Chapter 3
"Congratulations, Houndpaw. Today's your first official day off!"
The small navy tom craned his muzzle upward, tipping his head as he cast Dawndapple a questioning look. "What? Why so suddenly? You said we were battle training today- trying to open the path to find my power."
The bicolored she-cat purred, bouncing on her paws like a kit. "Nope! Quakepaw and Brutepaw are becoming apprentices tomorrow- that means they have the forest to themselves for their final assessment. They're near done already, but they're having a battle in the clearing soon. I figured you'd want to see some of your denmates using their abilities and such."
Houndpaw perked up, ears pricking. "Yeah! That would be great! When will it start?"
Dawndapple turned her gaze up toward the sky, squinting her dim amber eyes at the shining sun, sheets of clouds covering small parts of the blue above. "It's nearly sunhigh, so probably in a few minutes. Tabbystripe and Rabbitstorm are out watching to give them their scores. It's reciting, hunting, then battling," Dawndapple explained.
"Reciting?" the novice echoed.
"Yeah." His mentor rolled her shoulders forward, blue tail curling around her side. "They have to give all the information on EarthClan, FireClan, and WaterClan, explain the definitions of common herbs, talk about the territories and their advantages, give lists of high ranks in other Clans, etcetera. You'll be doing that in a few moons, eh?"
"I'm only seven moons," Houndpaw teased. "Are you ready to make me a warrior so soon?"
"Of course not!" Dawndapple exclaimed, lips curling into a smile, her sharp canines showing behind. "Now, go do what apprentices do and wait for Quakepaw and Brutepaw to return. I'm sure Bloodpaw's looking for you."
"Ugh... come on Dawndapple, how many times do I have to tell you?" he groaned. "We aren't 'a thing.' Can I not be friends with a she-cat without being told I have some crazy love thing for her?"
"Hey, tom, she-cat, whatever," his mentor shrugged, holding her paws out in defense. "I don't mind. Just find someone you love, alright?"
"I know, I know..." Houndpaw murmured, ears flicking back. "I'll go find her. Maybe Firmapaw or something." Dawndapple nodded contently and the speckled tom turned, making his way toward the novices' den. He ducked his head inside, blue eyes adjusting to the darkness. He made out the familiar black fur and red eyes of Bloodpaw, the she-cat turning her gaze over to him. Houndpaw twitched an ear and padded over, furrowing his brows as he thought about this moon's past events.
Aside from the omen he had received last moon, training had been hard and Houndpaw had completely underestimated Dawndapple's techniques. Every day was a struggle, whether it was climbing, hunting, fighting, fishing, patrolling, anything really. He didn't get much time to talk to the whole group, mostly singling out Bloodpaw and Ochrepaw, since they were often the ones that went on patrol with him. The three were good in a group- Quakepaw was always talking, Moonpaw and Barbpaw were too loud, and Brutepaw and Firmapaw were always off with their mentors doing who knows what. So that had given Houndpaw a little more time to bond with the two she-cats. He could confidently say they were his closest friends.
"Hey Houndpaw," Firmapaw greeted, dipping her head and sliding over to allow him room. "Are you excited about the battle?"
"Oh, yeah," he responded, smiling a bit. "I'm eager to see who wins... I'm hoping it's Quakepaw!"
"Well, I dunno..." Bloodpaw trailed off. "Brutepaw is pretty ruthless in battle, or at least from the training I've done with him. He definitely isn't going to be going easy on poor Quake."
"The perks of being born on the same day as another kit," Ochrepaw huffed from the corner of the den, causing Houndpaw to jump out of his skin. The pale tan she-cat padded over to the three, eyes dim, her body swallowed by the shadows covering the nests. "Well, they can blame their parents."
"I think they're quite nice," Firmapaw countered. "Never met Brutepaw's, but... y'know, not everyone is lucky enough to have a family."
Houndpaw cocked a brow at the pale brown she-cat. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, no one really knows who Brutepaw's parents are," Firmapaw shrugged. "He was apparently just dropped off one day by some random rogue she-cat. Two moons old or something of the sort. Freezing, might I add. Grassleaper's told me the story of that leafbare about a million times- that's when he retired, you know!"
Houndpaw listened intently, even though Bloodpaw and Ochrepaw seemed quite disinterested in Brutepaw's heritage and backstory. "He hasn't ever wanted to find his parents? See who they are?"
Firmapaw laughed. "Would you like to ask him that?"
Houndpaw ducked his head a bit. "Not really, at least from what I've seen and heard..."
Firmapaw gave him a nod. "Good, you're learning."
"I'd rather go on patrol with him and his stupid mentor than to have to listen to you badgers gossip. Come on, let's go outside and wait for your friends." Ochrepaw waved her tail and padded out of the den, the sun shining down gloriously on her sleek pelt.
"They're your friends, too!" Bloodpaw called back, rolling her crimson eyes and rising to her paws. Houndpaw fell in beside Firmapaw, looking around camp for Moonpaw and Barbpaw. It was awfully quiet, so they definitely had to be with their mentors- then again, that seemed unlikely, since he'd been told no one was going out into the forest until Quakepaw and Brutepaw were back in camp.
However, Houndpaw's thoughts were challenged by, you guessed it- the loud singing of Moonpaw, the black she-cat running in circles around her chestnut-colored friend, the two running through the entrance and causing quite a ruckus. Barbpaw didn't seem annoyed by Moonpaw's loud screeching; though, a huge she-cat towering behind the two did.
She was a large dark gray she-cat, black stripes cutting through her fur, black spots covering her flanks and face. She had quite a vibrant yellow underbelly, her yellow eyes standing out against her plainer fur coloring, brown specks blazing inside, like a flickering fire lapping at the bark of a tree trunk. Amber speckles rose up her feet, twisting in a circular shape. That seemed to be her mark, but Houndpaw still wasn't entirely sure, and didn't have enough courage to ask Eveningtooth if that was the case. That she-cat could be cold and tough, but at times she seemed to be caring and motherly. The novice couldn't place what her true feelings were, but didn't want to find out either way.
Behind Eveningtooth was a thick-furred, foggy gray tom with broad shoulders with clear muscles that rippled underneath the missing pieces of fur. His tail curled behind him, a solid light pink that could probably distract any cat in the whole camp. His toes, nose, and ear-tips were the same shade of pink, his purple eyes (with, again, hot pink hues) shining brightly as he stared down fondly at his novice, much the opposite of poor Eveningtooth. Fogbreath's mark was quite easy to make out- a pair of dark gray eyes on his left flank, quite visible when he turned and the sun shone off his pelt.
"Come on, Moonpaw," Eveningtooth huffed, grabbing her novice with large paws and dragging the writhing she-cat back. "The battle between Quakepaw and Brutepaw is about to begin. Can't you be a little respectful?"
"That goes for you too, Barbpaw," Fogbreath warned as he stared at his novice, though his gaze seemed more fond than berating.
"Whatevs, I gotta meet up with my friends," Moonpaw responded, an angry Eveningtooth glaring after her novice. The black she-cat took no mind though, Barbpaw eventually making it over after conversing with Fogbreath.
"I'M SO READY FOR THE FIGHT!" Moonpaw exclaimed, eyes bright with excitement. "Are you guys?? I'll be cheering Quake on the whole time!!"
"Me too!" Firmapaw mewed, puffing out her brown fur when a cold breeze drifted by. "I'm afraid Brutepaw will hurt him, though..."
"I wouldn't worry." Houndpaw shrugged. "They aren't using claws, so-"
"No, they are using claws," Firmapaw cut in, a worried edge to her voice.
"That's what makes it fun to watch," Ochrepaw commented, a smirk gathering on her jaws.
"What? They... let them use claws? Why?" Houndpaw asked, completely taken aback. That made no sense to him.
"They want to see what they'd do in a real battle," Bloodpaw said, twitching a fly away from her ear.
"I haven't seen a battle before," Barbpaw chimed in.
"Me neither, but they still have to prepare," Bloodpaw answered.
"WELL I don't really care, I just know Quake is gonna destroy Brutepaw. I have faith in him. So does Firmapaw," Moonpaw crowed, blinking her eyelashes mockingly at her brown-furred friend.
"Ugh! You know I don't like him..." Firmapaw muttered, ducking her head.
Moonpaw sounds like Dawndapple. Houndpaw gave Firmapaw an amused glance until movement at the entrance of camp caught his eye. He turned his head that way, rising to his paws when he noticed Quakepaw bounding into camp with his mentor- Rabbitstorm- close behind. Rabbitstorm was a brown tabby tom with amber eyes, broad shoulders but a sleek body accompanied. He had an off-white tail and ear, and his mark was a deep red heart symbol strewn across his chin. The tom was quite the flirt, and Houndpaw wouldn't be surprised if every she-cat in the Clan was mesmerized by him.
Then, Brutepaw shouldered his way past Quakepaw, eyes dark as his fierce mentor stood behind him. Houndpaw had seen Tabbystripe a few times, but didn't dare to go near the white tom. He had a horrible temper and was very intimidating, even to the higher ranks. Houndpaw wasn't sure why Sagestar would let the green-striped tom be a mentor at all.
"Move it, will you? We've been out all day," Tabbystripe snarled, pushing Brutepaw forward. The red novice didn't respond, glaring at his denmates with pure hatred in his eyes. A finch and a large mouse dangled from his jaws, Tabbystripe carrying three more pieces of prey as well.
Quakepaw was cheerful as ever, a robin and a bluebird caught in his mouth. Rabbitstorm was carrying two small mice, flexing his muscles as he walked by she-cats mooning over him. Houndpaw rolled his eyes.
"I see you're showing off again," a light brown tom with a pale underbelly and legs addressed Rabbitstorm, hazel eyes sparkling with amusement as he padded over to the mentor. His mark showed blue electric-like symbols on his back, reaching to his tail and fading away. That was Harestep, Rabbitstorm's older brother.
"You know how they are," Rabbitstorm replied, winking at Birdscreech, who seemed to fall over due to his action.
"Hmm, I suppose, but I'm not as good with them as you are," Harestep purred, tipping his head toward Quakepaw. "And how are you, little man? Been making my brother work out?"
"Mhm!" Quakepaw exclaimed, smiling up at the light brown tom as he deposited his fresh-kill on the pile. "Yes! He's taught me well, though. I'm so excited for the battle!!"
"Be careful," Harestep warned, eyes flickering over to Tabbystripe towering over a defying Brutepaw. "He won't be going easy on you."
"I know, that's what everyone has told me," the novice huffed, twitching an ear. "When do we start?"
"Whenever Sagestar says it's time to," Rabbitstorm told Quakepaw, wrapping a tail around his apprentice and butting heads with him. "Agh, I'm gonna miss you so much! You know that? You're even going to be taller than me soon! I'm afraid my reign of the "king of flirtation" is being passed down to you."
"Hehe, we'll see," the novice responded, casting a quick glance toward Firmapaw.
The mindless chatter of the cats around Houndpaw was suddenly cut short by a hushed silence falling over the camp. The speckled tom's ears swiveled up and he craned his muzzle toward the pounding of pawsteps, realizing that Sagestar had leapt out of her den, her blue eyes shining in the sunlight that filtered over her Clanmates. A huge black tom joined her side, his dark pelt glistening against the rays of light with violet eyes standing out against his fur coloring. A violet tree wrapped itself around the underside of his leg, stretching up to his flank and sprouting into what looked like branches. Sharp canines poked out of his jaws and his muzzle was graying, ugly and scarred to accompany. Half of his tail was ripped off and many other faded wounds were scattered across his body. He look as tall, if not taller, than Sagestar did. Houndpaw found Snakethroat quite intimidating and didn't exactly speak to the deputy much.
Houndpaw became distracted when Ochrepaw suddenly jumped out of her fur next to him, spinning around to face her mentor, Adderleap, who was stifling a fit of giggles as he showed his normal pelt colors again, not blending in with his environment. "You scared me half to death!" the novice whispered, eyes blazing.
Stonestrike, Firmapaw's mentor, padded up from behind and slid next to the novices. He rolled his bright yellow eyes but said nothing, instead focusing on his superiors. Echocall eventually made her way over, nuzzling her novice Bloodpaw affectionately before waiting to hear what Sagestar and Snakethroat had to say.
The blue-speckled she-cat tore her gaze across her cats, eyes looking like a wildfire in the midst of a dark ocean. Sagestar flicked her tail as an order for Snakethroat to sit down, and he followed it with much ease.
"As you know," Sagestar began, her voice ringing out across EarthClan's camp, "today is the day two apprentices are going through the hardships of their final assessments. Quakepaw and Brutepaw have been working hard as novices for many months, and it's finally time for their final battle." She flicked her tail, eyes sparkling with what seemed like excitement. "Now, as most of you know, the two will fight with claws unsheathed in the middle of camp. Whoever holds the other down for seven seconds or more will receive a higher score on their test and will have a much better chance at becoming deputy in the future and being granted the rank of senior warrior."
All eyes turned to Brutepaw.
"Remember that no one may intervene, no matter how bloody the battle becomes. This isn't for killing- it's for showing your true strength." She nodded firmly and sat down, Snakethroat looking emotionless as always. "Brutepaw, Quakepaw, you may take your stands."
Brutepaw was first to stand, making his way to the opposite side of camp and taking his place firmly in the ground. Tabbystripe hovered behind him like an overprotective mother. Quakepaw narrowed his eyes at the opposing novice and butted heads with Rabbitstorm, tail whipping behind him as he faced Brutepaw with a high amount of determination.
"I'll squash you like a bug," Brutepaw spat menacingly.
"You can try," Quakepaw taunted. It didn't seem like this fazed the other red tom at all.
Sagestar watched the two and a distasteful look came across her features, but it was gone like a flickering light. Houndpaw was sure he was the only one that had seen it. "Are you two ready?"
They fell silent, pelts falling flat against their bodies.
Without hesitation, Brutepaw flung himself toward the dusty brown tom, claws outstretched and his face looking already smug. Quakepaw snorted like it was nothing and rolled out of the way, dirt kicking up in the air. The red tom spat in fury and lashed out at Quakepaw, this time successfully, causing a shred of three marks to appear on his cheek. Quakepaw reeled back but in an instant was on top of Brutepaw, the battle too fast for Houndpaw to even keep track of what was going on.
The brown tom was sinking his thorn-sharp claws into the other novice's stomach, blood edging the sides. Snakethroat's head was craned down toward the two, his jaws moving as if he were counting. Ah. He's keeping track of how long they keep each other down.
Brutepaw finally managed to kick Quakepaw off before he lost the battle so soon, spitting petty insults out of his mouth and spiraling toward the other novice like a rocket. The brown tom let out a yowl of terror as fangs collided with skin, bristling and tearing up fur. Dawndapple inclined her head forward, her eyes shining with interest, but Houndpaw could make out a hint of worry in there. Hopefully Brutepaw doesn't take this too far.
A second later, Quakepaw had Brutepaw on the ground, a paw keeping his head down while his paws writhed and tried to kick the other novice away. The red tom spun around and rammed into Quakepaw's stomach with his head, jerking him upwards and leaping off his feet, sinking his teeth into the brown tom's throat. Houndpaw watched in horror as Brutepaw threw Quakepaw halfway across camp, eyes gleaming with a hunger in them that the small speckled tom had never seen. He forced himself not to run out there and drag his friend away. Surely Brutepaw wouldn't kill Quakepaw... right?
"You stupid rat," Brutepaw hissed. "Did you honestly think you could-" Quakepaw split his lips back into a screech and tumbled over the novice, smashing him in the face with his paws back and forth, eyes ablaze.
"YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!" Quakepaw yowled. "YOU BROKE THE RULES, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING SNAKE!" Sagestar narrowed her eyes from above but didn't move a muscle to attempt to intervene. Snakethroat seemed more interested in what the dusty brown tom was saying rather than what could easily soon happen.
Blood began to drip from Brutepaw's face, the tom letting out a howl of pure hatred and letting his claws slash across Quakepaw's face. An ear-splitting screech ripped from the brown tom's throat as he toppled back, covering his face with his paws. His screams rung all around camp, Snakethroat jumping to his paws and quickly throwing worried glances over at the calm leader.
"I CAN'T SEE! I CAN'T SEE!" Quakepaw yowled, whirling around as spasms racked through his body. Houndpaw couldn't tell if that was from the cries or from the pain, but when the novice let everyone see what Brutepaw had done to him, the speckled tom drew in a breath of shock and felt the air around him disappear.
A jagged, bloody scar stretched from his lip, up his muzzle and through his left eye, tearing off the ear, the crimson liquid now covering his whole face and making it impossible to see brown anywhere there. He fell to the ground and began to shake violently. Brutepaw staggered to his paws, eyes narrowing as he watched Quakepaw.
"I CAN'T SEE! HELP ME, PLEASE!" Quakepaw wailed. Leopardflash and Ethrealheart, the two EchoClan medics, didn't care to even ask Sagestar as they hurried into the middle of camp, grabbing the tom and dragging him into their den.
"He's having a seizure!" Houndpaw heard Ethrealheart gasp. "What's going on?"
"It's from the shock," Leopardflash responded, no emotion evident in her voice. "Give me-"
Houndpaw stopped listening when he noticed Rabbitstorm crumpled to the ground, his paws placed over his eyes as sobs left his lips. "I could've saved him! Why didn't I save him?" Harestep padded over, curling up next to his brother and nuzzling him, murmuring inaudible things to hopefully soothe the distraught mentor.
Tabbystripe, however, grinned without mercy as he called Brutepaw over. The red tom cast a look toward the medic den, eyes flashing with something Houndpaw had never seen in his eyes before.
Was that guilt?
Eventually Sagestar and Snakethroat joined the medics in their den, the whole camp filling with quiet gossip. When the small blue speckled novice looked around again Tabbystripe and Brutepaw were gone. A huff left his jaws, his claws digging into the dirt. Good riddance, I say. Brutepaw is horrible. Anyone that hurts my friends will never have my respect- even if it means keeping a grudge until the end of time.
[ 7 / 9 / 17 ]
A/N: AYYY I finally finished this chapter!!! I've been really busy and haven't found much motivation, but after reading Wings of Fire I finally got inspired to finish this chapter. I actually really liked this, but please tell me what you think! I love reading all of your comments.
What do you guys think of Brutepaw and the way things work in these Clans with becoming a warrior? Do you think Quakepaw will be okay? And what will Houndpaw do about it? I'd love any input!
Thanks for commenting and voting if you do, and may LightClan lead your path!🌟
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