Chapter 28

Jikook have their first moment together :P


"It's good to know that she doesn't want it. As much as I don't like this, she does have a point," Jin said thoughtfully.

The three of them, Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook lounged in Jin's living room with a drink in their hand. They usually didn't drink on a weekday, but today's events called for it. Jungkook needed it.

"I'm so confused, hyung."

"I don't think you should do it," Hoseok commented.

"It's not serious, hyung. I think I can handle it if I do this." Jungkook frowned. He was still confused. Accepting her offer would definitely get his father off his back.

"Remember what you told me about Eunji?" Hoseok reminded him. "I still don't think you should go ahead with this."

"But you're married, hyung," Jungkook reasoned. The alcohol had kicked in and his body buzzed with warmth. His hyungs could handle their alcohol well and he was sure he will regret this tomorrow. "I'm still single."

"Well..." Jin trailed off. "Technically yeah. You're single. Seeing as your crush is also your new boss, I agree with Hobi on this one."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "I-Why would he care?"

"He won't." Jin shrugged. "I mean...he doesn't give a damn now. Why would he care if you showed up with a fiancé tomorrow."

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Do you want us to spell it out for you, Jungkook-ah? The first reason you accepted this job is to be closer to Park Jimin, isn't it? You kept going back to the gym because of him. Now that you're where you need to be, do you want to ruin your chances with him by bringing Jae-Hwa into this?"

"But...I don't even know if he's into men," Jungkook said in a small voice. "He never gave me any indication if he likes me that way and besides you know I can't...I can't come out."

"How are you so sure?" Hoseok asked with a tilted head. "You don't know what the future holds for you."

Jin chuckled. "You didn't even expect to meet him in the first place, but look, you work with him every day. You guys eat together and he's a lot closer to you than he's with anyone else."

Jungkook's eyes twinkled. He knew why he got special treatment from the quintuples, but his hyungs didn't know the reason yet. To Jimin, he was Jeoni's little brother. Will he be anything more than that? Only time will tell.

"That brings me to my next suggestion," Hoseok added. "Why don't you speak to Jimin? He's an attorney and your crush. You can kill two birds with a stone."

Jungkook's face lit up with the idea. "Thanks, hyung." He shot up from his love seat, hugging Hoseok tighter and his hyung laughed as Jungkook climbed onto his lap, burying his face into his shoulder. His hyung always smelled nice. He felt a soft press of Hoseok's lips on his temple. "I'm such a bad boyfriend."

"You don't have a boyfriend yet."

"I do. His name is Park Jimin." Jungkook's eyes sparkled as he pulled away to squish Hoseok's cheeks. "Hyungie...he's so beautiful it hurts," he slurred with a laugh. The youngest hadn't even realized how much alcohol he'd consumed that night. He felt fine a while ago, but the world around him was now floating.

"Alright. Time for bed," Jin urged. "Let's go to bed and regret drinking tomorrow."

Jungkook laughed as he got off Hoseok's lap. "I want to be a little spoon today," he announced as he stretched his body.

"You're always the little spoon," Hoseok countered

"Cos' I'm the baby here."

"I wonder how the public would react if they found out their sexy CEO-to-be is nothing but a giant fluff ball who acts cute and loves to be coddled," Jin teased.

"I'm like this only with you, hyungie."

"Liar. You're like this with Jeoni and the others too," Jin called him out.

"Not my fault I'm cute. Now come and cuddle me."

With a shake of his head, his hyung followed.


Katy lay awake in her bed. Her thoughts racing. She didn't know why she was thinking about her time in Vegas. She was grateful for everything she had in life. It was much more than she could ever ask for. A great family with a bond like no other. Great friends who would put themselves in the path of a bullet if needed.

But everything in this world came at a price. As sheltered and protected she was, there was something she always longed for. Honestly, she didn't regret anything about her life as it was. There were things she had to sacrifice, there were boundaries, but she wouldn't trade her life for anything in the world. At least that was what she thought until she stumbled onto Hoseok that night.

The birthday trip to Las Vegas was planned months in advance. A week into the trip, a simple argument had led to the other. Aera and Katy were offended that the others would think they couldn't survive on their own for even a day, which led them to accept the challenge. To tour Vegas for another week without as much as a text with the others unless it was an emergency. Of course, they had a bodyguard trailing after them, but they had kept their distance.

Katy was exhilarated. Perhaps, it was the freedom she felt. As scary as it was, liberty was something she couldn't afford. She felt lost for the first few hours, her fingers itched to text her friends, who had become an integral part of her life. But that was the challenge all about, wasn't it? And she took the challenges seriously.

However, if there was one thing she wasn't prepared for during the trip, it was Hoseok. She was so enamored with her surroundings and her newfound freedom that she hadn't seen where she was headed to. She bumped into a few people, mumbling apologies before running into a tall man, spilling her drink on him. She was mortified because after working with Taehyung day in and day out, she knew all about fashion brands.

The shirt and jacket he wore were a limited edition from last winter collection that cost thousands of dollars. Not that money was an issue. But people tended to be protective about their clothing and she was no different. She had braced herself for the onslaught of curses. What she didn't expect was to be met with a face of an angel.

Katy couldn't help but gawk at the man who for some weird reason stirred emotions she otherwise would never feel. And his voice. Oh, God that angelic voice, had sent shivers down her spine. Never in her life had she come across a man who was as enthralling as the one in front of her. She had worked with enough men in her profession. And he hadn't even done anything to warrant any special attention yet.

She was more than happy to accept his offer when he invited her for dinner. But then she saw her bodyguard trailing after her and remembered what she was about to do. She can't let this happen. She shouldn't. She couldn't afford someone to find out. Katy was, after all, a celebrity by her own standards. And this man was a stranger. She shouldn't involve herself with him.

The man definitely came from money. Everything about him screamed of a ruthless business man. The look in his eyes, the determination in his face, but the cold look always melted away when those eyes were directed at her. It reminded her of Jimin. Cold and protective on the outside yet so warm on the inside. There was more to him and something was drawing her to him.

It was hard to say goodbye. But she had no option. She had no place for these fleeting feelings. It's just a crush, she told herself. It was natural to feel attracted to the opposite gender. That didn't mean she had to act on it. So, she had walked away with a heavy heart though it was the last thing she wanted to do then.

As fate would have a different plan, she ran into him again and this time, she was feeling a bit adventurous. She'd somehow managed to lose her bodyguard and feeling naughty. She was a big woman who could take care of herself.

One meeting turned into two and soon they were spending every second of their waking moments together. Katy didn't understand how or when it has come to this. But there was no denying this unexplainable attraction she felt toward this man she barely knew. He respected her boundaries. Hadn't asked a question about her personal life. It felt good to live without being burdened by her otherwise demanding life.

Perhaps, it wasn't a good idea to say yes to Hobi's proposal. However, at that moment, everything felt right. As wrong as it sounded and how much it went against everything she was brought up to, she couldn't help it. She didn't want to lose him. It was true, she was being rebellious and didn't stop to think what would happen afterward.

Hoseok was a commoner. Though times have changed, their family was expected to live by the rules. The royal families married within each other to keep the bloodline and family power intact. If she had stayed in Korea, she'd have been probably married off already. It was the reason her brother and Taehyung married without public knowledge. It was a reason Aera hadn't taken that next step with Namjoon.

While her family wasn't opposed to their relationship, it would reflect badly on them. Her family would be under scrutiny. If she was in her regular mind space she'd have said no and cut ties with him, but she was drunk and hopelessly in love. The few days with Hoseok gave her a taste of the life she could have with him. She wanted that. Freedom tasted divine. To live without the expectations of the society weighing down on her was heaven.

But her little fantasy had come to an end. The reality wasn't nice. Fortunately, she might still have a chance at happiness. Perhaps, things wouldn't be as bad as she feared to be, especially now that she had her family's support. She regretted eloping without their knowledge. At least, she should have told Jimin.

With a sigh, she rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling aimlessly. Those days were the best. She missed Aera, but she didn't want to go to her tonight seeing as she had just got back with her husband. But sleep was too far and she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep without someone spooning her for the night.

She dragged herself from the bed, taking the fluffy comforter with her as she padded through the soft carpeted floor. Taehyung hasn't returned so Jimin would be sleeping alone. She poked her head inside his room, seeing he was scrolling through his phone with a hand-folded behind his head.

His gaze flicked to her. "Couldn't sleep?"

She shook her head, closing the door behind her.

"Come here." He was already lifting the sheets for her climb in and she slid in without a word, snuggling to his chest with a contented sigh, inhaling his familiar scent since childhood. A sense of security and safety blanketed her. With his fingers stroking her hair gently, she drifted off to sleep without any further thoughts.


Jungkook woke up with a terrible headache the next morning, but he still dragged his body out of bed to the gym hoping to meet Jimin. Their workout sessions were more fun together. Jimin had a huge interest in boxing and was a great partner to practice with.

That and it was the only time he got to spend some quality time with him alone. He knew the others were busy with the fashion week and Tae was out of the country. So it was just Jimin and him. A part of him wondered if he was the reason Jimin didn't miss their session. But he had no way to know.

He was feeling like shit when he pulled outside the building where the gym was located. The pounding only increased with time and he regretted drinking on a weekday. Hopefully, he'd stopped before he got too drunk.

"A drunken night out?" Jimin teased as soon as he stepped inside the gym.

"It was at Jin hyung's home." He dropped the bag on the floor and leaned on the wall with a grimace.

"You could have just rested for the day." Jimin reached forward, pushing the loose strands of hair away from his forehead.

Jungkook unconsciously leaned into his touch, his eyes fluttering close. Jimin's cold fingers began rubbing circles around his temples, moving down the side of his face before resumed the circular motion again. He sighed in contentment.

"That feels so good," he mumbled leaning further into his touch. Every inhale of breath pulled a whiff of Jimin's fresh soapy scent.

Jungkook didn't know how long they stood like that. It was the first time Jimin has ever touched him like that and it felt so good that Jungkook felt like he was melting. "Hyung..."


"Can I ask you something?"

Jimin's fingers stilled for a moment and Jungkook made an unpleasant noise in his throat. The older continued with the ministrations. "You know how marriages are nothing but a business alliance in our families."

"I do." His fingers paused again.

They were so close that Jungkook felt Jimin's breath fanning his face. He didn't dare to open his eyes fearing what he would see. He wasn't ready to see Jimin that close, not when his heart thundered against his ribs, threatening to burst free of his chest.

"No, no, don't stop, please..." He put a hand over Jimin's pressing gently for him to continue. "My dad wants me to date Jae-Hwa from the Song family." He slowly opened his eyes, his breath hitching, and a whimper almost tumbling out of his lips upon seeing Jimin so close.

Jimin didn't react. The youngest had to remind himself that the older might not even feel the slightest attraction toward him. He'd seen him enough times to know how close he was with Taehyung yet there was nothing romantic between them. He schooled his emotions. Jimin is being a friend, just being nice to you because you're his best friend's little brother.

The older blinked a few times but continued to massage his temples with a hum. "I had an argument with my dad," he continued. "Then yesterday, Jae-Hwa called me. She told me that she isn't interested in me because she's in love with another man called Jung-hyun. But he's out of the country for work and she wanted me to fake date her to get our parents off our backs."

Jimin's eyes narrowed. "What did you tell her?"

"That I need time to think about it?"

"Have you thought about it?" he asked.

Jungkook nodded. "I did."

"Go on."

"She sounded genuine and what she said is true, but I don't know her and she could be faking the entire scenario for all I know. I mean...I know Eunji would go to any extent to get Hobi hyung to date her."

Jimin hummed again.

"And then there is this thing..." Jungkook blinked, but when he gazed into Jimin's eyes he felt the words flowing freely. "I-I like someone. I-If I do this...they might not like it."

Jimin's brow lifted at that. He leaned in ever so slowly and Jungkook's heart cartwheeled in his chest. "Do they know you like them?"

"I never told them," he whispered, eyes falling shut when heat radiating off Jimin's body.

"Are you planning to?"

Jungkook shook his head. "I-I can't."


Jungkook hung his head. "Because he's way out of my league."

"Oh, it's a he then."

Jungkook's head whipped up. He blinked not even realizing when he let that slip. Heat flared his cheeks and he couldn't meet Jimin's eyes anymore. "Hyung..." he whined hiding his face in Jimin's shoulder, his hands having a mind of their own curled around Jimin's tank top around his waist. "I'm in crisis here. I don't know what to do."


Jungkook was extremely aware of the hand traveling to his nape, gently scratching. "I thought you could help me decide."

"Hmm...let me see. If you go through with this, it will get your parents off your back. However here are a few things to consider—the entire public would think that you're dating; you'll have to take her on dates; make public appearances with her by your side; probably kiss her in the public eye to make it believable...and then can never be seen out with your love interest or anyone else during the period of your fake dating."

"No!" Jungkook lifted his head, his eyes wide. He hadn't considered that far. "I-I can't kiss her. I won't kiss anyone."

Jimin chuckled, his hand that was on Jungkook's nape traveling to his ear, idly playing with his silver hoops as if it was his favorite thing to do. "I'm not done yet. As for the cons, you said you know about women who would go to any extent to get what they want. How would you know if she's speaking the truth?"

Jungkook sighed. "You're right. This was a bad idea."

Jimin patted his cheek and let go of him before turning toward the equipment. "Good. You have your answer."

The youngest mourned the warmth Jimin took with him. "Will the person I like be mad that I even thought about this?"

Jimin shrugged. "Not anymore since you told him already."


Jimin looked over his shoulder and Jungkook froze, sweat breaking out of his skin.

How did

"You can rest up while I finish," he said and Jungkook shut his mouth.

What did just happen? Did I make that up?

Jimin didn't turn again. Jungkook shook his head to clear his thoughts. Focus. He went to sit by the mirror as he waited for Jimin to finish. Perhaps it was the hangover messing with my brain.

Whatever it was it had felt good and he'd leave it at that.


"What about the hot ass Korean dude you dated in the first year of our college? What was his name? Kiwi?" Katy swung her leg over the armrest of the love seat.

"Kiwoo," Jimin supplied.

Porshiya hit her with a pillow. "We don't talk about him anymore and he was an ass."

"An ass you were obsessed with," Katy shot back.

"Shut up!" Porshiya hissed.

Jimin chuckled. The bickering was like breathing for them. They couldn't go an hour without it. They were lounging in their living room as they didn't have work in the morning. Jimin and Katy occupied the loveseat and Porshiya was on a bean bag. It was Aera's turn to cook, who had taken a few days off from work until the show was over.

"You were reading the latest gossips. Focus on that!" Porshiya threw another pillow at them.

"Fine. Famous model and designer, Kim Taehyung spotted kissing a man in Paris," Jimin read out loud. "Those fucking paparazzi."

"This is not the first time this has happened. What do we do this time?" Aera asked, chopping the vegetables from the small coffee table. She preferred to do it herself since she wanted things done in a specific way. Jimin was on dishwashing duty today.

"The usual..." Katy shrugged. "Damage control."

"Yeah. But how? He was supposed to be with us here in Seoul. People would wanna know what he was doing in Paris a few days before the show. One of the biggest if I might add." Porshiya crossed her leg, scrolling through her frown and furiously typing away. "These idiots are getting on my nerves."

"Our usual distraction wouldn't work this time and I don't think Tae wants it. Let's announce his Unisex collection. Drop the teaser or whatever. Distract them," Jimin suggested. "I'm thinking about having a new model for the collection," he added. "He might have dragged Jeoni in, but we need someone else."

"What about Jungkookie?" Aera perked up. "He's already famous and will be a wonderful addition to our unisex collection."

Jimin chewed his lip thoughtfully. "We can ask him, but I think it might be too soon. What if he isn't comfortable being in front of the camera?"

"Ah, come on. As if he would say no to you," Aera snickered.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Stop daydreaming, Hamster."

"Who do you have in mind?" Katy asked, tilting her head from where she rested her head on his lap so she could see him properly.

"I was thinking about Joonie hyung."

"Joonie?" Katy sat upright.

"Yeah. Actually, I was thinking of a couple shoots and maybe we could put Aera and Joonie hyung together. You're already a model, so people won't give it much thought."

"I don't think Aera would agree to this." Katy frowned. "She hates it when Poshi drags her to model for her limited edition collection. She would never agree to a campaign with Joonie."

"She's right here." Aera dropped the knife on the cutting board and folded her hands across her chest. "And I object."

Jimin ignored her protests, gaze still on the iPad he was scrolling through. "Trust me, I have my reasons," he said.

"We always trust you, but explain." Katy sat facing him, her brows knitting. "My brain can only handle so many cryptic reasons for a day."

"Did you forget the royal gala is coming up?" Jimin asked as if that would answer all their questions.

"What does that got to do with any of this?" Porshiya looked up from her phone.

"Sweetheart, you're literally missing the point here." Jimin flicked Katy's nose. She swatted at his hand but snuggled to his side nonetheless. "Royal gala is a place where the potential suitors approach you. The public doesn't know the mighty royal heirs of the Min family are already married."

"Oh, fuck!" Katy cursed, her eyes wide. She'd heard about it during their etiquette lessons. "But it's too soon."

Jimin scoffed. "You're twenty-seven, Jeoni. It's too late. Namjoon hyung is not a royal. So is Hoseok hyung and Taehyung. I don't know how the royal families or the public would react to this when the news gets out. They already don't like the fact we chose to live in the US and have American citizenship. You're creating a buzz because the majority of the public doesn't know who you are."

"But we have always been in the public eye." Katy frowned.

"And we are making more noise than anyone else out there. Look at the number of scandals we left in our wake," Aera snickered.

"As the quintuples of Vinora not as a Min," Jimin corrected her.

"You often forget who you are." Porshiya chuckled. "Especially Jeoni." She pointed a long finger at her. "You're fortunate your parents moved to the US so they could offer a normal life for you, which you would have never had if you were here."

Jimin nodded. "Korean citizens know all of the royal heirs. They keep tabs on them, but we managed to evade them for so long. They know only about Yoongi hyung. As for you and Aera, you were practically off the radar."

"Correction: We are hiding right under their noses," Aera chirped. She grabbed the knife and started chopping the vegetables again.

It was Yoongi's idea to separate the quintuples from his life in the public eye, mainly because he was in love with Taehyung for as long as Jimin knew. The elder had the foresight to see through the situation and it helped immensely. Technically they were never private. Everyone was in the public, only there was nothing that would allow the public to connect them with the Min family.

"The public thinks it's for security reasons. Now that you both are back involved heavily in the family business, it wouldn't be long before the media is all over you," he added.

Though living in the US helped them avoid the inevitable, Jimin knew it won't be for long. The other royal families had already begun reaching out for potential alliances. If that wasn't enough all three of them were married to non-royals breaking the traditional norms. They had to be careful with revealing their relationships to the public. It could severely backfire.

"Now explain why me campaigning with Joonie will help this issue? I'm already gracing headlines as his mystery woman. Won't it worsen the issue?" Aera asked. "Did you forget his mother hates me?"

"Through this campaign, we could slowly ease the idea of Joonie and Aera as a couple in people's minds," Porshiya added. "As for your mother-in-law sweetheart, we honestly don't give a fuck. We are only holding back because of Joonie. Now that you're in your turf, I, personally will not hold back if she ran her shitty mouth again."

"You should speak to Joonie hyung," Jimin said. "Tell him about her."

Aera shrugged. "I told him she doesn't like me. If he really cared, he will pay attention the next time."

Jimin shook his head, typical Aera-like response. "You won't win an argument with me, Aera."

"Oh, how could I forget you're the freaking attorney here, but I can definitely hold my ground," Aera shot back.

"But you'll always listen to me at the end of the day," Jimin retorted. Before he could speak again, the front door opened and Taehyung strode in. One of the guards brought the luggage as the others jumped to their feet.

"Oh, my God! Your hair is black." Katy jumped into his arms, squeezing the life out of him, only to be joined by the others.

Taehyung stumbled with a chuckle, losing his balance and falling backward on the soft rug that cushioned their fall. The other puppy piled over him, Jimin kissing his cheek.

"I missed you Tae bear," Jimin mumbled.

"I missed you too, Mochi."

"What about us?" Porshiya pinched his arm.

"Ow! I missed you too my cuddly Panda. I missed you all so much, especially Aera's ranting session and Katy's sulking session."

Taehyung was hit again by two furious women.

"I don't rant!"

"I don't sulk!"

"Right. The sky is not blue and the elephants have stripes."

"Ah, shut. You're missing so much." Katy stood up, tugging his arm. "We have so much to tell you."

"Oh, so what did I miss?" Taehyung asked as he was pulled into the love seat by Katy and Jimin. Jimin and Tae occupied the love seat with Katy and Aera occupying the cushion on the floor by the coffee table. Porshiya took the seat she was occupying earlier.

"Nothing much," Porshiya said. "They're just being dramatic."

Katy narrowed her eyes at Porshiya before meeting Jimin's gaze, her lips tilted with a mischievous smile. Jimin knew what that smile meant. After all, they grew together and knew each other like the back of their hands.

"Oh, harder!" Katy suddenly moaned in a high-pitch voice, causing all blood in Porshiya's face to drain.

"Fuck! You feel so good," Jimin followed in a breathy tone.

Taehyung cackled, clutching his stomach as he fell over Jimin.

"Hey! What the fuck is that?" Porshiya looked offended. "We weren't like that."

"I was going to take you on public dates, slowly seduce you to my bed...but sue me... I can't think clearly when I'm with you. Tell me it's not just me," Jimin continued in a serious tone, his voice dipping low as he imitated Jin's voice.

"Public dates and slow seduction would have been nice, but it's still not late for a date though. And yes, you're not the only one. You make me reckless, Jin. And I don't know why it feels so right," Katy followed suit.

Aera and Taehyung were both on the floor now, laughing harder. Porshiya's face was burning red. "Y-You eavesdropped."

"Mhmm...I just want you to know I seriously like you. I've never felt this way for another woman, not since high school. I want more. I want to wine and dine, give you flowers and chocolates, woo you the way you deserve. Will you allow me that honor?" Jimin was on his knees in front of Katy who was trying hard not to laugh and ruin the serious roleplay.

"Did you pull that line from one of your rom-com?" Katy smirked, her voice imitating Porshiya.

"I'm trying to ask you to be my girlfriend here. Can you for a minute stop teasing and focus?" Jimin's voice took a serious note.

"Fine. Can you put me into a freezer?"


"You just made me melt into a thick gooey puddle," Katy exaggerated in a dramatic voice.

"So, is that a yes?" Jimin grinned.

"It's always yes." Katy jumped into Jimin's waiting arms making kissy noises.

Porshiya grabbed a pillow repeatedly smacking them.

"That's called an invasion of privacy!"




"Both of you!"


"Shameless assholes!"


"Hey, you were the one who was fucking him in a dressing room!" Katy countered.

"Lucky for you, we cleared the room as soon as you guys began and kept them away until you were done," Jimin added, clutching his side as he wheezed with laughter.

"Yeah, thanks to us, you don't have a sex tape swimming the internet. What were you even thinking?" Katy countered. "You could have got caught. Worse, someone could have recorded you."

"The dressing room had no lock," Jimin said in a more serious tone this time. "We had to stay to ensure you both had privacy. I sent away the guards too since I didn't think you'd appreciate them hearing you."

Porshiya groaned, covering her face with both her hands as she plopped on the seat. "I didn't think that far."

"Seriously, Poshi. You're the most mature one in the group, far level-headed than anyone else. Jin hyung is a famous actor and if the word got out...I'm sure you don't want the public to find out like this. You have to be careful."

"I'm sorry. I'll be cautious."

Katy rolled his eyes. "We all know you wouldn't when Jin is concerned. How about you lock the door next time and keep your voices down?"

Porshiya straightened and fixed her gaze on her. "You know what? I will. But know that I'll have my turn to do you dirty. And I won't hold back."

Katy smirked. "What's stopping you?"

"Oh, you just wait, I'll make you regret."

"I won't regret a thing where Hobi is concerned."

"Thank God, I soundproofed my room," Aera deadpanned.

"Can we talk about Tae's permed black hair?" Katy suddenly changed the subject.

"It was Yoongi hyung's idea," Tae said. "We hit a salon while we were there and he suddenly said he missed my black hair. So I got it done." He smiled, looking radiant as ever after his short trip.

"So it wasn't you in the photo," Jimin stated, feeling relieved.

"What photos?" Tae quirked his brows.

Jimin handed his iPad wordlessly to him.

"That's not me." He frowned. "I can see the confusion. The photos are blurry and he has a similar physique like mine."

"While that's consoling, it doesn't take the burden off our shoulders," Aera said. "Minnie was saying that we should announce your unisex collection to distract the public."

Tae nodded. "I'm down for anything. You don't have to ask."

Jimin squeezed his shoulder. "I also suggested that we introduce new models," he quickly explained his idea and Tae was only happy to accept. He was even excited to try it out.

"We should plan that for our shoot in Gyeongbokgung Palace, the one Jungkook suggested," his best friend said.

"And expose that I'm connected to the Min group? Jungkookie doesn't know that," Aera pointed out.

"He doesn't have to know. Anyone can join the campaign." Katy shrugged. "To him, Namjoon will just be a model."

"You just love to create mazes, don't you?" Jimin huffed. "One day you're gonna get caught in your own trap."

"As if I'm not already." Katy rolled her eyes.

"I'm okay with anything. The public doesn't know we are married. While Jungkook knows our secret, he doesn't have to know who my husband is," Aera piped in. "At least not until Jeoni comes clean."

"That's solved then. Now can we do something fun?" Tae asked, "I'm bummed out because I had to leave Yoongi hyung again."

"We can watch a movie before we head to work," Porshiya suggested.

"Nah too boring." Aera moved the chopped vegetables into a bowl. "Why don't you play some indoor games? I'm sure Tae would enjoy that."

"Yes, please."

Just like that the mood was lighter, as usual, the slight tension building due to the mention of scandal diffused. But Jimin's mind was reeling. Things were moving too fast for his liking. He liked to plan, stay in control. However, recently, everything was spiraling out of control and he was doing his best to stay on top of it. Because he'd never let any harm coming his friends' way.  

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