S1E7: The Children of Arkham (Arc 3)

We see Y/n, Petra and Mary Jane at the Parkers Hotel room where Mary is on her laptop and tries to find any information about the Children of Arkham and their leader, Lady Arkham but there was no information about them what so ever.

Mary: There's nothing about them what so ever. Especially their leader.

Y/n: So we have a unknown enemy.

Petra: Yeah.....but what if they were patients of Arkham Asylum?

Mary: I'll see if I can get access to Arkham Asylum network.

She types away and then Richard came in, he steps in and let's out a sigh.

Petra: Is everything okay dad?

Richard: Things are not going well for Bruce. His belongs with Wayne Manor was taking by police due to his parents being connected to the mafia.

Petra: That's terrible.

Richard: If this keeps up then I afraid construct of a new Mental facility will have to be cancelled.

Y/n: That's not gonna happen. We'll clear Bruce's name and his family.

Richard: I hope so.

Mary: Okay I found something.

Petra: What did you find?

Mary: Bad news there isn't much about the Children of Arkham but good news there is someone who reported about something that is related to the Children of Arkham.

Y/n: Who?

Mary: "Dr Harleen Quinzel." She use to work as psychologist for Arkham Asylum before she became Harley Quinn by the Joker. According to this, she mention about a group of people sayings "They were born from Arkham and they are the Children of Arkham."

Y/n: Looks like we need to find her.

Petra: But how? She could be anywhere.

Mary: (smirk) I might know where she is. According to some people, they saw her having at a run down hotel.

Y/n: Sent me the location, I'm going there.

Mary: Sounds good.

Y/n heads off to get changed while Petra noticed Richard looking at some papers which she ask him.

Petra: What are those?

Richard: These are the evidence that the reporter gotten that shows the Wayne's connection with criminal families. However something about this doesn't make sense.

Petra: Maybe it's a fake?

Richard: I can't tell if it is. I'm not a lawyer.......but there is someone who might.

Petra: Who?

Richard: Harvey Dent, also known as Two-Face. He maybe a crime lord but I bet his lawyer skills isn't gone. He maybe hard to convince but he might be our only shot.

Petra: Guess I'm gonna go and visit him Huh?

Richard: (smirk) Unless you want your father to go there?

Petra: No way!

Richard chuckles and hands Petra the papers and he tells Petra.

Richard: Stay safe.

Petra: (smile) Don't worry. I'll be fine.


We see Spider-man arriving at the run down hotel of Gotham. He lands on the wall of the hotel near the window and he looks inside to see nothing.

He opens the window and climbs through the window and climbs above the ceiling. Disbite being run down the hotel room was big.

He then drops down and lands onto the ground and looks around for Harley Quinn but there was no such luck.

Spider-man: No where are you?

He looks around and after first there was no sign of her. He noticed two large bowls with bones poking out.

Spider-man: I hope they are not what i think they are.

Then his spidy sense goes off and suddenly two hyenas suddenly launch out of the darkness and try to attack. However Spider-man dodges and land on his feet.

The two hyenas turn snd growl as they slowly approach Spider-man. Thinking fast he webs a bone and he waves it over him which gets the hyenas attention.

Spider-man: Want this? Want this! Go get it!

He throws it somewhere and the hyenas goes after it. Once they were busy Spider-man let's out a sigh while he said.

Spider-man: Well that was easy. Now to their owner, where ever she is.

???: Right behind you.

His spidy sense goes off and he quickly turn only to be hit by a large hammer and he was sent flying and crash into a wall.

He fall face first onto the ground as he slowly sat up while Harley Quinn came over and stood over him with her large hammer in hand while wearing her suit.

Harley Quinn: (smirk) Looks like a spider get into my house huh? Well, time for this spider to be squashed!

Spider-man: Wow wait! I didn't came here to fight! I just want to talk.

Harley Quinn: And why should I let you talk?

Spider-man: I know you work as a psychologist for Arkham Asylum and during your time there, you heard something about the Children of Arkham.

Harley Quinn:......Children of Arkham? Huh, nobody took that thing seriously. They always told me to ignore them because they are insane.

Spider-man: I'm guessing the employees?

Harley Quinn: (smile) Yep. (Lower her hammer) Okay fine, we can talk but only because you look hot.

Spider-man: (gets up) Huh, I thought you find the Joker hot?

Harley Quinn: I'm through with him. Mr J can stick his jokes right up his ass. But ever since I dump him, he sent his men to try to take me back.

Spider-man: So he was hunting you down? That must be hurt.

Harley Quinn: Yeah. But enough about "Mr J". Let's talk about the Children of Arkham.

They soon move to the living room as they sat down and then Harley Quinn's hyenas came over and lick her which she hugs them both.

Spider-man: They seem cute.

Harley Quinn: (smile) I know they are because they are my babies. They are Bud and Lou.

Spider-man: Neat names.

He goes to pet them but they immediately growl at Spider-man which he immediately move his hand away.

Harley Quinn: (giggle) They don't like people with super hero masks.

Spider-man: Understandable. So about the Children of Arkham, what do you know about them?

Harley Quinn: Well if I remember correctly they were more or rumours.

Spider-man: Rumours?

Harley Quinn: Yeah. Ever wonder why there are so many patients within Arkham Asylum? Rumours say most patients weren't insane but rather sent there by rich people's of Gotham. You know how corrupt Gotham is, the rich people bribe the judge, the police and the Arkham Asylum employees just so they can sent their "insane" patients into Arkham either as a punishment or to teach others a lesson.

Spider-man: So they were once innocent people.

Harley Quinn: Yeah "was" until they also became insane. There was actually a story that does involve this. There was a woman who was sent there but where is the twist.....she was pregnant. The story goes after she give birth to a daughter, her mother passed away and with no mother or father.....she lived within Arkham for years. One day she found herself underneath Arkham Asylum where there were tunnels and soon it lead to her a Church like room with an angel statue above her and looking at her. They say the girl went insane and soon form a cult which was The Children of Arkham. Their goal was to break Arkham Asylum and free the children and seek their revenge on those who put them in Arkham Asylum in the first place.

Spider-man: That could be Lady Arkham's goal.

Harley Quinn: Those are just stories and rumours so it may not be true. However there is one patient who might more about the Children of Arkham. A patient called Professor Pyg. According to his records, he knows a lot about the Children of Arkham.

Spider-man: You know where he might be?

Harley Quinn: (smirk) I might keep that a secret.

Spider-man: Come on Harley, lives are on the line here. How's about we make a deal, what do you want?

Harley Quinn: Deal Huh? Well.....How's about this. If you find a way to get Mr J away from me and my babies, then maybe I can tell you where Professor Pyg is.

Spider-man thinks about it for a moment and then he come up with a idea.

Spider-man: How's about I book you to New York. That way, Joker will never find you.

Harley Quinn thinks about it for a moment, then she looks at her Hyenas and then said.

Harley Quinn: New York sounds fun.

Spider-man: I know someone who might give you and your Hyenas tickets to New York. To add some safety, we can make it seem like you disappeared for good.

Harley Quinn:.......Okay. Professor Pyg hangs out at the pork factory. You won't miss it.

Spider-man: Thanks, I promise I'll get you and your babies booked to New York without the Joker knowing.

He gets up and heads over to the window and then he opens to leave but then Harley Quinn came over and said.

Harley Quinn: (smirk) You know, your kinds hot for a new hero. Maybe the next time we see each other at New York, perhaps we go out and know each other.

Spider-man: Um sure, just as long there will be no crimes involve.

Harley Quinn: (giggle) I promise.

She then lend over ans kiss him on the cheek which made him blush underneath his mask while Harley Quinn smirked and watch him Web swings away to Professor Pyg's hang out.


We see an abandoned warehouse where gunfire can be heard inside as we the cut to inside to see Spider-Lady taking out Two-Faces gang.

They try to fire at her but she dodges their bullets and beats them up. She took out the last few gang members and once they were done she heard a coin being flipped.

She turn and sees Two-Face stepping out on the second floor above Spider-Lady as he looks down at her.

Two-Face: Well, Well, Well, look what we have here. A little Spider here to ruin my business. Your a bit early new hero.

Spider-Lady: I didn't came here to fight. I need your help with something.

Two-Face: My help? With what?

Spider-Lady: If you tell your men to stan down, we might talk.

Soon more of Two-Face gang came out and begin to surround her. However Two-Face flips a coin and once the coin lands on tails he tells his men.

Two-Face: Stand down. Let's her talk.

They stand down and Spider-Lady leaps onto the second floor and hands him the evidence which Two-Face takes and looks at it.

Spider-Lady: The reporters got those paperwork that shows that the Wayne's have relations with the mafia and other crime families. These are the transactions between the Wayne's and crime families. I'm hoping your lawyer skills may help.

Two-Face looks at them and after what seems like 20 minutes he nodes and said.

Two-Face: This is very convincing. Someone must be doing a good job making this as actual evidence.

Spider-Lady: So it's fake?

Two-Face: Yes but whoever did this is smart. Tell me, who give them the evidence?

Spider-Lady: We believe it might be the Children of Arkham.

Two-Face: (surprised) Children of Arkham?

Spider-Lady: I'm guessing you know about them?

Two-Face: Yeah and they are a group you do not want to mess with. Trust me, I've heard stories about them and let me tell you......they are cold blooded killers. Not to mention their leader. Their leader is smart and will do whatever she can to complete her goal. I even heard she kidnap a few patients and employees....they were never been seen again.

Spider-Lady: But now she's somewhere along with her army and they maybe target Bruce Wayne.

Two-Face falls silent for a moment and then he hands back the evidence but he tells Spider-Lady.

Two-Face: If i were you, I better be best grt out of this city while you still can. Trust me Joker maybe worse......but Lady Arkham and the Children of Arkham......let's just say.....you rather be dead if they kidnap you.

Spider-Lady nodes and then she swings off while Two-Face watch her swing away.


Spider-man arrives at the Pork factory and when he lands at the loading bay, he noticed Professor Pyg men laying on the ground dead. Spider-man looks at one loading bay door wide open and he goes in and sees more death inside.

Spider-man: Looks like someone beat me first.

???: And I'm guessing your not first.

His spidy sense goes off as he turn to see a gun being piinted at by a man wearing a red mask and jacket.

???: So who are you suppose to be?

Spider-man: I'm Spider-man, I'm just here to talk with Professor Pyg about the Children of Arkham.

???: Children of Arkham huh? Wait, your that Spider dude that Batman told me.

Spider-man: You work with Batman?

Red Hood: Sorta. Let's just say we don't see eye to eye. We'll since your good then allow me to Intro myself, names Red Hood. I'm the only bat family that is okay of a little blood.

Spider-man: I can tell. So what brings you here?

Red Hood: Thinking about Killing Professor Pyg. He's the guy that kidnap people and turn them into his dolls.

Spider-man: Sounds disturbing.

Red Hood: It's Gotham, criminals are always disturbing.

The two head inside and once inside they find more dead bodies through the hallway.

Red Hood: Boy, look at all of this. Things would have been more fun if I was here.

Spider-man: Remember, we only need to talk to Professor Pyg so don't kill him.

Red Hood: Good luck with that.

Soon they came up of a door which Red Hood kicks it open and they find Professor Pyg sitting on a chair facing away from them.

He sat in the middle of the room as they approach Professor Pyg and once close Red Hood tap his head with his pistol but then he fell off the chair and hit the floor.

Spider-man roll him over and sees that he is dead.

Red Hood: He's dead. Damn it.....I wished I was the one to kill him.

Spider-man suspect his body and noticed black vines in his skin along with a small hole on his neck.

Spider-man: It seems like he was injected by a drug.

Red Hood: Huh, what sort of drug?

Spider-man: Not sure.

Then Spider-man looks over to a table of test tubs and other science stuff. He walks over and noticed boxes that maybe from the trucks from the warehouse and inside was empty.

Spider-man: They must have came here to test on Professor Pyg which resulted to his death.

Red Hood: But what kind of a drug that cost him his death?

Then Spider-man finds some papers underneath the table so he pulls some out and looks at them.

Spider-man: Some kind of a insanity drug. According to this, it makes people go insane.

Red Hood: So did they succeed?

Spider-man: Who knows. But we need to take this to the GCPD.

Red Hood: Bad idea. They may have someone inside reporting things to their leader.

Spider-man: Right. Then perhaps we should-

Suddenly Spider-man's spidy sense goes off and quickly he moves Red Hood away as the wall near them blows up. They land on their feet and see Lady Arkham stepping into the room and stare at the two.

Red Hood: So this is Lady Arkham?

Spider-man: Seems so.

Lady Arkham: Your fighting the wrong side. The Wayne's are your true enemy.

Red Hood: I don't care, I onky care about putting down criminals let you.

Then her Children of Arkham charge towards them. Red Hood pulls out his twin Pistols and charge forward as he begins shooting at them.

Then Spider-man fights off the rest as he beats them up while Lady Arkham walks towards him. Spider-man then throws a punch at Lady Arkham but she catch his fist.

Lady Arkham: You have no reason of being here Spider-man.

Then time froze as Deadpool appear, stare at Lady Arkham and said.

Deadpool: Yep...she's definitely in Spidys harem for sure.

GwenPool: (appears) You really are upsets with Spider-man don't you?

Deadpool: Hey, we are BFF! While your the girl that wants to fuck him.

GwenPool:......Can't argue with that.

The two disappear and time goes back to normal and Lady Arkham place her cane at his stomach and fires q sonic blast that sent him flying and he crash into the wall.

Spider-man leaps back up and shoots Electric webs at Lady Arkham but she use hee cane to block the attacks and then she rushes towards him and the two fight.

Spider-man: You don't have do this! Bruce Wayne is innocent!

Lady Arkham: He needs to pay for his crimes! You either bring him in or your with him!

She fire her sonic blast but Spider-man dodges each attack. He then grab her cane and the struggle for a bit until she headbutted him and aim her cane at him.

He quickly dodges her sonic blast and then he stuck onto the ceiling.

Spider-man: You need to stop this!

Lady Arkham: Never!

She blast at him and he fell and hit the ground. Lady Arkham came over and stomp her foot onto his stomach and looks down at him.

Lady Arkham: I give you a chance, now you will pay for the joining him.

Suddenly bullets fly by her as Red Hood rushes towards her. But she fire her sonic blast and sent him flying and he crash into a wall.

Lady Arkham leaves Spider-man laying while she grabs the paperwork and makes her leave. Spider-man gets up and rushes out in hopes to stop her but when he go to the wall and look out, she was gone.

Spider-man: Crap.

Then Red Hood came up to him and said.

Red Hood: Well looks like I have someone to go after then. Tell bats that I'll be doing my own investigation about Lady Arkham.

Spider-man: Right.

Red Hood heads off while Spider-man was about to leave when Red Hood tells him.

Red Hood: Hey, you did well. Maybe we can work together again someday.

Spider-man: Hope so.

Then Spider-man Web swings away while Red Hood watch him swings away and then he leaves the pork factory just as the GCPD arrive to clean up the mess.

To be continued..............................................

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