Chapter 34

As much as Hoseok wanted to stay the day, it was a workday and with Jungkook taken a few days off to work at the show, he had to leave.

Last night was the best. Despite his initial awkwardness and hesitation, the conversation seemed to flow naturally. Aera had excitedly launched into the childhood stories of his wife, most of them were embarrassing and funny.

His wife and her siblings/friends were the worst pranksters and troublemakers. They didn't shy away from scandals and Jimin chose to follow his father's path only so he could bail their asses out when needed.

Though Jeoni gave them stink eye, she had laughed along and added more tales before they all fell asleep sometime in the wee hours of morning. Remnants of sleep still clung to him and he was tired, but it was okay.

The more time he spent with them he realized how close their bond was and he understood what Jin kept raving on during their drinking nights. He went to grab his last night's clothes from Tae's room and was about to exit when the said man entered the room, looking exhausted.

"Oh." Taehyung paused.

"Hey, good morning."

"Good morning, hyung. You're leaving?" He checked his wristwatch. "It's only six-thirty."

"I have a meeting at seven-thirty." He offered a smile. "Gotta run if don't want to miss it."

Taehyung's brows furrowed and his gaze scanned his body. "My clothes fit you well," he commented before walking toward the closet. "I might have a suit or two you can use."

Hoseok stared at his disappearing form, stunned by the casually spoken words. It also warmed his heart to know he was welcome here.

"Your office is at least a thirty-minute drive from here in this traffic." He emerged with a gray suit, which definitely was from his collection. "Here. Freshen up, hyung. What would you like for breakfast?"

His tone left no room for argument and Hoseok accepted the suit from him. "I'm not picky. Anything is fine."

Taehyung nodded, shrugging off his jacket. "Coffee?"

"Yes, please. Black without sugar."

"You can leave your clothes here. I'll have someone drop it off at your place later. I don't think that'd be necessary though. It'll help if you keep a few pairs of clothes here for the future."

Hoseok almost choked on his saliva. While he expected to see his wife often, he didn't expect this. He liked the sound of it. It meant they expected him to stay over and he could say that thought alone made him happy.

The next half an hour was a blur and after breakfast, he was ready to leave. Taehyung shared numbers with him and even texted him the code to their apartment. He stopped at the living room to kiss his wife goodbye only to pause.

Jimin, Jungkook and his wife was still asleep. Jimin was on his back. Jeoni was snuggled to Jimin's chest, one leg thrown over his leg while Jungkook occupied the other side. He had to curb the urge to swoon at the sight. However, before he could move, something struck him like a lightning.

He gasped, unable to avert his eyes.

Is it?

It was like he had an epiphany. Suddenly, nothing and everything made sense. He let out a breath, he didn't realize he was holding and blinked his eyes several times. That niggling thought that was gnawing at the back of his mind since yesterday now made sense.

It's her.

How did he miss this? Their similarities...With the side of their faces squished into Jimin's chest, for a moment Jeoni looked exactly like Jungkook. Both their lips were parted, fingers curled to fist Jimin's t-shirt on his front.

Oh my God! in a shortened version of Jeon Jeong-seon. It could have been either derived from her first or last name. He always wondered why they called her Jeoni when her name was Katy.

Katy J. Min.

The truth was right in front of him all along. The middle name J must be Jeong-seon. She must have changed her surname when was adopted by Aera's parents.


This was why she couldn't tell him. This was why she was running away. This was why she was afraid. Jeoni was Jungkook's estranged half-sister. And Jungkook had known. He must have had known all this time. It explained his sudden change of behavior and protectiveness.

All this time he thought Jungkook freelanced so he could stay close to Jimin while in truth it was because of her. Now he remembered how Jungkook would go on about Jeoni noona this and Jeoni noona that instead of Jimin.

"You okay there, hyung?"

Hoseok jerked out of his thoughts, blinking rapidly to clear his vision. Taehyung looked concerned as he glanced between him and the sleeping trio.

"Ah, yes. It's just..." He forced a smile. He can't let Taehyung find out. "They look so peaceful. I didn't want to leave without a word but I don't want to disturb them."

Taehyung visibly relaxed. "Ah, don't worry. She's a heavy sleeper and wouldn't wake up even if the sky were to open rain showers on her."

Hoseok nodded with a tight smile, bending to kiss the side of her head and stroke her hair. The story she told him last night surfaced in his mind and an emotion balled in his throat. How did he not realize it sooner? He had known this story for so long. He wanted to gather her in his arms and tell her how much he loved her but that would have to wait.

"I love you," he whispered into her skin before stepping back. He will wait.

Now that he knew the truth, he believed it was the reason that kept her away. While he preferred her to come clean, he could understand her dilemma. Jungkook's parents didn't like her. He witnessed what happened in their home since childhood and knew why she was so afraid to tell him the truth. His gaze flicked to Jungkook and he smiled.

You grew up so well, Jungkook. I'm happy that you made the right choice and accepted her with open arms.

"I'll see you guys later." He stepped back. "All the best for today's show."

"Thank you."

His mind reeled as he exited their apartment and headed to the parking. He already knew it would be hell before he could open the news to his family. Now it was nearly impossible since they shared the same sentiment as Jungkook's parents. In their eyes, she'd always be that illegitimate child and her mother a homewrecker.

This is fucked up.

So, so, fucked up.


Jungkook stopped by his home to change and grab a few things for the evening show when his mother stopped him. He ate lunch with her and chatted excitedly about the show.

He was talking to her when Porshiya called, asking him to fetch a few items for today's show because Jimin was busy running some errands and Taehyung couldn't leave the venue. He agreed and asked her to text him the list.

His mother turned to him as soon as the call ended. "Who was it?"

"Oh, it's noona. She wanted a few things for the show."

"But it said Porshiya... I saw her name on your screen. She is..." She frowned. "Porshiya Jeon...That's her name, isn't it? You're talking to her. Porshiya. It's her, isn't it?" However, she looked confused. "Oh, my God! It work for her?"

He met her gaze, chewing at his bottom lip thoughtfully. Then he let out a breath. "Yes and no," he answered honestly. "Mom...we should talk." His shoulders slumped. Maybe...he should try talking to her. He could make her see reason. He should try this. "It's true I'm talking to her."

"What did she say?" She was almost breathless, eyes wide, and leaned forward with anticipation. "Is she going to take over the company? B-But why would you work for her? If you knew...why? That's...Jungkook, I don't get it."

"Because she's my sister. I want her in my life, mom. If you can forgive dad for what he did and still live with him, why can't I do the same?" he asked. "Why can't I want her to be a part of my life?"

His mom opened and closed her mouth, her shock evident on her face.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You know what? She doesn't want it. She said she didn't want any part of this inheritance," he informed her truthfully. "When she first reached out to me through her attorney, she said she was going to give it away so I could single-handedly inherit all."

"She said that?"

He nodded with a small smile. "Yeah. She's nice."

"Are you sure she doesn't want any of this?" His mom asked once again, disbelief ringing in her voice. He could tell though she wasn't pleased about this conversation, she feels somewhat at ease knowing he would become the sole heir of the Jeon Corp. That his birthright wouldn't be taken away from him, at least in her eyes.


"B-but why?" She sounded genuinely confused. "Why wouldn't she want this?"

"Because mom, money isn't everything," he said. "And trust me when I say, she's well off in the United States. Runs her own business, you know. She's a big shot there."

"Or so I've heard," his mom said. "And now you work for her."

He did work for her but he ignored that question. "Porshiya isn't my noona."

"What?" His mom narrowed her eyes at him. "But your father..." she trailed off as realization settled in.

He nodded. "Dad is wrong."

"Who is she? If it isn't her..." She pointed at the phone. "Then who it is?"

He looked away. "Sorry, mom. I can't tell you yet."

"Have I met her?"

"No," he lied without hesitation. She did meet her, but she couldn't know that yet.

"Son...You know you can trust me, right?"

"Yeah, but it's complicated, mom. Please don't ask me more."


"No, mom. It's not my secret to tell." His mom watched him silently. "But I can tell you something else." He put a hand on her, squeezing it gently. "You remember those secret Santa gifts I get every Christmas? It's her."

She gasped. "What?" Her voice was barely audible as she covered her mouth with a hand. "All these years..."

"Yes." He laughed dryly.

"All these years..." she gasped. The gifts started coming since he turned five and every year he received one.

"Does Jin and Hoseok know?"

He shook his head. "They know we talk."

"Oh." She smiled with a soft nod. "That sounds nice. It's good to know you're getting along."

It felt good to talk to someone about this though he couldn't reveal everything. "I didn't expect you to take this well. Why are you not lashing out? I thought you hated her."

His mother's shoulders slumped as she looked down at her lap. "I told you that your happiness is all what matters to me, didn't I?" Her smile was small, but genuine. "I'm surprised," she agreed. "But I had a lot of time to think after our last conversation. I realized I've been in the wrong for blaming her for something that wasn't in her hands. She's as much as a victim like us." She sighed. "I know I have done some things I'm not proud of. Like forcing your father to give her up..." Shamed filled her features.

"You did, but he's equally guilty for following through with it." He leaned back and crossed his legs. "Dad should've known better. He refused to take responsibility and took the easy way out. He failed to own up to his mistakes. He's doing the same again. That's why I don't want to be part of any of this."

"I feel ashamed." She curled more into herself, her eyes tearing up.

Jungkook exhaled loudly. "You know what you did, mom. I'm in no place to advice. We all make our own choices and decisions. We must face the consequences for our actions, whatever it is."

His mom silently nodded. "I wish I was a better person and handled this situation differently."

"Yes, you should have. But there's no use in crying over spilled milk. What's done is done." Jungkook stood and put a hand on her shoulder. "I didn't expect I'd ever meet her, but now I have, I'm trying to do the right thing, mom. I want nothing to do with dad's plans."

"I understand." She took a deep breath and put her hand over his.

"Dad cannot know about this."

"I understand." She frowned. " are you going to handle this?"

He removed his hand with a shrug. "I will worry about it when the time comes."

When Jungkook left home, he felt much lighter.


Jungkook was back to work and strangely, he was in a good mood. However, it was only a matter of time before his father had caught on with everything. The show was a great success and unexpectedly, Jungkook had created quite a stir with the media. His association with the Vinora was widely discussed and they wondered if there was more to this.

"So that's how it goes." A hand slammed on his table, startling Jungkook.

He turned to face his father who had a business magazine pinned on his table.

"You work with a company that's believed to be owned by your half-sister." He pointed to the news, his chest heaving with anger.

Jungkook forced a frown. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He got it covered. He'd been practicing what to say ever since Jin hyung called him this morning to inform him about the news. He always kept him posted on the news and updates that were being published about him. But his cousin hadn't known the full truth.

His father scowled. "Porshiya Jeon is one of the co-founders of that Vinora. There are photos of you two together. Don't lie to me. Did you think I'll never find out? What's your plan?"

"What do you mean Porshiya is his sister?"

Oh, fuck!

Behind them Hoseok entered the office, his eyes narrowed.

Oh, lord, what is he doing here? His plan of evading his father didn't involve Hoseok.

"Ah, there you are, Hoseok." His father straightened. "Porshiya is Jeong-seon's new name. She might be clever to change her name but we have our ways." He laughed as if he had uncovered a huge secret while Jungkook knew how far from truth he was.

Hoseok's gaze cut to him with a brow lifting in question. Jungkook shrugged in answer. He hadn't shared his findings with his hyungs because not only that news was false, but also he didn't want to create unnecessary confusion.

"Were you aware that you dear dongsaeng is rebelling against his own blood?" his father continued. He walked toward Hoseok. "Is it because he thinks he is invincible now that the will is revealed? Maybe you should remind him that the Board of directors will never accept his leadership." He poked his finger on Hoseok's chest.

Jungkook clenched his jaw and stood from his seat. He refused not to think about this for this very reason. His father wouldn't give up his position easily. He knew this was going to be an ugly fight even if his sister gave up her share of the inheritance.

"Mr. Jeon, with all due respect, we will leave that decision to the board for when you have found his sister. This is not a matter that can be resolved between the two of you. Jungkook has always respected your wishes and worked hard. You should give him a benefit of doubt."

His father scoffed. "Always well-spoken, Hoseok. I wish my son would learn some of that from you. But that's not the notion I'm getting from him these days. He disrespected me several times and refused to do as he is told." He turned to Jungkook just as Wang and two of his assistants entered. "Anyways, you can be useful for once. Now that you are associated with Vinora, it'd be easier to get her appointment for this meeting."

Ah, so that's where this is headed to.

"This morning our private detective followed Ms. Porshiya Jeon to this apartment in Gangnam. She hasn't left the place yet," Wang said, handing him a piece of paper.

Jungkook swallowed as his father's face distorted. He circled the table to stand beside the others.

"This is Seokjin's address," he hissed. His face grew red with anger. "So it's true. You have known. What the fuck is going on here?"

Jungkook's gaze flicked to Hoseok's stoic face and his heart plummeted to his stomach. Oh, no. They were screwed. He didn't take him into account.

No. No. No. This can't be happening.

Jungkook squared his shoulders. "Jin hyung is signed under Vinora. They're good friends. That's all I know." He met his father's gaze, his stance never once wavering. "I already told you to handle this issue and made it clear I want to do nothing with it. I didn't even know she is Jeong-seon until you told me now."

His father looked like he didn't believe his words. He pointed a finger at him. "I'll deal with you later." Then he turned to Wang. "Jungkook and Hoseok will accompany you to this address. Seokjin lives in a high-security compound. You'll need either one of them to get through without alerting Seokjin or her. You will meet her in person and convince her to meet with our legal team so we can sort this shit out."

Jungkook clenched his fist. His eyes were stuck on Hoseok who didn't let his emotions show.

Oh, God! What do I do now? I need to warn her.

"I have a mee—"

"You'll leave now!" His father emphasized each word with a growl. "Hoseok, don't disappoint me."

Jungkook followed them outside. The atmosphere was thick with tension inside the elevator. Hoseok's jaw was clenched tight and his hands were pushed inside his pockets.

"I'll go fetch my car. You can follow us," Hoseok said once they reached the parking.

"I'm sorry, Hoseok-ssi. Mr. Jeon has instructed us not to leave you two and travel together. We can—"

"You can take the back seat," Hoseok cut them off and pivoted on his heel to go to his Hyundai Palisade.

Jungkook followed him, using the opportunity to quickly shoot a text to his sister. Fuck. There was no way he could hide this any longer from his hyung. He bit his lower lip. This was the very thing he feared. The expression on his face gave out nothing. He wished he could read his mind.

Was he angry? Oh, God, what if he broke it off with his sister?

"Get inside, Jungkook," Hoseok's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. His stare pinned him to the place. He clutched his phone in his tight grip and entered the passenger seat, securing the seat belt and staring at his feet as they waited for the others to get in.

Please, noona. Do something.


Porshiya was putting the last dish away when she received the phone call. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth when she saw Katy's name flash on her screen.

Jeoni calling...

"Hello, baby bird, what is it?"

"Panda boo, where are you?"

The urgency in her voice alerted her. "I'm with Jinnie. Is everything alright?"

"No. Shit, listen, something happened. Jungkook's dad thinks you're me. He's sending his people to meet you."

Porshiya frowned, her hand freezing midair where she was going to put the kitchen towel away. "What do you mean you're me?"

"Ugh! He thinks you're Jeong-seon."

Porshiya blinked. "Why the fuck would they think that?"

"Because our last name rhymes, duh!"

Porshiya burst into laughter. The shit didn't even make sense. "What the fuck!"

Katy didn't join her laughter and she realized there was more. "That's not all. Listen, it's all fucked up. Jungkookie just told me they have a fucking private detective tailing you. They found you went to meet Jin."

"Fuck. It means they could have been following us all this time."

This was bad. They couldn't have some douche bag on their tail. Her hand clenched around her phone. Who knows what they had found out? If they had been following Taehyung and found... Shit! This situation had to be dealt with immediately.

"I know. Jiminie is already on his way and he's pissed."

She looked around making sure Jin wasn't around and lowered her voice. "Damn. This is serious, Jeoni. They could fucking compromise our security and not to mention expose our secret. This complicates everything. Your dad will be pissed when he finds out."

With the royal gala approaching, any piece of information they found out about the royal heirs were worth millions. Did they figure that out already?

"Our security team is already on the move. They identified the detective and will do the needful. Let's first focus on the problem in hand. Three of Jeon Corp's advocates are coming. Hobi and Jungkookie are with them. No matter what, they cannot find out it's me, especially Hobi."

Porshiya's eyes narrowed. "I don't like where this is going."

"I don't like it either, but I want you to play along. Make them believe you're me."

Her lips quirked to the side. "What's in it for me, baby? What do I get in return?"

"Nothing, sweetheart," her voice drawled. "Because I still have two cards to use. So, I'm officially throwing you under the bus."

"Ah, I hate it when you do this."

"Nah, bitch, you love me and you're gonna enjoy leading them in a tail chase. Don't pretend. I can feel your furry tail twitching."

Porshiya rolled her eyes. "Fine, you devil. The things I do for you." The doorbell dinged, announcing someone's presence. "I think they're here. Talk to you later."

She ended the call and headed to the living room to see Jin greeting Jungkook and Hoseok along with three other men she didn't recognize. One man with glasses stepped forward.

"Hello Ms. Jeon, finally we meet." She already despised his synthetic smile. "Your attorney is a real pain, if I may add."

Porshiya folded her hands against her chest. "And who you might be?"

"Wang Minhee, legal counsel of the Jeon Corporation." He extended a hand for her to shake.

She tilted her head to the side, quirking a brow. "I believe I refused your requests for the meeting."

"Ah, come on, Ms. Jeon. It's just a meeting. This concerns the future of Jeon Corporation and its thousands of employees. Personal issues aside, why don't we meet and talk like adults?"

Porshiya scoffed. "So you're trying to act like an adult by barging into someone's home."

Wang chuckled nervously. "Pardon us, Ms. Jeon. We have been trying to contact you for months. We didn't have a choice."

She shrugged. "Whatever, you may leave. Contact my lawyer."

"You're being unreasonable now, Ms. Jeon. Your lawyer never agrees for a meeting." Wang stepped forward. "You don't have to make this hard for both the parties. Your father has a proposition for you."

Porshiya sniffed and walked to take a seat on the armchair. Her dad was currently in Europe with her dear mom, attending some international medical conference. She crossed her legs at the knee. "And what might that be?"

Wang approached with the same smile that continued to grow. "Mr. Jeon is willing to offer ten billion dollars in exchange for your signature."

"Ooh, sexy. Ten billion dollars for my signature." She lifted both her eye brows in fake enthusiasm.

Wang smiled, coming to stand in front of her. "What can I say? Mr. Jeon is a generous man."

"Wow. Didn't know my signature is that expensive."

He laughed, clasping his hands together. "It is a gracious offer."

She burst into laughter, the tingling sound ringing loud in the living room. Her gaze swept across the room. Then she scoffed. "Not interested."

Wang's smile slipped off his face, but he maintained his composure. "Ah, come on, Ms. Jeon. We can always negotiate. I'm sure Mr. Jeon would agree to another one or two billion. All we need is for you to cooperate."

"So you think, ten billion dollars in exchange for my shares that are worth more than forty billion dollars. How generous. Why don't you take that offer and shove it where the sun doesn't shine?"

Wang looked as if he sucked on a sour lemon. "Ms. Jeon..."

"You may speak to my lawyer..." The door opened and Jimin walked inside. "There he is."

"Hello Mr. Wang, we meet again." Jimin came to stand beside her. He wore simple black slacks with a white button-up shirt but looked like a man one shouldn't mess with. "I remember telling you my client isn't interested in your proposal."

Wang squared his shoulders and smiled. "Mr. Park, it's nice to see you again."

"I can't say the same, Mr. Wang. The next time you pull some stunt like this, I'll sue you for invading my client's privacy."

Wang's face hardened. "Two can play this game, Mr. Park. We came in peace but you're creating unnecessary issues."

Porshiya stood, going to stand beside Jimin. "They're very generous, Minnie. Papa Jeon is offering ten billion dollars in exchange for my signature."

Jimin quirked a brow. The tick of his jaw and his stiff shoulders were the only indications of how furious he was. The old Jimin would have already landed a punch on Wang's pudgy face and broken his nose.

"Ten billion dollars?" Jimin laughed out loud. "Tell Papa Jeon that's Jeong-seon's pocket money." He relaxed his stance and pushed his hands into his pockets. "Vinora's quarterly revenue surpasses your said amount."

Wang clenched his jaw. "Mr. Park, I'm sure we can come into some sort of arrangement."

"We will see about that. Now leave."

"I see. That's how it is." He smirked. "Don't think we don't know what you're up to, Mr. Park. You might have tricked Jungkook-ssi and plan to take over the Jeon Corporation. But don't think you can fool us. We will meet again."

Jimin inclined his head and stepped aside, waving a hand toward the door.

Wang squared his shoulders and nodded curtly before turning to the others. "Mr. Jung and Mr. Jeon, let's go."

"Go ahead, Mr. Wang. You can call a taxi," Hoseok said.

"Mr. Jung..."

Hoseok narrowed his eyes, staring down at them. "I wasn't asking."

Porshiya fought the urge to whistle. Katy's man was hot. She appreciated a man who stood his ground.

Wang recoiled under the intensity of his gaze. "Sure, Mr. Jung."

They were silent until the three of them left. Porshiya bounced on her feet with a broad smile. "Phew. That went well. Fucking morons. Ten billion dollars? Are they even serious?"

Hoseok's face was an impassive mask while Jungkook shifted from one foot to the other, eyes wide as if trying to tell her something. Porshiya frowned. Oh right. But Jungkook knew who his real sister was, right? Beside him, Jin looked pale as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Um...this is awkward..." She laughed nervously. "Hello, brother..." She tried to play along. "This isn't how I expected us to meet."

Jungkook's doe eyes darted toward Jin and he shook his head.


What is he trying to say?

"Jinnie, why do you look like that?"

Jin moved out of her reach. It was then she noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Ah, Jin? Baby, what's wrong?" She went to hold his hand only for him to step out of her reach.

Porshiya froze in her place. Oh, Damn. It was understandable if Jungkook hated her, but why was Jin acting like this? She looked at Hoseok who bore a similar expression. Oh, no. Was it because they were Jungkook's friends?

"'re don't hate me because of who I am, right?" She pushed, trying to gauge their reactions.

He covered his face and shook his head. "I-I..." A look of horror and disgust crossed his features. "Fuck!" He shook his head again and stumbled back. "I..." His lips trembled as he pivoted on his heel and rushed into his room, slamming the door shut.

"Jinnie!" Porshiya ran after him. "Baby, I can explain." She knocked on the door. When he didn't open, he turned to the others. "Why is he acting this way? You're my brother. Shouldn't you be the one who acts shocked? Why is he acting weird?"

Hoseok stepped forward. "Are you really Jungkook's sister?"

Porshiya shifted from one foot to the other. The expression on his face gave nothing away. "Ah, yeah?"

His gaze flicked to the door behind her. "Did you know Kim Seokjin was Jungkook's cousin?"

Porshiya frowned. "What? C-Cousin?" Her gaze flicked to Jimin and she looked behind her at the door. "They're related?"

Hoseok's expression was one of displeasure. "Sorry, Ms. Jeon. That makes you both cousins."

"What?!" Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "What the—"

Oh, boy!

Oh, no, no, no.

Jimin looked equally surprised by this information.

That meant—

"He's no cousin of mine," she shrieked. "I will not accept this."

Hoseok sighed. His angry gaze fell on Jungkook. "Did you know?"

Jungkook's head whipped toward him, his eyes wide and nostrils flaring. He opened and closed his mouth before shaking his head. His helpless gaze next fell on her.

Jeoni...that stupid devil. She really threw me under the bus this time.

Porshiya felt tongue-tied. She looked behind her at the door again.

Oh, poor my Jinnie.

Her mouth opened and closed like a fish. She couldn't tell them the truth. At least not now.

"I think we should leave." Jimin stepped forward, extending his hand and she took it as if she was in a trance.

Oh, God! What have I gotten myself into?

Poor Jeoni...why does she keep running into trouble all the time. Smh. He he he...What do you think she will do now?

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