Chapter 40

"And I'll reject him and that will settle everything."

Silence filled the room. Fuutarou was stunned by what he had just heard. Itsuki was leading him on the whole time... just to do that?

The incredibly smart Fuutarou Uesugi couldn't wrap his head around what was going on. But there was one thing he knew...

He had to get out of there. Fast.

Trying to not make any noise he quickly walked out of the apartment room and walked out of the building. Then his walk turned into a speed walk, then it turned into a jog, then it turned into a sprint.


The thought raced through his mind.

Why would she pretend that she's the one he chose? Why would she lead him on that far just to break it all down?

Soon he stumbled across the park. Ironically enough it was the same park that he had slept on the first night because he was "homeless."

Sitting on the bench he replayed the moment in his head. Itsuki and Miku seemingly were in a heated debate and he could only guess why.

But it didn't make any sense. They had been so close recently, walking home together everyday after class, being able to open up from each other...

Had that all been a way to seemingly favor her?

Was Itsuki spending time with him only to carry out her own plan?

Was she... pretending to be friends with him just to break him down?

He shook his head. No... that didn't make any sense. This was Itsuki we're talking about. The girl who stood up for him when Nino was acting out. The girl who used to give him tons of advice on how to handle the girls. The girl who he had the closest bond with...

There's no way she was only pretending. No... something wasn't adding up. What's the only reason why she would do something like this?

Then suddenly... it hit him.


Miku Nakano smirked. "So that's your master plan then? Did you not account for the idea that maybe Fuutarou doesn't actually like you?"

"If he believes that it was me he chose, he'll feel obligated to choose me now."

"Except the fact that he already knows you made that up..."

Itsuki paused. "What?"

"He asked me today. It seems that he was suspicious already about why he couldn't remember ever choosing. And then here you go waltzing in showing up out of nowhere saying it was you. So I told him the truth."

The red-haired girl clenched her first in frustration. "I wasn't fast enough..." she muttered.

"Why are you doing all of this?"

"Why am I doing this?" she repeated. "Because, have you seen the way you all act when he's around?"

Miku took a deep breath. "That's what happens when we all fall in love with the same guy."

"You guys did..." Itsuki corrected. "I'm not joining in the fight. I'm here to stop it."

She began to walk off again. Now Miku and Ichika were on her back.

"It won't work... in the end. It won't work. I'll make sure of it." Miku called to her.


A few days later Fuutarou and the quintuplets moved back out.

The air in the house felt tense. And Itsuki was in the middle of all of it.

Fuutarou didn't dare look her in her eyes, he was too afraid to start a conversation with her.

Itsuki on the other end was trying to get his attention in order to gain the upper hand on his trust.

Little did she know... it was probably no longer there.

Despite both Miku and Ichika trying to thwart her plan, Itsuki knew that those two (and the rest of them) would never conspire together.

All sense of trust within the group was lost. It truly was every man for themselves.

All gunning for the prize. And that's the man right next door from them.

So did the situation really change?

Itsuki Nakano seemed to think so as she patiently waited outside of Fuutarou's apartment.

Of course the situation changed, she and Fuutarou had all of the same classes together. Heck, they had the same major!

She would have the upper hand compared to the other girls since she got to spend most of the day with Fuutarou.

All she had to do was stay in his good graces. It's not like she wasn't in his favor anymore or anything.

She knocked on the door, waited a few seconds before it opened.

"Good morning!" She smiled happily.

"Ohhh, Nakano-san good morning!" Maeda returned her smile. "To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you this morning?"

"Uhhhh... is Uesugi-kun home?" She asked.

"He left a while ago. He seemed like he was in a rush."

"That's weird... we always walk together." She muttered.

She thanked him before walking to school alone. The further she walked, the more the road seemed to expand.

It was as though the gap between her and Fuutarou was growing. More and more.


She wouldn't be able to get any closer.


I'm so sorry guys for not uploading the past 3 weeks I'm recovering from a terrible sickness.

I literally had a 103 degree fever for like a week straight. It was miserable.

But I'm back now and hopefully I will be back for more chapters to come!

Let me know if you missed me or wished I would just die already.


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