Chapter 2
Monday morning came too fast in Magnus' opinion. Sitting in his kitchen, Magnus can't help but to think about those blue eyes that have been haunting his dreams since Saturday night as he sips his tea and munches on his toasted bagel. The blue eyed man, or Alexander- but prefers to be called Alec- as he introduced himself, captivated Magnus' attention as soon as he walked into the bar. Hell, the only indication Magnus knew that Alec wasn't completely straight was by the way he was leaning against the bar while he was chatting with the hot male bartender. The poor man was getting so flustered and blushed profusely when the bartender was hitting on him. Alec almost looked like he wasn't used to the attention the man was showing him.
That was enough of a sign for Magnus to make his move. Once he approached the bar, he'd studied Alec a bit more, the way his eyes lit up when he was laughing at the blonde bartender as he told him that he was going to have his 'I'm looking to hook up usual'. That made Magnus groan internally. He really had thought that he'd be taking Alec home with him Saturday night. Ragnor be damned. The sod hadn't even shown up at the bar on time! Unfortunately, that was not the case. A small redhead ran over to Alec saying that she was ready to go home, and that the guy she was dancing with, ended up being a douchebag. Alec gave Magnus an apologetic look, then left the bar with the girl, but not before Magnus had the chance to slip his number in Alec's back pocket. The only downside was that Alec still hasn't called. It is driving Mangus insane! He never gives out his number, then the one time he does, the guy doesn't even use the damn thing!
Saturday night was just supposed to be him getting in touch with Ragnor for the first time in years. He and Ragnor had attended boarding school together in London. After graduation, Magnus had decided to stay. He wanted to work in civil services; being an EMT gives Magnus the chance to feel like he's making a difference in his profession while enjoying the array of different experiences the position offers.
Even though he had spent most of his adolescence and early adulthood abroad, he still had a good relationship with his parents. They are part of the reason why he eventually decided to leave London and move back to the US. Magnus' father owns several elite restaurants all over New York, as well as other major cities all over the U.S. His father's main restaurant is right here in Brooklyn. Magnus' mother, however, is a true angel. When Magnus first came out as being gay to his parents, he was terrified. Being part of New York's elite, Magnus feared the worst when coming out to them. Instead of disinheriting him, his mother responded with 'We know, we've always known son. You were always getting into my makeup, you constantly wanted the latest fashion trends, and we've seen the way you look at men. It's okay and we support you no matter what.' Magnus was stunned, he had no idea that his parents would take the news so well. Most of New York's upper class were stuffy and old fashioned. Even though his parents never acted that way towards him, Magnus just assumed they would take the news of his sexuality the way others in their position would take it. Magnus didn't even realize at the time that the law office that his mother works for, deals specifically with the LGBTQ+ community. The attorney's work with anything when it comes to same sex rights. They have prosecution attorneys that deal with hate crimes, as well as attorney's that help with same sex adoption. Magnus' mother also hosts charity events for the law firm to raise money for the LGBTQ+ community.
Magnus, now finished with his breakfast, and daydreaming of cerulean blue eyes, gets up to start getting ready for his first shift at the fire station. With excited, yet nervous, energy, Magnus pulls out a pair of dark blue jeans, a plum colored button up, then heads to the shower. Magnus can feel his muscles relaxing under the hot stream of water that cascades around him as he grabs his Tea Tree shampoo. Massaging the shampoo in his hair just relaxes Magnus further. While he's letting his shampoo do its job, he reaches for his sandalwood body wash to begin the rest of his morning routine. After his shower, Magnus reaches for his hair gel, making sure he grabs his normal gel -not his glitter gel- and spikes his hair. Even though Magnus is out and proud, he doesn't want his new coworkers knowing that he's bi. His coworkers in London were not very fond of him just because of his sexuality, and he doesn't want to live through the nightmare that all over again. Magnus has no plans on letting them know anything about his personal life. Once he's finished with his hair, he makes his way back into his bedroom. Magnus dons his clothes, rolls the sleeves up to his elbows, grabs his bag that holds his black steel toed boots, and makes his way to the subway.
Magnus arrives at the fire station about thirty minutes before his shift is due to start, mostly because the Chief made it clear the last time they spoke, that he wanted to show him around the station and give Magnus his uniforms before his actual shift starts at six o'clock that morning. Magnus is looking forward to getting to know his new coworkers and seeing how much different emergency procedures work compared to how they did things in London. Before Magnus could start working as an EMT in the states, he needed to study his ass off and take the certification test. Most certificates in the medical field do not transfer to most other countries. Once Magnus walks into the station, he's greeted by an older gentleman, whom he assumes to be the Chief. Chief Steven Jeffries is right about six feet, has graying hair, stormy gray eyes, and a mustache. He has a kind and inviting smile while he's walking up to Magnus.
"You must be our new EMT. My name is Chief Steven Jeffries, you may call me Chief or Chief Jeffries. Magnus Bane I presume," Chief asks while shaking Magnus' hand.
"Yes, sir. I'm happy to be here," Magnus follows the chief inside. Chief shows Magnus around the entire station, introducing him to some of the staff on duty as they walk by, then they walk into an office, the desk has a stack of papers on one side, and a computer on the other. Chief pulls out a folder from a cabinet and hands it over to Magnus.
"Okay, Bane, I just need you to fill out the information in this folder. This will be your new employee file. I just need you to fill out these forms, which contain emergency contact information, tax information, new hire information, as well as your new insurance forms. While you're filling this out, I'm going to the supply closet to get you some uniforms," Chief leaves when Magnus nods his head in acknowledgement.
Magnus finishes his paperwork as Chief walks back into the office. Looking up, Magnus sees a pile of uniforms in Chief's hands. Standing up to help, Chief just grunts and hands the uniforms over to Magnus.
"Now, there are some things I want to go over with you before you meet your new partner. First, we here are a unit, I do not tolerate discrimination of any type. I want you to know that if you have problems with any of the firefighters, or anyone on the emergency team, please tell me so the issue can be resolved. I don't expect any of my guys to give you a hard time, I just want to let you know that I have a zero tolerance policy on harassment of any kind. If I find out that you are giving my guys, especially your new partner, a hard time, you will be out of here. Understood?" Magnus nods in understanding.
"Sir, I understand completely. When I was living in London, the rest of the crew made my life a living hell because I'm gay." Chief gave Magnus a look of shock. "About a year into my job over there, the rest of the crew stopped speaking to me altogether unless it was job related. When I came back to the States, I decided that I wasn't going to let anyone I work with know my sexual orientation."
"Magnus, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. When I spoke to your previous employer, he informed me that there were some problems that were, and I am quoting him here, 'entirely Magnus' fault, to which I cannot divulge in', which is why I gave you that little speech. I can assure you that it won't happen at this station. My crew knows how to work together to become a single unit. I'm sure you're going to love it here." Magnus lets out a sigh of relief. He's still going to be careful, past experiences have taught him that, but he now at least knows that it shouldn't be an issue.
"With that out of the way, the next thing I want to go over is your schedule. You're going to be partnered with my senior paramedic. He's very competent in his job, and you will learn a lot from him. We are on a rotating shift schedule, for the next ninety days, you will be working 0600 hours to 1600 hours, with us working on a ten hour schedule, you're working for four days, then off for four days. The next rotation will be 1600 hours to 0200 hours, and the last rotation is 2000 hours to 0600 hours. Any questions so far?" Chief looks at Magnus expectantly,
"I do, why is there an overlap between the hours of eight pm and two am?"
Chief grins. "That's the question I was hoping you would ask." Magnus smiles. "It's because usually in that six hour time frame, we get the most calls, therefore, we make sure we have the coverage to handle the calls that dispatch sends to us," Chief proudly explains.
"Also, the firefighters you will work with on your shift keep the same rotation schedule. I like for everyone on my staff to work together, and build that bond. Anytime the firefighters get called in, our emergency staff responds as well. You guys need to be able to rely on each other and work together, I cannot stress teamwork enough." Magnus nods to show that he is listening.
"Now for the most important piece of information, this fire station is fully staffed for Advanced Life Support (ALS), that means, every shift, and every ambulance, has one paramedic, and two EMT's at all times. Usually one of the EMT's primary roles is to drive the ambulance so the paramedic and the second EMT can take care of our patient on the way to Brooklyn Memorial Hospital. BMH is the only level one trauma care hospital in Brooklyn. We have a great rapport with the emergency staff at the hospital, namely because we're in and out of that hospital almost as much as their own staff is," Chief pauses for a moment, "with that being said, welcome to the team Magnus. I'm looking forward to having you on board with us. Go ahead and change into your uniform, and I'll introduce you to your new team." With that, the two men step out of the office.
Magnus exits the locker room to find Chief standing next to a tall man with black hair. As Magnus approaches his boss, the other man turns to face Magnus, and all Magnus can do is freeze. 'It's Alexander! The man who never called him this weekend!' Magnus thinks as he tries to maintain a stoic facade. Chief looks over Magnus to inspect his uniform with a grin.
"Ah Bane! This is your new partner, Alec Lightwood... Lightwood, this is Magnus Bane," Chief introduces them, being completely oblivious to the sudden tension in the room. Magnus is also wondering why in the hell Alexander is throwing daggers at him with his eyes, it's not like Magnus was the one who never called. "Okay boys, I'm going to leave you two to bond, and get to know each other," Chief states as he walks away.
The next thing Magnus hears is a scoff, and, turning around, Magnus just sees Alec walking away. "If you want to 'bond', you might want to follow me, newbie." Magnus jogs to catch up.
"Okay, Alec, what is your problem? We met two nights ago, I give you my phone number, and you're the one who chose NOT to call me! If anything, I should be the one upset here."
Alec turns around and just gapes at Magnus. "Seriously! I come home Saturday night to find a card with chicken scratch on it, realize that a hot guy slips me his number, go to call said number, just to find out it's fake! How is that supposed to make me feel huh?" Alec exclaims. Magnus just looks dumbfounded.
"Okay, so you supposedly called, pray tell, what number did you dial then? I know I never received a single phone call within the last twenty-four hours," Magnus counters.
With an exasperated sigh, Alec pulls out his phone to look through his call history. Looking up at Magnus, Alec hands him his phone. "Considering I threw out that card you wrote your number on, here's my call history, this is the number you wrote down, and as you can see, I called this number three times thinking that I just had a bad connection. You also need to realize that I have never wasted that much time on a guy before." Alec looks up to see Magnus knitting his eyebrows together while looking at the phone.
Just then, Magnus bursts into laughter, "I am so sorry Alexander, look, I was desperate to get my number to you, I know you needed to leave with your friend, I just didn't think that my horrible handwriting would have been so bad that you would have mistaken a seven for a one. Can we please start over?" Magnus asks with a hopeful smile. He can't believe the misunderstanding. Seeing the hesitant look on Alec's face, he adds, "Look, Alec, if it makes you feel better, I never hand my number out to people. I just had fun talking to you at the bar, and I guess I just didn't want that to be the last conversation we ever had."
Scratching the back of his neck and biting his lower lip, Alec responds, "okay sure, I don't mind starting over with you. It's just that, now that it appears that we're working together, I just don't want things to become awkward."
"I get that, I..." Magnus stops speaking as soon as someone walks up to them, "Hi! You must be the newbie, name's Jordan Kyle." Jordan reached out and Magnus accepted the handshake.
"Magnus Bane, nice to meet you." Jordan is tall, broad-shouldered, muscular but still slim, with hazel eyes, long, dark hair pulled back in a low ponytail, and dark skin. The man is hot, not as hot as Alexander, but hot nonetheless.
"Jordan is one of the firefighters we will be working with. Jordan, Magnus is my new EMT, please don't scare him off," Alec adds with a smirk.
"Right! Well I'll let you guys get back to your conversation, I just wanted to introduce myself before things go to shit today, we'll talk later," with that, Jordan turns to walk away.
Once Jordan is out of sight, Alec faces Magnus again, "So, before we got interrupted, what were you going to say?" Magnus glances back to Alec, looks back to where Jordan left, then back to Alec once again.
"Uh right, I just wanted to let you know that I know how to separate a work relationship with a personal relationship," Magnus says with a wink, then with a serious expression, "Oh and ah...look, I'm not exactly comfortable with other people knowing my preferences at work. I had a very hard time back in London, and I really don't want to relive the shit that I had to deal with there." Alec looks slightly taken aback by that statement.
"What happened to you in London?" Alec hesitantly asked. It was Magnus' turn to hesitate.
"Look, Alec...I'll tell you everything I dealt with, but not here. I don't want to risk being overheard," Magnus states plainly.
Alec nods in understanding. "Well, how about I take you out for a drink after work tonight. It'll be my treat and a sort of welcome to the station kind of thing." Magus agrees with a smile.
Shortly into their conversation, a small Asian girl comes and sits down with Magnus and Alec. Alec brightly smiles at the girl.
"Good morning guys! Hi! I'm Aline. You must be our new partner. I'm your transport driver for the team," the girl, Aline, beams and stretches her hand out to shake.
"Magnus Bane, it's a pleasure to meet you, Aline... " Magnus shakes her hand.
"Oh sorry! Aline Penhallow-Blackthorne. My wife and I decided to hyphenate. She works at BMH with Clary." Magnus looks on in confusion.
"Clary is my roommate and best friend. She's short, has red hair..." Alec explains, leaving her description hanging in the air, hoping Magnus will catch on. Magnus immediately understands what Alec is doing, he's trying to explain that Clary is the girl who he left the bar with on Saturday night, without revealing to Aline that Magnus and Alec are already slightly acquainted with one another. Magnus nods in understanding.
"Jordan's girlfriend, Maia, also works with Clary and Helen," Aline adds.
"So you guys really do know the staff at the hospital then. When I was in London, we didn't really get to know the staff, we wheeled the patients in, gave our report to the nurses or doctors, then left," Magnus states to engage in the conversation. Alec looks towards him with an eyebrow raised. Magnus just shrugs slightly.
"Wow, you two have been talking for what, ten minutes and you already can have silent conversations! That's impressive," Aline adds.
At that moment, they get a call from dispatch stating that there is a smoke alarm going off at a convenience store close by. The trio gets up and heads to the ambulance, ready to deal with their first call for the day.
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