Chapter 3 - Loo Loo Land (PT 2)
Well guess who's typing this in while inside of Robo Fizz's tent? I know the song is pretty catchy and idk why both Blitz and Octavia hated but at least Fizz gave me a kind look to make me happy! Also I gotta go to stop typing more! I gotta take more pics of this! :D
Chapter 3 - Loo Loo Land
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Millie's POV:
While that we are still Outside, Moxxie and i walk along a row of game booths, when we are addressed by one of the vendors. I was gleefully yanking Moxxie over towards the booth to see this game from that guy!
"Hello, hello! Step right up and win a thing!"The Carnie Imp said to us and i gasps excitedly.
"Oh, look Moxxie! A THING!" I pointed Moxxie to The "thing" in question is some sort of purple stuffed penguin creature with Imp horns, wearing pink overalls.
My husband noticed and and smirk at me, "Oh, you like that thing?"
"YEEEEESSS! I don't really know what that thing is but I want that thing!" I said very happy as he smugly finally knows he got something to enjoy with.
"Ahhh... Finally, something I can handle." He said to himself as he takes out some money and hands it to the carnie
"Okay! One game, puh-lease!"
The carnie Imp rolls his eyes at my moxxie and uses his tail to hand Moxxie a pistol with a cork projectile in the muzzle. As you already know, Moxxie does not even line up the shot, instead looking to me as he effortlessly hits the target right in the bullseye. Unbeknownst to him, the target barely moves. He makes a "ricochet" noise with his mouth and blows the black powder smoke clear of the gun, pleased with his marksmanship.
"Ohhhh! Strike one, little man!" The Carnie Imp said to him as Moxxie suddenly started to get mad.
"But I hit it!"
"Hmmm, I don't know what to tell ya, buddy. The target, see? It didn't go down. So, yeah...! No go, bro." What he said made him growl in anger, and fishes another bill out of his pocket. He grabs the pistol and fires another cork, hitting the target dead-center. The target suddenly does not budge as my Moxxie slaps the pistol in annoyance.
I wonder why it's not letting him win?
Moxxie still gets angry about the game and speaks, "The Heaven's wrong with this thing?!"
"Oh man, a real shame, I tell ya. [mockingly cries]" as The Imp keeps making my husband hisses in anger as he slaps another bill on the counter. Guess he's not over yet with this game..!
Back At the Fizzarolli Show
Back At Faith's POV:
While Jess done typing my diary note on my phone and start to take pictures and videos, I saw Stolas is gleefully clapping to the music, while Octavia has thrown her head back in torment, banging her fist on the seat next to her.
Still not sure why Octavia wants to leave here but hey it's music and fun from the Robot!
Robo Fizz & Backup Singer: ♫ --body sing along with the Loo Loo band! Ev'ry boy, ev'ry girl, ev'ry woman, ev'ry man loves Loo Loo Laaaaaaand! ♫
The show ends with a small pyrotechnic display as Robo Fizz cackles maniacally. The bear animatronic faceplants onto the stage and falls to pieces as Stolas claps and cheers even harder.
"Ah hohohoho ho ho ho ho ho, how delightful!"
Behind Stolas for what I saw, an imp armed with a kris dagger rises from beneath the seats ready to stab Stolas, but the top of his head is quickly blown apart by a shot from Blitzo, who has taken up a position in the gallery behind the back row of seats while Imp kids scream in absolute fear and run away.
"AHH! How did they got into the Tent?!" I said in fear after almost getting a heart attack from it.
Stolas saw the gun shot and smiled at him, "Oh! My, what aim you have, Blitzy."
I looked at Octavia being very furious and pulls her hat down not giving a single hell about this place.
"Octavia? You okay-"
"Ugh! Leave me alone, Faith! I can't do this anymore!" She said to me and gets up from the seat to storms off from him as Stolas looks very concerned about what happened now.
"Wait- E-... Octavia!"
Stolas starts to follow her daughter while behind as Blitzo cycles his rifle, and prepares to give chase after his charges.
"Should we follow them?!" I said to blizto after getting worried.
"We can now so let's hurry before he noticed us or maybe noticed you looking different from his damn eyes!" Blizto replied back while started to run until I heard Robo Fizz noticing him and somehow me.
"Mua ha ha ha ha hoho-oh! Is that Blitzo my sensors spot up the-e-e-ere? I bet the kiddies are still running away from you, huh? [laughs]"
As I heard him using his full name while stop to run and look at him, Blitzo stops too and talks at Fizz. "The 'O' is silent now!"
"A-A-Awwwww, just like your audience always was when you to-told your lazy jokes here! [laughs]"
I saw Robo Fizz suddenly acting different as I tried to figure out why he dislikes Blitzo as he removes his visors and throws them on the ground as he continues his argument with Robo Fizz.
What's going on already?!
I have to use the right name to him to not make him mad and I kee getting interrupted. "Blitz can I-"
"B*tch, I make more money killin' people than you do being a cheap*ss robo ripoff of an overrated sellout JESTER!" He said very mad and yelled at him as Robo Fizz Keeps glitching while smiling at him.
"Oohoohoo! Someone's salty! Real or not though, people lo-o-ove me!" Robo Fizz stops talking to him and starts to focused on me about this talk to talk thing and I got worried already with him.
"S-S-Say Young Lady! I saw that your new h-h-here! Did I ever tell the time that me and Blitzo u-used to like but hate each other n-n-now?"
"Huh? Me?" I said to point at myself as Blitzo tried to push me away from this situation he doesn't wanna get me involved with this.
"Hey Fizz! Don't make my new friend involved with the B*tch*ss past that I used to have!"
"C-C-Come on Blitzo! It's no wonder why that you're no-not comfortable telling about what you m-mostly did! And I know y-y-you new friend in hell... why are you friends with him? Do you ev-even like him?" Robo Fizz said to both me and him making Blitzo more P*ssed off than I expected until I tried my best to stand up and make sure it won't caused more problems.
"Listen Robo Fizzarolli, I understand you have a hate not so nice friendship to Blitzo- I mean Blitz, but you have to understand that whatever past he has, you shouldn't talk about it that makes him mad or sad! Also this is what he likes you robot Jester! Friends with him or just his employee, everyone does like him!" I said to him trying not to yell and get mad like last time from a week ago but instead just telling him off in a brave mood to finally stop this fight.
"Faith, you don't have to do that to-!" Blitzo tried to stop what I'm doing but until I hug him quick and let him go to confine my speech to him.
"Now you hear me Fizz? I like him as a friend and keep being a jerk all you want with your other friends to be Enemies to him but I like him as a friend and not leaving his side!" I keep talking to him as I saw Robo Fizz smiling at me still and impressed at my long speech to defend Blitzo to make sure he's not alone.
"Wo-Wooow! Nice speech you got there I-Imp! Or shall I say... Imp in Human Disguise!"
I got shocked and Blitzo knows he founded out coming from the difference here than his world. I started to grab my pact until Blitzo refused me to attack him to join in.
"Sh*t! He founded out about you being a human in real life, Faith, you need to leave now and find Stolas before he attacks the both of us!" Blitzo said to me to get a lil worried about me and I looked at him worried too.
"But are you sure?!" I said as a reply and He nods but smiled as a thank you for help to defend him with a little blush on his cheeks and yourself from that Jester.
"Alright! But please stay safe Blitzo!"
I start to run and my wings pop up to try to fly carefully to not get caught as I saw Blitzo getting back being mad at him to be prepared to fight.
Back At Blitzo's POV:
I saw that damn jester looking at Faith still knowing all about that and her speech which he thinks it's funny but impressive right until he looks back to me as I keep holding my rifle to be prepared.
"Mua ha ha ha ha! Keep running or Fl-Fl-Flying Human! Because I-I'll get you n-next! But even if that Hu-Human Faith Said all of that to defend y-you.... Does anybody love you... [appears creepy with demonic voice] BLITZO?"
"No. But I'm really good with guns now. Dance, bitch!" I said to him as I slam a new magazine into my rifle, switches it to full-auto and opens up on Robo Fizz, who cartwheels out of the way of the incoming rounds.
Until Robo Fizz rapidly spins like a wheel rolling up the stair to where i was there. He coils himself around me like a snake, before using his own momentum to launch me through the top of the tent as I scream "Ohhhh, F*CK MEEEEEEE...!" While flying up and falling down.
Everyone's POV:
By Outside, Wally Wackford rolls a cart of lit torches in by the tent to sell out torches right in front of the tent.
"Torches, I say, I say! Get your inconvenient torches here!"
Right until Blitzo lands on the cart, scattering the torches everywhere, which light the big top on fire and Wally screams.
"Owww! I say, OWWWW!"
The green fire very rapidly spreads to all corners of the park. Burning and melting animatronics flee the tent as Robo Fizz cackles and spins his head with demonic glee at the destruction.
Back At Moxxie and Millie as it focused to Moxxie's POV:
God damnit! I wasted 600 souls of my money and he still won't let me win the damn prize! As I keep looking at him anger with my money, he started to make me P*ss off too much.
"Wow! Man, you're really starting to make this sad. Y'know, if you suck, you suck! Guess you won't win your honey here a prize..." the Carnie Imp said to me when my Millie grabs the pistol I have on my hand.
"Let me try!" Millie said to him and she fires a cork at a target, which misses wildly. Right until I saw The carnie Imp grins mischievously, and presses something in the booth, which causes a target to fall down as he still smirks.
"Ohhhh, look at that! Lucky shot, baby."
"Are you kidding me?! You- you- you charlatan!" I got so mad at him by the fact I wanna attack him for it until he pushed me away to try to flirt with my wife!
"Hey, uh, get lost, pipsqueak. I'm talkin' to the lady~" Carnie Imp said toward Millie and makes a seductive purring sound at her. I saw my Millie immediately recoils in disgust which makes me sick and mad!
Right until suddenly that we didn't know, In the background, Blitzo and that robot name Robo Fizz continue to do battle against each other as the fires spread. Blitzo is thrown up into the air by Robo Fizz and comes down through the roof of the shooting gallery, crushing the carnie Imp under him very unexpectedly for us to see.
"OWWWW! Oof! Auuugh!"
I looked at my boss and got surprised. "Sir?!"
Blitzo looked at us in dazed and still gets mad at the robot coming after us who's burning. "Ohhh, hey, guys! You should probably go, uh, make sure Stolas and Faith is okay. I've... got some unfinished business to take care of."
As we ran to find Stolas and Faith, I saw Blitzo draws his flintlock pistol, cocks it, and fires at the burning Robo Fizz. The impact of the bullet spins Robo Fizz's head around, but when he spins his head back, he is revealed to be unharmed by the shot, having caught the bullet in his teeth. He then spits the bullet out.
"Oh, what a mouth!" Blitzo said to himself knowing that he's screwed by immediately grimaces when he realizes what he just said.
"Dang he is a strong robot huh?" I got jumped after seeing Faith looking at the fight.
"What the?! Faith come on we gotta find Stolas!" I quickly yelled at her not very loud and she noticed and forgot and starts flying.
Everyone's POV:
Robo Fizz coils himself up into his rolling form again, charging straight at Blitzo. He leaps out of the way as his enemy hit the booth, destroying it in a large explosion. Several pieces of shrapnel and burning prizes shoot in all direction, as the camera follows the severed heads of three of the "things" Moxxie attempted to win. The piece of stuffed animal strikes a young Imp boy in the head, knocking him unconscious the second a photographer takes a picture of the Imp family.
"Goddammit, Nathan! You ruined another bloody photo! Why were you even born?!"
Time skips for minutes
"Hey Faith! You found Stolas yet while you're flying?" Millie said to Faith while she keeps flying until she heard a noise from Stolas and Octavia.
"Their over there! It's At the Fun House!" Faith said as Moxxie, Millie, and Faith ran and founded Him trying to find his daughter until a A shadow appears behind Stolas, as a random Imp jumps upon his back.
Stolas was annoyed knowing that he needs to be bodyguarded already. "Umm, I think I'm supposed to be bodyguarded right now!"
The Imp covers Stolas' mouth with his shirt sleeve, but is suddenly shot in the head and falls to the ground by a powerful light beam too. Moxxie, Millie, and Faith appear in the entryway, Millie having just shot the Imp with a pistol and Faith using her powers fast to stop the creeps that was trying kill Stolas.
Stolas wipes Imp blood off of sleeve but still not happy about what's going on. "Ugh, that's better. Where is Blitzy? He's my knight in shining armor, not you littler ones."
Millie slides down along with Moxxie to check on Stolas. "He's, uhhhh... busy."
"Being a fool." Moxxie replied back as Faith join in too.
Stolas starts to talk back to them. "What kind of fool?"
Faith starts to speak as Millie was cuddling the thing, Moxxie grabbing a Gun in his hand, and Faith start to explain what happened. "The "everything is now on fire" kind. Sorry... but I'll remind you if he's okay or I can help you find her!"
"Fine. You can go with me. Just only Me and Faith only." Stolas said as a reply while Moxxie and Millie are gonna focused on stopping Robo Fizz.
Stolas leaves the imps as Faith followed him to Keep an eye on him, effortlessly both dodging between two swinging pendulums, and heads down a tunnel into an adjoining room. There, they both see Octavia riding in circles in apple-themed rail cars, crying.
Stolas saw her and grabs Faith for help, while coming to her and sitting down next to her, discards the Loo Loo Land hat and frowns. "Octavia... I take it you are... not having fun."
Stolas POV:
My daughter Octavia was still crying about what happened and she finally speak to me... "I didn't even want to come here!"
I tried to reply to cam her down while Faith still gets worried about what's going on and watches. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I... I thought you loved it here."
Octavia sniffs as she continued to speak at me. "When I was a kid and my parents didn't hate each other... and my dad didn't flirt with some... weird red d*ckhead the entire time."
I keep continuing to speak at her trying to apologize for what happened. "I'm sorry, Via. I'm sorry for... everything... happening right now. I know it's... a lot. I, uh-- I should have listened."
Octavia was still crying at me missing her home because of this. "I just want to go home... but home doesn't even feel like home anymore... You ruined it."
Faith gasp as she looks sad about it and I tried to speak up for words.. "You need to understand... your mother and I... I just-... I felt-... She's always been... I haven't been- Ha-... We weren't in... I'm sorry, I- I- I don't have the words."
"Stolas? Octavia? Am I okay to tell you this..?" We both heard Faith saying something trying not to cry as my daughter look at her.
"Go on..."
"Well... Stolas isn't wrong about parent relationships not working out anymore because... because they're d-divorced... I seen them yelled at each other... back then my dad hated my mom so much and actually hurt her with mean words and messages... a-and after they broke up for like almost 10 years now.. I wished it didn't happened to me... I just missed my old family when they are happy when I have to deal with their new gf or bf...!" We saw Faith really trying her best not to cry until she did emotionally broke down in tears with both shock sad eyes.
"Everything c-changed... even if my parents still have a like hate relationship for my mom and dad to text... I miss them being together without the yelling I have to go through f-from them when they keep telling me I'm whining from my voice and everything and to tell me to g-grow up when it's hard to grow up..!"
She keeps crying and venting out her past as I pull her into a hug as Octavia, still having tears hugging Faith too from her.
"I-I wish I can tell Blitzo and the others about it but... b-but..."
"Faith, you don't have to tell them yet. I understand everything from your human life." I said to her to try to calm her down as she breathes heavily from crying loudly and sniffling from her tears.
I saw Octavia understanding her too as she grabbed her bag, pulled off her favorite doll and taps her arm. She noticed it and hugs her pig doll to calm her down too and Octavia smiled. Right until she frowned at me saying this, "Are you gonna run off with him? And leave me behind? Go away where... I can't find you?" As I emphatically said this.
"What? No! No, no, never. I'd never do that. Never. I think it's time to leave this place. You were right. You are too old for it, anyway."
As I carried Octavia out of the Fun House, I hold Faith to carry her too carefully as an imp grins maniacally in the space above the drop-ceiling, looking down on me. The imp drops down and flicks open a switchblade as I immediately turns around, eyes glowing brightly. The Imp immediately turns to stone and is knocked over by a pendulum.
Meanwhile by Outside, the park has been reduced to pandemonium as dusk falls while I'm waking and still holding both of them as Faith saw Millie attempts to shoot at Robo Fizz, who rolls around wildly. The robot is caught by the draconic creature from before, and swallowed whole, as Moxxie rides on its back.
"H-Hey Stolas? There's one more thing I forgot to get from this theme park." I saw Faith wanted to be drop off and let go to walk herself.
"Oh okay. Just please hurry since there's a lot of fire suddenly." I said smiling at her as she ran to find something that she founded from the burning games.
Back At Faith's POV:
After calming down, I ran until I finally founded it from the other plushies that the Loo Loo Land park has. Suddenly I noticed the Robo Fizz plush are burned or torn off since I don't like the guy itself but i founded one last Robo Fizz plush left and I grabbed it quickly and fast, hugging it before the fire reached and blows the placed up and I started to fly fast and founded Stolas and Octavia leave the park gates.
"Okay I'm back. And I found this to keep when I come back to home as a souvenir!"
I said to them as I noticed both of them chuckled to make them smile. I guess they really liked me now huh?
"So, what would you like to do now?" Blitzo said to her daughter as I watched them talk.
"Oh, can we go to Stylish Occult? They sell weird taxidermy there." Octavia said to him as she smiled to him still.
He reluctantly thinks and gives her an answer and I nod to him to make sure it's okay. "Hmmm, okayyyyy..."
Octavia chuckles and is actually happy to him. "Thanks, dad. You're okay sometimes. And Faith, someday we should have a sleepover at his house."
"Really?! W-Wait you didn't have to-" I got shocked but Stolas was fine with it.
"It's okay, Faith. I'll try to be very careful next time to you and my daughter. Overall you are a nice human after all to talk about more of yourself. So Thank you, Via and Faith. Thank you."
I started to smile at them hugging each other until I heard A massive explosion rocks the park, sending the employees of I.M.P. hurtling through the air, smoking and screaming and All three land in front of Stolas, Octavia, and me.
"Oh my god! Are you guys okay?!" I said to them worried as Moxxie got up but still hurt from the fall.
"Way to ruin another good thing, sir!"
Blitzo got up and said this to himself. "Worth it! That sl*tty toy clown had. It. Comin'!"
After I see them Moxxie and Blitzo fall unconscious and A stray animal that looks like Queef grabs Millie by the hair and drags her offscreen, I looked at Stolas worried about them getting hurt.
"Shall I uhhh..."
"Don't worry, we'll take care of it." Stolas replied as i sighed in relieved knowing this might take long to get them recovered from that explosion and crap from that day.
This day might be the best or the worst for one of us but hey... at least we have fun. :)
(Chapter being worked on: July 18th)
(Second half of Chapter Finished Around: July 18th)
Words In This Part ~ 3,947
©Helluva Boss ~ VivziePop
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