There it was. The Sacred Pearl. The one which was going to decide the fate of the Nerils. The only thing which could save Neri from complete extinction. The cosmic power that runs through the blood of the Nerils as well as through everything was in existence in their world. The very reason for their existence. For the earthlings, finding it and retrieving it back to Neri is the only key to their home. They have now found it, no going back or giving up after all the efforts that they have put in.
The marks on Krox glowed brighter as he stood at the entrance of the cave with the earthlings and Calix standing at either side of him. His neck craned up as his slightly glowing gray eyes fixed on the blinding white light on the top of the wall.
"It's very far up there. How are we gonna get there?", Chris asked.
"Someone has to climb up there.", Jane said and her eyes started to observe the whole cave around, looking for a way up.
The ceiling was so high that it felt like it could even reach up to the sky. The ceiling had a little star-like object growing out of it. She narrowed her eyes and found that they were crystals, like the ones that they saw in Neri. Then she slowly lowered her gaze from the ceiling. The wall had
cracks and tiny rocky spikes. She gulped and looked back once behind her, her body shivered when she played that animalistic growl once again in her mind. She then turned ahead and her eyes caught something at the side of the wall. It was another cave on the right side which had an entrance arch half the size of the whole cave that they all were standing in but it was dark inside.
"There is another cave.", she stepped forward and she stepped on something hard. She looked down and her lips parted when she saw that it was the same crystalline balls that were growing up on the ceiling. Finally, she noticed all the crystals that were on the sand, covered by it but still they could be seen because of their brilliant shine. They were literally standing in a treasure.
Everyone's eyes directed to the dark cave and they moved forward, except for Ayesha and Krox. He was staring up at the Pearl and she was busy looking around the cave and on the left, she saw a really narrow path on the side of the wall that ran up in a circular path around the wall of the whole cave towards the hole where the Sacred Pearl was. The path was so narrow that one could slip down if they took one wrong step but it was the only way up to reach for the Pearl unless anyone could fly up there to fetch it.
Calix peeked over the cave, he tried to look inside by stepping into it slowly and carefully. Right when he saw something moving in the dark, his hand instantly stretched out to the side, silently telling Ryan, Arjun, Yuina, Chris and Jane to back up and they halted right on their spots. He pointed the X5 forward and took one step forward, he was holding his breath, his body refusing to move as he was desperate to see what was inside the cave. His sharp eyes unblinking, his stance wide, shoulders square and his fingers ready to pull the trigger. He knew for a fact that what was inside was going to an untamable menace.
Meanwhile, Ayesha tapped on Krox's shoulder to get his attention, she pointed to the narrow path on the wall. Krox's eyes gleamed as she showed the cliffside trail. He took one step to walk to that wall and the ground shook with a thud followed by another one. A low guttural growl with the combination of an eerie clicking sound that echoed through the cave stunned them all right on the spot.
They were too scared to move and all of their eyes were looking into the dark. Another low and deep growl came out of the cave and in the middle of the darkness, two mesmerizing shades of crimson orbs with malevolent fire snapped open, glowing with an otherworldly intensity. Within their depths, one can sense the seething anger that promises a merciless retribution. The eyelids closed once and reopened with a burning fury and another thud echoed through the cave. The creature's razor sharp fangs shined in the darkness as it sneered towards the intruders. Another thud, as it took another menacing step forward as if it was the last warning. Those fury filled eyes and one hissing and clicking sound sent a nerve chilling shiver, sending a message that if they won't leave right away, it's gonna rain down fire.
Calix didn't make a move, his eyes held the glare of the intimidating glare of the creature in the dark. He spoke facing it but his words were commanding the earthlings.
"Run. And do not look back.", his voice was low but the authority in his voice was screaming, "Get them all outta here, Christopher."
The creature growled again with that eerie clicking sound. It was nearing to them, slowly coming out of its solitude in the soul-chilling darkness.
Chris pulled Yuina in his right and he caught Ryan's hand in his left and he ran towards the entrance that they all came through. Ryan blinked out of the utter horror and as he ran, he caught Jane's hand. She ran along with him. Emily dragged Ayesha away from her spot as she was standing like a statue, watching the true horror of her entire life. Arjun was too stunned to move that he didn't even hear Calix's words, besides he felt like he was in some sort of trance as he stared into those red eyes of the creature.
"Arjun, what are you doing? Get the hell outta here, dammit!", Calix yelled, startling Arjun out of his mind.
Arjun frantically looked around to find no one standing near him. He slowly took a few steps backward, directing his eyes back to the creature as it was slowly coming out of the dark cave. His jaw slowly went agape as the creature showed itself in the light of the cave.
The creature's head was a fearsome sight to behold, a fusion of dragon and arachnid features seamlessly integrated into a living nightmare. The red blade-like scales on the back of it stretched from its head to tail and it was contrasting to the storm-night sky blue skin of it. The dazzling white fangs were scarier than its raging scarlet eyes. It was standing tall on its four powerful and muscular legs, its body covered in thick, overlapping scales reminiscent of ancient armor, providing an unparalleled protection against the would-be attackers. As it finally stepped completely out of the cave, its elongated and menacing tail came into view and it stretched out its broad and thick majestic wings. It moved in an elegant way, making blade-like scales outwitting the brilliant marks that were etched all over the mountain. Each of the dorsal scales made a blade clashing sound as they moved.
"The Skarlothar.", Krox's voice caught Calix's and Arjun's attention.
"The what?", Arjun turned to Krox who hadn't left the cave as per Calix's command.
"It was one of the war animals used by our enemies. This must be the last of them.", Krox said, readying his bow and arrow, "Although its vision is not strong, it's not easy to defeat. It has the ability to sense fear and can destroy an entire army easily."
The Skarlothar clicked again, moving its head, its eyes scanning around aimlessly.
"Luckily for us, It's quite powerless without a rider to guide it through its surroundings. I will try to divert it. Calix, you need to get the Sacred Pearl from there.", Krox pulled the string of the bow with the arrow aimed at Skarlothar's throat.
"No, I've got this. You get the Pearl.", Calix said, aiming his X5 at the Skarlothar, "And Arjun, get the fuck outta here."
Arjun gulped, still not out of his scared state. Krox caught his wrist and pulled him aside towards the way out.
"Go along with your friends. You all need to go to the ship.", Krox said, pushing Arjun into the path but Arjun didn't seem to run or listen to Krox, "Arjun..."
"What about you?", Arjun asked softly, finally shifting his eyes from the dragon.
"I need to get the Sacred Pearl. You should go."
Arjun looked indecisive, looking between Skarlothar, Calix, Sacred Pearl and Krox.
"Please, go back.", Krox pushed him gently.
"ARJUN, GET OUT OF HERE! YOU'RE SCARED! IT'S SENSING YOU!", Calix shouted at him, getting in front of Skarlothar, shooting right on its long neck, diverting its gaze that slowly turned towards Arjun, but the shot got deflected off the dragon.
"What the-", Calix mumbled, not believing his eyes.
Arjun turned and ran half heartedly.
Krox immediately took off towards the cliffside trail. He stood sideways, pushing his back on the wall and he took side steps, carefully moving up on the narrow path.
The Skarlothar growled again, hissing venomously and it fixed its eyes on its attacker. It nodded its head up once, making a few clicking sounds as it stared down at Calix with cold and calculating eyes. Calix fired at it again twice and he clearly saw the shot getting deflected off the dragon this time.
Calix cursed in his native tongue and next second he saw the dragon's tail coming on his way. As he saw it coming, he quickly tried to jump over it but the scales on its tail ripped off the suit right on his torso. He hissed in pain as he felt the dragon's sharp scale slicing his skin. He landed on the sand far away from it, holding his side. He looked at his hand, his blood oozing out of his torso. He gritted his teeth, trying to suppress the pain by not focusing on it. He saw the dragon retrieving its tail and he saw the venomous stinger at the end of its tail.
Skarlothar looked around blindly as it lost its aim on the intruder and again made that clicking sound, sniffing the air with a deep growl. Krox was stepping up the path as fast as he could but the path was really narrow to be hasty. The dragon growled again but this time with a thundering volume that it echoed through the entire cave.
Arjun halted in his tracks and he looked back. He was half way through reaching a centerpoint but he felt scared to go back but he couldn't take a step forward. His mind was screaming at him to go back to Krox. He was desperate to get that boy back to his home, to Howan. He didn't want to let them deal with this alone but he was scared. All he felt was fear. It wasn't a fear for the dragon. He was not scared for himself but for others. He didn't want to lose anyone tonight. He didn't want to lose in this battle either. He was afraid to lose, afraid of failing this mission, afraid of losing his only way back home.
'Fear is what has kept you all safe so far. Learn to embrace it.'
Calix's words rang in his mind.
"I should accept my fear.", he mumbled.
The Skarlothar cried out with a thundering growl, smashing its strong tail on the wall of the cave, getting agitated. The ground shook at the impact of its hit on the wall, its scream made all the crystal on the ceiling rain down on the sand. Calix tried to shoot some of them while dodging them. They were sharp crystals and would definitely drive through his skin.
The impact of the hit shook the walls of the cave and Krox missed his balance, slipped on the rocky cliffside trail. He grunted, his hand catching the narrow path, his bow slipped out of his hand but he caught himself from falling from that height by strongly holding on the rocky path.
Arjun took a breath and let it out, "I should accept my fear."
He gripped his dagger tightly as if it's the hand of his mother - the one true strength of him. He ran back towards the cave.
Krox was dangling from the wall, slowly losing his grip. Calix was staying out of Skarlothar's sight while holding his wound. He turned to look at Krox only to find him fighting for his life on the edge. He turned to the dragon, it was getting more violent each second, clicking, growling and hissing, moving its tail with stinger around to strike the intruder, making the whole cave vibrate violently.
Calix was at the other end of the cave to get to the entrance right where the cliffside trail begins. He must do something to help Krox but the distance between them was not quickly reachable, especially with a really pissed off Skarlothar in the way.
That's when Arjun came running into the cave. He didn't dare to take a glance at the dragon, he ran right towards the cliffside trail. He quickly started to climb up the edgy narrow path, not focusing on his fear or sparing a glance at the dragon or Calix. He just put his mind on crossing the path, stepping towards Krox.
"Arjun.", Calix mumbled as he spotted the young man hiking up the dangerous path. He wished to all the stars that they both wouldn't get hurt.
Although Arjun tried not to focus on his fear, Skarlothar sensed him again, spotting him right where he was and Calix noticed the dragon finding Arjun.
"No, no. Not him!", Calix shot on the dragon's front leg when it took a step forward but the laser shot just deflected again which irritated him to no end. He always loved using his X5 and it was the most satisfying thing for him when he hit the target every time correctly.
Skarlothar turned its attention back on Calix, it angrily wagged its tail again aimlessly sweeping around. This time Calix ran towards it and dived over it, skillfully avoiding the sharp scales.
Arjun quickly made his way up close to Krox. The cave was filled with the echoes of the dragon's constant roars and clickings, making all the crystals at the ceiling fall down. Calix was trying his best to dodge the attacks of Skarlothar while moving away from the falling crystals.
Arjun finally got to the point where Krox was dangling. He carefully placed himself stiffly against the wall, pressing his feet on the path firmly while gripping a small crack on the wall for a strong support on one hand and he reached his other hand for Krox.
Krox reached for Arjun's hand with struggle. Arjun pulled him up with his full strength, Krox also made his way up by pushing himself with the support of his other hand.
"Grip onto that spike.", Arjun nodded towards the crack on the wall. Krox carefully placed his feet on the path, standing on it and he quickly caught onto the spike, getting a good support to stand on.
"You're welcome. Now we have to get up there as soon as possible.", Arjun cut him off.
Krox nodded and he turned his head to the front and he saw the pathway begin to crack more due to the violent shaking of the cave. Skarlothar was making more damage even though it hadn't used its full strength. Krox knew that there would be a complete destruction if the Skarlothar decided to go on a full on beast mode. But again, without a rider to guide, it's quite weak.
"Hey, I have an idea. Let's use our dagger as an extra support. Like this.", Arjun stabbed the black crystal dagger on the wall, gripping it as an extra support while holding onto the rocky surface of the wall.
Krox took his dagger and he did the same and he moved forward, taking the dagger out and stabbing it on to the wall as he moved forward cautiously. Arjun followed his path, tried not to look down and scare himself to death.
They both moved up while Calix was keeping Skarlothar fully engaged. He tried every spot on the dragon but everything just deflected off of it. It tried to attack him with its wings and tail and even tried to sting him a few times but Calix managed to defend all of its attacks, mostly dodging, jumping and moving away at the right time. He couldn't land a single strike on the dragon. At this point, Calix was the one who was more angrier than the Skarlothar.
Arjun and Krox hiked up the path that ran in circles around the walls of the whole cave, making a full round up to the top of the wall like a vortex, where the Sacred Pearl was.
Arjun's curiosity got him to sneak a glance down a few times at the smackdown going on between Calix and Skarlothar. He gulped nervously at the height that they had reached, almost at the height of a five story building. If they were having any bad luck and slipped down, they would fall right into hell. That's it. End of life.
"Don't look down. We are almost there.", Krox said to Arjun, with joy gleaming in his eyes. Arjun also noticed Krox's markings glowing brighter and brighter.
Chris, Ryan, Yuina, Jane, Ayesha and Emily were running by following the echo. They didn't dare to turn back, even at Skarlothar's monstrous scream.
Chris was the one at the lead with Yuina in his arms. Ryan and Jane ran together after Emily and Ayesha. Yuina was holding onto Chris' neck tightly, she looked back and she found that Arjun was missing.
"He is not coming with us?", she asked.
Chris thought she was mentioning Calix.
"Calix will come back, sweetie. Don't worry.", he said.
"No. I meant Arjun."
They finally took a look back and found that Arjun and Krox were not coming along with them. They slowed down and looked back. No one was behind them. They have come through almost four centerpoints so far.
"Did we lose them?", Jane asked worriedly.
"No. I think they never followed us.", Ryan answered, "What do we do now?", he asked Chris.
"Should we go back to them?", Ayesha turned back.
Chris breathed heavily from all the running. He slowly put Yuina down and thought for a second, looking back at the path that they came running through. Next second, they felt the vibration of the ground followed by the dragon's monstrous call.
Chris shook his head, "No, we gotta get out of here. Come on.", he wanted to go back but Calix had ordered him to get them all out of here. He wasn't ready to risk anything. He took Yuina's hand and started to run.
They hesitantly ran after him. Jane looked back but Ryan pulled her along with him before she could change her mind. He held her hand tightly, silently telling her that she wasn't running back this time.
Chris tracked through the right path, following the echoes after reaching the centerpoints. He was going on the right path, guiding them all with the help of the echoes that answered him back at each call. Their legs were gonna give up as they were sprinting towards the way out but this was a run for life, not a morning jog, so they never thought about stopping.
Twenty minutes of running, they felt completely drained, ribs were hurting, throats were burning because of the constant rough breathing, and ankles felt like they were gonna snap anytime.
"There were twenty three centerpoints when Krox guided us inside. We just gotta get through one.", Chris said, running to the last centerpoint and he yelled, "Woo!"
The echo came back from the third path and he sprinted towards it along with Yuina. He ran half way through the path but he skidded to a stop when he saw what was at the end of the path. The others almost crashed on him at his sudden halt and they came face to face with the unexpected company waiting for them at the next center point.
A creature almost identical to a huge wolf.
It was standing tall and imposing, its muscular frame emitting a sense of power and predatory prowess. Its fur, a blend of dark hues and earthy tone. Its glowing amber eyes gleamed with intelligence and ferocity, scanning them all with keen awareness. It sneered menacingly, showing its massive jaws, lined with rows of razor sharp teeth, as if to hint its deadly capabilities as a hunter. Each step it took towards the third path from the centerpoint was calculated and deliberate, with a lethal combination of strength, agility and cunningness. It purred deeply while taking those intimidating steps towards its prey.
It was the same beast that reacted to Ryan's scream with its animalistic growl. It was the predator which had left all those claw marks on the wall. They awakened it and thought that they all escaped from it but here they were. They literally have run into the wolf's mouth. Well, not yet.
The wolf pounced with an intimidating roar towards the path. Yuina and Emily screamed at their highest volumes which echoed strongly in that path.
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