Chapter twenty-one
Nigel yelled over the noise. "Now, now, everyone. Let's just simmer down a second."
But the crowd would not be calmed. Their shouts became more violent, and one woman tried climbing onto the podium. Nigel shoved her off and whispered to Marlin. "Let's get you somewhere."
Marlin nodded. "Do I take the cuffs off?"
Nigel said something, but Marlin couldn't hear it when a body suddenly crashed into him from behind. His face slammed into the carpet, and a man flopped him onto his back. His face was an inch away from his, and the man's fingers were squeezing into his throat.
"My wife was in there!" He screamed, spit flying onto Marlin's cheek. "You blew her up!"
Marlin couldn't say anything as he gasped for air. The man's body was ripped from his and Nigel moved to help him up before being tackled to the ground by someone else.
Marlin scrambled to his feet, hands still cuffed. He pulled at his wrists—but the handcuffs had tightened. Before he could fetch the key, someone slammed him against the wall.
The person had his fist raised, ready to start hitting. "Did you know how much I had given to this program?" The man shrieked, Marlin's shoulder growing numb.
He groped around for the key, checking both his pockets. All of his pockets. He looked over his attacker's shoulder and spotted the key glimmering on the carpet.
The man punched him in the nose, and Marlin kicked him between the legs. His attacker groaned and loosened his hold, so Marlin ducked out from underneath his arm and started toward the key.
A woman grabbed a fistful of his hair, surprisingly strong.
"Here he is, everyone!" She shrieked. "I have Marlin Burns."
She was standing behind him, but he could just make out a flash of sleek red hair. Her voice was slightly garbled, like her mouth was full was metal.
"I have two orange boys now!" She screamed.
Two orange boys? Marlin twisted his head around, breaking the grip she had on him. A few hairs parted from his skull.
He spun around, trying to find the key again. Just as he spotted it, a fist landed in his gut and he doubled over. Someone jumped in front of him and he headbutted him. Fell to the ground as he tripped over someone's outstretched leg. Dragged himself across the floor as another body landed on top of him.
His fingers curled around the key and he fumbled with the lock. The handcuffs popped open and he sprang to his feet, only to be knocked down again by the same redheaded woman.
She had jumped from a speaker and had her arms wrapped around his neck. Wrenching her bony fingers from his throat, he threw a punch and whipped his head back and forth for Nigel.
His searching was answered by an ear ringing gunshot. Nigel stood in the middle of the group, holding a pistol up.
"Let me take the prisoner," He said calmly. "And his crimes will be dealt with swiftly and justly."
The crowd parted for him and he stepped up to Marlin. He felt his arms being yanked back and the handcuffs chained back on.
"Thank you for your cooperation." Nigel finished, and the two of them left the room.
Nemo's eyes popped open, lying on a cold table. His legs and arms were strapped down, but at least he wasn't upside down anymore. Thousands of wires were connected to his body, especially the lucky arm.
Someone was walking hurriedly through the hall, the clicking of heels echoing off the white tile. She was murmuring to herself, opening different doors.
"Yeah, sure," Her voice mumbled. "Go ahead and make me look for the room myself. Not that I need any help."
Although her voice didn't sound anything like Darla's, he held his breath. Her footsteps were approaching closer, and he forgot to pretend he was asleep.
The door creaked open and a woman with blue-tipped hair ran over to his table. She looked at the tubes connecting to his body and her eyes grew wide. At the sight of her white lab coat, Nemo started to panic.
He grew stiff as she examined the wires and straps on his arms. She looked up at his face and realized he was watching her.
His mouth opened to say something, but his dry throat insisted otherwise.
"Hey, everything's going to be alright," The woman assured him. "I'm going to get you out of this. Okay?"
Nemo's mind was still muddled and eyes blurry, but he managed to nod his head.
"Good," She said, then looked over the tubes. "Let's figure this thing out."
Nemo could finally find his voice and he croaked, "Who are you?"
Dory looked back at him. She looked different than the other doctors, with a strange gleam in her eye. Kindness, he supposed.
She reached out and tousled his hair. "You look exactly like your dad, you know."
Nemo's attention perked. "My dad? Do you know him?"
The woman grinned, but suddenly spun around. Footsteps resounded down the hallway.
"I have to go," She said frantically.
Nemo's eyes widened, his voice panicked. "Please don't leave me,"
Her face softened with pity, and she squeezed his hand. "I'll find you again. Your father or me will find you and bring you home. Absolutely and definitely. Without a doubt."
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