Chapter 7

[A WEEK AGO: Clinique familiale et diagnostique Montmartre, Monoceros Keep: 1:30 PM]

A bespectacled man in his late fifties with a greying hair below his scarlet locks and wearing a dark business suit was walking around the clinic and talking to Dr. Montmartre. The Foranean public health officer kept observing and writing down notes and some important things before he would create a recommendation. The health inspector and officer looked around the facility including the equipment, supplies, and other important things for his audit and inspection. Just then, he went to Amnon's office and sat down.

" Montmartre, les résultats et le certificat seront présentés et délivrés la semaine prochaine, mais j'ai quelques recommandations pour votre clinique. (Montmartre, the results and the certificate will be presented and delivered next week, but I have some recommendations for your clinic.) " the health inspector spoke up and flipped the pages of his notes.

Amnon nodded and responded, " Oui, veuillez le faire. (Yes, please do so.) "

Doctor Quentin Bonnehomme explained," L'équipement médical est toujours fonctionnel, mais je pense qu'il doit être remplacé dans les trois prochaines années pour dépréciation. Votre stock de fournitures médicales est adéquat car votre personnel est en mesure d'acheter et de remplacer. (The medical equipment is still functional, but I believe it needs to be replaced in the next three years for depreciation. Your inventory for medical supplies is adequate as your staff are able to purchase and replace.) " Then, he continued and playfully flipped his pen, " Quoi d'autre? La salle d'opération pour la chirurgie et les cas d'urgence doit être plus équipée. Je crois que vous avez pratiqué une opération sur un patient, je présume? (What else? Operating room for surgery and emergency cases needs to be more equipped. I believe you have performed an operation to a patient, I presume?) "

" Non pas encore. Cette installation est destinée à des fins de diagnostic ambulatoire. Je ne sais même pas si je dois mettre une salle de réveil et autres. (No, not yet. This facility is meant to be for diagnostic outpatient purposes. I'm not even sure if I have to put a recovery room and such.) " Amnon slightly chuckled and understood what the health inspector meant.

" En termes d'assainissement et de sécurité, tout est bien entretenu et correctement géré. (Sanitation and safety-wise, it's all well maintained and properly managed.) " Bonnehomme smiled and closed his journal. " Montmartre, à une ou plusieurs améliorations près, vous auriez pu faire de cette clinique un hôpital après l'hôpital général du donjon Monoceros. Pourquoi ne pas commencer celui-ci ? Par exemple, une population de la ville a besoin d'un établissement de soins de santé secondaire pour répondre aux besoins du grand public. (Montmartre, one or more improvements away, you could have make this clinic into a hospital second to the established Monoceros Keep General Hospital. Why not start this one? Like, a population of the city needs a secondary health care establishment to cater the needs of the general public.) "

Amnon raised his eyebrows and heard the health officer's recommendation which it was a promising statement. He smiled and felt contemplated to start over.

" Docteur Bonnehomme, c'est en fait mon objectif premier, mais mes fonds personnels en dehors des bénéfices de la clinique me semblent impossibles pour cet investissement. (Doctor Bonnehomme, this is actually my primary goal, but my personal funds aside from the clinic's profit seems impossible for this investment.) " he mused.

" Vous pouvez consulter celui-ci pour un agent financier à la banque ou peut-être un partenaire qui pourrait vous aider pour la formation hospitalière. Je pense qu'ils peuvent vous aider à obtenir des fonds pour cet investissement à long terme, mais attendez-vous à ce que vous redémarriez en tant que petit hôpital privé jusqu'à ce que vous puissiez en faire un hôpital public. (You can consult this one for a financial officer at the bank or perhaps a partner who could aid you for the hospital formation. I believe they can help you to gain funds for this long term investment, but expect you will restart as a small private hospital until you can make it as a public one.) "

" Bien, monsieur. Je vais garder cela noté en dehors de vos suggestions d'améliorations. (Right, sir. I'll keep that noted aside from your suggestions for improvements.) " the general practitioner nodded.

[Clinique familiale et diagnostique Montmartre, Monoceros Keep: 8:39 AM, 20th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

" So, how long have you been coughing? " Amnon asked his patient who happened to be a balding Aulian tourist in his mid-sixties. On the clipboard with the attached medical form, the patient's name was Hector Bronco.

" It's been 10 days, Doctore, " Bronco replied and coughed naggingly. " It all started from a common cough and cold when I got here. "

" Have you experienced fever and bodyache? "

" No, not at all. I had sore throat, nagging cough, and runny nose from sneezing. I spent resting at the hotel for 7 days. I never had a chance to go around in your country. "

" So, a viral infection, I believe, " Amnon surmised and took out his stethoscope. " Monsieur Bronco, can you inhale and exhale while I need to check your breathing? "

" Sure, " the elderly Aulian man nodded.

The general practitioner placed his stethoscope at his elderly patient's back. Bronco kept inhaling and exhaling for a minute and ended up with a cough. Amnon removed his hearing piece part of his stethoscope and wrote his observation.

" What is it, doc? " Bronco curiously asked.

" Okay, it's not just an upper respiratory infection. I just heard you have an obstructive wheezing sound while breathing, " the Akrovian-Foranean physician answered and made a follow-up question. " Have you been smoking ever since? "

Bronco nervously grinned, chuckled, and made another wheezing cough afterwards when he covered his mouth with a handkerchief. Then, he took out his flask of water, drank, and sighed, " Doctore, I was an ex-mafia. I still keep my bad habits until now. I have been drinking, smoking, gambling, and womanizing. I know a young doctor like you would nag me too much. "

" That explains, I won't judge you for now, " Amnon replied. " Experienced seeing blood in the sputum after coughing and difficulty in breathing? "

" Uhmm...yea..." he admitted.

" Well, I may recommend you to meet a pulmonologist for further check-up and X-ray. This is not just an ordinary lung infection. It could be a severe lung disease. "

" So, when I get home in St. Essa or here in your city's hospital? "

" Yep, you can get there, " his doctor wrote a perscription and recommendation, handing it to his patient. " I can only perscribe some antibiotics for your infection for now. You need to do a sputum test and an x-ray of your lungs before meeting the pulmonologist. "

" I see, " Bronco nodded. " I think I have to spend a few more years before I kick the bucket. "

" With that, staying healthy is important so you can attain it. "

" Of course, " the ex-mafia nodded and changed his topic. " By the way, Doc. You might be interested with some extra special things if you don't mind? "

" Go on, Monsieur Bronco. Was this something to do with the Carnival case in your city? "

" No, no, no! " he gave him a hardy laugh and coughed. " Those maniaci bastardi are dead as a dodo. Some studenti maghi and a dottore fought them. So, I want to share with you which is very entirely different. "

" And that is? "

Bronco intently smirked and showed his doctor some magazine issues of naked women from all races. Amnon remained speechless and cocked his eyebrows in shock which he recalled of going into a love hotel back in St. Essa and saw some couple doing some extra special things on bed. He nervously gulped and crossed his arms.

" I am selling them, " his patient grinned. " X-rated magazines from St. Essa with a good price. "

" I'm already married, Monsieur Bronco. No, thanks. "

" Awww, too bad. I guess I have to meet another male doctor and sell them to him. I respect your decision. Anyways, I will follow your perscription and advice, " the old Aulian man nodded and shook his hands with Amnon. " Thank you, doctore. "

" Sure, have a good day, " Amnon helplessly smiled and responded with the same gesture.

" Ciao! "

Hector Bronco waved and left the office as the general practitioner sighed in relief and thought, " Good riddance. He has left. " Then, he took out his clipboard and called out some patient names, " Tahu and Michelle Hellfire. "

An Elandric brunette man in his forties and brought his wife to the doctor's office. Amnon offered them seats as they sat down. Tahu looked at his wife and gestured at her with his both hands as Michelle responded her spouse. Waiting for them to finish, the physician checked his clipboard for the medical records and smiled at the Elandric spouses.

" Oh, I am sorry, doctor, " the raven haired woman replied and translated Tahu's message. " My husband and I consulted with Dr. Rousseau since yesterday. It's something to do with his poop sample. She just recommended him to do it. Now, we're here and got the results. "

" Fecalysis, you mean? "

Using a hearing aid, Tahu nodded at the doctor and heard it. Then, he turned to his wife.

" So, he's suffering some signs and symptoms of frequent diarrhea and stomach ache, " Amnon surmised.

Michelle looked at him and translated it to her husband. The deaf Elandric man frowned and signed, showing such discomfort and expressing it to his wife. She nodded in response and translated, " He says that he has been in and out of the bathroom for 4 to 5 times since yesterday morning. He couldn't work so his boss asked him for a leave. "

" I see. Your husband is still experiencing repetitive low bowel movement. I just need to check his recent fecalysis results, " he reminded.

Michelle translated again the doctor's request as her husband nodded. He handed her the results and signed back. She interpreted, " Tahu will be going to the toilet later on after this. "

" Understandable, " Amnon nodded and read the results. He noticed there were traces of blood and amoeba in the feces. Then, he looked at the spouses. " Mrs. Hellfire, your spouse is suffering from an amoebic dysentery or amoebiasis. It's a good practice that you and your spouse had consulted this within 24 hours. A parasitic amoeba is within his digestive tract. If not treated immediately, this will cause severe complications and death. "

" Oh, Heavens..." Michelle anxiously muttered and signed to her spouse. Tahu heavily sighed, looked worried, and explained his case through sign language. She cocked her eyebrows and kept responding him. The doctor looked at them and understood what they mean.

" Doctor, Tahu just admitted that he and his co-workers went to an Elandric restaurant and bar a few nights ago. He ate something that caused his sudden stomach upset and frequent diarrhea. He said that the steak was medium rare and didn't mind to eat it, " she responded.

" It might be the case, Mrs. Hellfire. Poor sanitation for food preparation, " Amnon seriously replied.

The deaf patient nodded and looked at his wife for his response. He was explaining in signs as Michelle understood and interpreted it to the physician, " It's not just only him who's suffering from it. He had a talk with his co-workers as they visited him. They're going to the hospital and to this clinic anytime soon. Then, he noticed that cook seemed to be suspicious. "

" Suspicious? " Amnon raised his voice.

Michelle looked at her husband as he nodded and signed back. The doctor waited for him to finish expressing in sign language. His wife responded verbally, " It's a strange woman. He can't describe how she did it. All he knew was the food was cursed. "

" Cursed or not. It needs to be treated with antibiotics in two weeks, " he wrote his perscription to his patient and gave it to him. " Drink fluids as well as water with 8 tablespoons and 1 tablespoon table salt. Soft diet such crackers and soup. Some fresh fruit that you can only prepare. Temporarily avoid eating and drinking food and drink that is prepared by someone else. "

Tahu received it, nodded, and looked at his wife, again asking in her signs. The raven haired woman turned to the physician and asked, " What's the water with sugar and salt? "

" It's a special drink where the body fluids can be replaced. Everytime your spouse is frequently releasing something at the toilet, his body fluids are decreasing. It needs to be replaced, " Amnon explained.

Michelle looked at her spouse and translated the explanation. Tahu sighed in relief and smiled. He looked at Amnon and signed, " I hope you can understand me in sign language, Doc. I want to say thank you for warning me on this one. I don't wanna make my wife as a widow and my kids fatherless. I almost lost my life and hearing ever since I served with the Elandric Navy before, back at the war against Darsan a few years ago. "

The doctor nodded and responded him in signs, " You're a war veteran then? "

" Yeah, " the deaf Elandric ex-soldier replied. " More like they're gonna make me an Apex mercenary. It was Admiral Mason who lead those delinquents. I don't want to be involved in taking that country's oil and make war and money out of it. "

" Those parasites..."

" Yep, you can say that, Doc. They found out and made my ears severely wounded when I deserted them. They threw me into the desert to meet my demise, until a group of wanderers found me and I joined them. When I got well, I found my way to cross the borders and went on hiding til I reached this country. "

Amnon curiously queried, " How did you meet your wife? "

" She and my kids were the first ones who left Elandris to Foranea by ship and train, " Tahu responded. " She found me at the train station here in Monoceros Keep. I spent writing notes for my 'talking'. Then, I had my hearing aid and studied Franken and Neo-Ydrassi sign language for several months. Being deaf may be difficult, but I'm trying to express to everybody in talking by hands. Here I am, making a living as an automobile mechanic and a part-time delivery truck driver. Don't wanna consider myself as a war hero, it lead me to so much pain, Doc. I wanna provide food on the table for my family and help my kids to study and graduate."

" Such an interesting story that you survived and chose a quiet life. Mr. Hellfire. I believe your nightmares with Mason and his men are over. "

" What do you mean, Doc? "

" Some group of brave and wild people traversed around the desert and hunted them down, " Amnon sincerely smiled and responded in signs. " The country has regained their freedom as well as yours. You don't need to worry about Mason or anyone. They're no longer your concern. "

" How did you know that? " Tahu intrigued and tilted his head.

" Some relevant information from some reliable sources, " the doctor signed back and avoided mentioning himself being involved with his previous contractor guild group. Then, he changed his topic, " For now, your focus is to get rid of those parasitic amoeba and stay strong. I will need you to have a follow up fecalysis so I can give you that medical certificate for fit to work. "

" Thanks, Doc, " the deaf Elandric man nodded and sincerely smiled.

" Doc, I didn't know you can express in sign language! " Michelle exclaimed in shock and paused." What's the use of me as an..."

"...Interpreter? " Amnon continued the thought and raised his voice. " Thank you for your effort, Mrs. Hellfire. It's just that your husband has so much to tell about his Elandric Navy involvement. I think I got carried away in responding him. "

Michelle turned to her spouse as he nodded and grinned. She let it slide, understood of what they had conversed, and said, " Oh well. I guess you guys get to know each other. That makes him feel better than what he has experienced yesterday. Before he became deaf, he was a chatty guy. This time, he uses sign language and becomes more awfully chatty than ever. Anyways, I'll do my best to keep and manage Tahu's medications. " Then, she turned to him and signed, " As for you Tahu, no ribeye steaks for now until you get better. "

" Yes, mother, " Tahu nervously grinned and signed back at his wife.

Amnon chuckled, " I guess your husband knows what to do from now. "

The deaf patient turned to his doctor and replied, " Will do, Doc. Thanks a lot! "

" You're welcome, Mr. Hellfire. "

" Thank you, Doc, " Michelle smiled at the doctor.

" You're welcome, Mrs. Hellfire. "

The Hellfires stood up, waved their hands goodbye, and left the office. Amnon took out his clipboard and called the next patient, " Father Mar-Vell Agapov. "

A bearded blonde elf man with spectacles stood up from his seat which he appeared to be the same height and built as the general practitioner. Mar-Vell was wearing a dark formal jacket, priest shirt revealing with a white collar, and pair of pants. He nodded at the young physician and entered the office. The Akrovian Ouranist elven priest sat down as Amnon offered him a seat.

" Spasibo, molodoy doktor. (Thank you, young doctor.) " Mar-Vell calmly spoke in Luski and smiled at him.

" Pozhaluysta. Chem mogu pomoch'? (You're welcome. How can I help?) "

" Bukval'no vchera dnem ​​ya userdno krasil stenu zdaniya tserkvi i nanosil vtoroy sloy korichnevoy kraski. YA okazal slishkom bol'shoye davleniye, kogda moye levoye zapyast'ye bylo iskrivleno. (Just yesterday afternoon, I was busily painting the church building wall and applying the second coat of brown paint. I applied too much pressure when my left wrist joint was twisted.) "

" Ot odnogo do desyati, Otets Mar-Vell, naskol'ko eto bol'no? (From one to ten, Father Mar-Vell, how painful is it?) " Amnon asked.

" Okolo pyati-semi ya uzhe prilozhila kholodnyy kompress, chtoby oblegchit' bol'. (Around five to seven, I have already applied cold compress to alleviate the pain.) " the elf priest answered and felt a sudden discomfort on his left wrist. " YA pravsha, no mne prishlos' ispol'zovat' levuyu ruku na levoy storone steny. (I am right handed, but I had to use my left hand on the wall's left side.) "

" Ne vozrazhayete, yesli ya smogu eto uvidet'? (Mind if I could see it?) "

Mar-Vell nodded and carefully unfurled his left sleeve, showing a swollen left wrist. He frowned and deeply sighed in pain. Amnon closely looked at it and asked again, " Pozhaluysta, poshevelite levoy rukoy i zapyast'yem? (Kindly move your left hand and wrist?) "

The elf priest followed as he angrily gritted his teeth and moaned in pain, " Deystvitel'no, bol'no! (Indeed, it hurts!) "

" Eto mozhet razvivat'sya v techeniye neskol'kikh dney i mozhet dlit'sya ot neskol'kikh dney do shesti nedel'. (This can develop over several days and may last anywhere from a few days to six weeks.) "

" Bozhe moy! YA ne mogu zanimat'sya sadovodstvom i drugimi delami. Mne chto-nibud' nuzhno sdelat', molodoy doktor? (Good Heavens! I can't do gardening and the other chores. Is there anything I need to do, young doctor?) " Mar-Vell asked with concern and worry.

" Ty mozhesh' deystvovat' pravoy rukoy, Otets. Mne nuzhno sdelat' rentgenovskiy snimok vashego levogo zapyast'ya, chtoby ubedit'sya v otsutstvii slomannykh kostey, vyvikhov sustavov ili priznakov polnogo razryva svyazok. (You can function with your right hand, Father. I require to have an X-ray imaging of your left wrist to make sure there are no broken bones, dislocated joints, or signs of a full ligament tear.) " Amnon explained. " Vy mozhete zaprosit' rentgenovskoye izobrazheniye i priyti zavtra za rezul'tatami. YA dam yemu otsenku. (You can request for X-ray imaging and return tomorrow for your results. I will make an assessment for it.) "

" Pravil'no. YA molyus', chtoby eto ne bylo chem-to ser'yeznym, chto ne trebuyet khirurgicheskogo vmeshatel'stva. (Right. I pray this is nothing serious which it doesn't require surgery.) "

" Rastyazheniye zapyast'ya obychno khorosho zazhivayet, s minimal'nymi dolgosrochnymi simptomami ili bez nikh. Zazhivleniye chasto mozhet zanyat' neskol'ko nedel', no vyzdorovleniye obychno prokhodit otlichno. V pervyye neskol'ko dney posle rastyazheniya zapyast'ya mogut pomoch' led i shina ili myagkoye obertyvaniye. Khirurgicheskoye vmeshatel'stvo ne trebuyetsya. (A sprained wrist typically heal well, with minimal or no long-term symptoms. Healing can often take several weeks, but recovery is usually excellent. Ice and a splint or gentle wrap may be helpful for the first few days after a wrist sprain. No surgery required.) "

" Slava bogam! YA dolzhen byt' ostorozhen so svoyey rabotoy. (Thank Gods! I have to be careful with my work.) " Mar-Vell sighed in relief and smiled.

" Bol'she pokhozhe na to, chto Svyataya Mat' Fotida i Yeye voinstva byli milostivy k vam. (More like Holy Mother Photis and Her Hosts have been merciful to you.) " Amnon took out a box which he had received from the Vilbian Isles a week ago. Then, he opened it and carefully placed and wrapped the bandages on the elf priest's left wrist.

" V tom, chto? (Is that?) "

" Oranistskiye kantselyarskiye binty, oni mogut vosstanovit' vashi opukhshiye zapyast'ya. (Ouranist Clerical Bandages, they can recover your swollen wrists.) "

Mar-Vell felt pleased and sighed in relief, " Slava bogu, eto luchshe, chem nichego. Nuzhno li mne dal'neysheye lecheniye, krome etogo? (Thank goodness, it's better than nothing. Do I require further treatment aside from this one?)"

" Net, Otets Mar-Vell. Obezbolivayushchiye ne trebuyutsya. Rastyanutyye zapyast'ya mogut yestestvennym obrazom zazhit' v techeniye neskol'kikh dney ili nedel'. (No, Father Mar-Vell. Painkillers are not required. Sprained wrists can naturally heal from a few days or weeks.) " Amnon answered and wrote a recommendation for today's X-ray imaging. " Kstati, vy mozhete poyti k medsestre-registratoru Annika. Ona napravit vas v rentgen kabinet. Tekhnika radiatsii pomozhet vam sdelat' snimok vashego zapyast'ya. (By the way, you may go to Annika the nurse-receptionist. She will direct you to do the x-ray room. The radiation tech will assist you for your wrist's imaging.) "

" Budet sdelano, molodoy doktor. (Will do, young doctor.) " the Akrovian elf priest nodded and changed his topic. " Prezhde chem ya poydu v rentgenovskiy kabinet, ya dolzhen podelit'sya etim s vami. (Before I go to the X-ray room, I need to share this to you.) "

The general practitioner curiously tilted his head and politely asked, " Chto eto takoye? (What is it?) "

Mar-Vell cleared his throat and seriously spoke, " Devyat' mesyatsev nazad ya uvidel videniye posle togo, kak voznes svoi molitvy Nebesnym Voinstvam. YA videl angela, kotoryy poteryal dorogogo druga posle togo, kak zloy rytsar' lishil yego zhizni i pravoy ruki v drugom srazhenii. YA byl tak vstrevozhen i userdneye molilsya, chto on byl ochen' ranen. Angel uletel ot svoikh druzey i vernulsya tuda, gde yemu deystvitel'no mesto. Teper' yego vidyat rabotayushchim i istselyayushchim bol'nykh i ranenykh. On s neterpeniyem zhdet rebenka v moyem poslednem videnii. V moyem tret'yem videnii on tot samyy angel, kotoryy poteryayet svoy mech ot demona. On dolzhen sozdat' novyy mech i dospekhi, chtoby zashchitit' svoy narod, i yemu predstoit ispytat' takiye ispytaniya i nevzgody. ( I saw a vision nine months ago after I offered my prayers to the Heavenly Hosts. I saw an angel who lost a dear friend after an evil knight took his life and his right hand in another battle. I was so alarmed and prayed harder that he was extremely hurt. The angel has flown away from his friends and returned to where he truly belongs. Now, he is seen working and healing for the sick and the wounded. He is looking forward to have a child in my most recent vision. In my third vision, he is the same angel who will lose his sword from a demon. He has to create a new sword and an armor to protect his people which he will experience such trials and tribulation.) "

Amnon remained silent and heard the prophecy from an Ouranist elf priest. He deeply thought of it and recalled those days of losing Kintor in Hurokka and cutting off his right hand in Aulia. This time, he has resigned from Odyssea Academy, returned to his family, and restarted his career as a doctor, anticipating for Emie's birth. He was puzzled on the other prophecy and cocked his eyebrows both in belief and doubt.

" Otets Mar-Vell, vashe prorochestvo ochen' tochno. Vse sluchilos' so mnoy do moyey otstavki. (Father Mar-Vell, your prophecy is very accurate. Everything has happened to me prior to my resignation.) " he seriously broke his silence.

" Deystvitel'no, tak i bylo. (Indeed, it was.) "

" Pri vsem uvazhenii, otets. No ya ne angel, ya vrach. Kak ya mogu poteryat' mech i vossozdat' novyy v dospekhakh, zashchishchaya takikh lyudey vo vremya skorbi? YA nikogda ne pol'zovalsya mechom v Armii i v gil'dii podryadchikov Odissei. YA byl voyennym medikom i partiynym vrachom. YA ne ponimayu, chto ya stal ob"yektom vashego prorochestva? Yest' li v etom skrytyy smysl? (With all due respect, Father. But I am not an angel, I'm a doctor. How can I be losing a sword and recreating a new one with an armor in defending such people during a time of tribulation? I have never used a sword back in the Army and the Odyssea's contractor guild. I used to be a combat medic and the party's physician. I don't understand, I become an object of your prophecy? Is there a hidden meaning to it?) "

" Eto prorochestvo ot Velikoy Gospozhi i Yeye Sonmov, kotoroye oni pozvolili mne uvidet' o vas v gryadushchiye dni. Ty deystvitel'no angel iz togo videniya. YA poslal tvoyego druga Valeera proverit', kak ty i tvoya sem'ya, potomu chto t'ma pridet i pogubit zhiteley etogo goroda, a vskore i vsyu natsiyu. (This is the prophecy from the Great Lady and Her Hosts which they had let me see for the days to come. You are indeed an angel from that vision. I have sent your friend Valeera to check on you and your family for darkness shall come to succumb the people of this city and soon this nation.) " Mar-Vell sternly warned Amnon to his reply.

Amnon was reluctant to respond when he silently took his breath and composed himself. He wished to dismiss the consultation and thought of reminding the elf priest-prophet's X-ray. He directly looked at him and said, " YA znayu, chto tam yest' Umbraly, no ya ne tot chelovek, chtoby imet' s nimi delo. Mne zhal', chto ya brosil srazhat'sya posle vsego togo, chto proizoshlo na voyne desyat' let nazad, i tekh missiy, kotoryye podvergli menya opasnosti. Odnazhdy drug skazal mne, chto ya ne mogu spasti nikogo i dazhe sebya, potomu chto yest' takaya veshch', kak smert'. Mne zhal', chto vy dolzhny oshibat'sya. (I am aware those Umbrals are out there, but I am not the right person to deal with them. I'm sorry I have given up fighting after all what that happened in the war a decade ago and those missions that let me in peril. A friend once told me that I cannot save anyone and even myself for there is such thing as death. I am sorry, you must be mistaken.) "

Mar-Vell seriously rebuked, " Pochemu vy, kak vrach, mozhete govorit', chto ne mozhete spasti ni kogo, ni sebya? Rasskazhi mne? Vy mnogo uchilis' v meditsinskoy shkole, izuchaya i primenyaya takiye bolezni, travmy i telesnyye struktury. YA ponimayu, chto yest' takaya veshch', kak smert'. Vy imeyete pravo spasat' kogo ugodno stol'ko, skol'ko vam nuzhno, Doktor Montmartre. Voistinu, teper' ya ponimayu, pochemu tvoi molitvy, khotya i vernyye, propitany razvratom i vyalost'yu iz-za takikh boreniy, kotoryye ty zastryal vo vsey svoyey zhizni. Tem ne meneye, Nebesnyye Voinstva videli vas cherez ispytaniya i nevzgody, i oni nikogda ne schitali vas meneye stoykim i vernym ne tol'ko Svetu, no i vashim druz'yam i sem'ye. (How come you as a physician can say you cannot save anyone or yourself? Tell me? You have studied extensively in the medical school, learning and applying such diseases, injuries, and bodily structures. I understand there is such thing as death. You have the right to save anyone as long as you need to, Doctor Montmartre. Truly, I understand now why your prayers, though faithful, are soaked in depravity and listlessness because of such struggles that you have been stuck in your entire life. Yet, the Heavenly Hosts have seen you through trial and tribulation, and they have never perceived you as less than stalwart and faithful not just to the Light, but to your friends and family.) "

Amnon couldn't speak up as the words from the Ouranist elf priest struck in his consciousness. They reminded him of his angelic encounter back in Kosmos Building. He heavily sighed and humbly bowed his head.

" Vy, kak vrach i voin, dolzhny iskorenit' bolezn' do togo, kak chto-to sluchitsya s vami, vashey sem'yey i kem-libo yeshche, vyzdorovet' i po-prezhnemu ostavat'sya vernym tomu, chto Nebesa vidyat vas, i priznavat' vashu veru, lyubov' i silu. Ty zhivoye svidetel'stvo etogo blagosloveniya, Amnon. (You as a doctor and a warrior must eradicate the disease before something happens to you, your family, and anyone else, recover, and still remain faithful as the Heavens see you, and acknowledge your faith, love and strength. You are a living testament of that blessing, Amnon.) "

" Spasibo, Otets. YA budu molit'sya ob etom. (Thank you, Father. I will pray about that.) " the physician nodded.

" Pust' Velikaya Gospozha Fotida i Yeye Khozyayeva blagoslovyat vas i vashu sem'yu vmeste s vashimi deystviyami i usiliyami. (May the Great Lady Photis and Her Hosts bless you and your family along with your actions and endeavours.) " Mar-Vell sincerely smiled at him. " YA dolzhen poyti i sdelat' svoy rentgen segodnya. Uvidimsya zavtra, molodoy doktor. (I must go and have my X-ray today. I shall see you tomorrow, young doctor.) "

Amnon shook hands with the Akrovian Ouranist elf-priest and smiled back at him. Father Agapov cordially responded to the same gesture and left the doctor's office. He watched the priest-prophet going to Annika as she assisted him to the x-ray room.

" I don't understand it at all, " he quizzically thought and took his clipboard. " Why am I in Father Agapov's prophecy? Me as a warrior-doctor angel with an upcoming little girl and defending my people from the darkness as if I were treating a serious illness to spare anyone's lives? What does that mean?! This mind-boggling stuff will bother me so much. I need to check on the Hunter Spouses first before calling out the next patient. "

Walking to the clinic's hallway, Amnon saw Amelie calling her fourth patient from her internal medicine practice. He smiled at her in greeting as she smiled him back. Just then, he saw a male elf nurse assisting Ethan and Rina at the reception area. They were talking over the phone and finishing the discussion. Upon the end of call, they saw Dr. Montmartre approaching.

" Good morning, Monsieur and Madame Hunter, " he greeted and asked them. " How's your first day in your clinic stay? "

" Good morning to you too, Dr. Montmartre, " Ethan politely replied and shook his hands with him when Rina respectfully bowed at the doctor. " I am getting to use with this right hand prosthetic and done with the X-ray imaging after we took our breakfast. I have already taken my medications as you instructed. "

" Very well, " Amnon smiled and nodded. " Like I said, you will get used to it. "

" Yes, Ethan has been hugging me and holding my hands this morning, Montmartre-hakase, " Rina interjected. " Surely, he returns to normal like he is before. "

" Physically, yes, but mentally, you can't forget the horror of losing a right hand. "

" It is true, doctor, " the Aldernian soldier agreed. " Yet, Rina and I are scheduled to meet Dr. Lestrade by tomorrow morning in your clinic as he will drive us to his home office in Aveline. I hope we can get through this. "

" I saw and heard you two talking to him over the phone, " Amnon replied. " I am sure he is going to help you both. "

" We will look forward for that, hakase. " the Beirunese lady said.

" Well then, enjoy your stay here until tomorrow. "

" Will do, sir, " Ethan sincerely smiled and saluted the doctor in greeting using his right hand as Rina waved at him.

Amnon saluted them back in response and returned to call the fourth patient's name. It was an elderly woman who was being accompanied by her daughter. They entered the doctor's office and started their consultation.

[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 2:05 PM]

" So, you have conducted a medical staff meeting this day? " Glenda asked her husband over the phone.

" There are some important things to be raised, " Amnon replied. " I opened up some recommendations from Dr. Bonnehomme since last week. It seems they are receptive for transforming the clinic to a full-pledge hospital. But we need to take considerations for such improvements. This could be costly in our part. If only Papa had left such fortune, it won't be a problem."

" Perhaps, Odette can help us, " she replied. " Let's see if she has to say about this. "

" I agree. "

" By the way, see you late..." the pregnant pediatrician paused and immediately turned her attention to Celine who was wailing in pain as Christopher and Valeera aided her going downstairs.

" Glen, did I hear someone reaching their due date? " Amnon asked curiously.

" Cheesecake, it's about time! " she exclaimed. " We need to get there into the clinic! "

" Right, Just ask Celine to take deep breaths. I'll be there in five to ten minutes! Love you, babe! "

" See you later. Love you, too! "

[MOMENTS LATER: Clinique familiale et diagnostique Montmartre, Monoceros Keep]

The car immediately parked infront of the clinic as Amnon and Glenda immediately opened their door. Christopher and Valeera assisted Celine in walking when they got out of the car. Torsten rushed to the incoming group and pushed the wheelchair as he let the other pregnant woman sit.

" Thank you, mate, " the elf man with white hair wearily smiled at the medical technician.

" You're welcome there, friend. " Torsten nodded and turned to Celine. " Ma'am, keep breathing. "

" I....I... am....b-breathing! " she yelled and huffed in pain.

" Celine, we're almost there, " Glenda assured. " We're getting there. "

" g-getting there! "

They all entered the clinic as Annika and the other nurses saw the pregnant woman huffing on the wheelchair. Amnon gestured everyone to get prepared immediately as they all understood. Celine was sent to the operating room, lying down, and heavily breathing when her husband was beside her. Amnon, Glenda, and Amelie were attending to the labor as well as the nurses aiding them. Valeera stayed at outside the room as Ethan and Rina eavesdropped.

" Hello, mate, " the Aldernian soldier greeted the paladin elf. " May we know what's going on? "

" My aunt is giving birth to my cousin, " Valeera answered. " So, I assume you are patients in this clinic? "

" My husband is, " Rina mused. " You must be? "

" Lady Valeera Graveheart from the Dread Wolves Tribe and Paladin Brothers, " she politely bowed at the two.

" Lieutenant Ethan James Hunter from the Aldernian Royal Army, " Ethan introduced himself. " Nice to meet you, Valeera. "

" And I am Rina Ishida-Hunter, a Beirunese-Aldernian travel magazine writer, " Rina added and also bowed at Valeera. " We are pleased to meet you, Valeera-san. "

" So, how did you two meet Doctor Montmartre? "

" We came from a two week honeymoon in Monoceros Keep and went to some Foranean towns, " Rina answered and recalled from her memory. " Yesterday, we were about to take a ride home at the train station when we ended up in traffic. "

" Traffic? " the paladin elf raised her voice.

" Then, we felt like we were frozen in time, " Ethan continued and showed his metallic right hand to her. " Some strange man in a dark cloak instantly cut off my right hand as it disappeared. I was immediately admitted here and ended up in an operation. Dr. Montmartre had told us to stay here until tomorrow as we will expect Dr. Lestrade for a therapy session. My new hand is a good replacement, but the horror of that encounter is the worst thing I have seen. "

Hearing the soldier and wife's story, Valeera let out a deep sigh and recalled of that day when she saw of Amnon's sudden downward spiral in Aulia. She understood from that losing a right hand really meant very important to him.

" I'm sorry to hear that, Rina, Ethan, " she calmly spoke. " Now, I understood what it's like to lose something important. I'm glad Amnon, I mean, Dr. Montmartre was able to sort it out for you both. "

" He did, Valeera-san. I was so worried of my husband who would lose his life on this one, " the Beirunese lady nodded. " We were so grateful that he let us stay here. "

" It left us scars, but he wanted us to stay strong and sane no matter what, " Ethan added. " Especially, the new right hand he gave to me. "

" He has learned from what he experienced as he gives back with such kindness and generosity to you, " Valeera deduced and changed her topic. " With that mysterious man, it must be one of the Umbral cultists that I have been hunting these days in this city. "

" A wood elf Paladin? But Dr. Montmartre said the police here are having difficulties in tracking and arresting them. "

" Indeed, he is right, " the Paladin elf agreed. " We the Paladin Brothers can only find them and make sure they will not increase their terror. "

" So, are you going to find that Umbral who attacked my husband? " Rina asked.

" I will be doing it, but I will find time for it. For now, I am helping out my uncle and aunt to have my cousin to be born. "

Ethan sincerely smiled at her, " My kind regards to them and to your newborn cousin. "

" Thank you. "

Suddenly, they all heard a faint cry of a little girl when Amnon, Glenda, and the others let the Knightfall spouses to come out of the operating room. Ethan and Rina were both pleased the other couple.

" Congratulations, Val, " Glenda smiled at her new friend. " Your cousin is a girl."

" And thank you for contributing for the third emergency case in our clinic's history, " Amnon added. " Besides, this one comes out too loveable. "

" My, she looks adorable! " Valeera cheerfully spoke as she saw a newborn human-elven hybrid child who had elven ears and locks with shades of ebony and ivory.

" Valeera, this is your cousin, Callisto, " Celine introduced her little cousin.

" Hello, there, Callie..." she smiled and greeted her.

Little Callie cooed at her older cousin as if she were talking to her. Christopher gently placed his hands to his wife and kissed her cheeks as well as his newborn daughter.

" She is indeed a beauty, " he commented. " A halfling girl is a next generation of the Dread Wolves Tribe. Cousin Kintor would have seen this. "

" Definitely, Chris, " she kissed him back.

" Congratulations to the both of you, " Rina greeted the new parents and remarked. " It's wonderful to see you to have a child. "

" Thank you, " Celine replied at the Beirunese woman.

" You're welcome. "

" Indeed, we are pleased to see an interesting event in this clinic despite yesterday's trouble, " Ethan smiled and commented.

" It is true, mate. " Christopher agreed. " Even there's an evil force coming and lingering, there is still hope for all of us to continue. True life begins here. "

(Ethan James Hunter and Torsten Jørgensen belongs to BjornGamR27)

(Hector Bronco belongs to valorithsaga)

(Tahu and Michelle Hellfire, Christopher, Celine, and Callisto Knightfall , and Valeera Graveheart belongs to Knightfall077)

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