The rise of Darth Vader, death of Padme & the birth of Luke, Leia & Catherine
As time went by things for my mother and father grew hard. A few months before they were married my father was having bad dreams about his mother Shmi. Despite direct orders from the Jedi to remain on Naboo he returned to Tattooine to look for her.
He was surprised to learn that Watto had sold her to a moisture farmer named Larrs. He rushed to the farm in search of her and was intorduced to her son Owen and his girl friend Beru. Then he was introduced to Shmi's husband. He explained that early one morning before dawn a group of Tuskin Raiders had kidnapped her. They had searched for her for months with no success and Tuskin Raider's were not known for keeping their captors alive. Larrs insisted that Shmi was dead but my father refused to believe it and went in search for her.
It didn't take him long to find her in a near by Tuskin Taider's camp tied to a post. She was badly beaten and barely alive. She was happy to see him and as she attempted to tell him that she loved him she died in his arms. Furious he ignored his lightsaber and killed the Tuskin Raiders. He confided in my mother the horrible thing that he had done. "I killed them and not just the men, the women and children too. They were animals and I slaughtered them like animals." My father replied tearfully.
Things got better for a while but my father confided in my mother that he felt the Jedi were holding him back including Obi-wan. His mentor Palaptine encouraged this belief . When the jet I asked him to spy on Papa team he felt lost. What they had asked him was completely against everything they had taught him. He became completely confused and Palpatine knew exactly what the council had asked him and convinced him that it was because they were scared of him. Later when he discovered that the Sith Lords they had been searching for was his friend senator Palaptine he felt betrayed and was extremely angry.
He informed the Jedi of his discovery and they went to confront him. Palaptine had told my father that he had learned the balance between life and death in the force and that his mentor had taught him how to prevent those he loved from dying. My father beleoved this and desperate to stop his dreams of my mother's death from coming true he pledged himself to Palpatine's teachings. Thus Darth Vader was born.
Palpatine ordered my father to go to the Jedi temple and kill all those inside and to show no mercy. Then to go to the mustafar system and destroy Nute Gunry and the other separatist leaders. He did as he was told killing the younglings at the temple without hesitation.
Obi Wan and Yoda rushed to the temple but it was too late. Upon viewing the security tapes Obi-wan's heart was broken. Anakin had turned to the dark side and was now an enemy that needed to be destroyed. He begged Yoda to allow him to take on Palpatine for he could not bring himself to kill Anakin. Yoda shook his head and informed him that he was not strong enough to fight Palpatine. Obi wan insisted that he couldn't do it. "He's my brother."
"Consumed by evil Anakin has become. Gone is the boy you trained consumed by Darth Vader." Yoda replied.
"I don't know where to look." Obi Wan replied desperately trying to avoid the truth he knew that he must face.
Yoda replied " use your feelings and find him you will."
Obi-wan knew rhe only way to find my father was through my mother. He told her what he had seen and that my father had turned to the dark side but my mother refused to beleive what Obi Wan was telling her. It was then that she realized why Obi-wan was asking her where he was. She knew that Obi-wan intended on killing him. "I can't."
It was then that Obi-wan realized the truth about my mother and father's relationship. "Anakin's the father isn't he?" He asked looking at my mother's belly. My mom didn't reply and he realized that it was true. "I am so sorry." My mother knew she had to find my father so she had her ship ready. What she didn't know was that Obi-wan had snuck aboard the ship.
My mother rushed to the Mustfar system I. Search of my father. When he saw her ship land he rushed to meet her. My mom explained what Obi-wan had told her and he replied that Obi-wan was trying to turn her agenst him. He explained to her his new view and she was horrified. Tearfully she replied "Obi-wan was right. You've changed. Your not the same man any more. Your going down a path that I can't follow. Anakin, your breaking my heart."
Obi-wan stepped off the ship at the wrong time and upon for seeing him my father felt instantly betrayed. Angrily he placed her in a choke hold until she passed out. Obi-wan and my father fought and Obi-wan succeeded in cutting off all his limbs and he left him for dead. The Emperor had felt my father's pain and rushed to assist him.
Obi-wan took my mother to a nearby planet of Polis Massa where she was rushed straight into the medical infirmary. The robots informed Obi-Wan, Yoda and Senator Organa that for reasons they couldn't explain they were loosing her. "
"She's dying?" Obi wan asked shocked.
"She has lost the will to live. We will have to operate quickly if we are to save the babies."
"Babies?" Senator Organa asked surprised.
"She's carrying twins possibly triplets." The medical droid replied.
Yoda's ears dropped slightly at this news and Obi Wan looked at Padme in concern. "Save them we must for they are our only hope". Yoda concludes. A few minutes later Padme was screaming in pain as Luke was born. The robot nurse holds up a baby boy and hands him to Obi-Wan. "It's a boy." Padme touches his forehead and names him Luke. Then giving another cry of pain she gives birth to a baby girl. The droid holds her so Padme can see her and she named her Leia. Padme looks at the two infants and smiles slightly.
"Save your strength." He replied but leans closer to her to determine what she wishes to inform him. "You must survive. Your children need you."
"I can't." Then wincing in pain she gave birth to me.
"She has given birth to another girl." The droid informed Obi-Wan.
"Padme, you were carrying triplets. It's a girl." Obi-Wan said as the droid held me up so she could see me.
"Catherine." She said barely above a whisper. "Obi-Wan..."
"Padme you've got to save your strength your children need you. Please rest." Obi-Wan begged her to no prevail.
"Obi-Wan, there's good in him. I know there is....." Before she could finish her statement she breathed her last breath.
Meanwhile on Coruscant, the Emperor is watching as the medical droids finish up taking care of Anakin by placing a mask over his head to assist with his breathing. "It is finished he is alive." The droid informs him.
"Good. Good." The Emperor replies. "Lord Vader can you hear me?" He asks.
"Yes Master." Looking around the room he asks "where is Padme? Is she safe? Is she alright?" He asks.
"It seems that in your anger you killed her." He replies.
As a groan escapes Vader the room begins to pulse collapsing in on it's self. "I couldn't have! She was alive! I felt her! She was alive!!! NO!!!!!" Vader screams braking the shackles that held him. The Emperor smiles even with the loss of his limbs Vader is still extremely powerful in the force.
On an Alderan cruiser Senetor Bail Organa, Obi-Wan & Yoda meet to decide my siblings fate. "Pregnant she must still appear. Hidden safe the children must be kept." Yoda told Senator Bail and Obi-Wan.
"We must take them somewhere the Sith will not be able to sense them." Obi-wan replied.
"Split up they must be." Yoda decides.
"I will take the girl. My wife and have always talked about adopting a little girl she will be loved with us." Organa replies.
"And what of the boy?" Obi-Wan asks.
"To Tattooine, to his family send him." Yoda replies.
"I shall watch over the child." Obi-wan replied. "What of Catherine? What's to become of her?" Obi-Wan asked.
Deciding to test Obi-Wan Yoda replied "survive the child must not to die leave her."
"Die???" Obi-Wan asked looking at me and then back at him.
"The dark side of the force I sense in this one. Like her father I fear she will become. If allowed to live harm her siblings I fear she will. Focus on the welfare of her siblings we must. An apprentice to the dark side she must not become. Allowed to live the child must not be." Yoda replied.
"Master Yoda you have always taught us that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering. That these things lead to the dark side. We can't let the fear of this child's future allow us to make such a rash decision. You have always taught that the future is always in motion and because of that it is hard to determine. There has to be something we can do for this child. We can't let her die."Obi-Wan replied.
"Where do you suggest we send her Master Kenobi?" Yoda asked a twinkle in his eyes.
"Send her to her to her relatives on Naboo, they could raise her." Obi-Wan suggested and Yoda shook his head no.
"To her family she can not go. On Naboo safe the child will not be." Yoda replied.
"Master Yoda we must do something. Could she not come live with me?"
Yoda shook his head "protect the boy you must. With you the child can not go."
"Then what are we going to do with her? We can't leave her to die."
"Meditate on this I shall." Yoda replied.
"Much fear concerning the child I sense in you Master Yoda." Came the voice of Qui-gon Gin.
"Deny this I will not." Yoda replied.
"Are you really going to allow the child to die?" Qui-gon Gin asked with genuine concern.
"Allow the child to die I will not. However, what to do with the Child I know not." Yoda replied with a sigh.
"Perhaps the best choice of action is not to concern yourself with where to send her to keep her hidden but rather send her where the force leads you." Qui-gon replied.
"Master, have you come to a decision concerning young Skywalker?" Obi-Wan asked as they headed to their ships.
Yoda nodded. "To Naboo the child shall be sent."
"I'm confused I thought you said that this wasn't an option?" Obi-Wan replied confused.
"To her family send her we can not. However, to the local orphanage of Naboo send her we can. With a note send her. Provide her first name and the gift her father made her." Yoda replied.
"How will we get her safely to Naboo? Obi-Wan asked worriedly.
"As the daughter of an ambassador we shall send her. On your way to Tattooine contact a cargo ship you will. Leave the child with them you shall."
"A cargo ship? Master Yoda I'm confused.." Obi-Wan replied.
"Worry about her do not. Safe the child shall be." Yoda replied.
"Master, Yoda do you think Anakin's triplets will be able to stop Darth Sideous?"
Yoda closes his eyes for a moment before replying "strong the force runs in the Skywalker family. Until the time is right disappear we shall." Yoda replied not answering Obi-wan's question. After Senetor Organa leaves Yoda stops Obi-wan momentarily. "Master Kenobi, wait a moment. In your solitude on Tatooine training I have for you." Yoda told Obi-Wan.
"Training?" Obi-Wan asks confused.
"An old friend has learned the path to immortality." Yoda replied.
"Who?" Obi-Wan asked confused.
"One who has returned from the netherworld to train me. Your old mentor Qui-Gon Ginn." Yoda replied.
"Qui-gon but how could be accomplish this?" Obi-Wan asked becoming more and more confused by the minute.
"The secrets of the Ancient Order of the Whills he studied. How to communicate with him teach you I shall." Yoda replied.
"Will I be able to speak with him?" Obi-wan asked eagerly.
"Yes. How to join the force he will teach you. Your consciousness you will retain when one with the force and your physical self perhaps. Go now and may the force be with you." Yoda replied.
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