Chapter 8

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Dewey was thrown into the room roughly, landing on his ankle in an uncomfortable position, causing him to scream in pain.

"Shut up!" Bryan yelled. "Now sit, there and stay! And give me your phone!"

"I-I don't have my phone!" Dewey defended himself. 

"Fine, I'll believe you, but if the police come knocking, it's going on you," Bryan said harshly, slamming the door behind him and leaving Dewey alone in an old room with a twisted ankle. The blue triplet looked around the room, pressing his back against the wall. The building was old, and part of the room was cut off and opened to the world. The middle triplet whimpered, closing his eyes tightly. His body shook, as he tried his best not to cry. He swallowed a few of his sobs, hiding his face in his arms, his knees pulled up to his chest. 

"Wh-what have I done?" He muttered. The sun began setting, the moon began rising. Dewey looked up at the moon from the room, the talking had quieted down as time passed. He didn't know if they had forgotten that he was there, or if they decided to leave him stranded behind the locked door of a room that was literally missing one of its walls and half of the floor. He looked down at his lap, his ankle aching and pulsating. He heard the door open but didn't bother to look. His stomach growled since he hadn't eaten anything since the previous afternoon, his mouth was dry since the last thing he drank was whiskey.  

"Hey, Dewey." A voice called out. "Bryan wants you to have this." The blue triplet was thrown a small water bottle.

"I'm not thirsty." He lied, throwing the water bottle back to the person that had thrown it. 

"You need to drink something, take it." The person said harshly, throwing it in the direction of the middle triplet, making it hit his right shoulder. Dewey allowed the plastic bottle to hit him, not even flinching. "Bryan! Something's wrong with the new guy!" 

"What is it now!?" The latter boomed, making his way over to the room. "Dewey! Look over here!" He commanded. Dewey turned to look at his upperclassmen, his eyes bloodshot and slightly baggy. 

"What?" He simply spat out. 

"Hey! Watch that tone Duck."

"Yeah, whatever." Dewey rolled his eyes and sighed. Bryan raised an eyebrow, before shooing away the other gang member and walking over to Dewey, sitting down next to him. 

"Kid, listen. I have my reasons to why I initiated you into this gang, but right now, we're planning something big, and we needed someone small, like you, to help us."

"What is it, Bryan? Make it quick." Dewey turned away to face the wall next to him. 

"We're going to rob Duckburg bank," Bryan explained with a smirk. The blue triplet's eyes widened, although his upperclassmen didn't see.

"I-I can't! You can't! They can't! What if we got caught? What if we went to jail!?" 

"Hey, I'd go to jail, I'm nineteen. You'd go to juvy, but trust me, jail is much worse than that place." Dewey teared up at the thought of him being locked away in a place that was remotely similar to jail. 

"Can I, get out of it?" He asked quietly. 

"You have three options on what you can do to try and get out of it," Bryan stated.

"What are they, just tell me."

"You have to choose, one, two, or three?" Dewey sighed.

"I'll go with option two," Bryan smirked and leaned forward. 

"I'm glad you chose that one." The older duck stated, closing the gap between them. Dewey gasped when he felt Bryan kiss him. The middle triplet pushing him away.

"What the fuck!?" The blue-clad duck scooted away, wiping his beak from the kiss. "What the hell was that for!?"

"That's one of the reasons why I let you in. I've had my eye on you for a while now." Dewey's eyes were filled with many emotions. Horror, disgust, he needed to get out of there. Bryan got a bit closer.

"L-Leave me alone!" Dewey yelled, trying to get away, his heart was pounding. Why couldn't he have just stayed home!? Luckily, at that very moment, Jake walked into the room, needing Bryan to go stop a fight that had started. The middle triplet was shaking, but as Bryan left the room, Jake rushed over to him and kneeled down in front of him. 

"He didn't touch you, did he?" He asked amiably. Dewey gulped, his fearful eyes opened wide. 

"N-No....thank you." The blue triplet teared up and looked away, hiding his tears. Jake frowned softly and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"It's okay. You're safe." 

"I-I was so scared, I didn't know what to do," Dewey admitted. 

"You could have run aw-"

"I twisted my ankle." He explained, shaking his head softly. Jake pulled Dewey into a gentle hug, surprising the younger teen. "Wh-Why are you being so nice to me? And after you-"

"I needed to give you that cut. It was my only option, that, or have Bryan touch you while he did it." He explained. 

"Thank you," Dewey said softly. 

"It's no problem, Dewey, just, think of me like a big brother, that's here to protect you," Jake claimed, smiling softly at the one he now called younger brother. Dewey frowned, remembering that he had left his true brothers on hold. "What's wrong."

"My brothers.....they're worried about where I am, I-I just know it."

"Why'd you leave then?"

", got in a fight with them, and then drunk and asked one of them to kiss me....then I got into another fight and that's when I left." The middle triplet explained. "I need to get home."

"Do you need a ride? I can drive you there." Dewey smiled softly and nodded.

"Thank you, Jake," After sneaking past the rest of the group, and getting into Jake's car, he drove him back to the manor, helping him to the front door. Dewey rang the doorbell and was immediately embraced by Huey. "H-Hue?"

"We were worried sick Dewey, don't ever do that again!" He scolded. Louie walked up to the door and looked up, seeing Jake. He recognized, and not just from school, but from when he and Huey had found Dewey earlier that day. The youngest triplet growled, pulling his brother's into the manor.

"Thanks and goodbye!" He yelled, slamming the door. 

"Louie, that was my friend!" Dewey claimed.

"Some friend." He muttered. 

"He saved me from getting molested okay!? Some friend. Yeah right!" The middle triplet crossed his arms and turned away.

"W-wait, you almost-?" 

"Yeah, I almost got molested, just drop it." Dewey sighed and looked at the ground sadly. "I'll be in my room..."

"Dewey? We, actually need to talk." Huey stated. 

"I know, but can it wait till morning? I've had a really long day." 

"Oh, sure. Sleep well." Dewey sighed and limped his way up the stairs slowly, Huey and Louie watching him from the front door.

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