Turn 30: Idolism

"Ladies and gentleman, its our third match of this heated tournament, in the blue corner its a girl with alot of bounce in her voice, playstyle and emotions, its Kazue Yaiba!" The announcer exclaimed, a green hoodie girl with short orange hair with bright red eyes and blue jeans came out, wearing tattered trainers, waving at everyone as she was being showed with a bright blue light.
"Hello everyone! I'm so glad I was able to join!" She grinned.
"In the red corner, its the legendary Link Joker player from United Sanctuary, hes down well for alot of branches, and we're proud to have him here today! Its Kaiko Rimen!!" The anmouncer exclaimed.
Kaiko walked out with a dark aura surronding him, he looks kinda like a zombie from lack of sleep, but he had a firm poker face and sharp eyes as he walked foward, red light following him.
"Lets begin." He said simply. Kazue stopped in her tracks and gazed in awe at Kaiko as she gasped.
"Oh my God its Curator Rimen-senpai!! I-I'm your biggest fan!!" Kazue exclaimed as she ran up and hugged him. "I can't believe he's here, ohmygodohmygodohmygod I can't breathe!!" She was fangirling.
"What in the-? Get off me..." Kaiko said simply as he tried to pry the eager girl off.

(Insert theme song here)

Yza was on the floor laughing his ass off at Kaiko and Kazue's entrance, him rolling on the ground from laughter. "Jesus fucking Christ, that girl fangirls more then Ayaza!!" He laughed.

Kazue regained herself and looked at Kaiko in awe as he tried to ignore her fangirling.
"Are you ready?" He asked her monotone.
"Of course!!" Kazue said exictedly. "I'm fighting my idol, I'd never believe it!"
"Stand up Vanguard!!" They exclaimed.
"Star-vader, Dust Tail Unicorn!" Kaiko exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding red.
"Stealth Demon of Crow Feathers, Fugen!" Kazue exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding light red.
"Ladies first." Kaiko said.
"Ohmygod hes also a gentleman!" Kazue squealed in awe again. "He's my husbando for a reason..."
"I'm not even a fictional character!!" Kaiko exclaimed, tick mark on his head.
"Stand and draw! I ride Charcoal Fox, move Fugen back and I end." Kazue said with seriousness.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Boron and pull back Dust Tail. Attack! (7000 > 12000)" Kaiko exclaimed.
"No guard!" Kazue exclaimed back.
"Drive check! (Companion Star Star-vader, Photon)" Kaiko said.
"Damage! (Covert Demonic Dragon, Aragoto Spark) Nothing..." Kazue sighed.
"Turn end." Kaiko said.

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw, I ride Awakohime and attack! (8000 > 13000)" Kazue declared. "I've studied his deck my whole life, I know the ins and out, the pros and cons of Kaiko-senpai's Star-vaders, Deletors and Messiahs! All I need to do is play cards sparringly and keep an empty field! This is why I chose Murakumo for my deck... And he's the reason why I even fell in love with the game in the first place!!"

A younger Kazue held her mother's hand tightly as they entered the Unite Sanctuary Branch.
"Mom, where are we going?" She asked.
"We're gonna check out our new hometown honey." Her mother replied simply.
"Um, okay?" Kazue said. She didn't live in Japan, despite her being Japanese. No, she spent most of her life in the United States of America. Its was that her father moved to Japan for a job and she was new to this place.
"Apparently this place is where lots of the kids play, so go ahead and explore."  She smiled at her daughter. Kazue nodded her head as she let go of her hand and started to try and find some girls or boys simliar to her age to play or make friends with. Thats when she stumbled upon a teenager looking Kaiko, with a bright smile on his face and his hair wasn't as long as it was before.
"Got that Kyo?" Kaiko asked the little boy he was teaching.
"Yeah, I got it!" He nodded exictedly.
"Great, now you can join your friends and play vanguard." Kaiko smiled. Kyo smiled back and ran off to go back to his friends as Kazue walked up nervously.
"Hi?" She asked nervously.
"Hi, I'm Kaiko Rimen." He said with a smile.

"Hello? No guard." Kaiko said impatiently. Kazue got out of her daze and blinked.
"R-right, drive check! (Gateway Stealth Rogue, Ataka) Nothing." Kazue said.
"Damage check. (Star-vader, Cold Death Dragon) Nothing." Kaiko said simply.
"I end." Kazue replied.

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw. I ride Mobius Breath and I call Nickel. My vanguard starts the attack! (9000 > 14000)" Kaiko exclaimed.
"No guard." Kazue said as she tightened her fist on her free hand.

"I am Kazue Yaiba." She said in english.
"Sorry?" Kaiko asked in japanese.
"Oh, I is Kazue Yaiba." She said in japanese.
"Must be a foreigner." He thought. "Would you like to play vanguard?"
"What is Vanguard?" She asked. Kaiko stiffled a laugh and ruffled her hair softly.
"Let me teach you."
"You want eat to me?" She asked confused.
"Teach." He said in his best english possible.
"Oooh!" Kazue nodded.

"Kaiko got his avatar, World End on his drive check and Kazue got Dokube for her damage check!" The announcer exclaimed.
"Mobius Breath Dragon's skill, lock Fugen and use Nickel's skill to discard a card and draw a card." Kaiko said. "Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw! Draw the blade of the rogue and take any and all memories with you along this bloodstained battle! I ride my avatar, Stealth Rogue of Revelation, Yasuie!" Kazue declared, vanguard circle expanding bright maroon.

A purple skinned samurai which was a demon appeared through purple mist and dark smoke. A silver blade cut through it to reveal the samurai.

"Next up, I call Shizune and attack! (11000)" Kazue declared.
"No guard." Kaiko replied. "Setting up for Shizune's mass call and come back... Shes just lucky my stride skill is restricted to back row."
"Kaiko's hard at work making thigs out... To him this is like a puzzle, but to me I'm just gonna play mind games on him!" She thought, flipping two cards. (Fiendish Blade Stealth Rogue, Masamura, Stealth Dragon, Onibayashi) "Critical, power to Shizune and critcial to vangyard! (6000 > 11000)(1★ > 2★)" Kazue exclaimed.
"Damage check. (Deception Star-vader, Nickel, Starholder Dragon) No triggers on either check." Kaiko replied.
"Then Shizune! (11000)" Kazue exclaimed.
"Guard with Captor. (9000 > 14000)" Kaiko said calmly.
"End." Kazue grinned.

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw. Lock my opponents out of all situations, and end this game now, I ride the avatar!! Destruction Star-vader, World End!" Kaiko exclaimed as the vanguard circle expanded blood red.
"This... This card..." Kazue looked at it in awe.

"I lost..." She sighed.
"Its okay, you just need to continue praticing, if you want to continue playing." Kaiko said.
"This will help friends make?" Kazue asked in bad japanese. Kaiko nodded as that day changed her life.

Kazue squealed. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Its your avatar, the cards that no one have!!"
"I'm glad you like it." Kaiko said simply as he strode. "Death Star-vader, "Omega-Loop" Glendios. Stride skill, lock Fugen. Call Star-vader, "Яeverse" Cradle."

"Fake Яeverse..." Zeon muttered in disgust as he watched from his phone in his bed. "Although... That World End of yours... I'd love to add it for my collection." He grabbed Izo's FiCa from his blazer pocket and licked the FiCa sadistically, like how he'd lick a katana. "KAHAHA!" He cackled. "I CAN STILL TASTE YOUR DELICIOUS BLOOD IZO HIIRO!!"

"Next I use Glendios' skill, counterblast two, G Persona Blast! Place the top card of your deck face down to rear-circle as lock!" Kaiko declared menacingly.
"Alright." Kazue took the top card without looking and placed it face down behind Shizune.
"Next, I use Nickel's skill. Then I call Starholder and attack! (9000 > 16000)" Kaiko deckared.
"No guard! (Stealth Beast, Charcoal Fox)" Kazue exclaimed.
"Since the attack hit, countercharge two. Vanguard attacks! (26000 > 31000)" Kaiko declared.
"Generation Guard!" Kazue exclaimed. "Ambush Demon Stealth Fiend, Hogen Wing! I use his skill to target my Shizune and search my deck for one, call it to guardian circle and it gains a new skill!" She smirked. "Then I discard a card to perfect guard!"
Kaiko blinked. "So calling that was also a way to perfect guard my attack? Well then, well played Kazue..." His lips turned into a smile. "Triple drive!! (Star-vader, Stellar Garbage, Barrier Star-vader, Promethium, Star-vader, Cold Death Dragon) Heal trigger. Power to Cradle but I can't heal. (11000 > 16000) Attack! (16000)"
"My G guardian returns face up and my perfect guard goes back to the bottom of the deck~ Then I normal guard with Masamura! (11000 > 21000)" Kazue exclaimed.
"Turn end." Kaiko said calmly.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 3
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone!! Taking me on unprepared was your biggest mistake Kaiko-senpai, I'm gonna show you the strength of my Murakumo!! You were the one that brought me here today, so I'm gonna repay you with your first on tv loss!!" Kazue declared with passion in her voice. "Stride the Generation, Ambush Demon Stealth Dragon... HOMURA RAIDER!!" The vanguard circle expanded light maroon. "Stride skill! Counterblast one and superior call two more Shizunes from deck to rear-circle! She looked through her deck and realised what card was called face down. "I'm missing one Onibayashi... So memorising my deck inside out was good..." She had a confident face on. "Superior call, two more Shizunes! Then I shuffle my deck. Those will go back to deck at end of turn. Then I use Homura's skill, counterblast two and G Persona Blast, drive minus one and new skill! Next up, with a boost, Shizune attacks! (6000 > 12000)"
"I don't guard. (World Seeking Star-vader, Boron)" Kaiko said. "Shes gonna return all those perfect guards and restand the vanguard. I can see why, but its a simple case of perfect guard the second swing from the vanguard."
"Should I play mind games on him? Or do the skill? Because I wasted resources... Oh well, too late to turn back now!" Kazue nodded. "Attack! (26000)"
"No guard." Kaiko said calmly. "Lets just hope she doesn't double crit me..."
"Two crits and it'll be game! C'mon deck, we can do this!" Kazue nodded as she checked her hand again. "Here we go!! (Fiendish Blade Stealth Roguen Masamura, Tenjiku Stealth Rogue, Dokube) Damn, just a crit. Oh well, all effects to vanguard!! (26000 > 31000/1★ > 2★)" She cheered happily.
"Damage check... (Star-vader, Mobius Breath Dragon, Star-vader, Paradigm Shift Dragon) Critical... All effects to vanguard. (11000 > 16000/1★ > 2★)" Kaiko said.
"Next up, the vanguard's skill! I return all my rear-guards to bottom of deck and restand..." Kazue placed two fingers above Homura Raider. "The!" She did a swiping to the right motion. "Vanguard!!" The card stacks stood up instantly, vanguard circle expanding a crackled dark maroon.
"Restanding vanguards, okay..." Kaiko kept his calm composture.
"Attack! (31000, 2★)" She cheered.
"Promethium perfect guards!" Kaiko said sternly.
"Aww, twin drive! (Stealth Beast, Drench Serpent, Stealth Dragon, Yashabayashi) Stand... Power to vangyard and end." She unlocked her unit and the face down card was, indeed, Onibayashi.

Hand: 3
Damage: 5

Hand: 7
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw..." Kaiko drew a card.
"Generation Zone, released. The one who was made for destruction, recreated the new world. Generation Stride." Kaiko said calmly again. "Death Star-vader, Venom Bloom Dragon." The vanguard circle expanded a blood red.

World End held his scythe proudly into the air as his eyes glowed a bright red in the midnight battle on roofs of houses. A whirlwind swept up the lanky figure and replaced it with the destructive dragon, Venom Bloom Dragon.

(Play song in media here on repeat until batle ends)

"Stride skill, lock Onibayashi. Using Nickel's skill. Call another Nickel. Call Photon. Skill, lock your other rear-guard. Skill of both Nickels, discard two cards and draw two cards." Kaiko said as he kept refreshing his hand.
"Kaiko-senpai's new hand refresh tactic... Shame he doesn't run legion, or else this would've been great together!" Kazue exclaimed in her mind.
"I'm thinning through my deck quicker then before... Now I should be able to pull criticals." Kaiko smirked and started his ruthless assault. (9000 > 16000)
"Silent type huh?" She giggled. "I don't guard. (Covert Demonic Dragon, Aragoto Spark)"
"Then the vanguard! (26000 > 31000)" Kaiko declared with a poisonous tone, dark and cold.
Kazue frowned. "Your really serious..."
"Well, this is an elimination tournament, so if I lose, its game ovet for me." Kaiko said simply.
"For my idol and husbando, your more deadbeat irl then in all those interviews, tv appearances, etc. Losing Izo Hiiro must've been hard on you, he was your best friend." Kazue said simply. Kaiko felt a pain of sadness, fear and anger resonate from his body. He couldn't care less that Kazue knew so much about him, that it was on stalker level, but instead he cared about the death of Izo and the fear of possibly dying next.

"Curator sir..." Jinsei said sadly.
"What is it Jinsei?" Kaiko asked, this was the last time he was/could be his old self. The sky was a dark grey and the clouds were a black that felt lifeless. Rain would pour down soon, but yet it held back.
"Izo Hiiro... Is dead." Jinsei said sadly, frowning. Kaiko felt a sudden stab, he clasped his hand on the table to try and stable himself and put a hand on his heart.
"Who... Who did this?!" He asked with anger and sadness resonating throughout his voice, tears on the verge of coming out.
"We have no idea. But his deck was stolen off him..." Jinsei said. "And no trace of who killed him was left... Its like some ghost slayed the guy mercilessly!" Kaiko gritted his teeth as he felt tears spill from his eyes. He had a sudden pang of realisation, on how rotten the world was and how evil people can be. Tears stopped spilling. The Kaiko everyone once knew turned into a distant, cold hearted, tough curator, who didn't socialise and focused his new life trying to revenge his dead friend, especially the killer.

"Thats none of your business young lady." Kaiko said grimly.
"I guess... But I feel bad for you and-" Kazue started before Kaiko exclaimed,
"I said its none of your business, thats in the past!! So what if he died... His death wasn't in vain... No, instead... He made me realise things I was blind to. And for that, I thank him."
"Kaiko..." Kazue said, tightening her fist close to her heart. He took a sharp inhale, then exhale.
"Will you guard?" He asked.
"Shizune perfect guards..." Kazue said monotone. Her idol wasn't what he seemed like. Her dreams and reality crushed and shattered. "Ever since that death... He's not Kaiko Rimen. He's changed. And he knows that for a fact... And that change... Ruined him." She looked at Kaiko's lifeless blood red eyes with her soft bright red ones.
"Triple drive." Kaiko tried to ignore the look she gave him. (Star-vader, Mobius Breath Dragon, Shade Star-vader, Sulfur, Star-vader, Paradigm Shift Dragon) "Critical. Giving all effects to Starholder. (9000 > 14000/1★ > 2★) Attack. (14000 > 21000)" He did feel some sadness talking about him changing for the "better". In all honesty, Kaiko slowly broke down into a harsh cold person after Izo's death. And he knew that for a fact. Yet he couldn't change and blamed his death on himself.
"Generation g-guar-rd!" Kazue choked up on her words as she tried to sound exicted, but couldn't. (11000 > 26000)
"I use Venom Bloom's skill. Counterblast 2 and G Persona Blast! Omega Lock all your locked rear-guards. After that, I end." Kaiko said. "I broke her... Didn't I. Your an idiot Kaiko..." He blamed himself again.

Hand: 4
Damage: 5

Hand: 4
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw." Kazue choked on her words once more. "Aw man, I messed up! Damn it, what do I do? Throw this match? No... I can't! I said I'd beat him... Yes, I'll beat him!" She thought, and with every ounce of energy and passion in her, she discared a card. "Liberating the Generation Zone!! Release it, the heavenly blades of the cursed fiend! Break the demons that reside within my opponent and strike a path of hope! Stride, Ambush Demon Stealth Rogue, Yasuie Tenma! Call Yashabaysahi and use skill, soulblast and add new skill and 2000 power! (9000 > 11000) Drench Serpent to rear-guard and Hidden Scroll aswell! Scroll's skill, return to deck, call another Yashabasyahi and use skill! (9000 > 11000) Then I use Yasuie's Tenma's skill! G Persona Blast! Add new skill! With a boost from Drench, attack! (11000 > 15000)" Kazue exclaimed.
"Damn, I intercept with Photon. (11000 > 16000)" Kaiko gritted his teeth.
"Alright, using Drench Serpent's Shadowstitch!" Kazue declared.
"There you have it folks, Murakumo's keyword, Shadowstitch! Active when the attack does not hit!" The announcer exclaimed.
"I return him back to deck, countercharge one, soucharge one, and give my vanguard 4000 power! (26000 > 30000) Yasha's Shadowstitch, countercharge one and give vanguard a 2000 power! (30000 > 32000) Then I use Yasuie Tenma's Shadowstitch! Counterblast two and superior call from deck one Drench Serpent and Yasha! Yasha's skill, activate! (9000 > 11000) Attack! (11000 > 15000)" Kazue cheered.
"Damn it..." Kaiko couldn't focus that well as he intercepted with Starholder. (11000 > 16000)
"I use all those skills once more~ (32000 > 38000) (9000 > 11000) And attack! (11000 > 15000)" Kazue exclaimed.
"Damn it all to Hell, guard with Mobius! (11000 > 16000)" Kaiko exclaimed.
"Aww, thats sad. Once again! (38000 > 44000) (9000 > 11000) Attack! (11000 > 15000)" Kazue stuck out her tongue playfully.
Kaiko flinched at the attacks he was getting. "What in the? This girl..." He guarded with Sulfur. (11000 > 16000)
"Then I use Drench's and Yasha's Shadowstitches! (44000 > 50000)" Kazue stuck out her tongue.
"Is her deck Dimension Police, because that is one beefy vanguard!!" The Announcer exclaimed.
"Attack~" Kazue attacked with her rear-guard first. (11000)
"Paradigm Shift, guard. (11000 > 21000)" Kaiko sighed as he was left with nothing but a single grade 3 in hand. "She got me good... Mind games and Shadowstitch, well done Kazue Yaiba." He felt a sudden rush of nostalgia running through his body.
"Skill, add 2000 power! (50000 > 52000) And finally, vanguard attacks!! (52000)" Kazue cheered. Kaiko felt a rush of emotions and smiled for a split second.
"No guard." He said simply.
"Alright, triple drive!!" Kazue cheered. (Covert Demonic Dragon, Aragoto Spark, Gateway Stealth Rogue, Ataka, Stealth Fiend, Awakohime)
"Damage check." A card was shot into his damage zone. "Just my avatar... World End." Kaiko stiffled a laugh and smiled slightly.



Omg, all these mainstream characters are losing to a bunch of nobodies... I never even plan these fights to have a specific outcome, so whatever happens happens... Just hope that Yza can pull through or some other main characters, this tournament arc is gonna be deaaad

Anyways, hoped you liked me expanding on Kaiko's character, and yes, Kazue has a major fangirl crush on him XD

Kazue: Kaiko is mine, ya hear?!

Also, this has probably have to be one of my favourite tournament chapters so far... XD

Anyways, thats all, Fox out!

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