A Twist of a life and A/n PLEASE READ part 29

Your pov
"Umm I pick angel?"I said awkwardly "Angel huh THATS PERFECT JUST LIKE YOUR RA-"Blueberry said but I cut him off by Pressing my finger on my lips telling him No "Umm I mean yeah it's a perfect name like your....your..... uhhhhhhh PERSONALITY YAH THATS IT YEA t-Totally yeah n-n-nothing weird umm heh"He said while sweating nervously, I gave him a thumbs up and he blushed "Angel That's beautiful for a nickname!"Day said, and every one agreed "So what class now?"Art,History, and clubs, Ok TO MR.INK CLASS"I yelled "Wait you guys have the same class as me, Can I join?"Raspberry ask "Sure, why not?"I said giving a warm smile that made everyone blush "Ahem ok let's go"Moon said "Bye!"Said idle and cray "Bye!"We said.As we walk there we chat a bit until me made it.

As we made, Raspberry open the door for me "After you, m'lady~"He said "Thank you sir~"I said while playing the roll hehe and I think the others are giving him a death glare "Ahh hello (Y/n)"Mr.Ink greeted me "Hello mister ink!"I greet back,We all got inside I sat down with sharp,Val,And song "Ok class today were going to draw Face expressions"He said and we all nod "Ok let's begin"He said as the class starts.

After finishing drawing, we got up to our next subject, History, Huh mister nightmare? I guess it's been awhile since I last saw him.We parted from raspberry as he kissed my hand goodbye and I blush while the skeleton eye light were out while sharp Was doing a insane smile, "Ok that's enough of scary stuff"I said to them "Oh yeah sorry angel"Sharp said as he use my new nickname "It's ok Sharpy!"I said giving him a nickname Like every nickname I made is just using the originals and combined With a 'Y' "Aww no problem, Your such a..."He trails off and then all the guys said something in unison "Cinnamon roll!"And that scared the fluff out of me THERE GOING TO EAT ME!.I quickly back away and they looked at me confused and worried "Angel is something wrong?"Val ask "y-y-you g-guys a-a-a-aren't going t-t-o-to e-e-e-e-e-eat me r-r-right?"I stuttered out, and they look each other and then me and they all broke down laughing "Ofcourse not haha Angel haha angel hehhe why do you say that?"Dusk ask "*Gulp* because you said I'm a cinnamon roll isn't a cinnamon roll a bread with cinnamon and got roll around and turn into a roll of bread with cinnamon?"I ask and they shook there head "No angel it's just a word to describe who you are Now let's go to the class"Noon said as well nodded I go back working to class.

When we made there, the class was noisy I guess mister nightmare isn't here,Then another Skeleton came, I think his the security

(To lazy to find his picture so I drew him do not steal if you want please credit the owner of the drawer and if you trace please credit the drawer as well thank you for your concerns)

"Hello class mister night will not attend today, so I will replace him for today and my name Is security Geno or call me Mr.Geno"He said Mr.Geno? Huh same like Geno from aftertale but he doesn't have a slash on his stomach, Ok I'm spacing out again Get back back to class already (Y/n) "Okay today we are going to take quizzes about how America was made (Don't ask I'm still doing this before I do my homework ok!)

*🕓⏯ time skip to the club*

Your pov
"So what club are you gonna choose guys?"I ask to the skeleton and one human boy "Well I join Chara Well gtg BYE!"Sharp quickly ran away as he said that Weird... "I'm cheerleading!"Day exclaim as he waved good bye and walk to the Gym "I think I'll go with gaming"Moon said as he said goodbye walking to the gaming club and talk to the leader as well known as blueberry "I'll go with you (Y/n)!"Noon said "m-me to"Song said as well and I nodded "I'm gonna be a photographer!"Val happily said as he's eye lights sparkled pink "Ok what about you Dusk? Or are you just to layback to pick?"I ask a little bit of teasing "Yup I'm club less"He said wow (Me and amber/royalteawolf = #Loner4life |(-^-)> )
"ok then bye guys see ya!"I said goodbye to Val and dusk, as me, Noon, and song followed me to the music club.

We were in the middle of the club and then song raised his hand up and ask if he could use the bathroom "Yes you can~"The teacher answered with the sound of an angel Wait isn't that me? Meh but I have a feeling about song.....

Where is he going?

Song pov
I excused my self out off the classroom club and I walked outside to the back of the school, meeting Chara and sharp and two other monsters that I don't recognize "Hey song ya made it.."Sharp said as he grinned and I nodded my head "So this is horror and dummy, oh Chara,bud, what do we do?"Sharp said and then ask "Hmm wellllll wanna prank someone?"Chara said as he had a smirk plastered on his and we all nodded "So what's the prank?"Horror ask "What about We do a pra-"Chara got off by the sound of screaming and guns

Oh no

"(Y/N)!"we scream as we ran inside the school building, we saw that there were robbers that are tying some teachers and student we tried searching for (Y/n) but she was no where to be seen UGGHH angel where are you!?!? And then sharp summoned a knife

And he charged and the robbers.He was doing a good job until he some one shot him.....

3rd pov
As the bullet was going to shoot sharp, A flash of light appeared in front of him, Sharp was closing his eyes waiting for the impact of the bullet of the shoot but instead he sees (Y/n) or as well known as 'There angel' was blocking the way and got shot right to the heart.Sharp look in fear while the angel smiled and made the words 'Get everyone out and save'Dhe said as she fall tot he ground.

The teachers you met al of them Pov
OMG (Y/N)!! OH MY GOD PLEASE NO DONT DIE DONt DIe just Don't die *Sobs*

Sharp and the other new sanses pov
She's gone She's gone??? NO SHES NOT GONE NOT YET NO NO NO Don't leave us angel please

Sharp pov only
This is all of my fault if I didn't just run up to the guy she wouldn't be like this, I CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT!

3rd pov
As all the school looked at (Y/n) with sorrow Except for bunny wannabe dead of course (STAHP) Sharps grip his name as he dash to the robbers and slice there leg, He fought and stop as the robber limp out of the school building but Instead they was arrested, as the ambulance quickly took the angel who is barely clinging on to life but then a bright light came and showed...

Accident happens And you can't prevent it angel~

Whoop whoop another chapter for you AND YES ITS ALMOST EASTER SO I DONT HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL AND I CAN UPDATE DAILY well if I can because my data always dies and my wifi is still not on so I hope you understand I LOVE GUS SO MUCH and probably if I get my data going up again there will probably More than 81 notifications than last time hehehe ok bye my little angel! Stay innocent (>^w^)> oh ya and tell me if you want to do a Truth or dare for the sanses and (Y/n) Sooo

*Yes      Or.    *no

Rules yes there is rules:
1.You can't make any dirty dares sinners

2.the only ship you can do is with (Y/n)

3.Please do not use violent words

4.you can only dare the monsters and human you have met

5.Please don't make it weirder than it's already is

6.You can ask more questions in the comment and I will add them

7.Enjoy the Funny and cute and emotional

Amber:Ok sis stop or I have to call night eye

Me:Ok she's my bestie

Night_eye_Undertale:Some one called!

Me:Nothin' just doing T or D


amber and night: BYE GUYS!

And yes I left you with a cliffhanger! Sorry for the 2nd cliffhanger heheh BYE MY ANGELS STAY INNOCENT OR NOT YOU SINNERS! Probably we all are BUT WE ARE TRASH ANGEL TRASH OTAKU UNDERTALE ANGEL! Agreed? No? 

Ok (>.__.)>[~] <---Beer I'm sad 😭 All alone well not really I'm with dusk cuz his #Loner4Life ok bye

1551 words

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