Homicidal Liu X Reader (Part 1)
Lil note: I also don't really know Liu, so again apologies if he is OOC. If it's horribly OOC please let me know and I'll try harder to learn more about his character. I'm just in a rush to get this out there right now, and I'm sorry about that. Writer's Block is always a pain, and it always hits when I NEED to write. I'm slowly getting out of it though.
Again, sorry if he is OOC, I'm basing this off what I know of him so far (just learnt about Sully!) And again again, if his character is that bad in this story let me know and I will do better for the next part! So enjoy!
It was a cold winter day, the wind cutting through the city as people hurried through to their jobs and children rushed off to schools. Those that weren't working were on their way to the shops to buy groceries or even to a library, to study.
A young boy in his late teens was pushing his way through the crowd, a striped scarf wrapped loosely around his neck. People turned to glance at him as he rushed by, and the boy subconsciously pulled the scarf over his nose.
Every face he passed, he scanned. And none of them were who he was looking for. Although he wasn't surprised, the person he was looking for wouldn't be out in the daylight, but hiding in the darkness, around a corner, hidden in shadows.
Even still, the boy couldn't stop searching. The paranoia nagged at him, a demon in the back of his mind.
-He's still out there, he'll attack again-
"Shut up..." He huffed to himself, spotting a café and walking inside. The instant warmth made him sigh, his shoulders sagging.
-You need to fight back, do to him what he did to you-
"No." He mumbled again, before looking around the coffee shop. The warmth of the orange lighting made the wooden flooring look dark, mixing in with an orange-brown wallpaper and golden lights. It very easily made the boy think of coffee.
Which, as much as he didn't drink it, he felt obliged to buy something. He walked to the counter, waiting for someone to serve him.
A young girl, she looked about his age, walked over to the counter. She had long/short (h/c) hair (pulled up into a ponytail if it's long enough) and bright (e/c) eyes. The boy found himself staring at her.
"Hi, welcome to the Creamy Coffee, what would you like to drink?" She asked with a smile, tilting her head to the side.
"I uh..." He blinked, shaking his head, before looking at the menu, "I'll have a..."
She grabbed a pen and small notebook, watching him intently. Her shining eyes seemed to scan over him, and the boy wondered what she was thinking.
-Who cares, you can kill her-
"No." He growled slightly, shaking his head.
"No?" The girl asked, "You don't want coffee? We also offer tea, hot chocolate, iced drinks like milkshakes and frappes."
The boy blinked, before nodding, "I'd like a hot chocolate, please."
"One hot chocolate coming up!" She smiled, writing it down, "Any milk requirements, or any marshmallows?"
"Normal milk I guess, and yes please."
The girl nodded, writing it all down, "Alright, and a name for the order?"
"Alright, that should be ready in 10 minutes." She smiled up at him again, before taking the paper and walking out the back.
Liu nodded to himself and walked over to a small table, sitting down and leaning on his hand. Thoughts ran through his head, both of the person he is looking for, and the girl at the counter.
But why the girl at the counter?
"Um, excuse me..."
He jumped, raising his gaze to see her standing in front of him. She held a takeaway mug in her hands, tapping her fingers on it nervously.
"I'm... About to finish work... Would it be alright if I sit with you for a while?" She placed the cardboard cup in front of him, then stood and clenched her apron in her fists.
"Oh uh... Alright." Liu nodded, watching her as her features seemed to calm.
"Thank you so much. I'll... Tell you why once I've finished." She turned her eyes to look out the window, before rushing back to her job.
The boy tilted his head, before also looking out the window. Why did she seem so... nervous? Many people walked past the large window, most talking on their phones or looking at them. Across the street was very similar, although one person was stood against a lamp post, their phone held to their ear. Liu's eyes connected with theirs and the person seemed to glare at him, before putting his phone away and walking off.
-Should show them who's boss...-
"No, shut up Sully." Liu huffed, rubbing his head, "I don't think I want to get into whatever is going on..."
-Then why accept the girl's request?-
"She seemed like a nice person, I wouldn't mind the company."
-I am plenty company-
He sighed, before taking a sip from his drink. Like the murderer would understand anyway. As long as he kept Sully down, everything should turn out fine. Besides, the paranoia on the girl's face made him suspicious. It's possible she had seen the guy Liu had been looking for.
So it was a win-win situation in deciding to let her sit with him. He lowered his head in thought, wondering what questions to ask the girl, and thinking about how delicious his hot chocolate was.
"Hi.." He jumped, looking up to see the worker again, this time she gripped onto her work shirt, the apron and hat both gone.
"Hey." He nodded to the seat across from her, she took it gingerly.
"So um... Sorry about this." She sighed, lowering her gaze, "It's silly really, it's been months and I just... I thought he would have stopped by now."
"Who?" Liu asked, "Was it that guy across the street?"
So not the guy he was after. Damn.
Even still, now Liu was curious.
"What's he been doing...?"
"Well... He's my ex." The girl said quietly, playing with her (h/c) hair, "I dumped him... For good reasons, he was very manipulative and just an ass... But he doesn't want to take it seriously. He's insisting we are still together and... Well..."
"So he's harassing you?" Liu was deadpan, before looking out the window again.
-Ohhhh, we can use this as a good excuse to attack someone-
"Stop talking."
"Wh-What?" The girl looked at him, "I.. Sorry..."
"Oh no, not you uh..." Liu tilted his head, "What's your name?"
The girl stared at him, her cheeks turning red.
"O-Oh! Sorry! My name is (Y/N). Why did you say to stop talking?" She stared longer, this time curious.
"I was just talking to myself."
-We should totally kill the guy hassling her. I'm bored!-
Liu cleared his throat, "Anyway... Why haven't you gone to the police about this?"
"I have. But they brushed it off as just a heartbroken guy in denial." She sighed, lowering her gaze again, "I'm just... I hate being alone now, so when I saw him out there... I... You were by yourself so I thought..."
"It's alright. I don't mind helping out." Liu offered a smile.
She smiled back, before her eyes searched his face. Something seemed to click inside her,
"So uh, what happened?"
"The stitches, were you in some sort of fight?"
The boy sat back, rubbing his head. He hadn't really spoken much about what happened, to anyone. Ever. (Y/N) seemed to notice his unease, and she raised her hands instantly.
"S-Sorry! If it's a touchy subject, you don't need to tell me."
"Alright, well thank you." He smiled again, "But it was sort of like that. I was attacked."
"Oh, well, I'm glad you're alright." She giggled a little, "And it makes you look tough as well."
Her cheeks turned red again and she covered her face. Liu smiled more, this girl was insanely adorable, so easily embarrassed, and so kind. She was very charming even.
-I'll admit she's cute, but she's more of a one-night thing-
"Shut up."
(Y/N) blinked, before sighing and lowering her head, "S-Sorry... I didn't mean to be so... Weird."
The male raised his head, blinking, before he realised he had said that out loud.
"No no, I'm sorry. I just..." He sighed, rubbing his head, "I'm bad with people, I guess. If that guy is still around though, I could walk you home?"
She smiled again, before nodding, "If you don't mind."
"Of course not. Shall we go?" He stood, holding a hand out for her to take. She stared at it for a while, before taking it slowly, her cheeks were still red. He offered a smile, before leading her out of the café and down the street, "Which way is your house?"
"Oh um..." She scratched her head, looking around again, "Actually, I just moved. You know, stalker ex and all... I don't really want to say."
"Then lead the way." He nodded, and (Y/N) smiled, before taking the lead and pulling him through the crowded streets. People glanced at them as they pushed past, and Liu did his best to look at every face again. However this time, he found himself looking for the stalker and not his usual target.
"So what were you doing today?" (Y/N) asked as she manoeuvred through the people, "I mean, before I hijacked it."
"Oh, I was just looking for someone." Liu said, probably too casually.
"What?!" The girl stopped walking and turned to him, "If you were looking for someone, you didn't have to help me."
"It's fine, I wouldn't find them anyway..." He sighed, before pulling the scarf off his neck and wrapping his around his hand, "They don't want to be found, but I'll get there eventually."
"Who is it? If I may ask..."
"The one who... Did this."
Liu gestured to his face and the girl seemed to flinch. She didn't want to ask, knowing it was a touchy subject, but the mystery behind this male's wounds was starting to get to her. What kind of monster does that to such a kind boy?
"I see, well I hope you find them then. I take it, it's for revenge?"
"No, actually..." Liu sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. He felt obliged to tell her, but should he? He barely knew the girl, and yet he felt like telling her everything.
Maybe it's because he was never able to. He was never able to talk about what happened that night. His parents had been murdered, and the nurses and doctors, they didn't care enough to listen. That's how it had seemed to Liu anyway.
He had also been sent to a psychiatrist, in case he had any form of PTSD or anxiety or depression after the incident. It was the only time he had told the full story, however he hadn't known of his other side. The side that had been unleashed when his own brother attacked him.
His other side, the reason he wants to find his brother, to ask him why. Why had everything happened the way it had? Did he have the same other side, but it was more dominant? Was his brother still able to be saved?
He realised that telling (Y/N) might not be the best idea, say she doesn't understand and thinks he's a freak. That's the last thing he wants to be.
"Well whatever the reason, I wish you good luck." The girl snapped Liu back to reality, she had stopped outside an apartment building.
She turned to him, her (e/c) eyes shining as she smiled at him, "Thank you so much for this, I owe you, really I do."
"It's nothing." Liu shrugged, offering a smile, "I needed the distraction anyway."
"Oh goodie." She walked towards the complex, "But seriously, if you ever need any help, feel free to come to me. I'll do my best."
"Okay, thank you." The boy smiled more, before pulling his scarf out and wrapping it around his neck again.
Maybe he'd take her up on that offer. Some day.
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