Chapter 8: The Alpha Howler and the Mummy Army
There's rumors about the SIX corrupted Zodians, the zodiacs that's was trapped in corruption;
King of Corruption(Capricorn), The Naga Lord(Libra), The Alpha Howler(Leo), The Fallen Angel(Gemini), and The Centipede Beast(Sagittarius)
The only one Volcano Kingdom mostly know of was The Alpha Howler. Volcano Kingdom was paranoid and Lady Devotion is trying her best to settle everything down. The Alpha Howler is an alpha werewolf corrupted that leads a wolf corrupted army to bring blood, carnage, and death upon the kingdom. With the shapes of Volcano Kingdom spreading rumor of The Alpha Howler, it concerns Lady Devotion and King Anubis a lot from what the kingdom has become.
As they shapes reached shore, they jumped off before the raft broke in half and sank down. "Holy shit, that was very close." Ace said, "Yea but this area is very hot, I feel like I'm melting for treeangle sake. First it was frigid cold, now it's burning hot." Lua complained. "Shut up, we are near the first treeangle piece." Ace said, "Hey guys! Up here!" The shapes looked up and saw a blue creature with ears and tail of a corgi husky.
The creature was sitting at the very edge with her legs swinging, that made the Sacred Shapes concerned. "You're going to fall if the edge is about to break off." Vex said, "I'll be fine, my doggy senses can warn me if anything will happen. Like during the attack, my senses activated and I survived the corruption attack! I'll be fine, trust me!" the corgi husky creature said. The four shapes walked over to the next void level, "Stay safe, wait! We didn't get your name!" "My name is Lycanthropy, but you can call me Lycan for short!" Lycan continued her own thing. "Be careful Lycan!" the four jumped in the void level.
By Trip40
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Transparent particles appeared and forming into harmful particles, it's a simple thing to avoid until flying shapes and two walls of corruption appeared. Robotic voice appeared this time;
Break! Free! We are more loud!
Break! Free! We are more loud!
We are more loud!
It began repeating partly of it until two cannons appeared...
Cannons firing shapes at each other like it's a war between circles and squares. It fired to the beat until it went out of control and fired multiple shapes. It's back to the rhythm, the almost shatter Ace and Lua got two pieces left of her body. Vex and Ryan lost one piece, the cannons began to ceasefire and disappeared. The four's body was restored after reaching the level.
The four made it out an the triangle bit dashed to the hidden crack above the corrupted lava. "That's great! Now we can get to the top then!" Lycan said happily. She stood up as the Sacred Shapes hopped on but then a rumble happened again, the edge Lycan was standing on is breaking causing her to start losing balance. "OH DEAR TREEANGLE!! HELP! HEL-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Lycan screamed in terror and fell in the corrupted lava. She thrash in pain as she felt like her body is on fire, Lycan then sank into the lava and the Sacred Shapes are shocked. The rumble happened and the stone raft was lifted up by the lava rising.
As the rising began, they see those same mummified corrupteds back at the hidden chamber. Som o them have their mouth opened and some have theirs wrapped shut. They were hungry for so long after they been awoken, most of those corrupteds tried to grabbed them and some are above dropping sharp stones down at the four. One jumped at Ryan, Ryan noticed and punched the corrupted mummy shape. It shattered into pieces in one blow and the shards turned into yellow light. Ryan looked at his hands and saw that he have golden brass knuckle gauntlets. It disappeared into yellow light, he looked as the others which are still dodging. Screeching and voices of the forgotten language, they have no idea what they're saying. What they heard from Cube that corrupteds speaks a forgotten language that the corrupteds only understand.
They crashed to the top and jumped off before it sunk into the corrupted lava with those mummified corrupteds. The four took a break after what just happened during their "ride" up the Volcano. "What...the fuck was....those things!?" Vex yelled, "I assumed...that those were...the mummies from the...hidden chamber earlier...." Lua explained. "We must...keep going..." Ace said, "Uhh...guys? I don't think it will be easy..." Ryan pointed to high ledge. "I am not up for climbing!" Vex whined, "Maybe we can find another way to get up without climbing." Lua said with a tiny twitch on her right brow. "Ace, do you know the plan?" Ryan asked, "Maybe we should-" Ace got interrupted by old bandages wrapped around his leg, he looked and saw a mummy corrupted survivor. It began to pull him with the bandages, "Guys! A little help here!!" Ace yelled while trying to rip them off. Lua and Vex's eye turned white and weapons suddenly appeared in their hand. Vex's is holding a bow and arrow, Lua is holding a rapier in a elegant stance. Vex shot an arrow at the mummy's only eye, Lua pranced towards Ace and the corrupted. She dashed and cut the old bandages and then thrust her rapier through the corrupteds decaying heart. It screeched in pain and shattered into shards, the shards then disappeared into green and orange light. Vex and Lua's eyes went back to normal, the weapons they were holding have vanished. "How did you two do that!? THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME!!!!" Ryan said as he is amazed by what happened. "I-I don't know, we both just blacked out and the next thing we know, the mummy creature is gone and Ace is safe." Vex said. "Strange, but we can't think too deep on what happened. We still got Paradise to save!" Ace said. "Maybe we can use these bandages together us up there!" Ace picked up the bandages and tied them together. Ryan got an idea and lifted Vex up, "Ryan? What are you do-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ryan yeeted Vex to the upper ledge. He done the same thing to Ace and Lua, "Why you didn't tell us you are fucking strong!?" Ace yelled. Ryan just shrugged and gestured Ace to lower the bandage rope, Ace lowered it and pulled Ryan up. "Alright, let's get the first treeangle piece!" Ace and his siblings climb to the top to see the corrupted piece. "Well...Look who finally made it to the top." a low soothing voice appeared, "What the? Who's there!?" three figures rose from the lava. A shape with wolf ears and tail standing in front of two mummified corrupteds. The symbol on her shoulder is a zodiac symbol of Leo.
"Lycan!?" "That's right, but I'm just more than the poor little Lycan I was. I am...THE ALPHA HOWLER!!!!!" Lycan unleashed a great howl and a void level appeared. The four knows what they have to do, everyone jumped in the void level.
By Cardi
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Spikes appeared around and the lava instantly flooded half the void when a mummy corrupted appeared. It flails around splashing and making tiny pellets around. It dived down and began bouncing around, more came out and joined the first one as well. Spikes fell from above as they try to dodged the mummies. All four corrupteds came to a stop an dropped down, Lycan popped up and use her newly corrupted power and try to shattered them shapes. "I know what you did to The Naga Lord! It's very impressive how you four survived his powers. But can you defeat me? NOW KNEEL DOWN BEFORE YOUR ALPHA!!!" Lycan laughed, she howled again and dived down as the corrupteds came back. Those exploded into pellets at top speed, one almost hit Ace in the process. Lycan popped up and swim around while other things are happening. She did one more howl but then fell back in exhaustion. The four finished the level and got the triangle bit.
The five came out of the void, Lycan was laying there while being exhausted from the big howling. The triangle bit floats over to the corrupted treeangle piece. It dashed into the piece and uncorrupted it, it glows bright and rose up.
It dashed down to the lava and uncorrupted the whole Volcano and ocean, Lycan was also uncorrupted by the pieces as well. "Thank you! It was scary being a corrputed!" Lycan said wth he tail waggling, "No problem! Say, did you saw a light blue cube on a tree floating?" Ace asked. "In fact, I did saw a cube floating on a tree! He's heading to that pipe near that tall tower." Lycan pointed over to a tree floating to the pipe. "Thanks! Stay safe Lycan!" Ace said, they waved farewell to their new friend Lycan afterwards. They hopped down to the pirate ship, "Ship, our friend is heading to the pipe. Looks like our next destination is inside the tower!" Ship nodded and grabbed the wheel. He turned the ship around and they sailed to the pipe. But they don't know what will be in store for them in the tower....
Very sorry for the long wait, had a bit of writers block. But I managed to finish this! Hope you enjoy this! Trash out! *jumps in the trash can*
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