A Friend To Remember Chapter 9
Shout out to SyrupPie FriskyChocolate Amoncio123
for guessing the right answer
3rd Person Pov
There before stood A human boy who apparently liked to keep there dang eyes close and actually can see things!
He then walked towards you, who was surrounded by your friends and teachers.
"(Y-(Y/n)? D-do you remember m-me?"He asked, you then tried to remember anyone that looked like him
-The dramatic flashback!- (Why!?)
Little You was just sitting in your living room of your house, playing a board game even though you don't have any friends.
"Miha! We have guest! And she also has a son! You two could play together!"You mother said.
Then suddenly the door bell rings "Oh!it must be them!"She said then walking to the front door.
"Hello!"A new voice said "Oh my goodness Gurl! It's been so long, how ya been?!"Your mom said doing what aphmaus mom did *cough* Sylvanna *Cough* having a 'Girl' talk.
"Well, I'm have a son! And his name is frisk! Say hi frisky!"The new voice said.
"H-hi"He said "Aww you should my daughter! Miha vamanos! Get your butt over here and meet your new soon friend!"She said while clapping her hands together.
"I-umm"You stuttered out, hesitant to meet a new friend "Miha! Don't make me use the chancla on you!"She said.
"Ahh!"You said then ran over to the front door where your mom was "Well this is my daughter (Y/n)! (y/n) meet frisk!"She said.
"H-hello.."You said "Hi.."He said back while blushing tint of red "Well me and You are going to catch up some more! And Miha? You can go play with frisk!"She said.
You then slowly nodded your head and looked at frisk "C-come on! I have a Xbox that we can play!"You said and frisk smiled.
(I don't have a Xbox ;-; I only have PlayStation ;_;)
~End of flash back!~
"F-frisk?"You asked and he nodded he's head rapidly "Yes! It's me flower!"Frisk said using the old nickname he gave you.
He then hugged and of course you hug back "Wait, you actually know each other?"Goth asked "Well-"Frisk said but Then got cut off by the door slamming open to reveal pj and cil.
"(Y/N)!)They both screamed your name "ouch.."you said while covering your ears.
"Don't be loud!"Dr.Gaster yelled form across the room "S-sorry"Cil said and pj nodding after.
"(Y-(Y/n), I heard you got poisoned so we came here as fast as we can"Pj said.
"*Ahem* as I was saying! Yes me and (Y/n) know each other! We were childhood friends! Right Flower?"He asked "sigh, yes risky frisky!"You said playfully.
"H-hey!"He said while punching your arm playfully "Well It's good to hear that, But what time is it again?"Mr.Dream asked.
Mr.Ink then looked at his watch and his eye sockets widen "Its 6:57, wow it's pretty late"He said.
"Well we should get going, besides tomorrow school and we all need to rest"Coach Error said.
Then pj groaned "Ugh, what about (Y/n)?"He asked worried lace into his voice "well I'll ask dr.Gaster"Mr.Sci said then walking out of the room.
"So (Y/n)? Do you need anything? Like food or a glass of water?"Palette asked.
You schooled your head no "But, is my bag here? I want to read a book that I took from the library at my house"You said.
As you said that Goth then grabbed your bag and handed to you, you then began searching and found it.
"What is the book about?"Mr.Dream asked "Oh, it's about magic, potion, and other stuff"You said.
"Why do you want to know?"Quill asked "So I know what poison potion she used on me, I do remember the color was purple and green"You said then searching the page of poisoned.
"Oh, I found it, it's called 'Tombé Death' okay I know tombé means fallen in French, so it's fallen death"you said.
"Is there any info about it?"Dust ask "Yes, there is a good thing about the potion and a bad thing about the potion"you said.
"Okay..The bad thing is this potion can kill a person within 10 minutes, it also has a side affect that will only happen once, it also could change victims personality"You said.
"The good thing?"Cil asked "That the victim can be saved before 9 minutes, when they sleep there may be a slight chance that they will disappear but will re-appear once they wake up"You said.
"Huh, interesting"You said "Wait, how did you not disappear when you were passed out?"Frisk asked.
"I don't know.."You said, then suddenly open to reveal Mr.Sci who has a huge smile and Dr.Gaster.
"Good news (Y/n) you get to go to school but under one condition"He said "What is it?"You asked hoping you can go.
(Well who doesn't wanna go to school with undertale character, Hey! Even if I have to go to school but I e to meet undertale character that fair right?)
"You can't over work your self, and if you do, you will pass out, ok?"He said and you nodded your head "Ok good".
"Well I just need to run a few test on her and she can go home"Dr.Gaster said.
"Okay (Y/n) you can leave"Dr.Gaster said with a smile "Ok, thank you"You said while waving goodbye.
You then open the door and walk to the main hall of the hospital where the guys were waiting for you to come out.
"Okay, guys come on! It's late!"You said, frisk then started to look suspicious "hmm.."Frisk stated.
"What's wrong frisk?"You asked "Well..You don't look shy like you were before"He said.
"Now you mention it yeah she (1000 words) is more...Confident"Pj Said.
You then just shrugged "Well I guess that the aftermath of the potion"You said.
"Well, let's go"You said and everyone followed.
Sorry for late update and yeah no question for now but yeah sorry for not positing ;-; remember my wifi maybe will never be fix.
Word Counted:1060 words
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