T h i r t y - o n e


'' She will never be free of me, remember that.''


Draco Malfoy.

The cabin.

Why had he never heard about that cabin before — he had helped Theodore with his fear of his grandfather. He had searched Theodore's mind, yet he had never come across anything about a cabin.

Draco stormed out of her room with heavy, rushed steps — he made his way through the corridor, down to the library, but just as he was about to force the doors open,

He stopped.

His palms halted on the wood as his eyes shut closed. It hurt, pain spread throughout his veins, his eyelids squeezed harder — he hadn't been here since the night she let him kiss her, and the memory of that was torture.

He tried to convene himself, taking a deep breath in between his teeth, attempting to convince his own mind that it wasn't that hard — he knew where she was now.

He knew that she would most likely be at the cabin she wrote about, and he would find her safe and sound with her best friend.

She was safe. She was safe. He needed her to be safe.

Draco thrust the doors open as the soft, warm lights brightened the room.

He knew that his father kept a section for the history of the purebloods, and he remembered seeing newspapers and books containing the name Nott.

His steps echoed along the floor as it traveled up the shelf-covered walls, making him feel less alone in the desperate time he found himself in. The grey eyes snapped to the couch, still standing in the middle of the room,

The air tightened in his lungs, but he couldn't give in. He needed to keep his mind straight. Nothing mattered as much as finding Amelie did.

Draco didn't really understand the urge he had of finding her, himself. He didn't know why he was so hopeless against his own mind that he craved to be close to her so badly.

She had grown on him. Ever since he found her in the school library, standing wholly broken in front of him, he knew that he had to help her, and even if it was a task — a deal he had made with the dark lord,

His feelings for her sparked and continued to push him further, and just as he was about to get what he wanted — just as he was about to find what the dark lord wanted him to find,

He couldn't, because watching, searching, and understanding another person in the way he did with Amelie, was something he had never experienced before,

She was torn, wounded, and hurt, just like he was.

She understood the power of darkness, and she lived through it so gracefully. He knew that he would never have to explain anything to her because she already knew it all.

She knew everything, and she still wanted him. She still wanted to be with him.

That wasn't something that came easy to Draco. He was scared of himself — everything Voldermort and his father forced him to become. He would never admit to the cruel and violent actions he had executed under the power of the darkness,

And even if he wouldn't avow it — she knew about it, and she stayed.

He didn't know if it was her tortured mind, her gentle touch, or the kind soul she carried — the human side of him she managed to bring out, or simply the fact that he knew that he would be safe with her, just like she was safe with him.

But it didn't matter what he felt for her. All he knew was that no task from the dark lord, no deal with his father, no threat from Adrian, no over-protective best friend would ever come between them again.

Draco stopped right in front of the section of old, dusty books and newspapers. His eyes flickered over the letters, eagerly looking for the letter, '' N.''

'' There.'' He mumbled to himself as he began to drag his fingers over all the listed names.

'' Nott, Nott, Nott, Nott.'' He kept on going until he reached the last name he was looking for — he dragged the book out, flipping through it as quickly as he could, but nothing.

There was not one single mention of any cabin.

He threw the book across the room, cursing underneath his breath as the panic caved within. The dread chewed at his every nerve as he spread his fingers through the blonde hair, tugging it back in defeat.

He stormed out of the library — marching his way down to the basement.

Draco understood that the boy, still locked up in chains, may not know where this cabin could be — but it was worth a shot. He needed to try everything he could.

'' Adrian,'' Draco growled, shoving his hand into his pocket to haul his wand out, and with a quick twitch of his wrist — the lattice door swung open,

Adrian shot up on his feet by the harsh noise of metal crashing against the stone-covered wall.

'' I need information, Pucey.'' Draco mumbled, taking intimidating steps closer to the chained boy, '' And I need you to be absolutely honest with me, can you do that?''

Adrian narrowed the green eyes in Draco's grey ones, sending him an evil glare as he eyed the blonde down,

'' And why should I give you the courtesy of being honest, when all you have done is—''

Draco's curled-up fist collided heavily with the cage of Adrian's chest, making him stumble back over the rocks,

The blonde's head tilted, granting the brunette with the most devilish of stares, '' I don't expect you to show me any courtesy, Adrian. This will be about how much pain you'd like to spare yourself — and don't worry..."

"I won't be using magic this time.''

The air in Adrian's lungs failed him as Draco granted him another punch. He leaned back, looking at the struggling boy on the ground,

'' I have a question for you—'' Draco's voice scored low, '' If there was to be...let's say a cabin, somewhere, hidden.''

Adrian slammed his hands over his chest as he rolled over on his back, '' What cabin?'' His voice broke at the hurt shredding through him,

" Would you know about it?" Draco pushed, ignoring the question falling off Adrian's tongue.

Adrian's head shook as he peered up at the blonde.

Draco noticed how much Adrian had changed these past few weeks, how his muscles had faded, how his skin had ruptured, how the evil flash in his eyes turned in pain, how he had torn the cocky, vile boy down, piece by piece.

But Draco didn't care. He enjoyed ripping Adrian apart, after all — he was the one who had made Amelie crumble.

" I asked you a question, Pucey." Draco spat down on him, booting the boy in his stomach, " Would you know about the cabin?"

" No—" Adrian choked out, blood slipped the corner of his mouth as he hugged himself on the chilly floor,

" I don't know about that bloody—" Adrian was cut off by Draco dragging him up by this throat, staring intensely into the green eyes,

A grin arched on his lips as he saw just how desperate Draco was to know about the hidden place,

" And even if I did—" He smiled through the cracks in his chest, " I would never tell you."

Draco's fist struck right across his jaw, and it made Adrian fall down onto the ground once again.

He knew that he couldn't be down here anymore, not a second longer, because if he were — nothing would hold him back from killing the brown-haired boy that crawled away from him. The raging anger pounded through Draco's veins as he stepped back,

His chest rose and fell violently, and the temper he tried to tame was on the edge of missing him.

Draco shifted around, walking towards the stairs leading out of the basement as he caught Adrian shouting after him as he went,

'' You'll never find her, and even if you did—'' A trail of coughs escaped his throat, '' Even if you would find her. I will always be here, haunting the both of you.''

'' She will never be free of me, Malfoy, remember that.''

Draco slammed the lattice door shut before sprinting up the stairs. He did everything possible to convince himself that he couldn't kill Adrian.

He couldn't do that because Amelie would face the same fate he did.

With his hands against the hallway wall, he repeatedly punched it, over and over — trying to get his anger out on something else, trying to focus on something that wasn't Adrian, and the urge he had to end that pathetic excuse of a life.

'' Oh, my dear.'' Narcissa's voice made him flinch, nearly jumping apart from the wall he so violently struck, '' Is everything alright, son?''

Draco merely huffed at his mother's statement before dragging his eyes off of her,

'' I'm just—'' He hewed himself off, swallowing the fury he felt inside, '' I'm just trying to—''

His mother stepped closer before placing a warm hand upon his tensed shoulder, '' Come with me, dear. Let me make us some tea.''

He followed her into the kitchen, seating himself on a kitchen chair as he watched her fiddle with the cups and the hot water.

'' Here you go.'' She smiled at him, placing a cup in front of him before slipping down onto a chair across the table, '' Now tell me what is on your mind, Draco.''

He hesitated, biting down on his lower lip as she so curiously studied her son.

'' What makes you think that there is something on my mind?'' He questioned her back, his fingers warm around the porcelain,

Narcissa let out a chuckle, moving her own cup up to her red-painted lips, '' Well, for starters, your hands, son.''

Her eyes fell upon the bruised, bloody knuckles,

'' And secondly. You have kept that boy down there for almost a month, and you're still here — and she's not, so that means that you have more than something on your mind.''

Draco's eyes rolled, his lips pushed into a tight line.

'' And third. I am your mother, Draco. I know when something is bothering you, so don't even try lying to me. Tell me what's on your mind.''

He watched as she placed her cup back on the table, and he nodded slowly. He knew that she was right. His mother was a bright lady.

'' I'm looking for something — a place,'' Draco mumbled. His spine felt heavy against the backrest of his chair,

'' A cabin.''

Narcissa bowed her head, '' Go on.''

'' But it's hopeless. I will never find it.'' He huffed, sensing how the burning feeling of defeat shredded through him and how the words he spoke — hurt.

She looked concernedly at him, noticing the sunken skin underneath his eyes — the messy strands of hair over his forehead.

'' Tell me more about this cabin, dear.'' His mother sought to encourage him, '' Does this cabin belong to someone?''

Draco nodded, his head dipped to the side, '' It does. I think it belongs to Mr. Nott.''

Narcissa's eyes widened, her fingers nervously tugged at the wooden table, '' Mr. Nott, you say?''

Draco hummed back, staring down at his hands as he felt every piece of hope leaving his body — it was to no use anymore. He would simply have to wait until Amelie found her way back to him,

He couldn't help but wonder if she ever thought about him. If her mind ever came across everything they went through together — or if she simply chose to forget about him and try to live in peace with her friend.

'' Draco,'' His mother called out for him, making him snap out of his head,

'' Yes?''

Narcissa cleared her throat, looking right at him, '' I know about the Nott cabin.''

Draco's veins iced. His breaths hitched, '' What did you— Where is it?''

His mother faltered, swallowing another sip of tea, '' Do you really think she's there, Draco? That cabin has been untouched for so many—''

'' Where. is. it?'' He slammed his hands onto the table, forcing his chair back in a rough move, '' Tell me where it is, right now.''

'' Manners, Draco.'' His mother tried to warn him, '' We don't speak in that way towards each other.''

He couldn't help but feel bad, regretting using that harsh tone against her, '' My apologies.'' He muttered, '' But, please. Tell me where it is.''

'' From what I remember — it's hidden in the forest at the far end of the black lake, completely separated from everyone and everything—''

Before his mother had the possibility to finish her sentence, Draco had already stormed towards the hall,

'' Draco—'' She called out again, flying up from her seat as she rushed after him, '' Draco, please, hold on.''

He halted as his back faced her, feeling how her hand wrapped around his arm. He turned to level the doubtful look she held. Her hands moved to his cheeks, and she cupped them.

'' Please be careful, and bring them both back here, safe and sound.''

Draco nodded, tilting his head as he let it rest in her hands for a brief moment, '' Take care of our guest until I return, will you?'' He asked her, hauling up his wand,

'' Of course, dear.'' Narcissa smiled, taking a heel back, '' Be careful.''

'' Apparate.''


He landed among the massive tree trunks, and the soft, cold breeze made his skin flush in color.

Not a sound shredded in between the nature he found himself in. He looked around, trying to figure out what way — in which direction the cabin could be,

His shoes slightly sunk in the soil as he walked towards the lake, through the greenery, and over the branches.

Draco didn't like this at all. He didn't enjoy nature —he believed it to be messy, dirty, and he couldn't understand how Amelie and Theodore managed to stay out here for a month.

'' Teddy. Teddy. Teddy.'' He heard someone whisper as he kept on walking out over the grove, and there — sitting peacefully against a tree, in front of a small cabin,

There she was.

Draco would recognize her from a mile away without looking twice.

He felt as the aching feeling he held in his chest — the crushing, drowning sensation that had been cursing him for a month, eased, only by the look of her, with her legs crossed and a book glued to her hands.

He stepped forward, over the grass and all the trouble he had ever felt in his life — faltered because there she was.

After days, weeks of searching, torturing, grumbling — he finally found her.

He found her.

Draco swallowed as the bravery he held for this moment faded. He got nervous, but that didn't stop him. Nothing could.

Amelie was right there — in front of him, safe.

His eyes fell all over her, and it made his heart flutter — his insides wrenched.

And without any more time spilled between them, not even a second more could go to waste,

'' I do have a favorite book, you know.''

He could see how her entire body froze, how the tips of her fingers buried in the palms of her hand, how her lips parted, '' But I'm curious... What is yours?''

She still didn't answer, but he walked closer, so close he possibly could — without making her feel uncomfortable. He knew that she trusted him, at least before she left,

"What is your favorite book?''

Amelie pushed herself off the ground, and the second she turned to face him — the very instant he got to see that angelic face he had missed so badly,

He lost his breath.

'' Draco?'' She asked him most soothingly. Her voice was more than calming to him; it always had been.

He felt a smile arching in the corner of his mouth as she stumbled towards him, in the complete battle if what she just saw was real,

His eyes glued in hers as his heart hammered within — all he wanted to do was to touch her, to hold her,

'' Yes, sweetheart.''


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