Let Me In

The night passes by quickly, and by morning the house was fairly calm once again. Mark and Jack stand in the kitchen, Jack making a pot of coffee as he talked with the red haired man. Carrying on a fairly normal conversation, and purposefully trying to not talk about their two house guests.

Both men look up as another enters the kitchen, Felix walks in tiredly. Mark greets him politely, as Jack simply glances at him once focusing on the coffee once again.

"How'd you sleep Felix?"

The red haired man questions, grabbing a couple cups from the cuboard. The blonde simply shrugs his shoulders, pushing a hand through the mess of hair ontop of his head.

"Fine I suppose..."

He mutters in response, blue eyes travelling to the Irish man who poured the coffee into the cups as Mark set them on the counter. Once done, Jack sets one in front of the blonde, and takes one for himself as the red haired man wraps an arm around his waist lovingly.

"I'm going to go take a shower... Maybe we can go get lunch or something today."

Mark suggests, turning his head and giving the green haired man a small peck on the lips. Jack nods and smiles gently as the man walks from the kitchen and up the stairs. Anti watches as well, his one blue eyes shifting to green once the man had left.

"We need to talk..."

Anti finally speaks to the green haired man who sips his coffee hesitantly, letting his blue eyes travel upward.


Jack asks simply. The blonde's mismatched eyes scan the man's face. This man had once feared him, once looked at him with terror in his blue eyes, but that was gone. Anti had shown his weakness in front of the man, and now he didn't see him as a threat. Perhaps Dark was right... Maybe he had grown soft.


The Irish man speaks again after the man had stayed silent, snapping the blonde from his thoughts. Anti shakes his head gently, pushing away those thoughts. That was a problem for another time.

"Right... Can we go somewhere more private...?"

Anti speaks finally, mismatched eyes travelling to the doorway that led to the living room, where Dark layed still asleep, moving occasionally and threatening to wake. Jack nods quickly, any excuse to get away from that man was fine with him, besides Anti didn't seem agressive, not yet anyway.

"Let's take a walk."

The Irish man suggests dumping the remains of his coffee down the drain. Anti nods in agreement, about to go get changed before actually looking down at his clothing and realizing he'd slept in his jeans and t-shirt.

Anti simply decides to wear that while Jack had already been dressed in a pair of ripped black jeans and a blue sweatshirt.

Both men walk out into the cool morning, the streets were mostly empty, thankfully. Jack chooses a random direction and begins walking the sidewalk, with Anti by his side.

Finally when they'd gotten nearly a block from the house Anti speaks up, keeping his mismatched eyes down as they walked, their footsteps nearly in sync.

"I need your help Sean..."

The man states quietly, seeming slightly angry he had to even ask for assistance. Jack looks over to him surprised, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

"You... the man who just recently tried to kill me... Needs my help?"

"It's not a big deal... You're still alive aren't you?"

Anti scoffs, finally lifting his eyes to glare at the green haired man. Jack rolls his eyes, shoving his hands into his pockets as he thinks on this, blue eyes roaming away from the blonde and to the cloud spotted sky above them.

"Fine... But what could you possibly need my help for?"

Jack finally responds, blue eyes studying the blonde suspiciously. Anti releases a sigh, a bit relieved Jack agreed to help, but still slightly pissed at the whole situation.

"I need you.... to..."

Anti speaks quietly, struggling to get the words out. Finally he sighs and stops walking, making Jack stop in his tracks as well, turning to look at him as his eyes slowly raise.

"I need you to help me get rid of Dark..."

Those words make the Irish man's eyes widen slightly. He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. What could he say in response to that?

"You... You want to get rid of him? I thought you two were... You know..."

Anti rolls his eyes after Jack had finally spoken, letting his mismatched eyes narrow in annoyance.

"We were... Let's just say he pissed me off... And I'm done taking his shit. Will you help me or not?"

Jack chews on his lip, blue eyes cast downward. Of course he wanted to get rid of Dark, but how the hell would they manage to do that... Of course they thought they did once, but that didn't work out as well as they'd hoped.

"Fine... But how exactly am I going to help you?"

The green haired man finally asks after a few minutes of silent thinking. Anti's mouth twitches into a small smile at the mans agreement.

"I have a plan... but first... I need you to do something for me."

Anti responds simply, his smile dropping, replaced with stone cold seriousness. Jack gulps silenty, his sudden seriousness frankly worrying him. The green haired man raises an eyebrow, silently asking what it was.

"I need you to let me in..."

Jack's blue eyes widen once again at this request. He thought back to when Anti was in his mind. He remembered the feeling of slowly losing control of his body, having to watch as the darker part of himself did terrible things, yet unable to do anything. Jack opens his mouth to speak, to disagree but is stopped as Anti speaks again.

"I know it's a lot... but if it's to get rid of Dark... it's worth it... right?"

Anti speaks quickly, his voice almost pleading. He wanted to get rid of Dark as much as Sean did, however Jack was still skeptical about the situation.

"How do I know I can trust you...?"

Jack finally asks after a long silence, his voice lowering with each word. Anti sucks in a small breath, averting his gaze.

"You don't..."

He finally responds after almost a full minute, his mismatched eyes moving to the Irish man once again, questioningly. Jack sucks in a breath, lowering his ocean blue eyes once again as he thinks. Of course he didn't trust Anti, not in the slightest. However, he truly did seem to want Dark gone... Perhaps it would be a good thing. Then again, it could all be an act. There was no way to tell.


Jack finally answers, lifting his blue eyes hesitantly. Anti releases a breath he'd been holding and nods, a small smile playing on the edge of his lips.

"How does it work...?"

The Irish man asks curiously. Anti sighs and shrugs his shoulders smiling slighlty, though he did seem truly worried about the situation.

"I'm allowed to have my secrets... Let's just say it'll hurt the both of us... A lot..."

The blonde utters quietly, not seeming to want to do it much himself either. Jack sighs and nods his head, giving the man a go ahead. Anti reaches forward, gently pressing his hand against the top of the green haired man's head.

Jack releases a small yell of pain as his head begins pounding, the pain slowly increasing until it felt like his skull would crack from the pressure.

The Irish man clutches his head, biting his tongue to stop himself from screaming, and nearly falling to his knees from the pain, before it stops as suddenly as it started.

The green haired man sucks in a few small breaths, dropping his hands to his sides, and clenching and unclenching the fists a few times. He slowly raises his head, rolling his neck to the side, and flicking his green haire away from his face.

His lips curl into a small grin, as the iris of one of his ocean blue eyes, slowly floods a sickening green, until no more of the blue remained.

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