Chapter one: NORMAL
{ A lil' disclaimer before the book: there will be trigger warnings, fluff, and *coughs* smut/lemonssss*coughs* warnings. so if your uncomfortable with these things please click off and I did give your fam names so you don't have to worry. this is my first fanfic so pls be nice. but if you say something mean but I think it's funny I'm cool because I'm not sensitive. so luv you all and thank you for considering this book.}
y/n pov
"y/n, get up Osana is here." My mom calls through my bedroom door.
I open eyes lazily and look around my dimly light room, due to my off light and partially closed window.
"okay, mom" I yawn sitting up.
I throw my legs over the side of my little sleep heaven and place my feet on the cold wooden ground.
I fumble for my black slippers before I find them.
'another normal school day' I think.
I trot over to my closet and open it.
My uniform sits proudly on the hanger.
I sigh and grab it along with some thigh high panda socks and underwear.
I walk to my bathroom and jump in the shower.
Vanilla scented body wash. Perfect for mornings.
The steam continues to rise as I lather my self in vanilla bliss.
I was enjoying the peace until I heard my friend Osana bang on the door.
" y/n we don't have all day, Idiot!" she shouts making me jump.
"I'll be out soon, osana" I say calmly.
She hates me with all her heart I swear.
I turn off the shower after a few more minutes and get dressed.
I make my way downstairs to the kitchen where a impatient Osana awaits.
" took you long enough!" she snaps.
I stare at her before I turn to my mother.
"bye Mom!" I say hugging her and sneaking a piece of bacon off her plate.
" bye Hun." she says smiling warmly at me.
I rush out the house with Osana.
" You do know we have to get senpai too!, right." she snaps.
I nod while eating my bacon.
I'm always the calm one of the group.
We walk in silence for the rest of the way to Taro's house.
I start to get the feeling that were being watched. But I shake it off as paranoia.
We arrive at Taro's house to see him waiting.
"hey, Taro." I greet.
"Uh...H-hey, y/n" taro stutters.
why was he so nervous?
" hey senpai!!" osana says enthusiastically.
" oh, hey osana" he says.
" let's go." I say walking away.
{time skip brought to you by ayono death-staring you}
we enter the gates of akademi high and make our way towards the doors.
I change my shoes at my locker which happens to be next to Taro.
" uh...hey, y/n do you want to sit with me a-at the fountain. I have a book I think you'll like. I-I mean you don't have to c-come but-" I cut him off
" sure, taro" I say smiling warmly.
"G-great!" he says happily.
I follow him out the fountain and he pulls out a book.
I lean over his shoulder and he tenses.
" Sorry, was I too close?" I ask concerned.
"N-no your fine." he stutters.
Man, Taro's acting weird today. Is he sick?
" Okay." I say leaning over his shoulder again.
I see him glance at me and I smile back as he quickly looks away.
Osana stands in front of us babbling about something but I don't pay much attention to her.
'This is actually a good book ' I think.
Then suddenly I feel like I'm being watched again. This time I look up.
I see someone duck behind a tree. I was about to go and investigate when...
" H-hey, do you not l-like the book?" Taro ask sadly.
"O-oh no, I love it! it's just I thought someone was watching us." I say slowly looking back at the tree.
" It's probably nothing." Taro assures.
The bell tolls and everyone makes their way to class.
We all bid our goodbyes and separate.
I make my way to class 2-1 and start my lesson.
I zone out for most of the class but I manage to get notes and understand most of it.
I feel eyes on me once again I do a quick sweep of the class and see a girl stare straight into my soul.
Ayono Aishi.
I've heard scary things about her and I'd rather not try to figure out if their true or not. So I instantly look away.
Class continues to drone on and she continues to stare. Her glare becoming more and more intense with each agonizing second.
Thankfully, The bell rings and I practically dart out the door to get away from her hateful stare.
I run straight into Kizana.
"Watch it, peasant!" she snaps with her nose pointed in the air.
" Whatever, miss snob" I say rushing past her as she scoffs.
Surprisingly, I don't see Ayono for the rest of my classes all the way to lunch.
I get to the rooftop and head to the usual spot I , Taro, and Osana sit at.
I sit down as Taro and Osana approach me.
" h-hey, y/n" taro greets.
"hey, guys" I say smiling.
I didn't feel like eating after that experience with Ayono.
Something about the way she was staring makes me feel anything but safe.
" Hey, y/n what's wrong? your not eating." Taro asks concern lacing his words.
" n-no, just not hungry." I lie then I quickly change the subject" what about you? where's your lunch?" I question worried.
"o-oh, I forgot it." he says scratching his neck.
I chuckle.
" here, have mine." I say handing my bento to him.
"o-oh thanks." he says blushing.
I look over at osana and see she has two bento boxes.
" were you expecting someone, osana?" I say innocently.
she glares then dumps her bento over my head.
"I HATE YOU!!" she screams at me getting everyone's attention.
"O-osana w-why?" I stutter picking her food out my hair.
"Y-YOU KNOW WHY! you..You...YOU BAKA!" She shouts.
I open my mouth to respond when Taro beats me to it.
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! SHE DIDN''T DO ANYTHING!" He shouts at Osana. shocking everyone.
"S-senp-pai?"she stutters hurt.
"save it , Osana. were not friends anymore!" He snaps back." come on , y/n." he says grabbing me.
"W-wait! SENPAI! PLEASE!"Osana wails after us.
Taro leads me all the way to the bathroom and waits outside while I try to clean up my uniform.
I sigh.
It's ruined.
My once pristine white shirt now stained with sauces from Osana's bento. Great.
" You okay in there?" Taro calls in.
." Me? Yeah. My uniform? No." I say sadly wiping off more rice..
" Can I do anything to help?" he asks.
Taro is so sweet.
" No, I'll be fine."I say looking in the mirror with sad eyes.
I come out the bathroom and taro's eyes are automatically on me.
"Stop, I look like a mess." I say looking away.
I feel a hand grab mine.
" N-no, your beautiful. like always." he says blushing.
I blush too.
We stand there staring at each other. he starts to lean in.
"T-taro?"I say shocked
Our lips connect.
Taro is kissing me!!
Wow,he's a good kisser.
What am I thinking! He's my best friend!
But it feel so good!!
But it's so wrong!
Oh no, I'm kissing back.
"EHUM!"someone clears their throat.
we stumble away from each other. breathless.
"Miss. L/n and Mr. Yamada! no PDA in the halls!" Megami snaps at us.
"s-sorry Ms. Saikou . I-it won't happen again." I stutter still in shock.
she sighs.
"Get to class." she orders.
I hurry down the hall to my next class.
Hello readers, it's writer_chan101.
So how's the book? Were you shocked about Osana's actions or did you expect that? Were you shocked about Taro's or did you expect that too? Who's ready for nemesis-kun to come save us from this drama? Or nah. Well I'll try to update everyday but you have to do your part too!
Like give me feedback , comment, and of course vote!!!
luv you nuggets,
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