Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Surprises on the way! Be ready!

Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking/speaking/singing


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Octavia please listen- "

"Why? Why can't you share?" Octavia demanded as she looked at her father.

Got a text a few days ago that Moxxie boyfriend came in from Loona. It was a bit out of the blue but she also remembers her mood. Another reminder to herself talking with Moxxie and that they were in a relationship. Loona didn't go further after that as it wasn't her place and she had no clue what the talk was about inside.

Right now, Octavia is finally able to talk with her father. Just a simple talk at first. Then asked if things were okay between him and Blitz. Next, following up as she asked about Moxxie and some boyfriend. It didn't click to her that she did meet the boyfriend before a few months back when he was working at imp. The hybrid. But it wasn't around. Didn't think too much about it. Probably just left.

"Via." Stolas face sadden. I'm not expecting this talk at all. Then to bring up Striker.

Never told his daughter who Outlaw was exactly. He doesn't know what would happen if he did. Along with relief of sorts Loona never mentioned it easier. Yet, now on guard on any details Octavia might learn. Hopefully not learning about his same assassin is now a possibility will be her guard.

That will be chaos. One, he rather has Moxxie here for that talk if it ever comes forward.

So, many questions are not ready to answer. Not for any of them either. Now this. His Starfire paying too close to their talks after all with Blitz. Or that obvious in the open.

"You love him, right?"

"Of course, I love Blit- "

"No, Moxxie. Puppet. You love them, don't you?"

"I." Grit their beak. Took another deep breath as he let it out. Take her hand to sit down by him. "I do care for them Octavia. I really do. Just like they have their way for caring for both of us in their own way. But right now, I can only do so much. Not just in a relationship but my other duties as well I want what I have with Blitz. I want to keep showing him I'm not that noble from before. That I'm taking this chance. We're both taking this chance. It is terrifying for the both of us and what will happen outside those doors."

Stolas knows eventually he and his father will have a confrontation. When? Not sure. Just knowing the talk will not be pleasant. It is never pleasant with him. Yet, this silence for so long and to not even getting some kind of call. Like a demand to not break things off with Stella. Instead of going through the legal system, King Asmodeus approved with King Bael and that whole thing they'll have to talk about. Either Paimon very out the loop what happening or could have something plan.

Plan for all of them.

"But Dad."

Stolas brushes her hair and gives her a weary smile. "I know you want this so us three could be happy. I would want it too. But right now, we are staying friends."

The teen soon let loose a tired sigh. "Fine."

A big hug.

"Things will be fine Via. Who knows it could just be a passing thing for both of us. Now I don't want you to worry about any of this. Okay my little owlet."

Octavia stare at him but sighs, "All right dad."

"Good. After I'm done feeding the plants. Let's sit down to look through the grimoire. I think you're ready to learn a new spell."

"Cool." A little smile as her eyes perks up about that. While the other wanted to push. She pushes it backward. Let them handle it. Watch her father get up to go take care of the plants. Gets up soon after to head to his office.


She swears it better not be another text from her Moth-Stella. Pull it out as she looks at it. Stare for a bit. Let loose a sigh as she then texts back.

I'm fine. Tell Stella to stop sending me texts before I block her for good.

Don't worry, I'll remind my sibling. Uncle will take care of everything.


Of course, my favorite niece!


Seriously why do they all have to be weird like this?

Put her phone up. Soon, my daughter and father's lesson time.

"You really are leaving at the end of the month?"

"Yes." Moxxie answered again.

Striker laying out on the couch. While he was holding Moxxie who was on top of them.

Striker practically moves back in. A week already past with the pair living together.

It was a bit odd for them. Too get back in touch what to do. Striker amused the extra room became well Flaw storage room. But he can't complain. Still a lot of space, even with their own stuff still here they left. It wasn't a lot but we kept together. Millie came down a lot or Moxxie would go over. To either just chill, hangout, or when they cooked.

Millie and Striker would have this stare off. Like waiting for the other to mess up. Or give them a reason to start something. It'll be tense. Millie did put Sallie on the phone. It was very verbal between the pair. Then one point Millie folks pop in. Just casually talking. Some anger around that Striker hurt their daughter. Which leads to if Striker ever needs to work the farm open up again.

Very normal by the way in Hell.

The job. Assassination is a job after all. Right connections. Who you are hired. Even the worthiness of the kill and price. A deep dark business in the criminal underground with their own rules. Bosses in different areas and rings. Deeper than many seem to think along with powerful. Rumors of those who could be leading it or not. Go, far to say maybe one the Goetias. Even a Sin to check in. Yet, nobody can say along with fingers pointing around. Don't need to cross to close to the line.

Many seem to be doing that lately.

You got those who run it. Those who hire for different jobs. Those who get the words out to clients vocally. It can be tough business too. Even for those who like the assassin. If you have names like the Outlaw. Boogieman. L'incinérateur. Bubak. They're recognizable. Recognize in the system bit not easy to get a hold sometimes. Unless already on another job, dead, won't take the job or a new number. The no face ones make it harder to contact. No idea what they could look. Which is good as you got to save your own skin. Won't be caught. Many want to hire them as they're really good. But don't get too cocky or annoyed if you don't get what you want. Or not able to find the one you wanted to hire. Like the imps will be a new one. Replace in a snap. Still Same with a Hellhound, succubus, incubus, aquatics, hybrids and you can name it all. Even a sinner but will be only focus in one place. That one place and territory can mean a lot unless you don't lose it. If you're like an overlord, a noble and even a Goetia don't care. If you're the best and messed up. Be replaced with another. Just don't be an idiot or fool when you hire an assassin in that kind of system. Unless you probably the one who will get killed. Or could be vice versa.

Any who!

While Moxxie went to IMP. Striker was doing his own thing. Work out. Clean up a few of his weapons along with Moxxie own being busy. Catch up on certain news in their own way in Pride. A few discussions with Stolas over the phone. Then other phone calls. One of the phone calls was to Maria.

Maria really got at him this time. She was pissed. Worried. Want to smack his head. Then to not mess this us again with Moxxie. That really stung me but I can see where she is coming at in a way. Then was told Bombproof was doing and well taken care of. Then she surprised him next on someone wants to talk with him.

Those damn mariachi imps!

Already made new ballads. Even sang it over the phone till he told them to shut up. Maria laughing in the background. Commenting got a new ringtone. Then she asked about the statue he just hung up there.  So, furious and embarrassed. Along with plans to dress up those imps as rats so Bombproof can eat them

"You got to come by. Bombproof misses you."

Striker gaze softened. He really wants to be back with his horse. Yes, got to take care of this new job for the time being. But will see them sooner than expected. "Could whip me up a portal."

"If I'm being nice."


"Madre wants a word."

"I know. I've been talking over the phone with her. She gotten vicious."

"Sounds normal to me." Relax against their chest. Just feeling their heart beat against their face. It was nice. "Maria will be coming up the second week to be with Ivy while I stay home."

"Sure, leave defenseless me here when they come after me."

"You and defenseless should never be together."

"Noted." Twirl their finger into their hair. "I have a question."

Please don't be Stolas, Blitz.

"It something the Doc mentioned awhile back. All most slipped my mind." A lot of things were happening way too fast. Plus, well still frozen in shock buy those eyes that scream unnatural. "He mentions about if we did intercourse. Then asked about your body."

"My body?" 

A little shrug and give them a wink. "Don't worry I didn't tell all those juicy nights when I got your withering against my mouth- "

Shove a pillow against their face. While their faces began to glow. Can hear them muffled behind the pillow. Roll their eyes and give them mercy. "What was that?"

"Still so adorable and innocent." Striker snickered as he sees them twitching. Look ready to bite him back. Little feral brat. "Come now you get so embarrassed since the farthest we went was making out and when I bit you a couple of times."

Moxxie crossed their arms. Glance away to not look at them.

"Aww am I making the Critter embarrassed? Nothing wrong with a biting kink."

"I don't have one."


"Hey, hey don't be like that and give me that look. I do enjoy what we just done. Always was enough for me. Of course, I would like to bit other parts- "

"Please stop talking." Put their face against the pillow as their face wouldn't stop burning. Maybe hope it can swallow them up.

"I will soon when I have your mouth back on mine. But I do want us to go back on the topic. So, what was he talking about?" Place his arms on the back of his head while he watches the smaller one's face. Already had this thinking look. It's a bit odd to see without glasses. A lot of things are different without them but prefer the other contact out. Then of course to just be very pleased to see those tears marks again with their freckle check as they puffed out.

"Wait. Oh, that." Moxxie shrugged.

"Well? What that?"

"I'm intersex."

Record scratch.


"I'm intersex. Do you know what that is?"

"Yes, a bit rare too but happens." Striker stare at Moxxie for a very long time. "You're positive?"

"I should know what under my clothes."

"Well pardon me. You really don't well show it with a lot of covering." Motion their layers. "Plus, the times I literally pressed your body against my own in our widen activities."

Cough a bit to not look at the confused, amused eyes. Face heated up. "My magic basically can well 'hide' it so to say. Like a skeleton when they don't show anything."

Unless you go to that route of the magic. That is something they would gladly like discuss again.

"That the oddest comparison and wonder if you're pulling my leg."

"Want me to pull your leg?" Tail wrapped around his leg.

"No." Look them over. "So, you have two parts."


"Did Doc well give you a checkup?"

"Not a physical one. That one. We just talk. That's it." It would be very awkward and I'm not sure they can ever do that. would have to murder them. Then not see the other face. Probably won't be too awkward for the imp being a Doctor. Just feels weird. Then the talk with Maria.

Teenage years suck.

"So, it that why you prefer they?"

"I'm Moxxie."

Stare as he let out breathe. Jeez Critter never ceased to catch him off guard. Should be used to this. "Ye, you are. Does anyone else know about your body besides your Doc and Maria?"

"Millie." Sees the shock look in his eyes. "It was during the time when we were roommates. It was accident how she found out. I um had a bad day. She doesn't know I can hide it but still some signs were showing. Really, I haven't expected I would well talk about this kind of stuff."

That day just felt like a meltdown they just couldn't describe. Millie just stayed by their side and just talked. Not leaving them alone. Not judging them.

"You didn't think a possibility you would be having sex? What about going out drinking? Party?" Okay yeah sounds ridiculous as it not Moxxie but you just don't know.

"I have a touching phobia so bad I become a feral ankle bitter. I'm lucky if my body doesn't crash going overboard with sensory when we make out. I skipped going out drinking to 'babysit' and relax. I'm not considered the most 'eye catching' demons to get one attention unless to bully. So, no. I haven't thought there a possibility out there that would someone want to bang m- "

Striker pulls them down for a kiss.

Shutting up the Critter now with that junk. Well, the last of that junk.

Pulls away from the kiss and pants. "That's cheating."

"Can't prove that." Pull their scarf down and part of the neck collar. Careful with the choker. Sees what he was. Let his tongue slide against the skin. Just feel their whole-body shudder. The tail grips their leg slightly.

He will never get enough of this reaction. Now to be told this Intel. Well, at least he is aware. Yes, delicious ideas too. But first is to make sure Moxxie just not overwhelmed. Even if they make such a cute expression like they will lose it on the spot.

Nuzzle the side of their heated cheek "Thanks for telling me. This is a lot."

A little shrug. Then eyes widen, feeling their hand slide down to rest on their lower back. The other hand held the side of their face to keep their eyes locked on them.

"I mean it."

Look at them. "Are you unhappy I never told you before?"

Tilt his head as he hums. "The magic I can get. Like we talk about. This one kind of hurt not be trusted to be told but if I were in you in shoes. Would take a long while, maybe even never, if I could trust another like that."


Grillo smiles stretch wide and force their head down into the water. Body spasm from the water. Then pain in the shoulder from that Holy Bullet.

"I hate him."


Realize what he said and shook his head. Wrap their arms back up and pull them very close against his body. Tuck Moxxie head close to their neck. "Remember how I showed you my photo I said was lost and then found."

"Yes." The Non-Prom photos.

"All right. Remember when I spoke about my time with the bandits."

"Yes." Felt their arms tighten. Nuzzle against their neck. "Hey. You don't have to talk about it."

Relax being nuzzle. The tail rattle softly as he lets it curled up around them. "His name was Grillo and I will never forgive that rotten carcass, along with those Blue Bloods- "

Moxxie listen to everything. Tail releases his leg while letting it wrapped around his tail. Listen to him. One point just held his hand to squeeze it tightly. Like he was lost. Just listen to his story as he began to go deeper into the explanation they didn't understand. Learn what Grillo done to Striker like they ripped another part from him.

Then the talk about that town that trusted him.



"It wasn't your fault. You were all deceived and tricked."

No, sound from the assassin besides slow breathing.

"I wish I was there to watch the one who killed that maggot."

"You would have been annoyed it wasn't you who did it."

"Know me very well." Nuzzle his face into the white hair. A low hum as he relaxes. "But I would thank them from not tossing that album back. Not let him keep what mine."

"Were there lot in the album."

"Yes." Look up at the ceiling. "Only one survived and shouldn't have been place in album."

A photo tucked and hidden in a safe, untouchable box. A young woman smiling holding their child.

"No, one."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Tough spot Octavia feels like she in. But in way Stolas is trying his best.

That right you got to lean about Moxxie! Along with how they done it. Magic!

Striker is going to need a longer lesson with all this. He did admit to Moxxie what he done in Grillo care as a bandit. Not easy.

Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye!

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