Chapter 6: Viet Bac

At this time, golden flakes were wrapping terraced fields. Look upward, the sky was the same as a beautiful carpet. Besides, "red flag with gold star", flag of Vietnam and "red flag with gold Chim Lac", flag of Chim Lac were flying.

Right now, three children were being taken to safe place which was known as Viet Bac. In Indochina war, it was Viet Minh capital. Again,

Though they were suspending above one of the most beautiful scenery, they seemly had no time to soak up the scenery.

In the room, Duy's voice resounded

"You know, I think they need us. They need all of us."

"I did not know what they want from us. However, Duy, do you realize that they have been sacrificing their life for us?"

Cuong said.

"I admit. Nevertheless, do you know what's happening? Most people are going to die. Nothing is given to you for free. "

Duy continue saying

"You have a point there. However, I do not like this new attitude. "

Cuong said. In fact, though Duy was right, he did not like his attitude, anymore.

At this time, matters seemly were coming to a head because they were not dealing well with what just happened in there. In fact, those images were fresh in his memory. To be honest, these children went through hardship calmly.

At the meantime, Mai did not say anything. She just sat by the window. Suddenly, apricot flowers grow along the side of the wall. Apparently, they were as small as human's destiny at this time. However, they were beautiful and keeping a lot of power.

"It's beautiful"

Both boys said although they had had a fight. Suddenly, Cuong said:

"Mai, you miss your brother, right?"

Mai did not responded but Cuong understood her feeling. Besides, after taking a deep breath, she said

"Duy, Cuong, I visited Hung temple last year. You know, it was great. Would you like to come with me to Hung temple this year? I'll asked my brother"

Though it was not a right time but this sentence was like the beacon of light in the surrounding gloom. Then, they were on speaking terms. As a child, they should talk about something like their dream, toys, friendship... However, they had faced to face war and death. Therefore, they were old beyond their years. In fact, everything had changed. However, they were just kids.

Meanwhile, Tran Hung Dao ship was up in the skies. It would take few minutes to land on the base.

From the air, that place was as cheerful as Ben Tre, three children's homeland. Yesterday, by dawn, the attacks were long gone, fires dying. Then, government sat up a medical area for the injured and was attempting to take care of them with whatever they could do.

All at once, the light fell down. Outside, sky was getting dark faster and faster. Then, the ships were shot by countless laser beams. Their firepower was so strong that more ships fall down and hit the ground. A lot of smoke came out from it. They were really under attack.

Survivor tried to escape ships and gathered. Luckily, Cuong, Duy and Mai, along with more civilians were safe, as well

"Are you alright? Kids"

An officer asked

"I'm fine"

Cuong answered the question. However, this was not good, anymore when they were usually being charged. Nevertheless, first, they had to face out a dangerous situation

Afterward, Uncle Ho's army overcame rain of laser beam in order to take basement to be protected.

Suddenly, thousands of monsters appeared. Like a huge waterfall, they went forwards the basement. Apparently, they were really scary like beast in legend, such as zombie, vampire.... Mostly, they were very tall like a three decker house. Their six hands was as big as a rocket. Their mouth were able to swallow a tank.


Some soldiers scarily raised a cry

"What's Devillian"

Mai wondered.

"A terrible species" a voice resounded

Right now, they were facing these ones. It was really a nightmare.

In past, Devilian used to control innumerable galaxy in universe. Different from the others, they were countless species that was known as on the Earth like vampire, werewolves, zombie..... These species gathered to establish an empire. Especially, Devilian outstanding feature is their place. In there, it was completely any light.

Their reservoir of strength, Dark Palace was their Precious Object of World. Though it was called a "palace", it was not a palace. Exactly, it was a space covering wide Devilian territory. It gave all Devilian power, great power.

After second universe war, the most powerful Devilian soldiers were death. So, remaining Devilians became new universal empire's mercenary.

This time, a three headed hound or a three headed wolf with lion mane and hawk claws suddenly came out. Its lemon gold eyes were as bright as a headlight. Its snake-shape tail was strong enough to pull down any kind of firm wall. Especially, it was covered by black airflow. Then, three headed dog smirked but there was only middle mouth which had humanity. Two remaining heads were as quiet as a mouse

In fact, three headed dog, Rusbercer, known as Cerberus, the name that human knew, was a species who served Deus. In the period, between two universe wars, Rusbercer and her fellows were sent to a galaxy in order to fight against Devilian. Unfortunately, they were caught. And then, they were turned into other species and Rusbercer was only survivor. After ancient specie's empires had collapsed, she fought for Zacktonian Empire, as mercenary.

Besides, in the sky, there were thousands of ships as storm clouds had begun to form on the horizon which was ready to support

To make it worse, soldiers were now facing men that his body was covered in black bamboo arm like Darth Vader in Star Wars. He breathed in and breathed out hardly made people feel that a tiny man was bringing giant rock. Especially, he held a black bamboo spear which was burning. Moreover, the fire was black.

"That's enough, Dung. It's not you" a voice resounded. It was Mr. Manh. It have been long time since he lost his old friend.

For his part, the man in black armor smiled:

"My name is Lonsoab. It's not Dung anymore. I gave up that name. And you, Manh, my old friend, you're Kitchen god anymore. You are now just a leader of small secret society trying to rebuild a lost empire. So, you are no match for me"

"I am not Kitchen god**. That's true. However, I will fight with honor. Moreover, you are not Kitchen god, too" Mr. Manh said

"Than Tru Troi*** and his family were not only gods in this universe, my friend. I have witnessed more than you my friend. They are probably beyond our imagining."

"Therefore, I've nothing else to say."

Then, Mr. Manh pulled his Carp-shape gun. Next, he pulled a card into the gun. Afterward, he was surrounded by visible carps****, as big as an adult. Then, they converged on him, forming his armor that was patterns of carps on it.

As Mr. Manh transformed completely, he realize that space around his was being rebuilt as someone divided a building into small bricks and built other one.

"You are able to rebuild the space" Mr. Manh said surprisingly. As a matter of fact, there was only Gods and Overlord who were able to do that.

"My old friend, I am even more powerful than you anticipated. Than Tru Troi has not told you this one, right? Nevertheless, as kitchen god, you know how powerful it is"

Lonsoad said. Right now, he was suspending in the sky as . Then, he drew his carp. Countless scary sounds resounded as the dog is scratching at window. Thunder storm of dark energy was forming. In this world he created, he was second to none. Except Gods, everyone in here was no match for him.

However, his rival was not "everyone".

This time, Mr. Manh was suspending, too. He drew his carp-shape gun. Dense energy gathered in Mr. Manh's gun and formed countless carp, as big as trucks. Next, they moved as fast as deadly beams towards Losoad's Thunder Storm.

After, two mighty energies collided like millions of tsunamis. For a moment, everything was completely destroyed. On the Earth, it's could destroyed a small nation like a nuclear bomb

Then, both, one by one, collided and moved continuously. If there were anyone in there, they would not be able to watch the battle because both moved so fast that they were the same as light rays.

"You are alright, my friend". Mr Manh said as he had had breakfast

"I'm fine. It's out pet's turn, right?" Lonsoad relied

Then, as two Kitchen-gods, they called their Carps. Dense energy gathered. One was as yellow as daisy flower field. One was as scary as the shadow. They formed two creatures which were as big as spaceships and suspending above everyone fighting. They were huge carp.

However, Kitchen-god's carp was different from carp on earth. They were not only stronger or bigger but also faster than any kind of spaceship. There was only Thanh Giong's Iron Horse which was strong as those Carps. Since ancient age, these Carps were created by Kitchen-god as vehicles. They were not only ships but also friends and mighty warriors. They had typical appearance. Their mouth could consume a few fighters. Especially, Mr Manh's carp had yellow scape like thousands of gold.

Afterward, two giant carp hit each other's like twenty tanks hit other twenty tanks. Both transformed into humanoid robots and fought look like two samurai. Then, their owner jumped inside robots

Apparently, Mr Manh robot was as yellow as rice field in harvest. On the contrary, Lonsoab's robot was as black as scary shadow

Two counter giant objects were now fighting. Loansab's robot fired deadly green beam at Manh robot. It was clearly that Lonsoab was stronger. However, Mr Manh did not give up. His robot advanced. It punched Loansab like a huge missile. In response to strike back, Lonsoab ordered his robot to avoid and punched Mr Manh by the hand the same as huge nail of lions on Earth and fire deadly beam. Next, both conjured circle of countless colorful carp in the sky and launched unlimited power. Two powerful waves collided like hundreds of mountains, bigger than small mount hit huge lamp post, as high as building. After, the space was distorted by powerful energy. All around the area was destroyed root and branch as they had not existed. If it had been outside, everyone could have witnessed a terrible explosion. Then, everything lapse into silence scarily.

This time, Mr. Manh was lying on the ground as a car was out of gas, in more decades ago. Frankly, his old friend was really strong and he was weaker than before. However, at least, he had protected those children from evil.

Then, Loansab landed on the ground, as well. This time, two former Kitchen-Gods stood on the ground. Both was severely injured

"You are powerful Kitchen God, my friend. However, you just lost that girl" Lonsoad's voice resounded"

"What do you mean" Mr. Manh wondered.

"It's nothing. All things moving according to plan, my plan"

Then, Loansab was surrounded by dark energy and he disappeared like a specter.

In the meantime, outside, there was unfortunately happening.

Thousands of Devilians broke in, like zombie movie. All at once, countless shields, the same as Dong Son drumhead, came out from nowhere, covered Viet Bac like a huge cup. As numerous Devilian hit shields, they roared with pain as they were burnt themselves with hot water. However, some of them still overcame. Though there was so much pain, Devilians advanced like hundreds of tanks. At this moment, on terraced paddy fields, Chim Lac and VPA continuously shot arrows of plasma, laser beams, bullets, in order to stop them.

However, this time, in the sky, Zacktonian ships focused their billions of laser beams, like sky falling, on one place. Then, thousands of Develians, like dozens of nuclear warheads, brought down the wall. After, as the dam had burst, countless monsters, made their attack on VPA and Chim Lac.

This time, people had no choice. It's just to march or die. Besides, lieutenant-general started to speak loudly.

"Everyone, comrades, I've got something to tell you. As know you, we are going to die. However, our blood does not tasted very good. So, they should keep their distance because our blood was not comfortable. I do not ask you to overwork. It was not about me. It's about our nation, our planet, our species and more. In our blood, we're children of Lac Long Quan and Au Co, Uncle Ho soldier. So, we had to fight, to let them see the power of Vietnam, the power of the Earth, the power of human race"

Then, as enemy was getting closer and closer, he said:

"Everyone, make a stand for them. For Lac Long Quan and Au Co. Long live Ho Chi Minh."

Then, soldier fired at their will. Beasts shot giant fireball, like a mini sun, as it rained cat and dog, flew countless tanks, armor vehicles off. In the battlefield, burning metal hunk, flesh and blood were shot out in all direction. In here, people smelt faintly of blood

"Charge" a voice resounded

This time, Chim Lac's members used bamboo-spear, made of Bambusium, slashed at Devilian. However, in the sky, enemy's ship focused their firepower all them. So, they were completely outnumbered though they had major power, magic crossbows and these people fought to death as warriors

"Charge" a voice resounded, again

Now, shooters were staying back while the other was preparing for close quarters. At this moment, they were continuously firing. Some soldiers took AMW***** which was too backward on the battlefield. They shot the enemies until they were out from bullet. After, they pulled the pin of bullet to destroyed beast and alien troops.

Meanwhile, Zacktonian still do not understand why these peoples risked their neck. In fact, in the hour of danger, their power, like burst of flame, faced to face heavy storm illogically.

Then, everyone was at grips. From above, everything was very chaos like a head-on collision between thousands of cars and thousands of containers.

Meanwhile, again, Mai, Cuong and Duy witnessed another fierce battle. For children, especially Duy, they felt that they was too soft and useless. Nevertheless, they did not have time to think because hundreds of beasts, this time, was going towards them. All at once Uncle's Ho soldiers (6), fired at will, to stop the enemy, like rabbit in the warren.

When the chips are down, to make it worst, Rusbercer approached survivors including Mai's group, like a jet fighter.

"Come to me, Children of Dragon, Grand Children of Fairy (5)."

Everyone heard about that, Children of dragon, grand children of fairy. It was a story of Lac Long Quan and Au Co they fell in love, got married and Au Co bore and eggs sac that hatched a hundred children known as Bach Viet, ancestor to Vietnamese people.

Suddenly, as she was talking, she was attacked by an iron horse

"Iron horse, where is your master?" Rusbercer wondered.

For his part, Iron horse did not answer. Continuously, he charged. Realizing that she was no match for him, she moved as fast as possible. Then, she, all of a sudden, came out. Soldier took their gun and shoot. However, they are only wasting their breath. Then, she got close to Mai. The little girl tried to run. Nevertheless, it's useless.

As Rusbercer was there, Iron Horse tried to stop her. However, it was surrounded by countless enemies. All at once, the horse breathed fire like a huge flame-throwers. Nevertheless, enemy force, especially Devilians. In fact, Iron Horse was outnumbered.

After, she kidnapped Mai and killed all soldier. At the meantime, Iron horse was stopped to attack by Devilian and Zacktonian troops


Both Cuong and Duy shouted. Although they did not understand their feeling to Mai, Rusbercer knew it. So, she wanted to play with this human race's emotion. It knew that those boys would try to find this girl, at any price. Then, she vanished into thin air.

At the meantime, people was hung by a single hair. Nevertheless, luckily, a pillar of light appeared. Then, Mr. Manh's appearance changed the complexion of battle like the god of war. In fact, he's wounded very bad. Fortunately, Lonsoab let him live.

As he came out, huge energy gathered and formed countless carps. Then, they attacked enemies like a fierce thunder storm

Moreover, for their part, Zacktonian fulfilled their goal. Therefore, going forwards was unnecessary.

As Mr. Manh landed on the ground. Two boys, all at once, ran towards him. Some soldier tried to stop them. However, Chim Lac's leader thought that there would be no need.

"My friend, please save her. Her name is Mai

In fact, he knew the girl name and she was very important. However, Chim Lac and VPA suffered heavy losses. He's hurt, as well. Thanh Giong lost his power, temporarily. Moreover, he had no idea where she was now. Of course, if they tried to take Precious Object of World, he would stop him. However, it's just a good time.


*Tran Hung Dao (1228–1300), also known as Grand Prince of Hung Dao, was an imperial prince, statesman and military commander of Đai Viet during the Tran Dynasty.

**Kitchen Gods have been responsible for taking care of all household affairs. Each year, on the 23rd of the last month of the lunar year, the Kitchen Gods leave the kitchen, they are seen off by the owner of the house, and ride on a carp to the heavens to give a report on each family's doings. Then they return on the Eve of the first day of the Lunar year.

***Than Tu Troi is god who creates this universe in Vietnamese legend. In this novel, he had many name such as God of Heaven, Jade Emperor, Ong Troi.....

**** Carp: Kitchen God's vehicle

***** The Accuracy International AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum or AI-Arctic Warfare Magnum) is a bolt-action sniper rifle manufactured by Accuracy International designed for magnum rifle cartridges. The Accuracy International AWM is also unofficially known as the AWSM (Arctic Warfare Super Magnum), which typically denotes AWM rifles chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum.

(5) "Children of Dragon, Grand Children of Fairy" is Vietnamese Legend. Basely, their parent was Lac Long Quan and Au Co and they are Vietnamese ancestor.

(6) Uncle Ho's soldiers: other name of VPA

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