Chapter 4: Quirkless


Katsuki Bakugou glared at him. Of course he knew who Round Face was. He had been calling Ochako that for years.

"I have no idea what you're talking about?"

Playing dumb didn't work on Bakugou but Izuku gave it a shot anyways.

"Really? Let me tell you what she fucking told me!" he bellowed.

Even the villains in the closet flinched at his booming voice. They could hear everything and they sure as hell was going to listen.


"Oh, Bakugou!"

Ochako waved to him but he kept walking without stopping.

"Hey! That's no way to treat someone who helped make your cake for you birthday you ass!"

He turned around to stare at her.

"My mother bought mine at the fucking store. Did you get a job at a grocery store?"

Ochako stared at him funny.

"Izuku took you a cake and confessed his feelings for you with a chocolate and peanut butter with peanut butter cups and a card."

"Confess his what?" Katsuki snapped.

"Oh no.... he said if he didn't call everything went ok..." she whispered.

"What the fuck you mean? Deku's gay? I fucking knew it-

"Izuku isn't gay, he's bisexual. You only thought that because you hate him."

"That fucking asshole! I don't like him like that- I don't even like him at all! I only train with him because All Might asked me too!"


'I did forget to call her. I was so occupied with Shigaraki I forgot.'

"DEKU! Pay attention!"

He snapped back to reality staring at the angry blonde.


"Is it true? Because Round Face looked pretty scared that she told me?!"


"You what, you fucking idiot?!"

"I did make you a cake. I was going to tell you-

Katsuki shoved Izuku onto the floor and slammed the door shut.

"You think a quirkless bastard like you would be good enough for me?!"

The color drained from Midoriya's face. Not because Katsuki had said it because he always talked shit when it was the two of them but because the League if Villains were in the apartment probably listening.


"I do what I do for All Might! You're just some idiot who can't control a power that was given to him! Wanna know why- it's because you weren't meant to have a fucking quirk! You have seven of them and the most powerful one you have is the one you can't use because you break your whole body!"

"I'm still a hero using the others-

"You're a piece of shit! All Might would've been better to give someone else, even giving Icyhot the fucking power instead of someone like you! Look at you! You're weak, damaged and pathetic!"

"I had changed my mind after I accidentally dropped the cake to tell you. If All Might thought I deserved his power then I do! You only have one quirk and I have to control seven! Excuse me for me not using the best one because I would be in the hospital!"

"Why don't you have Eri follow you around and fix your issues because you're too stupid to control One for All!"

"Because it's not her problem!"

"You are the biggest worthless piece of shit Deku! You haven't changed at all!"

Izuku didn't say anything. He had begun shaking with rage and he really wanted to punch Bakugou's face at full one hundred percent.

"Don't worry about training today, I don't want you there. At least Shouto would be more of challenge because he's not predictable!"

"What the fuck did you say!?"

His hands started exploding but the sparks were small.

"Go ahead and burn now my apartment down- I dare you! Your agency will pay for it and for your hospital bill for me kicking your ass! Get the fuck out of my house!"

Izuku pulled open the front door almost pulling it off the hinges. He shoved the blonde out.

"You wanna fucking go?!"

"Act like a hero Katsuki!" Izuku screamed, "Go do your job!"

He slammed the door shut and locked it, sinking down to the floor with his back against the door. He could hear Bakugou screaming and yelling all the way down the stairs. He heard squealing wheels and then nothing. Izuku had forgot about them hiding in his closet since he was so upset.

The League of Villains came out and peeked around the corner to see a teary eyed Midoriya on the floor. It had become abundantly clear why Izuku had said he could've been a villain but it was surprising he wasn't. He was quirkless human who was given a power that wasn't his and he wasn't all that good at it without hurting himself.


He just hugged his knees against his chest and hiding his face. Himiko dropped to her knees beside of him, giving him a hug. She held his head against her chest, stroking his hair.

"Shhh, it'll be ok."

It was odd he would find her comforting considering she had tried killing them a few times before but this he needed. His mother understood why he was always hurting himself but if he continued to do it, he wouldn't continue to be a hero. He couldn't continue to force Eri to reverse his time even if she wouldn't mind it one bit. He wouldn't burden her with his problems.

He took in a few deep breaths. Izuku found it weird that he calming down. Shigaraki stood there staring. He felt slightly angry that Himiko was that close to him but he let it go as Izuku rubbed his eyes.

"You ok now?"

He nodded.

"Sorry about that."

She just smiled.

Eventually they went back to playing video games and Izuku made the icing. He went back to his room and changed his clothes getting ready to go meet All Might. He looked like he was dead on the inside just moving around without any life to him... It seemed so weird for the bubbly pro hero.

"I um... gotta go. You can put icing on the cake now if you want, Shigaraki."

The leader nodded.

"Um.... if you want you can spend the night. I should be back in the morning before nine. Have fun."

He stepped outside of his apartment and locked it up. Izuku made it to the steps and paused.

'Wait, what the fuck did I just say?'


"Hey there."

Izuku stared at All Might.

"Bakugou called me."

Midoriya already knew why so he shrugged.

"I don't want to be around him anyways."

All Might patted his back, "You could do better anyways."

He put his face in his hands and shook his head.

"I should've called Ochako. It was my fault."

"I'm kind of surprised you never dated her instead."

He smiled and shook his head, "We did like each other but she's with Iida kind of.... It's a secret from the media... So don't say anything. You think Shouto would be ok with training me instead?"

"We can ask."

Izuku plopped down in the sand.

"I heard about All for One."

Toshi stopped, he almost dropped his phone.


"Why didn't you tell me?"

He returned his phone to his pocket and stared out into the ocean.

"Because you were so persistent about asking All for One to take back One for All."

Izuku sighed, "Can't I give it to someone more deserving? Someone who wouldn't break all their bones? I almost hoped someone with a healing quirk that wouldn't shorten my life would've came along."

All Might sat beside of him.

"I don't know of anyone else who has proved themselves more than you."

"Kacchan was right... I don't deserve this power. I'm horrible and weak."


"I'm not in the mood to train."

"I understand."

"I'm tired of trying so hard. Nothing has come out of it. I can only do fifty five percent and it's stayed like that since I graduated."

"Maybe the quirk itself senses the doubt in your heart."



Izuku staggered up the stairs. He was so exhausted. He really wanted to go back home and nap after talking to All Might but he just stayed out and swam in the ocean to clear his mind for a while. He unlocked his door and pushed it open to be greeted by the villains still in his home.

'Oh.... I forgot I told them to stay. This week can't be any worse.'

"Morning Izuku!" Himiko squealed happily.

"Um, good morning... What are you guys doing?" he asked smelling food.

"Shigaraki and Twice made breakfast!"


'He can't make a cake but he can make actual food?'

"You want coffee?" Kurogiri asked peeking out from the kitchen.


'I don't even know what's going on now. I feel like someone's going to jump out and tell me it's some kind of joke....'

Dabi came out from the hallway scratching his chest. He looked like he just woke up.

"Do I smell bacon?" he asked.

"Yes!" she said grabbing plates for everyone, "Come sit Izuku!"

"I wasn't aware I had breakfast food in the house... Did I forget it was there?" he asked aloud questioning himself.

"You didn't, so I went shopping!" Toga said placing a plate of food in front of him.

Kurogiri placed a cup of coffee in front of the hero.

"Thanks guys.... You didn't have to do this."

"They ate their cake already and they were hungry. Don't be too impressed," Tomura said, "I still have mine left."

Izuku chuckled.

"Thank you, I'm very surprised. I had a rough night."

"Bakugou is an asshole and you can do better," Himiko said taking his hand, "Forget about him! Now you have double the potential
partners since you like men and women!"

The heroes face turned bright red, "Thank you."

'I forgot they heard that too. I should've closed the door on his face.'

"What made you change your mind?" Dabi asked slightly interested, "Did you like him a long time?"

Tomura glared at Dabi. He was the asshole type that liked nosing in people's business.

"I guess it was a rival crush."

"Well, you're too sweet and you need someone who understands you! Besides! It's amazing! You had no quirk then now you have seven!"

"I have never met a quirkless person before," Twice said, "It's quite interesting!"

Izuku looked up at Shigaraki who avoided his eyes quickly.

"Yea... It's why my body is so messed up. Sometimes one of them goes wild based on my emotions and it's hard to control."

Izuku stared down at his food. There was nothing wrong with it but he suddenly felt like he was out in the open for people to judge.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Izuku looked at Shigaraki then avoided those red eyes that were studying him.

"I know we aren't really on the same side but could you not say anything to anyone? It's supposed to be a big secret."

"What's exactly wrong with people knowing?" Dabi asked before putting eggs in his mouth.

"People would be after him," Tomura answered and Izuku nodded in agreement.

"Do you think you aren't worthy of a quirk?" Kurogiri asked.

"It's not that... I'm disappointed I haven't improved since graduation. I'm so scared of hurting myself and being out of work. That's why I went for a mostly rescue based agency than a more offensive one."

No one said anything more and Midoriya ate in peace.

Himiko, Jin and Dabi went into the living room to the TV and started playing games once again like they had yesterday. Kurogiri went to the spare room where Midoriya had all his books were. Tomura sat there staring at his coffee and Izuku did the same. The silence was awkward and deafening.

"Sorry. You guys didn't come around to hear my problems. At least you got cake out of it," Izuku said with a weak smile trying to joke but it failed.

Shigaraki looked up to see the hero with his face in his hands.

"Why do you try so hard?"

Izuku looked up at him with red eyes, "I've always wanted to be a hero. I have to work harder because I'm weaker than most."

"Is that how you see it?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I climbed over all those hurdles to get to where I am, yet I've hit a big wall. I can't explain what that wall is exactly but it's probably myself. If he would let me, I would hand the power off to someone else."

Shigaraki reached up towards his neck feeling the bandaid Izuku had placed there the day before. He had forgotten it was there. The hero saw this and reached out.

"Let me change those for you. I'll get my kit."

He got up and opened the cabinet pulling out his first aid kit. He sat beside of Tomura and touched the edges of the bandaid.

"It might hurt a little."

"Go for it."

Shigaraki tried bracing himself as Izuku ripped off one. He then ripped off the other and the leader flinched.

"Are you ok?" Izuku asked looking upset.

"I'm fine."

The two of them were unaware they were being watched by the others. They were dumbfounded by the scene before them. Tomura hated being touched by other people.

"It looks kind of bad still but it's not bleeding. Let me clean it for you and place a clean bandaid on it. Are you ok with that?"

Shigaraki stared into those green eyes. He suddenly just felt weak against them. They were like puppy eyes that were too cute to resist.

"It's ok, go ahead."

Izuku did his best to be gentle and cleaned off his neck. He offered Tomura a big smile when he was done playing nurse and he blushed lightly. Dabi was snickering in the living room but the two men never heard him. Himiko looked delighted by the interaction between the two of them and Kurogiri looked touched. Jin shook his head but he had a smile on his face.


Midoriya had given them permission to stay and as long as they hid when someone knocked, he was ok with it. He finally passed out around one leaving his guests to themselves. None of them wanted to leave but Kurogiri. He had other things to do anyways and he had pry Dabi from the game console since it was his turn to clean their base.

It was around eight when Izuku woke up and headed for the kitchen in his boxers forgetting he had company again. His face started to burn with embarrassment again but he pushed through it since he needed to make coffee to wake up. He had to be at work by ten until nine in the morning. At least his shift was with Shouto this time.

He showered quickly and headed for his bedroom getting ready. It felt so weird for him to dress in his hero getup with an apartment filled with villains but they didn't seem bothered by him being a pro hero. Izuku wasn't really bothered with them being there either; he actually enjoyed their company.

Deku stepped foot in the kitchen and Shigaraki stared at him.

"Um, if you guys want.... You can stay again. I probably won't be home until ten though this time around."

He just nodded.

"If you need to shower or anything, go for it. I have tons of regular clothes so have it. If you're here in the morning, I'll see you then."

Izuku poured the whole pot of coffee into a thermal cup and was gone out the door into the night.

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