Chapter 21

Jikook is blessing us all week. Sigh. Today's Holiday version.

Jikook in their own world in matching jackets for the entire video. Please...Kill me. JImin isn't going easy on us. Have some mercy, sir.


The days leading to the show was filled with tension and hectic schedules that left them bone-tired by the end of the day. Having Jungkook as the backup photographer helped a lot and reduced their workload in ways they didn't expect. He was creative, proactive, and full of ideas. The top people at Gucci were impressed by the shots he had taken and wanted to see more.

Jimin despite being only a model for the show had more on his plate. Though he was only a main model for Vante designs, he still had a lot of responsibilities dished out for him as the founding partner for the company. As much as he'd like to complain like Katy, he enjoyed every bit of work because Vinora was their baby.

Speaking of which, his worried gaze followed the grumpy kitty that was his crib mate cum best friend for life mopped around the studio. It wasn't every day one got to see Katy getting caught in her own web. She almost got away with anything, literally anything being the baby of the family. But it was all harmless fun.

Though a part of him was worried for her, the majority of him enjoyed the once in a year chance. Porshiya indeed got her good in her own game and he couldn't wait to see how Katy would get her back.

The reason for her latest grumpiness was because Jungkook started texting her in Korean. As much as she loved to connect with her brother, now she had to run to one of them since her Korean skills were way below par. She liked to claim she was good at Korean, but Jimin knew the truth. Katy had conveniently forgotten her native language. She always thought Korean was a bit tricky. While she could hold up a decent conversation, her reading and writing skills were still shitty.

Her parents weren't happy when it came to her antics, but as he said earlier, she got away with almost anything, broke at least a million rules when it came to the Min household. She flipped the bird on the royal etiquette and formalities. One of the reasons, she skipped attending almost all formal events and a reason the general public didn't know who Min Jeong-seon was.

The others enjoyed this as much as him, which was why they made the most out of this situation, talking nonsense in response to Jungkook's texts, asking weird questions that might have had Jungkook question his very decision to even wanting to talk to her. Once again, it was harmless fun. Katy hadn't realized what was going on since no one bothered to translate the conversation to her.

Google translate wasn't really helpful and left her all the more frustrated. She kicked up a fuss and consumed at least three hot chocolates and a dozen muffins since morning, ripped through a few of their wardrobe, lectured on how the color wasn't matching the concept and how it was ruining the vibe, almost chewed three of the unsuspecting staff who were on duty before Jimin and Taehyung saved them. The worst of them all was when she complained about how her eyes hurt because nothing was good.

Taehyung, as sweet as he was, despised when someone commented on his choice of wardrobe being the perfectionist he was. And she played with his major pet peeve. He knew she was doing it on purpose, but that didn't help the cause. Jimin had to send him to the break room twice for a long break before both got into another catfight over nothing. Evacuating Porshiya an hour ago from the sets hadn't helped. As much as they loved each other, their fights could get really nasty at times. Unfortunately, Aera wasn't here to diffuse the tension. None of this would have happened if it was for her. She wouldn't have let this drag this longer.

Taehyung was being pulled into this despite have done nothing. Jimin almost keened twice, but Porshiya had banned him from doing anything because they were having way too much fun. And even Tae said he'll suck it up for the sake of the others. But things hadn't looked good in the past hour or so. Katy looked worse as the time passed and she looked more on edge than usual.

Katy hoped at least Aera would have her back, but the eldest just laughed it off and added more fuel to the already burning fire, which explained why Katy was having a midlife crisis right here on the sets. But something Porshiya did today had set her off. Jimin didn't know what it was. Katy wouldn't let anyone near her phone after the last text was sent out.

Perhaps it wasn't a good idea after all. He knew what had her guts in a twist. Before he could approach her, he was summoned with an emergency task. He looked between the staff who came to call him and Katy. He will clear it all out at night before she combusted. If that screwed expression on her face was anything to go by she wouldn't last long.


"Ah, yes. Coming." He turned to Robert, another photographer on set they got along well with. "Just make sure they don't kill each other, okay?"

"I'll try." Robert grimaced.

"Jungkook will be here shortly. Ask him to take over the shoot."

Robert nodded immediately. Because Jungkook was the only person who could do something dangerous as taking over Katy's shoot and get out without risking imminent death. And the only one allowed to touch her equipment, if he may kindly add.

Perhaps, things wouldn't be so bad once her brother was here. Or worse she'd be even more ticked once she saw him because his texts were the root cause of all this. Jimin bumped into Jungkook on his way out, but hardly had time to warn him because the staff was urging him to move on. He prayed the youngest survived the pissed off Katy in all her glory.

He fired a text to Taehyung.

Jimin [07:32:47 PM]:

Leaving the sets for an urgent work

Jungkook is here

Just stay away from her until I get back

TaeTae [07:33:40 PM]:

A little warning would have been nice

But as much as I'd love to escape I can't considering I have to ensure the safety of the staff

Jimin [07:34:00 PM]:

Stop being dramatic

TaeTae [07:34:25 PM]:

Really Minnie?

I told you it was a bad idea

Didn't I warn you all?

Told you specifically that this is a sore topic for her

Did anyone ever listen to me?

Jimin [07:35:01 PM]:

I tried okay

Posh wouldn't listen

TaeTae [07:35: 33 PM]:

Wait until Jeoni get her back

I can already imagine a thing or two she would do to her

Posh forgot Jeoni still has two cards over her

When that happens I'll be the one laughing for all the shit Posh put me through today

Jeoni called my designs shit!

My fucking designs Minnie!!!

Jimin [07:36:40PM]:


I'm sorry bub

Hold on a little longer, will you?

I'll talk to her as soon as I'm back

TaeTae [07:37:55 PM]:

Yeah whatever

I'll see you if we didn't kill each other before that

One more word about my babies

That's it

Jimin [07:38:05 PM]:


You got this

TaeTae [07:38:25 PM]:

You're wrong

I'm fucking pissed

Jimin [07:38:56 PM]:

Hold for my sake TaeTae

A few more hours

That's all I ask

TaeTae [07:39:10 PM]:


But I'm not getting out of here

Jimin [07:39:36 PM]:


Love you Tae bear

TaeTae [07:39:58 PM]:

Fuck you

Jimin chuckled under his breath at his soulmate's outburst. Despite his anger, he knew Taehyung will hold it together. Just a few more hours.


Jungkook's lips were pulled into a tight frown when he stepped into the studio for work that evening. The Seoul Fashion week was quickly approaching and there were just so many things to do. He was running tight on schedule and could have bailed from working in the studio but this was something he loved to do and more relaxing than being cooped in his room for the rest of the night.

What caused him to frown were the questions he was receiving from his sister since yesterday. After their call, he gave it a few days before striking up a conversation. It started well...kinda. Is this his sister's way of getting to know him? Or is this some kind of prank?

For someone who sounded so mature on the phone call, the questions were weird as shit. It started with:

What is the dumbest way you've been injured?

What's something I would never guess about you?

What's the most awkward thing that happens to you regularly?

But then it turned out to be:

Serious question here, do you count your steps?

Are you single?

Are you seeing someone?

Who's your type?

And last but not least...

Tell me about your gag reflex

That alone made him gag. He briefly wondered if someone hacked her cellphone. Well, who would ask such shit to their brother? He tried to ping it as her drunken texting but this seemed weirdly awkward.

So, he replied to her asking just that:

Did someone hack your phone?

Are you drunk?

The text was left in reading for a few hours now. Someone bumped into him when he was pocketing his phone. He looked up to Jimin running in a hurry. Jimin appeared as if he wanted to say something but the staff was urging him to get moving and he left with a tight smile.

The moment Jungkook entered the studio he knew something was off. The usual cheer in the workplace was missing and the staff appeared to have walking on eggshells, jumping whenever they heard the slightest noise. He frowned as he approached Robert, his co-worker, and a talented photographer.

"Is everything okay?" He glanced around. "Did something happen? This place is oddly quiet today."

"Shh..." Robert hushed him, gesturing his hand to lower his voice. "Katy is this close to losing her shit," he whispered. "Tae and Katy almost fought earlier."

"What?" Jungkook blinked. Katy was usually composed and collected, especially when working. It didn't sound like her at all. And Taehyung was a cool person. Why would they fight? That too in their workplace in front of the others. "They fought?"

"Oh, you have no idea how nasty they can get for being all lovey-dovey most of the times. Jimin stopped them before they ripped each other apart. Tae is in the breakroom for the past hour and Katy is in the office."

"That bad?"

Robert sighed. "I don't know, man. I don't even know what started this." He looked around the studio. "We did nothing all day. I just know it's one of those pranks again. Usually, Katy is cool and plays along, but something about today just rubbed her the wrong way."

"Do you know what this prank is about?" Jungkook asked, concerned for his new friends.

"Nope. I just saw the others running around with Katy's phone since yesterday while she looked helpless and clueless. I should have guessed something wasn't right because they were being sneaky while using her phone. But I didn't realize it would continue this morning as well." Robert let out an exasperated sigh and ran a hand through his thick mass of blond hair. "This shit is stressful, man. Sometimes, they don't know when to draw a line. Usually, when this happens, Aera is there to break the tension. Without her, they're all over the place."

"Who's Aera? Why don't you call her?"

"Oh, Aera is the second eldest and kind of the leader of the group. She's the only one everyone listens to without complaining."

"So why isn't she here?" Jungkook realized he never met this Aera and he didn't remember hearing about her from anyone.

"She's stuck in the office all day." Robert sighed. "I called her, man. But she's got shit that's important than a sibling quarrel if you get what I mean. Someone fucked up big time and she had been cooped in the office all week. This is the least of her worries."

Jungkook understood. Worry creased his brows. It wasn't good to let these type of things affect the work. They were chasing deadlines and he could see the models impatiently pacing in their waiting area.

"Katy noona is in the office, right? Can I talk to her?"

Robert shook his head but then stopped, something akin to realization dawned on his face. "Actually, you know what? You're the best person to approach her now. But the moment she clenches her jaw or pulls a face, get the hell out of there."

"Ah, okay?" Jungkook wiped his clammy palms on his pants. He was only getting to know her and she was really sweet to him. What if he was overstepping the boundary?

"You'll be fine." Robert squeezed his shoulder. "She seems to have a soft spot for you. She will listen to you."

"You think so?"

"Ah, come on, man. You're the only one who could touch her equipment and live to tell the story." He lowered his voice, "That's a big no-no, actually. Not even the other four can get away with it."

"Oh." Now that was information. He was skeptical when she handed her camera over to him the first day. He even wondered how did she even allow him to take over her shoot, change the concept and all she said was that she loved it. After that, he'd changed a lot of things. Though she'd given him his own equipment to use, he often ended up using her camera because well, he liked it better and she let him.

As he made his way to her office, he couldn't help the nervousness. He'd never seen her angry or frustrated and literally knew nothing about her in the first place. Jungkook could only hope his usual charm worked with her. And he was just going to talk to her and let her rant if she was up to it.

Jungkook took a deep breath. Forgoing the formalities, he pushed the door open, letting himself inside the dark office. She sat by the window, gazing outside, bottom lip pulled between her teeth and eyes glassy with tears. The lights from the outside illuminated her crestfallen face.

"Hey..." he greeted.

Katy stiffened, certainly not expecting him here. A flash of surprise crossed her face. She opened her mouth, eyes widening for a moment, then her shoulders sagged. Without another word, she turned away from him to continue staring outside.

Jungkook took that as a positive sign to approach her. "Wanna talk about it?" He was going to ask her if she was okay. But it was obvious she wasn't.

She shook her head. So, he just pulled a chair and sat beside her, looking out of the window. A silence settled between them. Outside, the city lights shone like millions of little stars scattered around. A calming sight if you asked him with thousands of vehicles whirring past on the roads, people going on and about their lives.

Jungkook didn't know how long they sat like that but he sensed her squirming in her seat and turned his attention to her. She had a deep frown on her face as if she was contemplating something. Her lips moved as if she was talking to herself. So, Jungkook waited, observing her silently.

A few more minutes, possibly another ten or fifteen minutes passed. He didn't care about the time. She turned to face him with the same frown.

"Let's say, there's this important person in my life and I quite literally fucked up," she began. "Like seriously messed it all up, how do I come out?"

Jungkook tilted his head to his right. "You gotta tell me more than that, Noona. You don't have to tell me who or why but you have to tell me what you did to mess it up."

Her shoulders sagged and she looked away. "I lied," her voice was barely audible and he saw the tears filling her eyes again. "Well, technically it wasn't a lie but I hid the truth. I didn't mean to, I just couldn't tell them because it would ruin everything you know. Hell, I wasn't even thinking clearly when it happened. Like...I don't know how to explain." She ran a hand over her weary face. "I fucked up, Kookie. He's gonna hate me for it. I just know."

Jungkook frowned. He?

"Did you try to talk to him?"

She shook her head.

"Well, then how would you know if he'd hate you?"

"I just know," she said exasperatedly. "You don't understand." She stared at him for a long moment, then sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you something but you gotta promise that this stays between us."

"You can trust me," Jungkook promised in a heartbeat. He was good at keeping secrets, especially when someone said they trusted him, he felt more responsible.

"I met this guy last year while I was on vacation," she started. "At that time, I didn't know who he was. We kept running into each other and..." her voice sounded dreamy and there was a small upward tilt of her lips. " like a dream. A man with a genuine heart and a beautiful smile. He was so bright and cheery, so fun to be with. We...we fell in love. Then...we kinda eloped."

Jungkook sat still. He knew whom she was talking about. Did she already know his relationship with Hobi hyung?

"It was great. I was elated. He was everything I wanted in life. Then in the morning, I woke up, and...I panicked. You've seen how Jiminie and the others are like, right? So, I have this shitty reputation for being reckless and I realized what I just did. I married a total stranger I met in Vegas and it all dawned on me."

She bit her lip, trying to compose herself. Her lips trembled and the forlorn look was back on her face.

"I left him." Then she tensed. "Wait, I didn't leave him. Not literally. I went out for a walk. I wanted to clear my head but then I ran to my brother. When I confessed what I did, he told me to go back to the room and talk to my husband. But when I went back he wasn't there."


"I...I tried calling him but his phone was switched off. I-I panicked. He didn't even leave me a note. Then I tried texting him and...and...he never replied."


"Because his phone was stolen," the words stumbled out of his mouth and he realized he said it out loud.


"I...ah," he cleared his throat. "I might know the person in question," he admitted sheepishly. He saw no point in hiding the truth. Now that he knew her side of the story, he could see it was all a misunderstanding and these two fools ended up hurting themselves.

She looked down at her interlaced hands in her lap. "I know," she replied with a tight smile. "I mean...I looked him up."

"Then why didn't you contact him?" He couldn't help the desperation in his voice. What is stopping her?

"Because..." She worried her bottom lip. "I have my reasons." She looked away again. "And he never tried to contact me and so I guessed he regretted our mistake."

Jungkook sighed. "He went looking back for you."

"I know. Jin Oppa told us the other day." She fidgeted with her fingers. "We had to move out because our security was compromised and then we were on a business trip. Tae had fashion shows in Paris and Milan. Then there were a few other projects. We were traveling for the most part."

"You should just meet him, you know."

"I'm afraid, Kookie. What if...what if he doesn't wanna talk? What if he hates me? I...There are things I can't tell him yet. He'd want to know why. But I can't. I...I'm not ready."

"You wouldn't know unless you talk to him, right? Hobi hyung is a reasonable person. I'm sure he'll see your reason. He fell in love with you and he married you, didn't he?"

"He did."

"He wouldn't have done that if he wasn't sure about you. Hobi hyung is a person who knows what he wants and he is someone who uses his brain instead of his heart."

She didn't respond just stared at her hands.

"Did you lie to him about something? Were you being dishonest during your time together?"

"No. I didn't lie," she quickly answered. "I was just being me—Jeoni, the photographer." She swallowed. "All my life, I've struggled with my identity you know. Things were messy. When I was in Vegas, I just wanted to be me. So, when we met, I introduced myself as Jeoni. This is a life I build for myself you know. It only felt right to use this identity. Everything was real except I never got to tell him about the rest of the things about me."

Jungkook wondered what sort of things was stopping her from Hobi hyung. As far as he knew, she was a photographer and also a founding partner of Vinora. That wasn't even a reason for Hobi hyung to hate her. It simply didn't make sense. Unless she had something else to hide.

"Is this why you were upset?"

Katy blinked. "Partly, yeah."

"So, there's more?"

"Well..." she drawled, her brown orbs locked with his. "Um...there's this another thing. It was stupid, okay? Once again, I didn't mean to lie. My Korean is shit and I got myself into this mess because I took help from my so-called bestie. Now they're having field trips with this mess I created. Ugh!" She groaned. "I don't even know where to start or where to end."

"Okay?" Jungkook tried to wrap his head around the information. "You don't speak Korean. Is that it?"

"I can.'s really shitty." She exaggerated with animated motions of her hands. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth formed a tight line. "Like I can hold short conversations under professional circumstances, but that's all. I can read but the letters or words don't make sense to me. The language was always complicated to me and I never succeeded in mastering it. When I moved to the US, I forgot everything I learned about Korean. The only reason I even understand is that the others speak Korean at home."

"Okay. So, what's the problem you got yourself into?"

"Um..." She trailed off before wiggling in her chair and turning to face him fully. "Let's say, someone is trying to communicate with me, but I can't reply because it's Korean. I have to go to my friends each time I and I know they're doing something sneaky. I can see it in their eyes, but they won't tell me what it is. And I can't afford to fuck this."

"Does this person know you're bad in Korean?"

Katy shook her head.

"What's stopping you from telling this person the truth? Won't that solve everything?"

"I..." She worried her lip. "What if I make him angry?"

"Noona..." He chuckled. "For someone who knew her shit, you're really bad." He sobered up seeing her expression going slack. "Listen, I don't know what this all about but I think you should just tell this person. Now tell me how important this person is to you?"

"Very VERY important," she stressed. "I shouldn't have done what I did. But I chickened out," she sniffled.

Jungkook rubbed her back. "It isn't too late. You can still make this right."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Honesty goes a long way. And you should never try to build a relationship based on lies. If you can't be honest or tell something you aren't ready to tell them, just say so. If you're important to this person as this person is to you, then they'll understand. If they don't understand, then they don't deserve to be in your life."

She blinked a few times, something clearing in her mind, then a soft smile spread on her face. "Okay."

"Come on, now. We have so much to do."

"I don't wanna," she wiped her cheeks. "Can you take over for me?"

Jungkook nodded.

"There's just so much to do and I'm...this ruined my mood." She pouted making him laugh.

"Hmm...Why don't you write me a to-do list? I'll get it done for you."


"Let me turn the lights on." He jumped to his feet and soon found the switch. When he turned she already had her notepad ready, scribbling a list of things while referring to her phone.

"This will be all. Thanks for this, Kookie. I owe you."

"It's nothing."

"No. Really. I owe you a favor and you can use it anytime you want."

Jungkook cocked a brow, already having heard of her reputation with deals and favors from Robert and the others. "A favor?" He smiled. "I might ask for something you aren't ready to do," he teased.

"It's not every day you get a devil owing you a favor. Take it or leave it." She waved her hand with a pinched expression, but it lacked a bite and he could see the playfulness behind it.

"I'll take it. But let me warn you, this favor could be either materialistic or non-materialistic. I can use it as I see fit," he bargained, knowing it would come in handy, especially in the future with something related to his Hobi hyung.

She thought about it for a while, her lips quirking. "Deal." She tore the paper from the notepad and handed it to him.

"Cool. Now forget about this and relax."

"Nah. I have to apologize to Tae." She circled the table and put a hand on his elbow, squeezing it gently. "Thanks, Kookie. I mean it. Your hyung won't hate me, right?"

"He won't."

She took a shuddering breath, squaring her shoulders. "Okay. I'm going to talk to him after the show. Just...cross your fingers for me?"

"I will." He smiled returning the gesture. "Now go. I've got this."

Katy nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips as she exited the office.

Jungkook shook his head with a smile. He looked at the note, readying to mentally tick off the things that have to be done, only to freeze. He felt like someone punched the air out of his lungs. All the blood drained from his face and he vaguely noticed the tremble of his hands. The handwriting grew blurry and he blinked several times to clear his vision.

The handwriting...

His breath came as short pants. He shook his head, tried to turn the paper and get a closer look. There was no mistaking that handwriting.

It's her.


His mind reeled and he felt his world tilting in its axis.

I have my reasons. Her voice echoed distantly in his head.

I'm afraid, Kookie.

What if he hates me?

I...There are things I can't tell him yet. He'd want to know why. But I can't. I...I'm not ready.

"Fuck!" He cursed again.

It all made sense now. The reason why she feared Hobi hyung would hate her. Fuck. But he had to confirm something first. He can't conclude based on this alone. He had to...

Jungkook rushed out of the office like a bat out of hell. He gave orders to Robert and told him to prepare the things they needed before promising he will be back in an hour. He needed to be home. Had to verify and see it for himself.

When he jumped into his car and revved the engine, Katy's tear strained face filled his mind. She was right there, in front of him all this time. And he didn't know what to do with this information.

"Fuck!" He hit the steering wheel when the traffic slowed him down. A million thoughts raced in his mind. He contemplated calling Jin hyung and decided against it. He needed to know for sure and then he will decide the next step.


Jungkook recognizes her handwriting because his secret santa has the same handwriting. He heKaty is caught red handedly for being so careful.What do you think will Jungkook do?Will he confront her?

I was supposed to be on break, but my brain is on overdrive. So here I am. Lol.

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