USJ attack
(This will not be like the anime/Manga. This is just my version.)
When we got back to HQ, Tomura was planning out another mission. But this time, it was to attack the USJ. "I have a new weapon that was made specially to kill All Might. I've heard that the pro heros Thirteen and Eraser head will be there too. Y/n, is there any chance you know anyone from class 1-A?" Tomura asked. "actually yes. I was a student there until they let me go..." I said clenching my fists, and grinding my teeth. "great, you'll be of some use to us than! you do know everyone quirks, right?" he asked tacking the hand off my face and placing it on his. "yes I do." I said crossing my arms, grinning. "Than kurogiri will take us there. Also go get more villains." Tomura ordered. "yes sir." kurogiri said disappearing into his own portal. "here Y/n!" yoga said handing me my mask. "thanks." I responded puting it on along with my hood.
"we're gonna have so much fun taking out those students!!" she said jumping up and down. "actually," Everyone waited for me to speak. "there are a couple students who are very strong. And at that, they have one of the most routy person I've ever seen. His names Bakugo. Quirk explotions; his sweat has a glycerin-like appearance, the more he sweats the more explotions he makes. Than there's Sho-Todoroki. He was the #2 hers son, also by twin. Quirk half ice half fire. And than there's midoriya," "That broccoli haird basterd..." Tomura mutterd. "exactly, there are more student, but those are the top three, at least in my opinion.
Kurogiri sowed up again ready to go. "Tomura Shigaraki, we're ready sir." "fantastic! let's go." he said walking into the portal. We stepped in and out so quickly I hadn't noticed the change in temperature. We were standing inside of the USJ. "there they are..." Dabi said grinning. As soon as the two pros noticed the situation Eraser head, leaped at the villains below him. But Nomu (the weapon) attacked him before he could touch anyone. "You damn basteds!!!" Bakugo yelled out. I noticed that kurogiri had moved behind the class so that they couldn't escape. He than engulfed them sending closer to us. "Y/n, you know what to do..." Tomura said staring at me with his intense gaze. I nodded quitely and took about ten paces toward the class that had just fallen from where ever kurogiri placed them.
I stoped about seven yards from them, as I spoke. "listen up! We are known as the league of villains. Now if you nor the students want to get hurt, I suggest you tell us where the symbol of peace is, NOW!" my voice roared. "Y/n?!" Shoto yelled out. "why are you like this? why have you become one of them?" he asked angrily. I grunted at his voice. "why do you care? I asked you where the symbol of peace was, now if you don't want to get hurt tell us now! This is your final warning!" "we don't know where he is. And even if we did we would never tell you!" Thirteen yelled back. "fine. If that's how you want to play, than let's play!" I froze the ground beneath their feet. I than made a fire ball in my hand and threw it at them. It exploded into flames and sent running in different directions.
I looked at Tomura, and he had a quite pleased expression. I than went sprinting over to two of the students. "Uraraka, Ashido...long time no see.." I say freezing the their feet in place. I walked up to them froze the rest on their bodies. "Now how should I kill, you? Freeze you to death, or roast you alive?" I asked with a twisted smile. The two girls where crying for their lives. "There's no use in-" my sentence was cut when an explosion his my back. I turned around to face the stupid cocky Bakugo, "come to join the fun?" I asked giggling. He glare at me with his Red/Amber eyes, very focused on me. "YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!!!" He yelled Useing his quirk to speed up to me. I just used my ice to skate away, as he wastes his energy on catching up. I than throw a fire ball the size of a basketball at him. "HA! YOU MISSED!" he said while he "dodged" it. "oh I never miss. I say gleaming with a huge grin in.
But when he looked over his shoulder, it was to late the fire ball had come bake like a boomerang and hit him. Sending him falling to the ground. He landed on his stomach. I stoped skateing and headed over to him to finish him off. "Any last words?" I asked glaring down at him. He glared back at me with his Amber orbs. He didn't say anything but instead blasted my with his quirk. Than he started to get up. Before he could get away, I froze his feet in place. "You fucking bitch, let me fucking go!!" he shouted. I than sprinted twards him. Freezing his mouth shut and hands together. "IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP, I WILL BURN YOUR FUCKING DICK OFF!!!" I said angrily with raging eyes. His experience changed to something I never thought was possible for him. It was still a scowl but had fear in it. I froze his whole body and hoisted him over my shoulder. I went back over to the girls, and gave them Third-degree burns. "Every time you see these, remember me.." I whispered into their ears. Kurogiri than appeared in front of my and I walked through to meet the others.
"NO BAKUGO!!!" Kirishima yelled at the top of his lungs, trying to get to his, I assume boyfriend. Bakugo wiggled and squirmed, to the point where he was in my last and final nerve. I punched him in the face which knocked him out. "let him go...we'll get him later.." Tomura whispers in my ear. "fine.." I said getting a little angry. I threw Bakugo all they way bake to the class. When he hit the ground the ice shared just like glass. I than saw that all might was here and he had thrown the Nomu, through the ceiling. And all the extra villains were taken out. He than looked at me with disappointed in his eyes. "You said it yourself All Might, this quirk is best suit for a villain. So remember that you are the one who turned my into this fucking monster!! And I will pay you back one day, so be ready..." I announced to the while USJ. Dabi, Tomura, Toga, Twice, Kurogiri, and myself all when back into kurogiri's portal, and back to HQ.
"that ducking basterd! he always ruins my plans!!" Tomura said flipping some barstools. I just stood against the wall arms crossed, head down. With my hood covering my face I could hide all the tears that streams down my cheeks. "the world is full of so many fucking fakes!" I grumbles getting the attention of the angry slim male. Dabi just clicked his tongue and walked off whilst toga sat down on the couch next to me. "they say heros are supposed to save, but all they ever save are their reasons to be known. All they do it for is the attention, some even do it for the money. When all they do is destroy the world even more. By fighting us they just gain larger foes, than before. That number one bitch, is gonna get it when I become even stronger. Than I'll show the world that humanity would be so much better without him around." I vented unaware of whom was in front of me.
Tomura lifted my head up, taking my hood and mask off. He held my mask in his hand. My tears flowed freely. The hand that was ones on his face, is now on the bar counter next to kurogiri. He placed his hands on my shoulders, pinkies up and started deep into my eyes. His beautiful blood red orbs staring right into what was left of my soul. His breathing light and calm.
Tomura's POV
I stared into Y/n's gorgeous E/c eyes. Wanting so bad to tell her that we'd kill that #1 asshole, but I didn't have the strength to come clean and say it. The way her eyes glistened when a couple more tears rolled down, made my heart squeeze. I could feel my face become hot. I tilted my head down not wanting her to see my weekend state. I pulled her ear close, heart pounding like crazy.
Y/n's POV
When Tomura's face turned red I felt my heart skip a beat. Than he tilted his head down and bringing his mouth twards my ear. He didn't take for s couple seconds, but the way his breath felt on my ear sent shivers down my spine.
Tomura's POV
What I wanted to say was "You will become stronger, just believe in yourself." But what came out of my mouth was the exact opposite.
"You'll never be strong enough, so don't think to highly of yourself."
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