Michael is seen rubbing Natasha's back with a cream to help her heal. It has been two days since Michael brought Natasha into his New York home after he rescued/kidnapped her-in Natasha's teasing manner- from government agents and Michael was steadily helping her heal while also hiding the fact he has a wanted Rogue Avengers in his home.
Natasha has been relatively quiet as she let Michael help her heal. Ever since he brought her to his home, he made sure she's welcomed and not be treated as a criminal, despite the media and UN labeling her as such. During this, she learns a lot of Michael and sees why people love him.
His Heart was made from Gold.
Michael: There. Anywhere else, Nat?
Nat: No. I'm fine. Thank you.
Michael: Good. No problem.
Michael then helps her lean against a chair before taking the cream away. He then washes his hands and joins her.
Michael: Need something to eat? I got some ingredients to make-
Natasha: No. I'm fine. Maybe later.
Michael: Okay.
Michael sat down as he turns on the TV.
Michael: Want to watch a film? It's your turn to choose.
Natasha stayed silent as Michael looks at her.
Michael: Something's wrong, Nat?
Natasha: ...I was remembering that I left some equipment at an apartment I was staying. There's some communication system that allows me to contact the others and my suit and weapons.
Michael: Oh. Crap. It must be under those agents hands now.
Natasha: Not really. They're in a box with a code that would have them struggle to open. Though, they could open it by force.
Michael: True. But you can't get it right now.
Natasha: I know. I could risk hurting myself and get captured. Especially...getting you caught up in that mess.
Michael nods as he thinks of it for a while. Soon, he gets a dumb idea.
Michael: How about I go fetch it for you?
Natasha: What? Michael, that's stupid. You'll get yourself arrested.
Michael: I know. But, I've been doing some sneaking around myself for a couple years. So I have some experience.
Natasha: Hiding the fact you wrestled behind the world's back is and trying break in an apartment with armed agents is not the same thing.
Michael: Well...yeah. But, what choice do we have? We can't risk them getting your stuff and opening it to potentially capture the others. I know that you're hesitant for me doing this. But, as I promised you, I'll help in any way I can. You can trust me on that.
Natasha looks at his eyes that are filled with determination. She then sighs as she lays on the sofa.
Natasha: I'll give you the location of the apartment. Just watch out for any agents in the area.
Michael: Right.
Natasha: And don't screw this up, Michael. This is insanely risky, you know.
Michael: I know. So...show time.
Michael exists his car after parking it in a location no one could see. He walks on as he reaches the apartment Nat told him. But when he got there, he sees some agents entering and existing the room Nat was residing in temporarily.
Michael: Shoot. How can I get in there without them suspecting a thing? Hmm...
He looks at an agent and sees he has a bit of a resemblance to him, in terms of height and build. The only thing lacking was the long hair Michael has but, his head was covered with a helmet so there's no issue with that.
Michael gets an idea and quietly sneaks off.
*with the agent*
The agent is seen waiting for this colleagues to try to open the box that is owned by Black Widow but to no avail. Suddenly, he hears a thud and looks at an alley near the apartment. He brings his arm up and approaches the alley. As he makes a turn and then-
The agent gets knocked out by...
Michael: Alright. Let's do this.
we see the agent now only wearing his boxers as Michael had put his clothes, taking his identity.
Michael: Fits like a glove. Now, let's get that box.
Michael would put the guard in a dumpster before walking back to the apartment. Soon, an agent arrives as he approaches him.
Agent: Hey, Drake. Where were you?
Michael (Drake): I heard of a noise from the alley. It was just a street cat on a dumpster.
Agent: Alright. We couldn't open the case of the Black Widow, so I want you to take it to the office so we could find a way to open it while we look for any other clues in the apartment.
Michael's mind:
Michael (Drake): Yes, sir.
The agent passes him the case as Michael nods and walks off while the agent reenters the room. After seeing he's far from their eyesight, Michael began running while removing the gear piece by piece. He also took some clothes that touched his skin to prevent them from extracting his DNA. He laughs as he enters his car and quickly drives off.
Michael: Government Agents, My Ass! WOOOO!
*back at his house*
Natasha is seen waiting anxiously for Michael's return. In her head, she's wondering if sending him out there was a bad idea, despite Michael willing to help her. Despite having been spending time in his house for the last three days, she still has little trust in him, even if he's a good young man.
Suddenly, she hears the door open and looks up and sees...
Michael: I'm back.
Nat was shocked as Michael enters the door with the case in his hand.
Nat: How did you get it without being caught?
Michael: I lured an agent, knocked him out, took his gear, disguising as him.
Nat: Really? Damn. That's pretty smart.
Michael: Yeah. I even took some clothes that may have traces of my DNA. That way, there's no DNA matching.
Natasha was impressed. She never thought someone like Michael, who's a beloved public figure, would be able to do this with ease. Guess he's truly as Bad as they think he is.
Natasha: *in her mind* Wait. Did I seriously thought it that? *speaks* Interesting. Thank you for getting it for me, Michael.
Michael: No problem, Natasha. I'm glad that I could help ya.
Michael places the case on the table as sat down in front of her.
Michael: So is this how you guys communicate with each other? With whatever's inside of the case?
Natasha was hesitant to share in info. But, the young man did do a favor for her, and was taking care of her, so why not.
Nat: Yes. After what happened in Germany, we separated, though kept in contact in case of an emergency. And then we were planning to meet up here in New York.
Michael: I see. They might be worried for you since you haven't spoken to them lately.
Natasha: Yeah. I have to make sure they know I'm okay. Just that I can't meet them for the time being. Until I'm heal.
Michael: Alright. I'll cook something while you do that. I'm sure you hungry after waiting for me.
Natasha: *smiles* Thank you, Michael.
Michael nods with a smile as he stands up and goes to the kitchen. Nat, having more mobility with her arms after much time healing, opens her case and grabs a radio.
She turns it on and makes a call.
Natasha: Hello? Steve? Sam? Clint? Anyone?
After a few seconds, someone answered.
Clint: Nat? Is that you?
Natasha sighed with relief, happy to hear her brother in arms after so long.
Natasha: Yes it's me, Clint.
Clint: Oh thank God. I was worried you got captured or something. You haven't called for nearly 3 days.
Natasha: Sorry, Clint. I had some trouble with some agents. I got injured.
Clint: Where are you? I'm coming to get you-
Natasha: No, don't, Clint. I don't want to risk you getting caught. Plus, I'm fine, healing my wounds.
Clint: Oh, Good. That's good to hear. How long will be healing?
Natasha: I don't know, unfortunately. I don't know the extend of my wounds, but the one that saved me from the agents helped me with the healing.
Clint: The one? Who is it?
Natasha: Can't say him name right now, Clint. I don't want anyone out there that might be listening. I don't want to ruin the young man's image and reputation.
Clint: Okay, then. I'll let Cap and the others know. Contact me when you're ready to leave. And tell me if the guy's making you uncomfortable, so he-
Natasha: Chill, Birdbrain. He's not that type. It's actually me that makes him uncomfortable simply to not invade my personal space.
Clint: Really? Odd fella. Anyway, call us when you're healed.
Natasha: I promise. Stay safe, Clint.
Clint: I will, Nat. Goodbye.
Nat ends the call and sighs. She was happy to hear from Clint after all this time. Soon, she hears Michael cooking in the kitchen as he sang a song she was familiar with.
Michael: He roller coaster
He's got early warning
He's got muddy water
He one Mojo filter
He say "One and one and one is three"
Got to be good looking 'cause he's so hard to see
Come together right now
Over me. AEOW!
Michael soon comes out of the kitchen and places two bowls on the table.
Michael: Ready. Let me help ya up.
Michael approaches Natasha and picks her up, birdal style. He goes back to the table and gently sets her on the chair and pushes her forward. Nat looks down and sees the dish he made for her.
Natasha: Woah. It looks amazing.
Michael: Thanks. Eat up. Got my own bowl.
Nat nods as she begins to eat the Soup while Michael sat down and ate his.
Natasha: You're pretty good at cooking.
Michael: Thank you. I've always cooked for my sisters as I babysat them while my parents go around the nation for the wrestling shows. And it just...stuck with me ever since.
Natasha: How many sisters do you have?
Michael: Three. All younger than me. You have siblings?
Natasha: No. only one, but she's not biologically related to me. And the others is more of a partner who I see as a brother.
Michael: I see. That's nice to hear, having people around to not make you feel lonely.
Natasha: Yeah. Despite being far away from them.
Michael: Hey, don't feel like that. Even if they're like, millions of miles away, if you have a deep connection to them, then even the distance itself cannot break the love you have for them.
Natasha looks at him and smiles, knowing he's right about that. She nods at him, making him smile as they continue eating.
Natasha: So how's FEAST? That new facility you opened?
Michael: Going well. People are living well, getting the best food and health care, and having a great time. It helps that I got that dumbass governor paying for it with his own salary.
Natasha: Really? How?
Michael: I have my ways, baby girl. Not gonna let ya, but...you might have an idea. *winks*
Natasha: ...and to think you're shown to be generous.
Michael: Yeah. *shrugs* Just showing why they call me the Bad Prince.
Natasha: *smirks while shaking her head* You're really odd fella.
Michael: I get that a lot. Anyway, things are going well. I might plan on opening more FEAST centers around the nation.
Natasha: That's a big step to take, Michael.
Michael: Yeah. But hey. I'm one to break limits. So, how about you? What you've been doing during your run from Authorities?
Natasha: Nothing much. I had to go bad to Russia to help my sister against a assassin out to kill us for leaving our former group.
Michael: Wow. That's big.
Natasha: It was challenging as the assassin learned our and the other Avengers' skills and moves.
Michael: Damn. He sounds like someone you don't wanna mess with.
Natasha: Yeah.
Michael: So after that, you guys are gonna regroup here in New York, and for what?
Natasha: We plan on going to Wakanda as they'll provide refugee for us.
Michael: I see. And it got delayed as, well...your condition.
Natasha: Yeah. Especially when I have my kidnapper as an accomplice for abducting me.
Michael: I saved you. Not kidnapped you.
Natasha: Still, you did.
Both laughed as they finished their food.
Michael: So do still you feel sore?
Natasha: Not much, but I still can't move a lot.
Michael: Okay. I have a gym here that I used to train. I can help you with that, as I have my fair share of bumps in Wrestling and Acting.
Natasha: Thank you.
Michael: No problem. We'll start tomorrow if you like.
Natasha: That'll be good. I can't stay here for much longer, without risking both of us getting caught.
Michael: Indeed. Anyway, let's get take a bath before going to sleep.
Natasha nods as Michael picks her up and takes her to the bathroom.
After a shower and a change of clothes that Michael bought, Michael decided to have Nat sleep in his bed for tonight. While Nat didn't want to do it, Michael insistence and the comforting mattress made her accept.
Michael: There. Comfy?
Natasha: Yeah.
Michael: Good. We have a big day tomorrow, so we could get you back up and moving like a badass again. So rest up.
Natasha: *chuckles* Good night.
Michael: Night.
Michael covers her with the blanket and walks out of his room. Natasha watches him leave as she looks up the ceiling, thinking about the effort Michael has put in to help her while under pressure by hiding her from the public, while also being very involved in it.
Natasha: He's strong...but there so much pressure in him, yet he doesn't show it. He doesn't want others to worry. He makes sure they're taken care of and be loved. *smiles* We need more of him.
Soon, she goes to sleep.
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