S1E2: What a Shocker

It has been two months since Y/n became Spider-man and nothing important has happen since he became Spider-man. He battle some burglars, robbers, moggers, gang members and anyone who tries to harm the innocent.

Not only that but he has also help around New York and saving people from accidents. By the end of the first month he is known as this friendly hero that most of the city likes. Some dislike him such as Jameson of the Daily bugle who try to label Spider-man as a menace to the city.

We then see Y/n in class looking at the Daily Bugle newspaper that talks about Spider-man in a negative way which Y/n ignores as he tosses the newspaper backwards which falls into the bin.

Y/n: (mutters) Well not all people don't like me.

Petra: What was that?

He froze for a moment, forgotten that Petra sat next to him so he tells her.

Y/n: Oh...um I said not everyone likes....um.....mint. Yeah.

Petra: Um okay? Anyways you got plans for this afternoon?

Y/n: Oh I was thinking heading out to get a few things. Why?

Petra: I was wondering if you want to visit me and my family so you can meet them.

Y/n: Huh that sounds great. Maybe if I have time I might visit.

Petra: You sure?

Y/n: (smile) I'm sure.

Petra: If you say so.

Soon class ended and soon Y/n arrives back to his dormitory. After he lock the door he let's out a sigh since it is Friday so there will be no more class tomorrow or Sunday.

He walks over to check on his homemade suit. When he pick it up it was smelly, damaged and dirty.

Y/n: Boy, 2 months and this is the result. Goof thing I'm working on a new suit.

He tosses the Homemade suit into the basket and gets his new suit from the closest. Soon we see him wearing the new suit as he puts on the mask and then look at himself in the mirror.

Spider-man: Now look at you! Y/n, once again you are amazing with your magic.

He took his new Web shooters and once onto his wrist he crawls out of the window and then shoot out his webs and swings through the city.

He does some tricks while swinging through the city as he patrols the city until he noticed police cars driving to somewhere with their sirens on. He decides to follow them and soon he arrives at the bank as he stuck onto the wall near the bank.

Spider-man: Looks like a bank robbery once again. Can criminals not rob somewhere new?

Seconds later the bank doors burst open and the robbers open fire at the police. The police officers takes cover and then return fire. One of thr robbers pulls out a grenade launched and fires at a car which exploded.

A few cops fly back while the police car flips over and was about to crush a police officer when webs stuck onto his back and he was pulled away just as the car crashes onto the ground.

The officer was shocked and then Spider-man lands next to him which he turn and quickly gets up.

Police officer: Your the human Spider!

Spider-man: It's Spider-man officer and don't you worry, I got this.

He then swings over to the robbers and he swing kicks the robber with a grenade launcher into the back while he does a flip and shoot some webs at them. Their weapons get Webbed so they tosses them away and rushes towards him.

Spider-man's senses goes off and he immediately dodges a few shots from the other robber and disarm him by shooting his webs at the barrel of his pistol and pulls it away.

He then tosses it at the other, hitting him on the head while he land on his feet and begins to fight them. He did some training during his free time so he became a good fighter.

He beats up and even webs up the robbers and soon only one is left. He had no weapons so he took out his knife which Spider-man froze.

Spider-man: Is that a knife?

Robber: Yes.

Spider-man: (scared) Oh no! My weakness is sharp, pointy Knives! My only weakness!

Robber: Wait? Really?

Spider-man: Nah.

Then he webs him up and after he did that he looks at the robbers and says.

Spider-man: Man you guys really need to find new hobbies cause robbing banks is getting too old.

Then his spidy senses goes off and immediately moves out of the way when a energy blast shoots by him and Co a explosion at a wall of the bank.

It left a hole as Spider-man stuck onto one of the pillars of the bank and looks over to see their leader stepping out of the bank with a bag of money while wearing a suit with high tech gauntlets.

???: Who the hell are you suppose to be?

Spider-man: Cool custom. Where did you get it?

???: You don't look like a cop.

Spider-man: No but if I were, you can call me (deep voice) Spider-Cop.

???: Your annoying.

Spider-man: Sorry I should have introduce myself, his names Spider-man, new hero and you are?

Shocker: Call me The Shocker.

Spider-man: The Shocker? So what, you shock people with your suit?

Shocker: How's about I show you.

He then throws his fist back and then swing it towards Spider-man which fires a blast of energy which Spider immediately dodges. The energy shock destroyed the pillar which Spider-man was on and he lands onto the ground.

Spider-man: That's awesome! Hey do you have time to talk about how does that work?

Shocker: Will you shut up!

He then fires a blast once more which hits Spider-man and sent him flying out of the bank and crash at the side of a police car.

Spider-man: Man....that is some punch.

Shocker was about to walk out when Spider-man shoots out is webs and zips over and kicks Shocker away and he shuts the door and webs it up.

Spider-man: No way out! Wanna talk or should we fight?

Shocker: Your starting to piss me off!!

Spider-man: Fight, well get ready to get your butt kicked!

(Battle music start)

Shocker blasted his shock energy at Spider-man but he dodges and swings around the bank while Shocker continues to shoot shock energy at him.

Spider-man: Bro your aim is bad! Have you ever test it?

Shocker gets even more mad and then she shoots the shock energy onto the ceiling which shook and cost Spider-man to fell but he land on his feet.

Shocker rushes towards him and throws his fist at him but Spider-man dodges as he does a flip and then he webs his back and he throws him over and slammed him to the ground.

Shocker gets up and actives a shock wave onto the ground which shoot costing Spider-man to lose his balance and fell. Then Shocker rushes at him and leaps up and was about to strike at him but he shoot his webs and slides away as Shocker punches the floor.

Spider-man flips back up and turns around and sees a bag of money so he shoot his webs at the bag of money.

Spider-man: Don't forget your school bag!

He throws it towards Shocker which hits him. In response, he throws a table towards Spider-man which he catches the table but Shocker rushes at him and punches the table and the blast sent Spider-man back.

He was slammed onto the wall and fall to the ground while Shocker walks towards him and then pick up his head and lifted him up.

Shocker: Any last words?

Spider-man: I thinking making a Transformers Revenge of the fallen reference but it's more of a villain thing.

Shocker: Oh I'm gonna enjoy ending you.

He was about to finish him when suddenly webs stuck behind him and he was pulled across the bank and crash onto the wall.

Spider-man gets up and then a figure lands in front of him and he looks at the figure and is shocked to see someone wearing his suit but it's more female then a male suit.

Spider-man: (surprised) Wow nice suit! Didn't know there is someone making customs about me.

???: Custom? You copy me man.

Spider-man: Huh? I didn't copy you. You copy me. By away, who are you?

Spider-Lady: Call me Spider-Lady.

Spider-man: So not Spider-Girl or Spider-Woman?

Spider-Lady: Well your name as "man" at the end like Batman and Super man.

Spider-man: Good point.

Then Shocker gets up and he let's out an angry yell and shoots shock energies at them which they immediately dodges his attack.

Spider-man: We can talk about who copies who lated after we deal with this guy.

Spider-Lady: Guy any plans?

Spider-man: Well those gauntlets is his primary weapon so if we disarm that, he'll be nothing but a guy with a custom.

Spider-Lady: Good plan. Let's do this!

The two swings towards Shocker while he fires shock energy's at them but they dodges and Spider-man lands a punch at Shocker while Spider-Lady land on his back.

He tries to get her off while Spider-man webs up his legs so he couldn't move while Spider-Lady webs up both of his arms and stuck them onto his chest and then she lands next to Spider-man znd the two double kick him.

He slammed into the wall and then they Web him up onto the wall.

(Battle music ends)

He tries to breaks free but he couldn't so he gives up while the two high fived and then they swing away just as the police come in and too shocker and his men awake.


The two land onto the roof and after they took a deep breath Spider-man ask Spider-Lady.

Spider-man: So did you really copy me?

Spider-Lady: No you copy me.

Spider-man: Alright, Alright. Here is what we gonna do. Since we both have same powess and same suit, I think we just reveal each of our identity and explain how we gotten our spiders.

Spider-Lady: Okay. Ready?

Spider-man: Ready.

They grab their mask and then they took them off. Y/n is shocked to see Petra and so does Petra. They stare at each other for a moment and then the two Call out at the same time.

Y/n: (shocked) PETRA!!!??

Petra: (shocked) Y/N!!!??

Petra and Y/n: (Points at each other) You have Spider powers?! Yeah, but how?!

Y/n: Okay, Okay, Okay! You go first and explain how you gotten your Spider powers.

Petra: Okay well do you remember that trip to my families company?

Y/n: Yeah?

Petra: Well I was with my dad and uncle just minding my own business when suddenly I felt like something bitten me so I look down and just for a second a saw a spider crawling away and disappear underneath a table.

Y/n: Wait? Spider? Was it the Spider that was missing some it's cage?

Petra: I think so. Then next morning I woke up only to find out I have powers.

Y/n: How did you figure that out?

Petra: Well I was walking down the halls when suddenly my Brains goes off, almost like it was warning me and that's when I noticed a student about to be hit by a ball so I rush over and catches the ball perfectly. Then I noticed I can wall climb, jump really high and have super strength. What about you?

Y/n: I have my hand stuck onto different things. I even hit myself with an alarm clock.

Petra: That would explain a lot. I told my dad about it which he is surprised and uncle Ben told me to use my powers with good so I made this suit and Behold, I'm Spider-Lady.

Y/n: Wait, you told your parents?

???: Yep and it seems she's not the only one with Spider powers.

They look over to see Richard standing near the exit which Y/n ask him.

Y/n: Where did you come from?

Richard: You two are on my company roof.

They then look over and realise they were at Parker Industries without knowing.

Y/n: Huh. How convenient.

To be continued.....................................................

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