're not even sure where you're going. This was nowhere recognizable to you. Once far away, surely far enough from the ape colony, following the sun till it sets, did you fail to listen to the danger coming your way.  All that was silent was broken by its roaring engine.

Due to sitting behind a big thick tree, the bag opened, and searching around paused to remain as silent as ever. A random vehicle approaches, engine roaring with life, burning fuel, and breaking sticks, and park on the other side of that very tree.

Peeking out you spot three man hop out of their truck. Each held a gun and blade sharpe and deadly...

"We shouldn't be this far in."

"Oh hush! Are you scared of those pea sized monkey brains? Ya pussy."

"Calvin!Brett! Shut the fuck up and go hunt! Anything will do.." The boss was heading the opposite way, north wards, the two bickering less now "We are here to feed our families. Not act like children."

The two of them grumble. Not long each venture their own way. One south and another east. Nothing near you but the truck alone.






You were raised not to steal. But at this moment, it was now or never.

Making it to the driver side door, peeking out to see if anyone returns, climb up the truck step rail to see what is inside. Inside were many water bottles, large ones, and what looks to be chips and apples. Seeing this, you're opening the door without hesitation. Once open, your plan backfires as a loud blaring horn goes off.

You need to run. And that you were doing after snatching whatever was nearest to you.

Little legs running back from where they came, big foot steps and labor breathes caught up to the small orphan child. As you ran, shoving all the food and water in your bag, ran till you trip over an up rooted tree root. With held your scream as you harshly roll down the hill at full speed. Little arms cover your head and face as your small form tumbles down without stopping.

Once stopped, the world spinning and unbalanced in every way possible, soon got back up to run off again. That was for a good few moments till your form collapsed behind a tree with a hollow hole at the trunk of the roots. Leaning in more and more as the noise of those men grow louder.

"You think it was those ape fuckers? Stealing our lunches?"

"Nah. Those sucker's are smart enough to come in herds, not solo."

A twig, not on the ground, but above yourself, snaps. Drawing your full attention from the three gun welding men. Immediately, your eyes land on an entirely different ape. He looked to be calm. Friendly and aware. Way better than yourself right now.

That very ape climbs down without much noise. Once down, aware of what you're hiding from, began to push aside the loose locks of messy hair out of your face. Scanning the child for anything out of the ordinary. Once done, fully out of your face, scooped up the small dizzy being to only climb  back up the tree within seconds. Far up and away from danger.

He had sat down on a thick branch, keeping hold of the human child jacket in one hand, the two observing those three men below..

Then the trees roar with life. The same earth shaking feeling did not belong to a earth quake. It was the apes.

They heard the truck alarm.

The men knew it, too. Each held a gun up high as each ran back to their truck. Cursing till no tomorrow as they ran with their tails tucked between their legs.

The ape, who saved you, hoots and laughs at the men. To which hoots at a certain familiar ape; Caesar. No war paint was on his face this time. However, he seemed worried beyond belief.

Swing towards the two, other apes going after the men and their truck, hoot, and sign away with the other ape beside you. Not long his attention was on you.

Just you.


"I tripped on something and fell. I'm okay, though!" You were, well, say that to your ankle...

He seemed to notice it, though. On instinct, for he is a father himself, examine the legs of this child. Both look fine. However, one ankle was red and a tad swollen now. The child did hurt themselves.

"Tripped badly." He points at it, then towards the bag on your back, eyeing it more."Bag not damaged?"

You didn't know. Taking it off, you look inside it. All looks well...

'She forgot to kill the alarm. Stole what she could.' Rocket signs as Caesar relaxes a tad more, not fully but good enough.

'Will need ice. Ankle looks to be badly injured.' Ceaser signs, watching as the child checks everything inside, signs more his way 'No horse this time. I'll carry the child-'

Rocket cuts him off, hooting before signing quickly 'Ape colony not far! I'll carry them!'

Ceaser did not continue. Rocket has set his mind. Once that happened, the child fixed the backpack onto their back again. Unsure of what is next.

Ceaser points at Rocket "Rocket will give you ride. Hold tight."

Blinking twice, maybe more, and look at the so-called Rocket. "You don't have to do that. I can climb down and-WOAH!"

Rocket didn't take no for an answer. Once he got up, on two feet, he picked up the child and put them on his back. Once done, he jumps off without warning. Ceaser in the back as to gareentee your form from falling. Rocket laughs as you're tightly holding on. He swings one branch to another without a care of falling himself.

What about the many apes who followed Ceaser here? Well, they took care of the three men. All terrorizing the hell out of them, guns taken away, before leaving them stranded with slashed tires. All apes head home as the three men had to venture miles to theirs. Terrified shitless beyond repair.

-At the Ape Colony-

Maurice was the first to greet Ceaser, who convinced the council to keep the odd human child, noticing Rocket helping the human child towards the clinical tower once again.

'Caesar, what happened?'

'Child made it far by foot. A truck alarm broke the silence, so find out later they set it off.' Ceaser signs, finding himself less worried, yet sign with awareness of his own concerns 'Rocket was there to save the human. Tripped and sprained their ankle. They are now at the clinical tower.'

Maurice nods.'Good. Good.' to which diverts his attention to the young apes. His students. He was a teacher, after all.

By that Ceaser, who barely slept a wink, decided to rest in his abode. Being a leader was hard. There is so much stress and leadership involved. It is draining...

Meanwhile, Rocket, who dropped off the one who healed his boy, decided to remain on the side lines as many female medics come to aid the human child once again. Many bandages and band aids were needed. They didn't have that, so they used parts of nature to fix the problem.

'Troublesome little one.' One of the medics sign to Rocket, who huffs in agreement, long before a pack of fresh ice was set on the swollen ankle.

It wasn't that cold. Yet it will do...

Little hands dig deep into the depths of your panda backpack. Searching for what you desire at the moment. Once pulled out, a single bottle of water, a new ape appears. Entering the room of where human child and Rocket reside in. It was the same ape you met accidentally at the river. The one you healed before passing out.

Rocket hoots lightly at the ape, signing  quickly 'Ash? What brings you here, my son?'

Ash signs back 'For the human. I want to thank it for healing this wound on me.' his father seemed to allow it, knowing his son well, watch as he drew close to the human child that looks up at him in confuzzlement.

Ash knelt down, to be less intimidating than before, to which pulls out an object of his own creation. In his hand was toy bind together with sticks and rope. Resembling a person in nature form. He placed it in your little hands with gentle effort. Soon pulls back and takes a step back.

He looks proud of his work, pride blooming as you fiddle and smile down at the object in your hand, then glance at his father.

'I'm no artist, but I know how to make a child's toy!'

Rocket snickers, signing back to his son 'Your my son. Of course, you're creative with your hands. That is our strength.'

The teenage ape would have said more if it weren't for who came in next. Both apes went from joking funny bonding time to stand by strangers on full guard mode. The ape, the human hater, ex-experiment lab monkey, Koba came in full stride. There was no reason for him to be here. Only, he came here to see this human child. The so-called water bender. His chance was before him, so he will do anything to take it. And, well, not like Caesar was here to stop him either.


Your eyes land on the new ape, a more scarred one, becoming quite intimidated as it drew closer. Holding your stuff rabbit and new toy closer to your smaller form.

It smiles, fangs and all, to which points at himself "Koba..." to which points at you, danger present in the air now "Humans...name?"

You're not comfortable with this ape. All the others you met were nice. Why is this one so scary?

Swallowing your fear you spoke "(Y-Y/N).."

It smiles a tad more. Not a good one. A deadly smile.

"You healed him.." He points at Ash, who stood near his father, Koba wanting to know much as he heard in rumors "...Just water...show me-."


The ape that terrified you was pulled back by no one other than Caesar, who wished to sleep right now, and another ape. A gorilla body guard. Neither look happy about this situation.

"Leave the human be."

"Human...has a name." Koba shoved off the hand on his shoulder, snapping at Ceaser and those in the room, to which points at the child backed up into a corner "(Y/N)...that is what I heard."

Ceaser signs to him this time, face to face with the scarred ape, serious as ever 'Now that you know, let them rest. Recovery takes time, not seconds.'

'If the human can heal Ash, than it can heal itself faster? After all, all apes are curious of  it. I'm just trying to see it myself if it were true.'

'By scaring them? Koba, the council allowed the human to stay. All you done is scare it after Rocket and I return not long ago.'

'Again Ceaser, I am searching for mere proof.'

'Koba give the human a week to recollect themselves. Do that then maybe, just maybe, you will get what you seek so hard for later.'

'You lie.'

'No. I speak the truth.'

Both apes stare at each other, standing there for God knows how long. That was till he did listen. The ape known as Koba left with angered steps out the door. Nothing move nor spoke as Koba left. Caesar however rubs his temple, clearly done with todays madness, only to glance down at the panda back pack on the floor. Kneeling down he takes hold of it. You observe as he returns it to you a second later. 

"Koba intimidateing to you?"

Immediately, a nod was set his way. Kindly make their way over to take back their panda backpack.

Ceaser let's out a heavy sigh, for today was a mixture of many events, to then sign to his body guard silver back gorilla. The two signed to one and another before that Gorilla was in the corner, sitting down, eyeing every crevices of this room.

'Rocket, Ash, let's go.'

Ash immediately listened, loyal to Ceaser, only his father did not wish to depart yet. No. He had one more thing to do.

Rocket made his way pass Ceaser to the bed of where the child rest. The gorilla, Luca, inspect him and his every move.

Ceaser ordered him to stay. Keep watch for the human. And that he will do..

Hooting the softest hoots, taking out his hand-made gift, he took his time in tying it around the small wrist of this human. It was a colorful bracelet. Vibrant and decorated with beads made of pure wood.

'I'm done. Let's leave.' Rocket turns away, joining his son and Ceaser, eager to finish off this new day 'Build wall to be stronger. Make sure not to have us ambush by humans again-'


All apes, Luca, too, turn their entire attention to the human. In their hand were two apples. Crispy fresh and ready to be devoured.

"I don't have much, but you can have this! Here!" Both apples were thrown to Ash and Rocket, an easy throw, the bright large smile blinding them after."Thank you!"

Ash, who rarely eats fruit, took a large bite out of it. Flavor floods his taste buds. Rocket, who held his apple, nodded towards the child. Not long, all three left the medical tower. Leaving to finish off whatever they need to do as of today.

Luca leans back, just to relax a bit more, until another apple is shown to his attention. A gift to him. And he had done nothing to deserve it.

"I have a lot of apple and oranges in my bag! Is an apple okay with you?"

The gorilla didn't respond but yet took it, observed it, and ate it slowly. Bite by bite.

Seeing this, you pull out an orange, a large one, just to peel it open and enjoy it also. A large bottle of water by your side to drink as well.

The rest of the day was spent in each others company. Silence and long-term drawing. Not long falling asleep before the sun sets, way before Luca could help retrieve dinner for the two, only he sat there. Allowing the human to rest till the next day.

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