Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Alec finally gets Jace back to his apartment at ten in the morning. Clary left the hospital at the end of her shift, and was all too willing to get Alec's room ready for Jace to take it over for the next few weeks. While Jace was in the hospital, after he came out of his surgeries - and because of the fact that he was so doped up on narcotics - he would not stop hitting on Clary. Alec had always thought those two would be good together. He'd been planning on setting them up before he got kicked out of his house and lost touch with his siblings. Drugged up Jace was quite entertaining. He kept asking things like if 'the pretty redheaded nurse would give him a sponge bath', or Alec's personal favorite, 'can the pretty redhead please, please, please, suck him off'. Usually Alec would be appalled by his brothers behavior, but considering how flustered it made Clary, and the fact that Alec just hasn't cared about anything lately, it was pretty amusing. Luckily for Jace, he didn't say any of those things in front of Jon. The only thing Jace said in front of Clary's brother was, 'that redheaded nurse is sssooo pretty, and sssooo nice.', which only caused Jon to laugh and agree with Jace.

Alec wheels a very groggy Jace over to his bed, then slowly helps him into it. Once he's done getting Jace settled, he goes and lays down on the couch for a couple more hours of sleep. Though he's really not looking forward to going into work this afternoon. He sets an alarm on his phone, then relaxes and closes his eyes for a while. After what felt like minutes, but has actually been two hours, Alec's alarm goes off. Grumbling, Alec gets up and ready for work, then checks on Jace before he leaves the apartment.


Alec arrives at the station, tired as hell. He almost wishes he called out sick today. He walks in and is immediately greeted by Magnus. He's surprised that there were no flower or food deliveries this afternoon. Alec just assumed that Magnus has given up on trying to persuade him to get back together again. Alec wouldn't be surprised if that were the case, especially after what he said to Magnus at the hospital last night.

"Hey, I thought you might need this today." Magnus says shyly as he hands Alec a cup of coffee from JJ's.

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that." Alec says, taking a tentative sip. He almost groans at the taste. Alec really does need the coffee.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. How's your brother doing?" Magnus says with a shrug as they continue to walk towards the common room.

"He's in a lot of pain, which is to be expected. I've got him all set up in my room, which means that I'm going to be sleeping on the couch for the next few weeks. Jon did say that Jace should be walking on his own in about three weeks, but until then, he can only stand long enough to shower," Alec says. "The shoulder is going to be about eight to twelve weeks before he's able to even take it out of the sling, and that's just during his physical therapy." Sighing, Alec tries to pull his tired thoughts together to continue. "You know, after not seeing him for the last five years, I'm terrified to have to explain to him why I wasn't able to see him, or talk to him, or hell... even write a letter to him. I'm just dreading the inevitable conversation." Alec doesn't even know why he's confessing these insecurities to Magnus. He can tell his mind is all over the place right now, but being in Magnus' presence has always been easier to talk. It's almost as if Alec had known Magnus longer than the three and a half months.

As they sit down, Magnus gives Alec an ambivalent look. "Well, based off the small interaction I've seen between you and Jace, I think keeping it from him would do more harm than good. He seemed very bothered by the fact that you just disappeared for five years. Are you worried about how he's going to react?" Magnus asks tentatively.

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of. I'm terrified that he's going to have the same reaction as my parents. He's not only my brother, he was also my best friend growing up. I just got him back Magnus, I can't lose him again." Alec's voice sounds vulnerable, even to his own ears.

"Alexander, I don't think you'll lose him. Even though I don't know Jace, he doesn't seem like the homophobic bigots your parents seem to be." Magnus says with a tone of disgust, but Alec couldn't focus on that.

"Magnus, you just called me Alexander." Alec says, unable to focus on anything else for the moment

"Yeah... and?" Magnus has a look of confusion.

"You've only ever called me by my full name when we were alone." Alec whispers.

"I'm fully aware of that, but I honestly don't care anymore. I've caused too many problems by hiding who I really am. I'm not going to do that any longer." Magnus lowers his voice, "I'm not going to just announce that I'm gay, but if asked, I'm not going to deny it. And I'm also tired of hiding my feelings for you. You mean everything to me Alexander, and I don't care who knows."

To say that Alec is stunned would be an understatement. First the offer of Magnus bringing Alec's car to the hospital, then the coffee this morning, now he's blatantly said that he's not going to hide anymore... Alec just can't believe what he's hearing. He didn't realize it until they'd been spoken with such conviction, but it was those words that he'd needed Magnus to say and mean to prove there was still hope for them. But why would Magnus want to continue to try winning Alec back? Especially knowing that Alec is damaged goods... so to speak. After the way Alec spilled out all of his baggage, Magnus knows that Alec is damaged. Magnus knows that no one can love Alec unconditionally. Unconditional love simply didn't exist.

"Magnus, you don't have to do that. I never wanted you come out, just for my sake. I wanted you to come out for your own benefit." Alec confesses.

"Alexander, this is just as much for my benefit, as it is for yours. It took me losing you to figure out that my fears were unjustifiable."

"Your fears were completely justifiable! I can't even fathom what you went through in London. I was just trying to point out to you that you had nothing to worry about here. No one would ever consider doing that to you." Alec says with conviction.

Before Magnus has a chance to speak, they're interrupted by Sebastian walking in to give Alec the shift change report. Once they finish, Alec, Magnus, and Aline go out to the garage to inspect the ambulance and make sure it's stocked up for the day. The subject isn't brought up again.


Throughout the day, Alec has been getting text updates from Clary on how Jace has been doing. Other than him being sore, and being in and out of consciousness all day due to the Percocet he's been prescribed, Jace is doing as well as to be expected. Alec hasn't been worried about how well Jace has been getting along with Clary, until the last text she sent before she left for work.

From Clary:

Hey, so I'm not going to kick your brother out of the apartment, but only because of you. I know you need time to reconnect with him or whatever, but I'm just letting you know that I'm going to stay with my parents because Jace is an ass!

Alec looks over at the text completely confused with how quickly things changed between his best friend and brother.

"Are you okay, Alec?" Magnus asks. Alec looked up from his phone to see concern on Magnus's face. He must have noticed Alec's demeanor change.

"I'm not sure. Here look." Alec hands Magnus his phone so he can read the text for himself.

Magnus quickly reads it, then hands Alec's phone back with the same look that Alec has. "I'm going to go outside and give her a call to find out what the hell happened," Alec says. Magnus nods.

As Alec heads outside, he dials Clary's number, and she picks up on the first ring.

"Your brother's an ass," Clary says in way of greeting.

"What happened? Everything seemed fine up until now." Alec says, slightly frantic.

"After I helped him get in his wheelchair so he could go use the bathroom, he somehow managed to corner me in the hallway and cuss me out!" This causes Alec to groan.

"Why in the hell would he do that?" Alec asks, and this time it's Clary's turn to sigh.

"Alec, honey. You do realize that Jace thinks you and I are dating, and I'm the reason you were kicked out of your parents house, don't you?" Clary questions, in a very condescending manner.

Alec remembers what his mother said to him the day that he called her. She did say she told Jace and Izzy that he was in a relationship that they didn't approve of. Groaning upon realization, he tells Clary that he'll talk to Jace as soon as he gets home from work, and he'll text her after he clears everything up with Jace. They end their call, and Alec walks back to the common room.

Magnus and Aline give Alec questioning looks, but Aline is the first to speak up. "What happened? Is everything okay?" She asks, and Alec tells them about his conversation. Aline seems sympathetic for Clary, and Magnus is just trying not to laugh.

"Alexander, dear. You really need to talk to Jace when you get home." Alec groans and hides his face in his hands.

"I know! And it's going to happen as soon as I walk in that door. I can't have Clary not feeling safe in her own home. Hell, it's more her home than mine!" Alec exclaims, which causes both Magnus and Aline to laugh.


Alec steps up to the door of his apartment and takes a deep breath before walking inside. He's honestly not sure if he's ever going to be ready for the discussion he's about to have with Jace, but it needs to happen. Without further delay, Alec unlocks the door and steps inside. There's a single light on in the kitchen, as well as a small lamp turned on in the living room. The house is pretty quiet, so Alec heads towards his bedroom door. He can see through the crack under the door that the tv's turned on so he knocks then opens the door when he hears a faint 'come in'.

Walking in, he sees Jace sitting in the bed, with his back against the headboard, and Game of Thrones playing on the tv. Alec sits down in his desk chair, grabs the tv remote, and shuts it off.

"So how are you feeling?" Alec asks, tentatively.

"Sore... slightly annoyed, but what can I do? Luckily I have yet to find a job since I finished culinary school last spring, so I don't have anywhere that I need to be, and avoiding our parents should be easy enough since they're in California working with one of their clients, so I don't have to explain the whole, 'why are you laid out' conversation." Jace runs his free hand through his hair, "I just want to know why my brother decided to desert us nearly six years ago." Jace's molten gold eyes are shining with anger, and Alec looks down at his hands.

"Jace... I didn't leave by choice, you have to know that," Alec began. He took a deep breath before finally saying the words that would change everything. "I was kicked out for being gay! Mom and dad told me that once I was over this 'phase', I was welcome to come back, but until then, I was on my own." Jace looks towards Alec with shock clearly showing in his features. Alec almost doesn't want to continue. He's not sure if Jace is shocked by their parents kicking him out, or if the look is because of Alec's sexuality. Then Alec proceeds to tell Jace everything that was said between Alec and his parents. How they told Alec that he was a disgrace to the Lightwood name. Then Alec told Jace about the time that he tried calling the house, hoping to talk to Jace or Izzy, then filled him in on everything that's been going on with his life.

"God Alec, I am so sorry! I was so angry with you for so long that it never even occurred to me that it wasn't your choice to leave. I feel like such an ass now!" Jace exclaims, then his facial expression changed from a look of remorse, to a look of horror, "Oh shit! I have to apologize to your roommate. She probably hates me right now!" Alec can't help but to laugh at his brothers mortification.

"What exactly did you do to Clary, anyway? She seemed pretty pissed off on the phone earlier today." Alec says, now he's finally calmed his laughter. Jace gets a sheepish look about him, which causes Alec to groan. He knows it can't be anything good.

"I may have told her that she was a dirty gold digging whore who must have a magical pussy if she was able to convince you to abandon your family the way you did... but Alec, I had no idea what was going on at all!" Alec can only look at Jace with absolute mortification. "I also advanced on her in the hallway, and basically pushed her up in a corner. I was just so angry at you... at her, I know what I did was irrational. I do feel bad, she looked so scared when I yelled at her."

"Oh god Jace! Please tell me you didn't?" No wonder Clary wanted to stay with her parents. "Ugh Jace! Something like that has happened to her before." Then Alec tells Jace all about Scott, and the way he treated Alec, and how Scott choked Clary in the hallway in their last apartment. By the time Alec finished telling the story, he can tell that Jace regrets the way he handled Clary.

"Do you think she'll forgive me? I really screwed up with her." Jace says as he runs his hand over his face.

"I'm sure she will. She knows that one, you're on drugs right now; and two, you're her best friends brother. But you might want to also apologize for the way you were treating her after you woke up from surgery." Alec adds with a laugh. Jace just looks at him with confusion. Of course he's not going to remember what all he said to her. Alec pulls out his phone and moves towards the bed. He pulls up this videos, and gently sits down next to his brother with a sly smile on his face.

"That redheaded nurse is sssooo pretty, and sssooo nice. Doctor Morgenst... Morge... Doctor Guy whose name I can't say, isn't she sssooo pretty!" Drugged Jace says.

"Yeah she is, she's also my sister." Jon says while trying, and failing, not to laugh.

"Wait wait wait! There's more!" Alec says as he's chuckling. Jace on the other hand is already red with embarrassment.

"Hey Alec. How's our patent doing? Jon tells me that he's awake for now. I just need to get some vitals and do a quick pain assessment." Clary says as she walks in. "Okay Mister Herrondale, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine now that you're here." Then Jace turns to Alec, "Aaaalllllleeeeccc! Can the pretty redheaded nurse give me a sponge bath? Pppplllleeeaaasseee????"

"O-kay, well I'm just going to take your vitals, then I'm gonna go." A very red faced Clary says.

As Clary is taking Jace's vitals, Jace keeps reaching his hand out to play with Clary's hair. She gently pushes his hand down every time he does that. Then Clary listens to Jace's heart.

"Yooouuu heeear that babyyyyy, it'ssss beating like that for yooouuu," Jace slurred. At which point you see the camera shaking due to Alec's silent laughter.

"Alec, can the pretty redhead please, please, please, suck me off?" Jace whines.

"And I'm gonna go!" Clary says at the same time Alec loses it completely and doubles over laughing so hard. "I hate you so much right now, Alexander Gideon!" Clary shouts.

Jace looks at a hysterically laughing Alec with very wide eyes and mouth hanging open.

"Holy shit. How has she not kicked my ass by now?" Jace asks with wonder, which only causes Alec to lose it even more.

"Dude, she knows you were out of your mind while at the hospital. It wouldn't surprise me if she's heard worse from other patients. But god that was so epic. This is perfect blackmail material!" Alec exclaims. It feels good to laugh like this with Jace. It almost feels like they were never separated.

"Can we change the subject now please?" Jace whines out.

"Fine, fine. So are you seeing anyone?" Alec asks curiously.

"Hell no! I like to keep my options open. What about you?" This question sobers Alec up immediately. It must of shown on his face because Jace adds with a smirk, "Ah, I see a story coming. Come on, spill."

And Alec spills everything. All past relationships such as Scott and Adam. Then he goes on about how he and Magnus met, their first date, the way they had to hide from all of their coworkers, and everything else that's been going on with Magnus. He never thought it would be this easy to talk to Jace about guys, Izzy maybe, but not Jace.

Once Alec finishes, there's a moment of silence, Jace just looks at Alec and says, "I think you should give him a second chance. I remember the way he looked at you last night. I was confused about it at first, because I obviously had no idea what was going on there, but he looked at you like you hung the moon. Talk to him, and give your relationship another chance." Alec can't believe what he's hearing, sure Jace is a third party with no vested interest in this relationship, but can Alec really do that? Does he even want to?

"Look Alec, it's totally your call, but I can tell you care about him and it seems like he feels the same way. He told you that he's in love with you for christs sakes! But just think about it okay?" Alec nods and tells Jace that he'll think about it.

For the rest of the night, the brothers catch up with all events on the past five years, then Alec's phone chimes with a new text notification.

From Magnus to Alec:

Hello darling, I was just thinking about you and wanted to see if everything went okay tonight.

From Alec to Magnus:

Everythings perfect. Thanks!

From Magnus to Alec:

I'm so happy to hear that, I knew everything would be okay. Goodnight, Alexander.

From Alec to Magnus:

Goodnight Magnus.

"Magnus?" Jace asks from his spot on the bed.

"How did you know?" Alec asks, but Jace just gives a shit eating grin.

"Because you're smiling like a lovestruck teenager."

"Shut up!" Alec snaps while Jace barks out in laughter.

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