17. Game of Cat and Mouse

Hongjoong was the first person to know that Seonghwa had moved into the room across from his.

How did he know?

Seonghwa made it pretty clear himself.

Youjin was gone for the day, needing to meet up with a travelling merchant to gain intel about his people's whereabouts. San was the only one here guarding Hongjoong and their 'guest' and if Hongjoong gathered correctly, he too was busy today with that lover of his.

So as Hongjoong awoke from his bored nap in the middle of the day with a savage looking Park Seonghwa straddling his chest it was decided quickly that they needed to set up some rules for now.

Hongjoong's yell of surprise was stifled by Seonghwa's hand on his lips and Hongjoong could only glare silenty at him, breathing as soon as the other man let him go.

"What, you came here for revenge? Pardon me sleeping through your sneak attack."

Seonghwa just grinned darkly, the shadows on his face seeming more sinister than normal and then he was pulling Hongjoong out of bed already, his grip on the human's hair unforgiving.

"If you think me moving rooms was all I needed to forgive you that stunt you're wrong. But I'm not the one who's going to make you suffer. I'm not evil enough for that."

Hongjoong stumbled through the corridors that Seonghwa seemed to know suspiciously well, trying to make sense out of the other's words.

He would not throw him to the beast now would he? Did Seonghwa have any reason not to?

Hongjoong spent a long moment brainstorming but came up empty.

He cursed.

"If you're planning to kill me, I-"

Seonghwa's laughter filled his ears menacingly.

"Kill you? Oh no, little human, I would not dare. I just will show you what you have gotten yourself into."

He pulled him down another corridor, abruptly throwing open a door to their right.

The room resembled Hongjoong's in everything but it's size. It seemed larger, the bed in a secluded corner with steps leading up to it and everything seemed more lived in. Documents were strewn around, open books were waiting to be read and here and there random objects that looked magically important sat on the heavy desk and dressers.

Hongjoong could not look around further, Seonghwa tugging at him again and pushing him towards the bed. Hongjoong had half the mind to resist, still absolutely weak in comparison to the tall elf.

"What are you planning?"

"He used you to distract me twice. In that village and then later when I was following you through the forest. You're responsible for me being here and I will repay that favour."

That did not sound at all like what Youjin had told Hongjoong. Was it that hard for Seonghwa to admit to his addiction to Youjin?

Hongjoong cursed loudly as Seonghwa grabbed his neck tightly, pressing his fingers deep into Hongjoong's skin as to strangle him and he lost his balance, letting himself be pushed down on the bed. The struggle began anew, Hongjoong clawing and kicking at everything he could reach while Seonghwa just crouched calmly next to the bed, pulling something out from underneath.

"I will let you know how much fun this man is. What it feels like to belong to him in every sense, have no way out of this spider web of his. I'll show you that he is not one to trust and that his decision to force you to stay was in no way in your favour.", Seonghwa mumbled darkly, coming up again to press down harder against Hongjoong's neck. Dark spots started clouding his vision.

He tried to get a word out, tried to breathe, anything but at the end he had to succumb too. The last thing he saw was the manical glint in Seonghwa's eyes and the black rope in his hands, then he blacked out completely.


Hongjoong awoke to a door being opened and he immediately regretted waking at all.

His body felt like a burning cage of some sorts, his belly twisted in a sick kind of painful need. Hongjoong wailed before he even managed to open his eyes, founding his arms restricted against his back. He trashed, rolling around to get some feeling back into them. He did manage to roll onto his stomach, alleviating some of the pain in his shoulders but the movement also made his feverish body rub against black silken sheets in a way he did not expect.

What the hell did that elf do to him?!

He felt as if he was burning up but he did not feel sick. He needed something... needed- needed-

"I see the two of you have been playing without me?"

Hongjoong's knees wobbled, giving out under him where the human just had tried pushing himself up with them. Youjin's laughter seemed dark in the room and desperate tears were brimming in Hongjoong's eyes as he turned his head towards the other. He opened his mouth to beg for help but went silent, as he saw him.

He had expected him to be alone, to return from his trip to the surprise Seonghwa had prepared, but indeed he had exactly that Seonghwa with him.

Seonghwa looked worse for wear. There was a long cut on his face, drying blood caking nearly all of his cheek and chin. His hair was ruffled and he was hanging mostly in Youjin's tight grip on one of his antlers. One of his arms was also dripping blood all over the black marble floor, leaving amber spots everywhere.

"Dear snowflake, look who I found trying to sneak away. And now also touching one of my guests? This is not very appropriate behaviour, Seonghwa." Youjin's fangs showed in his grin as he started dragging Seonghwa forward, closer to the bed Hongjoong was still shaking uncontrollably on.

Hongjoong was not entirely sure what Seonghwa did to him, his whole lower half feeling strange and oversensitive but still his head cleared up a bit again at the sight of the hurt elf. What did Youjin say? Those two would never truly kill the other? Hongjoong was still not ready to witness whatever else they were doing instead.

"Normally he would not dare try run away, he would indulge me. Seems like he just tried to use you as a tool to soften my rage."

Now that sounded very Seonghwa, did it not?

"Run, you idiot." Seonghwa's voice sounded wrecked already and Hongjoong wondered what those two were doing before, whining when his body started reacting to the image.

"How is he supposed to run when you did this to him? Are you trying to protect him now that you played him into my arms again? What is this new plan of yours, I'm curious, Seonghwa." Youjin pushed Seonghwa down on the bed next to Hongjoong, kneeling behind them in a swift movement. Hongjoong hissed as Seonghwa accidently brushed his sensitive flesh.

He had expected Youjin to say something further, awaited some kind of explanation what was going to happen now but instead all of the air left his lungs as Seonghwa suddenly threw his body above his, whispering frantically into Hongjoong's ear.

"Listen. Today is a new moon which means he has to feed. Apparently you're his food and if you're not that keen on getting eaten I would advise you to run as soon as you can. That fae you know is downstairs right now, he can take you away. You do not wish to see his demons awaken."

And suddenly... suddenly everything seemed to make more sense. Why there were people going here and never returning. Why Seonghwa hated Youjin so much even though he only presented himself from his nicest side.

It was that night. That night that took away every bit of friendliness Youjin held and his taking to Hongjoong also suddenly seemed to make much more sense now. He wanted to keep him so he could eat him. The dark elves where responsible for eating the passing humans and Hongjoong's kind only ever had foolishly thought that was the fae's doings.

Based on Seonghwa's voice he did not know earlier. He did not know of the implications of trapping Hongjoong here right now. And obviously he wanted to help him.

But would Hongjoong even have that kind of strength? Or would he kneel in front of Youjin's power? He was sure that he would not even notice himself dying, washed too far away by waves of pleasure.

Scaredly he looked up at Seonghwa and his eyes seemed desperate, entirely too honest for Hongjoong to question further. It might have been their story, maybe also the way Seonghwa reacted with all of his defenses up against Youjin. Maybe it was just the knowledge that something was going terribly wrong ever since they were here but Hongjoong actually believed this man that made his life a living hell these past few weeks.

However they could never kill Youjin. They could only run from him and that was exactly what Seonghwa did all this time. And he never got away.

Youjin had warned him himself.

He could never feel love, at the end he alsways wanted to see them suffer. He always got Seonghwa again.

How could Hongjoong be blinded enough to completely oversee those warnings?

He had to get out. And never be distracted.

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