
Finally Mark gathers his thoughts and climbs out of the shower, slipping on a pair of gray sweat pants and a black t-shirt. Leaving his hair a wet, disheveled mess.

As he walks downstairs once again, laughter echoes from the kitchen, mixed with jumbled words of whatever conversation the three in the kitchen had. The red haired man walks in hesitantly, the feeling of eyes on him, their laughter halting slightly though the three smiled.

"Hey Mark, you feeling better today?"

Jack questions breaking the silence as Mark sits down, rubbing his temples as thoughts of the past threatened his mind again. Mark nods his head and plasters on a smile looking into the blue eyes of his love, who seemed to see right through his fake smile.

"Much better."

Mark responds, his brown eyes studying the Irish man's face, a hint of worry glinted in his eyes, but other than that he was his usual happy self.

"Mark can I talk to you..."

Jack suddenly says after a long silence had stretched out across the room. Mark raises an eyebrow and nods, standing up and following Jack out of the kitchen and upstairs to their bedroom. Leaving Felix and Ken in the kitchen to talk among themselves. Once in the bedroom Mark sits on the bed, exhausted mentally and physically from the past few days.

"What's up with you?"

Jack asks sitting next to the man, his movements still slightly hesitant, as though he waited for Mark to snap once again. The half Korean man sucks in a small breath, pushing his wet red hair from his face, unsure how to answer.

"Just... tired..."

Mark mutters under his breath, the green haired man seeing straight through his lies. Jack says nothing and reaches over, his hand intertwining with the red haired man's. Mark grabs his hand back and looks down at them, Jack had reached over with his once injured hand, the scars, though faded, sat still visible. Mark traces them softly with his thumb.

"Mark... I hate it when you lie to me... Please just talk to me... I'm worried about you."

Jack replies softly, his accented voice dripping with worry. Mark lifts his eyes from their intertwined hands and looks into the man's soft, ocean blue eyes, glinting slightly in the light.

"Sean... I just... I've just been seeing things.... And hearing things..."

Mark finally admits with a soft sigh, his gruff voice strained, as though the words pained him. Jack gives his hand a soft squeeze, silently urging him to continue, to explain everything.

"I saw... I saw Felix and Ken's eyes change... to... Their eyes..."

Mark says softly, not naming who 'They' were, but Jack knew instantly who he meant.

"And... Felix spoke to me this morning.... But his voice sounded..."

Mark continues, his hand squeezing Jack's tightly, as though he was afraid letting go meant he would never see him again.

"Sounded like what Mark...?"

Jack asks quietly after a minute of silence past, his blue eyes boring into the man's brown ones, which soon looked down, tracing the scars across his hand once again.

"It sounded dark... sinister.... It sounded like... Anti..."

Mark finishes finally, even just saying the name seeming to pain him greatly. Jack's hand tightens slightly around the red haired man's, his blue eyes looking down, the sadness that showed across his face made Mark's heart feel like it shattered in to pieces.

"You're just hearing things.... They're gone..."

Jack argues softly, though even he seemed to deny that idea slightly himself.

"Maybe we could get you a psychiatrist... they could help...."

Jack suggests quietly, his voice laced with worry.

"Of course... I'll just tell them that the evil parts of ourselves tried to kill us and now I think they're back.... That sure won't get me thrown in the loony bin."

Mark growls before sighing, squeezing Jack's hand in a silent apology for using such a tone with him, however Jack had seemed to ignore that, simply thinking about what Mark had said. Of course saying something like that would make doctors think he was crazy, but maybe he was, if he hadn't lost his mind already he certainly was on the way to doing so.

"Jack... I'm sure I'm just worried... I'll be fine I swear..."

Mark says softly, though of course he didn't think he was fine, not anymore. Jack's ocean blue eyes finally move up, looking into Mark's chocolate brown ones, his gaze seeming to scan for a clue to what Mark really thought, trying to find some way to help him. Finally the Irish man releases a soft sigh and nods, his grip on the man's hand loosening slightly.

"If you say so Mark... but I'm always here, I don't want you to hide these things from me anymore."

Jack responds softly, his voice slightly scolding the man for not telling him sooner. Mark forces a small smile and nods, his brown eyes staring into Jack's in what he hoped was a comforting manner.

"Alright... I'm sorry..."

Mark apologizes quietly, earning a gentle smile from the Irish man.

"I forgive you, Markimoo."

Jack teases softly, leaning forward and placing a soft peck against the man's lips, pulling away rather quickly much to Mark's disappointment, though he doesn't show it. The two men stand up and Jack leads them downstairs, where much to their surprise, Felix and Ken were in another argument.

Though this argument didn't consist of yelling like the last, their hushed tones showed their anger very clearly. Ken's back turned from the two, but Felix's blue eyes containing hints of annoyance and anger, fading once he saw the two men in the doorway, watching the two curiously.

"Ah Mark... Jack... We were just having a conversation.... Right... Ken..."

Felix mutters, a soft growl to his tone as he speaks the man's name, nudging him slightly. Ken sucks in a breath, seeming for a second like he would begin swinging on the man before he turns around, a forced smile curling onto his lips.

"Ah... yes... Just a nice little talk..."

Ken murmurs quietly, shooting a glare at the blonde Swede beside him.

"Sounds more like arguing... what's up?"

Jack asks simply, sitting down on one of the stools. It was clear there was tension between the blonde and black haired men. Even Jack had picked up on it.

"Don't worry about it... Just a friendly debate."

Felix confirms again, his voice seeming struggled to keep its calm tone. Ken mutters something under his breath however forces a smile once again. Jack opens his mouth to speak again, but decides against it and closes it once again, shaking his head.

"Right, you two seem to be arguing quite a bit..."

Mark speaks in a hushed tone, though distrust leaked from his deep voice. Jack shoots him a look and opens his mouth to speak before he is interrupted, his stomach emitting a fairly loud growl.


Felix questions with a small chuckle, Jack nodding with a small laugh.

"Always am."

Jack answers simply with a gentle smile, Mark forcing one to his face as well. The green haired man walks to the fridge, though seems slightly weary as he walks by Felix, and opens the door, the fridge light illuminating his pale face gently.

"We have no food... When's the last time we got groceries?"

The Irish man asks, blue eyes going to Mark who simply shrugged.

"It's been awhile.... I can go make a run... Jack wanna come?"

The red haired man responds raising an eyebrow at Jack as he closed the fridge, frankly just not wanting to leave the man alone. The green haired man hesitates with his answer, his blue eyes going to the Swede, who was distracted by something else. Finally Jack shakes his head and puts on a small smile.

"No, you go. It's rude to leave guests alone."

The Irish man finally answers. Mark, seeming hesitant, finally nods and walks forward grabbing Sean's hand gently and giving it a gentle squeeze, before leaning forward and placing a small peck on his cheek.

"I'll be back soon."

He murmurs softly before walking to the door. He looks back one more time, his brown eyes scanning the three people in the room before finally walking out of the door, silently telling himself everything was in his head.

Jack watches the door for a few seconds after Mark leaves before turning back to the blonde haired man and the black haired man, who seemed to be in a silent conversation, their eyes locked together.

Finally Felix breaks his gaze and sighs gently, seeming to put on a forced grin before looking at Jack.

"You know, I think I'm going to take a walk.... I'll be back in a little bit."

The Swede says with a smile, walking to the door, he shoots one more look at Ken, seeming to tell him something with just that one glance, and finally walks out, leaving Jack in the kitchen with Ken.

Jack couldn't stop his thoughts as they go to what Mark had seen, he'd seen Ken's eyes change to those of Dark... But that wasn't possible. At least that's what Jack kept telling himself.

"You okay Sean?"

The deep voice of Ken speaks, breaking Jack from his thoughts. Jack shakes away any remaining worries and nods, rubbing his temple gently.

"Yah fine...."

Jack responds before finally realizing Ken had used his real name, not something many people did, besides Mark of course.

"Just... Tired..."

He adds under his breath, his blue eyes scanning the black haired man in front of him. Ken nods and examines the green haired man back, his gaze strangely threatening, almost sending shivers down Jack's spine.

"I think... I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit... just let me know if you need anything...."

Jack finally says after almost a full three minutes of silence stretched out. With that he walks out of the kitchen, hurrying away from the black haired man though he didn't really know why. Once he gets into his bedroom, he releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, walking over to his bed and sitting down, back towards the door, and putting his head in his hands.

What is wrong with you Sean... he's your friend.

After about five minutes Jack hears his door open, and quickly turns his head, seeing none other than Ken. Jack sighs, silently cussing himself for jumping when the door opened.

"Hey Ken..."

He greets softly, rubbing his temples with his thumbs.

"Not quite, Sean...."

The man in the doorways speaks, his voice gaining almost a darkness to it.

Jack looks at him again, and at further inspection sees his eyes, now a deep crimson.

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