Chapter I
Underline - Letters, notes, writings..etc
Bold and Italics - Murder scene replay
Bold - Me talking to you guys
Italics - Thoughts
Normal - Story
Italics and underline - Memories
Take note also, the book will mostly be Laurence's POV. Got it? Also, the story will be like a mystery solving theme, so you can find the murderer yourself! Also, warning, all of theses people WILL be strangers to each other. Got it? Okay.
Ha! The greatest heart of Japan? Tokyo of course! One of the greatest academy in Tokyo? Well, Hope Peak high school of course!
I never thought I would've made it to this High school. I mean, this high school is like a role model. A high school for one of the best and gifted people. And I got in, apparently. I thought it was luck. I mean, look at me, I'm average.
When I first step onto the campus, the ever so slightest feeling you get that you're making a mistake. Well, that feeling came.
I was weirded out at first. "No! Laurence, you've been waiting this day for a long time." I prepped talk to myself. I kept on walking, until I'm in front of the building. "You can do it Laurence." I told myself. "You can." Before I can step inside the building, I immediately turn around, ran and fall to the ground.
"I can't do it!" I felt tears forming in my eyes. Legit me on the last semester.
"No! You can!" I yelled. I speed walked.
"No I can't!" I yelled, turning around.
"Yes you can!" I yelled. I sprint inside. It felt normal at first, until I felt something.
It was unbearable Hehe...Monokuma
It was horrible.
I felt pain. This pain was so bad that it felt like someone stabbed me. "A-Agh!" I yelped. I clutched my stomach as I fell onto my knees. "S-Someone!" I cried out. I felt my eyes getting heavy and droopy as I was falling. "Help..." I was slowly losing conscious from the pain I'm having. "Please..." That's all I said before blacking out on the floor.
I thought life was over. I thought everything would be good. Boy was I wrong.
I woke up, my head was banging and thumping from the fall. "W-What the hell?..." I looked around the area surrounding me and where I am. Looks like a classroom. "What the?" This is so unreal.
Security cameras? Iron plates? No windows?! "What the hell is going on?" I ran up to the iron plates that were planted on the wall.
"Urgh! C-C'mon!" I was struggling to get rid of the iron plates, but it was no use. "Ow." My hands were a bit bruised and beat up. After a while, I just gave up. I sighed and sat back down, that's until I found a note on my desk.
Was it there before?
I ran to it and picked it up. I then read it.
Welcome to School. A new semester has just begun. Since yer starting new lives, this school will be yer new world. Gather in the gym at 8 for a welcoming ceremony.
I looked at the clock. "Dammit I'm late!" I quickly open the door and closed it. The hallways seemed empty.
Guess they're already at the gym.
I kept on speed walking down the halls until I reached the gym. I looked at the door. I inhaled then exhaled a bit to prepare myself. I then opened the door.
As I opened the door, there were about fourteen people already there.
They all gasped then sighed. Seems like they're either worried, surprised, scared or disappointed.
Why are they so disappointed to see me?
"Yo! I expected another bro like you!" A male said. He had emerald green eyes with white, silver hair and tan skin. He was wearing a dark emerald green tank top with khaki shorts and sandals. "My name is Travis by the way!" Travis smiled toothily. "Now what's the next future I see?" He continued, scratching his head.
"So! You're finally here!" Another male yelled. He had blond, shaggy hair with dark blue eyes and golden skin. He was wearing a baby blue t-shirt with pink stripes. Yes get the Frisk reference He was also wearing dark navy blue jeans and black converse.'s horrible but I ran out of ideas "My name is Garroth! Now, time to get down to business To defeat the Huns and ask questions!" Garroth stated.
"Hey! Why're you late?" Another male yelled at me. I jumped back at the sudden question. "E-Excuse me?" I stuttered. "Why're you late?" He asked again. He had dark brown hair with dark brown eyes and tan skin. He had a black and grey stripe sweater with black pants and black vans shoes. "The letter strictly says to meet here eight o'clock sharp!" He barked. "What's your name though?" I asked, trying change the subject. He seems to calm down a bit after I asked that. "The name's Zenix." He replied.
"Yeah. Can you just, like, not?" A female blurted out. She had a raspberry pink hair color with blue eyes and almost pale skin. She has a Pink! shirt with black short-shorts and white converse shoes with pink laces. "Like, who gives a flying flip for being on time? None of us even know why were even here! And, like, my name is Ivy." She continued
"Q-Question." I female asks. Making Vylad a girl because one Vylad is for girls and boys and two it's for further on in the story She has short brown hair with green eyes and golden skin. She's wearing a maroon tank top with a brown leather jacket and a green scarf. She's also wearing blue jeans with black ballet flats. "D-Did you happen to wake up in a classroom all by yourself?" She asks. "Yeah, I did. No idea how I got there." I answered. "That's what I thought, that's exactly what happened to us. The name's Vylad by the way." She continued.
"Sudden unconsciousness. Only to convert to the Gym upon awaking." Another female spoke up. She has white hair like Travis with violet eyes and pale skin. She's wearing a black hoodie and black short-shirts along with black Uggs. The Uggs "Fabulously peculiar." She giggled. "My name, as spoken, is Sasha." She continued.
"Yeah, that's the word, peculiar." A male growled. He has black hair with teal eyes and golden skin. He's wearing a black tank top shirt with a skull on it and dark blue jeans. Along with that, he's also wearing black vans. "Reminds me the day back at Juvie. The name's Gene." He scowls.
Well he's rude
"Yeah, at this time, we got kidnapped." Another male responded. He had black, shaggy hair with black eyes and golden-tan skin. He's wearing a red sweater, revealing his bare six-abs chest. Made me uncomfortable writing that He's also wearing black jeans with black shoes. "Hey, maybe they'll keep our organs! Ha!" He joked. Everybody in the room looked at him. "S-Sorry! The name's Aaron." He quickly replied.
"Think positive! It's a motivational program!" A girl squealed. She has red hair with hazel eyes and almost pale skin. She's wearing a pink sweatshirt with light violet gym shorts and pink sneakers. "Oh, by the way, names Nicole!" She cheered. "This is supposed to be a special school right?" She asks.
"It's difficult to say." Another female replied. She has light blue hair with blue eyes and pale skin. She's wearing a blue sweatshirt with blue gym shorts and blue sneakers. "The name's Katelyn, for your information." She said.
Oh man, so loser them. Huh? Talk about freshmen year class.
I looked at a girl who seems way to nervous to be here. "H-Huh? I-I knew it! He's undressing me with his eyes!" She panicked. I looked at her in shock. "What?" I asked. She has ombré hair with orange eyes and pale skin. She's wearing a green long-sleeved shirt and light blue jeans with small golden boots. "Bet he thinks I'm a troll." She scowled.
"Oh please Kim." A deep male voice said.
So her name is Kim. Huh?
"He isn't certainly all that." The male clearly stated. He has dark, raven black hair with very light blue eyes Gonna make Zane have both eyes and very pale skin. He's wearing a suit and black shoes, which is way to formal. "The name's Zane." He continued. "Also, leave her alone." Zane said. "Why not take a picture of her?" He asks annoyed. "S-Sorry!" I said, defending myself.
I looked at a girl who seems to be out of space, thinking about something. She has orange hair with orange-red eyes and orange-tan skin. She's wearing a white shirt with black leather jacket and black jeans with black ballet flats. "Yes? Is there something you need?" She asks. "N-No nothing. Sorry! Hehe!" I smiled to ensure her. She just huffed and went back into thinking.
"E-Excuse me, the name is Laurence. Is it?" A girl asks kindly. I look up to her. "We went to the same middle school? Also, don't mind her. That's Lucinda." She continued. Let's make them know each other from middle school "A-Aphmau?" I ask.
Aph sighed gratefully. "What a relief! Someone I actually know!" She said. "Y-You actually remembered me? It's just that, you're way to popular t-to hang with me in middle school." Let's make Aph popular, okay? Aph just giggled. "Of course silly! After all, we went to the same middle school for three years!"
"Oh believe me I know! It's just were more popular than me, y'know?" I reassured her. She looked at me, shocked. "Oh I knew it! I was a whore back then!" She looked like she was about to cry when she put her head in her hands. I panicked. "Oh n-no! T-that came o-out wrong! I-I mean-" Before I can continue, she lifted her head up and giggled. "Just teasing!" I looked at her in shock, then compose myself. "Fine then, I take that back." I simply said.
She just giggled as so did I. "If you two are quite done flirting, we could move on to heavier matters?" Zane asks annoyed.
"Such as?" I ask. "Such as the current conjuring right now. Someone collected us here for a reason." Zane said, looking around the gym. "Gah! We're just essentially prisoners!" Kim panicked, while rubbing her head as if she's having a headache.
"At least they can do is at least give my phone back. I mean like, it's totally barbaric!" Ivy said. We all panicked after she said that and started to check our pockets.
"My phone is missing as well. Does this mean they confiscated it?" Katelyn said. "Yeah, no way. They'll give us our stuff back after orientation, for sure!" Travis said.
"In fact, it's already been foretold!" Travis cheered, taking out a crystal ball. "Dude, seriously? You trust a ball?" Aaron asks him. "Trust me! I'm right! These things tell no lies!" Travis said confidently. "Hm. Not that impressing." Kim scoffed. Travis glared at her.
Then all of a sudden, we hear the speaker, ringing through our ears. Everybody covered their ears to shield the pain that we're receiving.
"Testing! Testing! I'm just suggesting! 1! 2! Can everybody hear alright on this thing?" Someone asks. We all looked at the podium, were all scared and waiting for answers.
"Well, hiya kiddos! Time to go on the welcome wagon! Not literally of course. Not really sure what that means, but you guys get it!" The speaker continued.
"See! We're not prisoners! This is how they do things at Hope Peak!" Travis cheered.
"'re half right." Lucinda spoke up. I looked at her in shock.
We're all looking at the podium, waiting for something. We heard shuffling noises confine from the speaker stand. We looked and waited, that's when until a bear popped up out of it. One half of it is white and happy while they other half is black and evil. Racist ass
What the hell?
"I know what you're all thinking and no I'm not a high tech build a bear reject!" It yelled. "I'm the principal of this great institution! Monokuma!" It said. Then Monokuma did a little curtesy. "Nice to meet ya!"
"Eh?! I had a nightmare just like this one!" Garroth panicked.
"May I have some respect from you please! Monokuma! Your principal!" Monokuma said in frustration.
This is so weird.
"Yes yes! It's like nothing you've seen before! Unhandily! Unsettling even! Although, let's move on from who I am! Now listen up! I need your snappiest good morning!" Monokuma ordered, waving his hands in the air.
Zenix bend down then said: "Good morning principal sir!" Kim looked at him in panic. "Please don't encourage it!" She said. Monokuma seems a little disappointed. "Eh, that'll have to do I suppose. Anyways, welcome young bright things to your new living courters! Now before you guys yell at me, this is for your own good! It's better for you guys to keep you sealed from the outside world! To help your bright and young brilliant minds!"
"Hold on we-" Before I could finish, Ivy interrupted me. "I don't think so!" She snapped.
"So, you guys are wondering how long you'll be our guest for our program! Erm...maybe the rest of your lives!" Monokuma continued.
We all gasped of the answer we got from the bear.
The rest of our lives?
"Oh yeah! I mean by new living courters! I mean permanent living courters!" Monokuma said cheerfully. "Y-You can't be serious?" Aaron asks. "W-We'll be here...f-forever?" Vylad asks meekly.
"Aw don't be sad! Our astronomically budget will be in your service for your satisfaction needs!" Monokuma cheered. Big words hurting brain
"That's not the issue! What if we have families?" Aphmau asks. "No! Just no." Ivy continued. "Excuse me, so the iron plates in the rooms. Those are to shut us in?" I ask.
"Bingo! Your here for keepsies! Kick and scream all you want, no one else can here ya." Monokuma said coldly.
"Forgive me to suggest this less than ideal, but to spend of our natural lives in this confined space like this?" Sasha asks calmly.
"Hm? Natural lives? Well that's rich. Actually, for those to wish to leave, there is a loop hole." Monokuma stated.
"Enlighten us." Zane demanded.
"Good ol' fashion murder! Yes! The student who kills a classmate, and gets away with it, gets to leave this place scott free! Beat! Stab! Club! Slice! Curse! Torch! Strangle! Crush! Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh!" Monokuma laughed. Papyrus!
We all gasped at the idea of us killing each other. "Y'know what you all kids in a salmon got in common? You don't know how seeing you slaughter each other entertains me! The best of the best! The crim of the crim! The ghoulish out of all! Is there anything honor! Oh honor!" Monokuma motivated.
He's trying to get us to think this is okay! Not cool!
"You're crazy!" Aaron stated. "But why? What's possibly the point of making us kill?" Aph asks. "Yeah! Like what they said! If you think you'll make us kill, you're out of your mind!" Garroth stated. We all nodded, agreeing with Garroth.
"Oh really? Where do you think you can talk like that to your principal!" Monokuma voice deepens, making us even more scared.
"Wether you hate it or not sweetie pies, for here on now, this school is your entire world! Look in the bright side, I'm letting you get away with murder! For reals! Stop whining and start plotting!" Monokuma said, marching off out of here.
"You want murder Teddy-two-tone? Take this shit any further and you'll be victim number one!" Gene threatens, as he steps in front off Monokuma. "Is that a threat? Are you gonna scare me to death with that skull on your dumbass shirt?" Monokuma chuckled. Gene's face went white then red.
Gene then grabbed Monokuma by the neck then threatens him again. "Bitch! No! What I'm going to do is tear you from limb to limb until there's something making you jabber!" Monokuma then panicked. "Gah! School rules states that there will be no harm into the principal in any circumstances!"
That's when Monokuma stopped talking and his red eye started blinking, making a noise that scares me. "Uh, guys? What's that noise?" Gene asks nervously. Looks like Lucinda knows because the expression she has on her face. "Oh no! Toss him!" Lucinda ordered. Gene looked at her as if she was crazy. "Trust me! Just do it!" She warned.
Then next, Gene threw Monokuma High in the air, only to show that the bear exploded.
He's a bomb!
We all gasped at the explosion. Gene would've died. "This is real. Isn't it?" I asked meekly. "I-It could've blown my face off!" Gene choked out in fright. "S-So the teddy bear is kaput?" Vylad asks hopefully.
"Not a teddy bear! Monokuma!" We all looked at each other. Our faces were all white.
What! But he exploded! We all saw!
"Tada!" Monokuma then jumped out of the speaker stand, revealing himself as if we haven't seen him at all. We all gasped, seeing him being fine of course.
"Y-You son of a-" Before Gene could finish, Monokuma cut him off. "Consider that a verbal warning young man. Get smart with me, any of you, you'll be getting a warning or a punishment, and trust me, they're bad!" Monokuma warned us. We all gasped.
This bear is crazy! This shit ain't real!...right?
"This now concludes the introduction orientation boys and girls! Hope you guys have a fun and, not so long, lives here at Hope Peak High!" Monokuma then sank back into the speaker stand, leaving us dumbfounded.
"So if I understand this correctly, to make it out of this place is to kill?" Sasha asks. "Hrm! This is absolutely bogus!" Zenix boomed. "N-No it's a joke." Vylad said quietly, looks like she was about to cry. "Tch. A joke it may very well be, that doesn't leave concern for one of you having an idea to take this idea and value it." Zane stated.
So this is it, we are now students of Hopes Peak High. Our lives are different now. Tch. If you can even call it life. Because right now, our lives depended on us, our choices.
We're all trying to find a way to escape. "Well, give it a try." Nicole asks hopefully. Katelyn nodded then did this martial arts move. It was like all she needs to do is to punch the metal door. Katelyn did so, it came like lightning, but no scratch. "It appears my powers are weak for this." Katelyn stated.
We got our digital notebooks when Monokuma left. I turned mine on. It had everything, well, except cell phone service. It showed my age, full name, looks, date of birth, etc. "Hey! Not gonna lie, but I'm kinda digging in with the digital notebooks!" Travis stated.
"Nothing." Nicole stayed as they left the metal door behind. "Same here!" Gene said. We all looked at the stage, seems like Aaron and Gene were at the speaker stand trying to find Monokuma. Gene let out a frustrated groan and started kicking the stand while Aaron has some kind of hammer to try to open the stand.
"No! Don't lose heart friends! If we persevere, the way out are bound to show itself!" Zenix motivated us. "Yep! I'm with caption pep talk! It's better to stay positive than to spin our wheels!" Nicole agreed. "I agree." Katelyn simply said. "Yeah fine. Leave no stone un-shut. Right?" Aaron said, scratching behind his head, unsure to agree or not.
"I prefer to search alone." Zane simply stated. "Huh?!" We all looked at Zane who seemed fine with this. "Think that's smart?" Ivy asks angrily. "I do, yes, thinking that already one of you is planning my untiming demise." Zane simply replied, walking away from Ivy.
"Oh C'mon!" Aphmau said. "Only a fool would deny it." Zane talked back. Gene then ran in front of Zane, he looked pissed. "Whoah there pal! You think you can just do whatever you want!" Gene yelled at Zane. Zane stayed calm. "Hm. Out of my way emo." Zane talked back. I remember this part "Out of my way Narwhal" lmao Gene looked pissed at the comment. "Oh, your paranoia is about to be right on." Gene scowled, cracking his knuckles, getting ready to fight.
I reacted immediately. "Now hold on guys. Uh, the last thing we wanna do is fight." I said nervously. Gene looked at me as if I was crazy. "Say what?! The hell you think you are punk!" Gene then turn his attention to me.
The hell?! I'm just trying to help.
"U-Uh." Is all I said. "You wanna lecture me? Give me a lesson on teamwork!!" Gene yelled in front of me. "N-No! I-" Before I could finish Gene cut me off. "Shut up!!" Is all I could remember of what he said, next thing I knew it, I passed out.
I wake up in a room after the punch I've received.
Where am I?
I looked to my side of the bed, I then freaked out when I saw Aph. "A-Aphmau!" I screamed. I panicked then settled down a bit afterwards.
"Hey, welcome back!" Aph said cheerfully. "W-Wait are w-we still?" I ask Aph hopefully. "Afraid so, this is your room though." Aph said calmly. I looked around the room a bit "Everybody gets their own apparently." Aph said lowly. "I also got Katelyn and the others to carry you in here. If, you' don't mind." She continued.
"No, I don't mind at all." I said, smiling at her warmly. I then wondered about any exits. "Are they?" "They've been tearing the whole school apart for the past couple hours." Aph answered.
"I stayed-I mean, I was really worried about you and all." Aph said, blushing a bit. "That's sweet of you. Thanks, I guess." I said.
Aph used to be so famous. I mean, she was a head singer from the most popular band! And now she's helping an average person?!
"Oh don't be like that." Aph smiled at me. "W-Was that out loud?" I ask her. "No, but I can read your mind." She stated. I looked at her, startled. "Haha! Teasing again! Girl's intuition." Aph said. I laughed and she laughed.
"Isn't that the same thing?" I ask her, arching an eyebrow. "Look, I'm really glad you're here. Be a lot worse if I didn't know anyone." She smiled. "Yeah." I said. I decided to stand up.
As I got off, I stumbled a bit. Aph then got up to help me. "How ya feeling? Better?" She asks. I regained balance. "You bet. Besides, I don't wanna lie down and do nothing while everybody are trying to find an escape." I smiled at her.
Aph looked at me, then started thinking. "Well, if you wanna start the search, you need someone to scout out!" She says. I looked at her, confused. "You need someone that got your back silly boy." She giggles. She then grabbed my hand and held it tight. "C'mon! It'll be fine! Like detectives!" She smiled. I blushed then nodded. We then started to walk out of the room and let Aph lead the way to our friends.
We ended up in the cafeteria. "O-Oh hey there's the man of the hour! You okay?" Nicole asks. I smiled at her. "Sure am, never better." I replied. I ended up sitting next to Gene, since it's the only empty seat. "So, let's chop off the thing with stress." Gene said. I smiled at him. "Yeah sure thing Gene. No worries. We're all on edge, which we flare up sometimes." I reassured him.
"I doubt any of us will kill in front of witnesses. That is to say under presence circumstances, safe numbers in the room." Sasha stated. "Right. Listen up! I hereby called upon committee council of Hopes Peak High affairs." Zenix stated. "Take out your digital notebooks to get a better understanding of what I'm about to say." We did as we were told. "Great, now let's review our grounds, and remember, all cards on the table." Zenix said.
"I kicked the stupid lock-door for an hour. Didn't move as much as it did as I pummeled Laurence's face! It's hard as iron!" Gene yelled. "It is iron, so that makes sense." Sasha spoke up.
"At the end of the corridor, we found a stairwell, leading to the upper floor." Katelyn added on. "Though, the security gate was blocking the way and we couldn't even get it to budge." Nicole said.
"Hm. I see, it's interesting that certain areas of the facility are forbidden for the time being." Lucinda added on.
"The dorm rooms are actually quite nice. The beds are the best though! They're so bouncy. Any who, it's a let down when we have security cameras and iron plates on our walls." Garroth said in cheery then muttered tone.
"I reached the kitchen. They have enough food package to feed an army. So it's safe to say we won't go hungry." Vylad added on. "Oh sure! There's not enough to feed fifth teen people for their rest of their lives." Garroth said sarcastically. "No there is. The bridge gets restocked everyday according to how many we eat per day. See, Monokuma told me so." Vylad replied.
"Huh? Say what?" Aaron and Ivy asks at the same time. "You saw him?" Ivy ask him. Vylad then nodded. "He popped out of nowhere when I was in the kitchen then disappeared before I could see where he went." Vylad continued.
Zenix then cleared his threat to get everybody's attention. "Anything else to report?" He asks. "Report?" Kim asks. "We're still in the dark of this school and we're still trapped. This investigation was a waste of time!" Kim groaned.
"No, some useful information was gleaned at our joined effort." Sasha said. "We now know our boundaries of our confinement. And that we'll be here for a while." Sasha added. "Gah! Stop! I'm having a nervous breakdown!" Kim screamed.
"Monokuma made that perfectly clear. Where else should they show us to kill?" Zane added. "That's not something to joke about." Ivy stated. "Oh man! What're we going to do?!" Aaron yells.
"Adapt, I suppose." Sasha stated. "What?" Ivy asks, looking at her in disbelief. "This building is not that bad, just need some arrangements." Sasha continued. "So we just, like, suck it up and get used to be prisoners?" Ivy questions. "Game of survival neither the smartest nor the dumbest has the better advantage. But rather to most who are willing to adapt, the most pliable." Sasha smiles at Ivy.
We all looked at Sasha as if she's crazy. Which, she is! "Now I got your modest attention. How about I give you an actual modest choice." She states. "Yeah? And what would that be?" Gene asks.
"You will note in the rules, a designated curfew. An arrangement of sleep from ten to seven. Why not make a designated move during the night hours?" Sasha continued. "Like, what exactly?" Ivy asks. "At night, we stay in our rooms, simple as that." Sasha answered.
"What? What would be even the point?" Kim asks, panicking. "Think about it, my dears. Given the predicament, the dark hours will be especially hard on our nerves as it is. The tiniest sound will persuade us on the fulfillment. Now, this shows that peer pressure will be ensured during these hours." Sasha then finished. "Which is your point?" I ask. "This is the result way of, murder." Sasha answered.
The next day, we picked up the search where it left off. And a day after that. And a day after that, which we didn't made any progress at all.
"Rgh! Dammit! I'm telling you, no matter how many times I need to make up a plan, I got squat!" Aaron groaned in frustration, running his hand through his hair. "Were stuck. There's no way of getting out. No one is coming for us." Vylad then broke down and cried. "Aw chin up, Vylad! Someone from the outside are bound to start missing us soon!" Nicole said to Vylad, comforting her.
"Yes of course!" Kim agreed. "You think so?" Ivy asks. "Huh? Well, we've been gone long enough to raise the alarm, we're talking about three days! The police are bound to be closing the net around this place!" Nicole stated.
"Nyeh Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh." We all gasped at the laugh. We turned to the end of the table, only to see Monokuma.
"Dear oh dear. You're not betting your escape on law enforcements? Y'know, it's quite simple. If you want outta here, all I gotta see is a person with a weapon and blood on it! Easy as that!" Monokuma boomed. We all shrank back as this was happening.
"Huh! Well, I gotta hand it to ya generation people. You guys got the balls to be going up against the authorities. Though, this isn't really entertaining." Monokuma said annoyed.
"If you think you can trick us into killing someone, you're crazier than I thought!" I screamed at him.
"Eureka! That's the problem! I've got the perfect atmosphere, vital boundaries, and perfect amount of pressure. But not enough of the ingredients to make people snap!" Monokuma yelled cheerfully.
What have I done?
"What're you getting at buddy bear?" Aaron demanded. "Motivation, son!" He simply stated.
Motivation? Oh dear Irene no.
"All students go to the multi-media room at once. This will surely do the job." Monokuma laughed. I looked at everybody. "Multi-media room?" I ask. We all just stayed quiet and started to follow Monokuma. We ended up in front of a door, the sign said 'Multi-media room'
We entered to the room and waited.
"These are for you!" The bear exclaimed. He gave us DVDs and gave me one that has my name. I looked at Aph, she looked at me and we both nodded. Once I put my DVD in the player, I waited. Once it fully loaded, I could see my mother, father and my older sister, Cadenza.
"Oh my! Where in the world do I start? I'm so unbelievably proud of you Laurence darling! You'll do great!" My mother exclaimed in happiness. "Pretty big deal kiddo! Hehe. Just don't work to hard." My father warned then joked. "Have fun out there little bro! I am totally jealous of your luck!" Cadenza squealed. The DVD then glitch out.
"What the hell?" I asked. Once it finish loading, the house was trashed and my parents were gone. My eyes widened and I gasped. Soon, everybody else just gasped. "T-This is i-insane I have to get out of here." I told myself. I felt tears, stinging my eyes. "I have to get out of here now. I want to see my parents again." I kept on saying.
Soon, I looked at Aphmau. The color of her face was gone and she looked like she was about to cry. The she got up from her seat, backed against the wall, started to hug herself then screamed. "Agh! No! I-I can't do t-this. I ha-have to get out of here before i-it's too late." Aph panicked. "W-What did you see?" I ask.
She the just broke down and cried. "W-Why? H-How did I let this h-happen? I-I don't deserve this. A kid shouldn't have to make this choice!" She sobbed and sobbed. I looked at her in worry. I felt so bad for her. "Aph." I said, trying to comfort her.
"Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh!" Monokuma laughed. Lucinda then got up and said: "Yeah, who are you anyway? And what are you getting out of this? Is this some kind of sick game to you?" Lucinda demanded and snarled.
"Yes, what am I getting out of this?" Monokuma asks himself. "Very good question." He continued. "My pay off." He said coldly and evilly. "I S Y O U R D E S P A I R." He said evilly.
"Nooo!" Aph screeched then sprinted out of the room. "Aphmau! Wait!" I yelled, running after her. I then finally caught up to her, grabbed her wrist and gripped it tight. Aph panicked for the actions that I've done. "Gah! Let! Go!" She screamed, trying to pry my hand of her wrist.
"We're doing this together! Like detectives! Remember?" I tried reassured her. "Stop it!" She screeched. "We can! If we work together, we can find a way out!" I kept on trying to change her mind, but Aph kept on struggling. "No one is coming! We're all going to die!" She cried out.
"I'm not going to let that happen! I swear!" I finally yelled. She then stopped struggling and looked at me. "Whatever it takes, you hear me! I promise you on my damn life!" I swore. She then looks at me then started to cry. She gave in and rested her head on my shoulder.
I looked up to see Monokuma face still on the screen. "Hahahahahhahahahahaha!" He kept on laughing at the reaction he had received. Soon, everybody in the room came out to check on us.
Gene and Nicole looked sorry. Aaron and I are angry. Zenix looked worried. Ivy looked sad. Vylad looks like she's about to cry. Lucinda, Zane, Katelyn, and Sasha looked calm. Kim and Garroth looks scared to death. Travis looked disappointed. And Aphmau kept on crying and crying.
A game of survival Monokuma wants, a game of survival it is then.
Okay big bye now!
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