Chapter 41

In the hospital wing were Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Cortney. Three beds were in use, but one was empty. Harry was on one passed out and Ron was on the other with a cast on his leg. Cortney was supposed to be in the other but she was wide awake. She and Hermione were nervously waiting for Harry to wake up. Soon his eyelids revealed his emerald green eyes.  Hermione stood up to speak.

" Listen, they've captured Sirius. At any minute the dementors are going to perform the dementors kiss". Harry shot up.

" You mean they're going to kill Him !? " exclaimed Harry as he put on his glasses.

" No worse! They're going to suck out his soul ! " said Cortney. The doors flew open revealing Headmaster Dumbledore.

" Headmaster you've got to stop them! " Hermione said running up to him. " They've got the wrong man! "

" It's true sir, Sirius is innocent," said Harry.

" It's Scrabbers who did it," announced Ron.

" Scrabbers," questioned Dumbledore.

" He's my rat sir. He's not really a rat, but he was a rat, he was my brother Percy's first. But then they've--" began Ron.

" The point is we know the truth ! " said Cortney. " Please do believe us! "

" I do Ms. Lestrange. But I'm sorry to say the word of four fourteen-year-old wizards will conceive few others. A child's voice whenever honest and true is meaningless to those who have forgotten to listen. Mysterious thing time. Powerful, when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius is in the top cellar in the Dark Tower. You know the laws Ms. Granger, you must not be seen. And you will do well I feel to return before the last chime. If not the consequences are ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight, more than one life will be spared. Three turns should do it," Dumbledore spoke and winked. He went over to the doors, grabbing the handles. " Oh, doubt I find myself retracing my steps to be wise place to begin. Good luck". He then closed the doors.

" What the bloody hell was that all about ? " asked Ron.

" Sorry Ron, but seeing as you can't walk," said Hermione fumbling with the chain around her neck. She wrapped the chain around her, Harry, and Cortney. She turned the charm three times. Everything was a blur, when the charm stopped turning, they were still in the hospital wing. Just with no Ron. 

" What just happened ? " asked Cortney.

" Where's Ron ? " asked Harry.

" 7:30? Where were we at 7:30 ? " asks Hermione.

" I don't know, going to Hagrid's," Harry suggested.

" Come on! And we can't be seen " Hermione warned. They ran down the hall and outside, toward Hagrid's hut.

" Would you please tell us what're we doing ? " Cortney demanded. They stopped and peered around a corner, they saw themselves including Ron, talking to Malfoy.

" Wait, that's us," said Harry. They watched Hermione raise her wand at Malfoy's neck. " This is not normal".

" Hermione pulled them to the side and showed them the charm around her neck.

" This is a Time-Turner. McGonagall gave it to me when first term started. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year," explained Hermione.

" You mean we've gone back on time? " Cortney asked.

" Yes," she nodded. " Dumbledore obviously wants us to return to this moment. Clearly something happened that he wants us to change". They turned to Hermione punch Malfoy.

" Good punch," smiled Harry.

" Thanks," laughed Hermione. " Malfoy's coming". They ducked behind the building, watch themselves go to Hagrid's they stayed a safe distance behind. They hid behind the pumpkins as their old selves went into the hut.

" Buckbeak," Hermione said suddenly.

" What !? " they asked.

" Remember what Dumbledore said? If we succeed more than one innocent life can be spared," said Hermione. They looked over to see Buckbeak tied up, the executioner, Fudge, and Dumbledore walking toward the hut.

" Here they come we'd better hurry," said Harry.

" Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we take him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free," said Cortney. They looked back at the hut and saw Hagrid handing Ron his rat.

" That's Pettigrew! " Harry growled getting up.

" No, you can't! " Hermione hissed as she pulled him down.

" That's the man who betrayed my parents, you can't expect me to just sit here! " Harry argued.

" Yes ! and you must ! " argued back Hermione. They moved along the pumpkins so they wouldn't be seen by Dumbledore and others. " Harry, you are in Hagrid's now. If you go bursting in you'll think you've gone mad ! Awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time. We can't be seen".

" Fudge is coming," stated Harry.

" But we aren't leaving !? " asked Hermione. She picked up a rock and threw it, the vase in Hagrid's broke.

" Are you mad !? " Harry demanded. Hermione picked up another rock, threw it, and hit Harry in the back of the dead. Simultaneously they grabbed the back of their head. 

" Ow! That hurt! " Harry exclaimed. 

" Sorry," said Hermione. " We're coming out the back door! " They ran into the woods and hid behind some trees. Their other-selves hid behind the pumpkins.

" Is that really what my hair looks like from the back ? " asked Hermione.

" Be quiet ! " hissed Harry. Cortney stepped on a twig and snapped it. Their other-selves snapped their heads backward, before sprinting to the top of the hill.

" Go! Harry! Go! " Hermione ordered. Harry walk towards Buckbeak and bowed. Buckbeak bowed back. Harry untied the chain, he got pecked by a crow.

" Okay, Buckbeak. Come with us now okay? " Harry whispered pulling at the end of the chain. The large animal wouldn't move. Harry pulled harder, but Buckbeak resisted. " Buckbeak. Come on okay. Quickly hurry up !" Hermione ran over and grabbed a few dead ferrets.

" Come on! Come on Buckbeak! Come and get the nice, dead ferret! " Hermoine whispered as she waved around a dead ferret in her hand. Buckbeak got to his feet, Hermione threw him a dead ferret, which he ate happily. They froze when the door opened with Dumbledore, the executioner, Fudge, and Hagrid exiting the hut. Dumbledore was showing them Hogwarts and saying something about the land and the past Headmaster. They guided Buckbeak into the forest before anyone saw them.

" Now what? " Harry asked Hermione.

" We save Sirius," she answered.

" How ? " he asked.

" No idea," Hermione admitted. They sat a distance looking at the Whomping Willow.

" Look it' Lupin," Harry pointed out as Lupin went into the tree.

" And Snape's coming," Cortney added as Snape entered too.

" And now we wait," sighed Hermione.

" And now we wait," Harry confirmed. He then turned to Cortney. " What were you doing down by the lake, Cortney? "

" You'll see," Cortney said nervously.

" Hermione," began Harry

" Hmm? " She asked.

" Down by the lake, when I was with Sirius and Cortney. I did see something. That made the dementors go away. With a Patronus, I heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him, only a really powerful wizard could've conjured it. It was my dad. It was my dad who conjured the Patronus," said Harry.

" But Harry your dad-" began Hermione.

" Dead. I know. I'm just telling you what I saw! " Harry snapped.

" Here we come," Cortney said as they stood up. They watched themselves come out of the tree. They saw Cortney talk to Sirius for a bit before switching places with Harry.

" You see Sirius talking to me there? " Harry asked.

" Mhmm," said Hermione.

" He's asking me to come live with him," he said.

" That's great ! " spoke Hermione.

" When he's free I'll never have to go back to the Durselys again! It'll just be and him. We can live in the country, someplace you can see the sky. I think he'll like that after all those years in Azkaban," said Harry. They watched Lupin change into a Werewolf. They saw Sirius go and transform and they saw Cortney transformed too.

" You're an Animagus! " Hermione gasped.

" Shhhh! Yes now please do not tell anyone," Cortney said.

" Promise," they both said. They turned to see the three creatures tearing at each other. Hermione howled right when Lupin was about to attack the other Harry.

" What're you doing !? "Harry demanded.

" Saving your life ! " she hissed, she howled again.

" But now he's coming for us ! " squeaked Cortney.

" Yeah, didn't think about that. Run ! " shouted Hermione. They ran to the closet tree to hide behind. Went around the tree just to run into a growling Lupin. Lupin raised his hand ready to strike, they ended tripping over a root just in time. Lupin raised his hand again Harry got in front of Hermione protectively. She screamed, Buckbeak came out of nowhere and fought Lupin off.

" That was so scary! " Hermione exclaimed. 

" Professor Lupin is having a really tough night," sighed Cortney. The air began to get a bit chilly. They looked up to see the dementors circling one area.

" Sirius! Come on ! " shouted Harry. They ran to the edge of the lake on the other side front the ones getting attacked by dementors.

" Right there! You'll see ! " said Harry. " He'll come".

" Harry listen to me. No ones coming," said Hermione.

" Don't worry he will! He will come! " Harry assured her.

" You're dying, all of you," Hermione said watching the scene in front of her. Harry ran forward with his wand pointed at the sky.

" EXPECTO PATRONUM!  A silver stag appeared out of Harry's wand. After the dementors had gone, his Patronus disappeared. They saw Harry collapse unconscious onto the ground.

" Come on we need to find Sirius! " Harry said getting on Buckbeak. Cortney helped Hermione get on before getting on herself. Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry's waist as Cortney just held Hermione's shoulders.

" You were right! " Harry shouted as they flew. " It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was me! I saw myself conjuring the Patronus! I knew I could do it this time because well, I'd already done it! Does that make sense ? " he shouted over her heavy breathing.

" No ! " Hermione shouted. Buckbeak dove down to Sirius's cell. " Bombarda! " The bars of the cell broke open and Sirius was free from it. Buckbeak landed for Sirius to get on. Soon they landed at the school's entrance.

" I'll be forever grateful for this. To all of you," said Sirius.

" I want to go with you," said Harry.

" I want to go with you," stated Harry.

" One day perhaps. Sometimes my life'll be too unpredictable. And besides, you are meant to be here," Sirius said.

" But your innocent," said Harry. Sirius sat down to get a better look at Harry, and everyone else.

" And you know it. And that'll do. I expect you're tired of hearing this but Harry you look so like your father. Except your eyes, have," Sirius began.

" Your mother's eyes," finished Harry.

" It's a cruel thing I got to spend much time with James and Lily and you so little. But know this, the ones we love us never really leave us. And you can always find them in here," he put his hand over Harry's heart. Sirius stood up and got on to Buckbeak. " Hermione you are really the brightest witch of your age. And Cortney you look a lot like your mother, but you are pretty cool. Nice meeting you cousin". Cortney and Hermione both looked at each other and laughed. Buckbeak took off with Sirius. They watched till they were out of sight. The clock chimed and they looked at each other.

" We've go to go! panicked Hermione. They sprinted to the Hospital Wing just as Dumbledore closed the doors. 

" Well ? " he asked.

" He's free. We did it," panted Harry.

" Did what? Goodnight," Dumbledore said as he walked away. The three walked in to see their selves disappearing.

" How did you get there? You were--I was talking to you! And now your there ! " gasped Ron.

" What's he talking about ? " asked Hermione.

" I dunno. Honestly Ron, how can someone be two places at once ? " asked Harry. 

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