Chapter 30: Cars vs A Tank!
*Really long one here. Might even be the longest I've wrote. Enjoy!*
The crew set towards the new destination as the convoy was already on route to the secondary location, they obviously have no idea they've played into Shaw's hands because there is very little protection, just the two jeeps, one in front and the other behind the truck carrying this precious cargo, Shaw liked the odds though and took the opportunity as a truck ran off a dirt road onto the main highway, just beside the convoy carrying Shaw and his team.
Owen: Let's go!
Owen stood up from his seat with Letty and Jah copying his actions, Ivory took the order and floored it, ramming the back of the military jeep, trapping it between their vehicle and the target, Jah and Owen were quick to move, Jah jumping onto the military vehicle and unloading a clip into the car killing everyone inside from above, Owen was next to climb over, Owen and Jah leaped onto the back of the truck and started to climb while Ivory went to the outside, letting the rear vehicle spin out of control and crash off the bridge
Letty saw her chance to climb on board and grabbed a hold of a ladder pulling herself from their vehicle onto the truck, meanwhile at the military base where Riley and Hobbs are waiting,. they just got word from the convoy that it's under attack, Hobbs ordered for a chopper but their not going to get there in time, they both knew it, however the others expected it.
Han and Gisele are sitting on a walkway bridge just waiting for the convoy, Han's picking at his snacks while Gisele is just watching and waiting, Han couldn't help tough but pry a little as Tej stood just out of ear shot.
Han: He's married you know. Logan.
Gisele looked at Han in the corner of her eye and she knew it, she knew it the first day they met but that doesn't and never has change the way she's felt about him, you can't just lose those feelings over night, she's not jealous or anything, she just wouldn't be upset if Logan and Katherine didn't work out after all.
Tej: Fellas, you better hurry up. They just took the convoy.
Logan's riding with Dom, Brian and Roman as they headed towards the convoy in the opposite direction, Tej called through the radio making both Gisele and Han look and see that the convoy is done to one guard, the front car, the read has disappeared and Shaw's vehicle is speeding towards them, so they both got ready, Gisele climbing onto the bike as she brushed off what Han said, she's not going to get in the way of Logan's happiness, if he's happy with Katherine and Nathan then she's happy for him, simple as that.
Tej: And Dom, Letty's with them.
Logan's behind Dom with Brian behind him and Roman at the back, all following Dom's lead, Logan still hated that fact that Letty's in this position because of him but he knows he can make a mends, they just have to stick to the plan and not screw this up, their catching Shaw unaware this time, they have the advantage and they can't lose it.
Dom: We stick to the plan.
Logan, Brian and Roman put their foot to the floor following behind Dom as Gisele and Han shared a concerned look, they both have their jobs to do though and both went on their way, leaving Tej behind on the bridge to be their look out/spotter guy, he does best when he's behind the action instead of in it.
Tej: All right you heard the man. Let's play this fast and clean. That things heading your way.
Tej turned his attentions back to the convoy but missed seeing Ivory shoot a cable across from wall to wall, the cable tightened itself as the convoy got closer and closer to it, before the jeep could react, the cable had flipped it over making the last line of defence the convoy has disappear, it's only Dom and he's team left to stop them.
It was when the convoy truck hit the cable when all shit hit the fan, as the truck came to an abrupt halt, it propelled a tank out of the cargo, making it crash through the metal and trample over both the lorry and the military jeep that was just protecting it, Tej watched the whole thing unfold and needed to break the news to the team.
Tej: Uh, guys, we gotta come up with another plan. They got a tank.
Logan had to do a double take on that to make sure he heard him right, how the hell did they get a tank, he stopped himself from asking that though since it was a stupid question, Roman was more then happy to replace his stupid question with his usual uplifting remarks.
Roman: I'm sorry, did somebody just say "a tank"?
Logan chuckled to himself just as Shaw's vehicle passed them on the other side, that's Gisele's and Han's target, they were catching as well pretty quickly, clearly they had no idea that Dom and the others are here, although they do now.
Ivory: We got company, guys. Toretto is coming right at you.
Owen didn't seem to pleased about this but just shifted in his seat then ordered both Jah and Letty to get the weapons ready, Letty didn't seem to pleased to do it to begin with but she did anyway, Ivory though has his own problem to deal with because Gisele just caught up to him, he tried to take her out but before the car hit her bike, Gisele jumped and grabbed a hold of the car, Han had to swerve out the way of her crash bike while Gisele held on with everything she had, that was until Ivory aimed for the back of a truck, clearly looking to crush her.
Han however stopped that by jumping into the back of Shaw's vehicle and grabbing the wheel forcing him to turn the car, Gisele was now safe, although she is hanging from the side of the truck, she's okay, well enough to reached into her back and pull out a gun, then made sure Ivory could see it, making him stop fighting.
Letty: Straight ahead of us.
Letty pressed a few buttons inside the tank getting it ready to fire, Owen was more then ready to put both Logan and Dom down, they've been a huge pain in his ass these past few weeks and the sooner their gone the better it will be for him to fool Hobbs over and over again.
Owen: There you are.
Owen moved the controls and aimed at the on coming team, Logan barley missed the shot as it hit car beside him, Dom seemed to get out okay while Brian and Roman had to dodge the debris of falling cars and destroyed tarmac, everyone got out without any damage, just a little stunned by actually having to deal with this shit.
Roman: So who's got a plan B?
Tej: Plan B? We need a plan C,D,E. We need more alphabets!
Logan did love hearing them panic over the radio, that's what get's his moral up, these two clowns panicking although Logan did have a vague idea of what to do, it would destroy his car and probably get him killed but what's life without taking a few risks right, also he'd love to see the look on Shaw's face when he realises that it was Logan that fucked him all along.
Brian: Hey, we do what we do best! We improvise, all right?
Logan nodded a little as he looked to Brian and Roman in his mirrors making sure their still there, then he followed Dom as they finally got to a place where they can cross over to where Shaw is, they all made it without a scratch although Roman nearly took out an oncoming car, together they were quickly catching up to the tank and they moved into formation, Logan behind Dom, Brain to his right and Roman behind Brian.
Owen: Okay, Jah. Take it to the other side. Let's have some fun.
Dom, Brian and Roman all missed the chance to follow him but Logan didn't, he got there just in time but needed to sway between crushed cars just trying to live their lives but then Owen Shaw ruined it because he has a sick God complex, Dom and the other saw Logan was on the same side and that seemed to be a plus for them all.
Letty: What the hell is wrong with you? This isn't part of the plan.
Owen didn't care and seemed to enjoy the destruction he's causing, killing people, making some leap from their cars to save themselves, some saw it coming from a distance and climbed out of their car way before the tank even got close to them, Logan was close though, he's right behind the tank and isn't letting it out of his sight, he looked back into the backseat and saw the winch that was installed way back when just encase they needed it, Logan's car is the biggest when it comes to pure power so it made since he has the pully cord.
Logan: Oh, I'm going to ruin your day, jackass.
Logan reached back and got it ready, he used to listen in school so he's hoping that he's nit just going to screw this up, it's either going to work perfectly or completely mess up and he'll end up under the tank just like all these other people.
Dom: Take their attention away from the people!
Logan went back to dodging cars and the tank's debris, he waited for an opening and then pushed through it, Brian, Dom and Roman all watched as Logan is in front of the tank, it makes his plan a little more tricky to do but it might still work from this side, it seemed to work though since Shaw is no longer going for the people and trying to crush him instead.
Jah: We got one right in front of us.
Owen: Boom.
Logan saw the gun lower through the rear view mirror and saw no other way out other then to slam on the brakes, the cannon missed him but the tank was pushing the car along with it, Logan wasn't panicking though as he grabbed a bar that fell from the roof of the car during the collision of the tank hitting him and jammed it on the throttle and the seat, keeping the car moving with the tank stopping him from going under it.
Brian: Logan, you hand in there. Hang in there, man!
Logan nodded a little as that was the obvious part of the task, he grabbed the radio and his gun, putting the gun in the back of his pants and hooking the radio onto the waist band, Logan reached into the back seat and grabbed the winch, he might not be able to stop the tank from shooting in this position but he can stop it from choosing it's target.
Logan: Hey, Brian. Do me a favour...
Logan got ready to put this into motion but he needs to make sure the others are ready because if this fails then he's going to need a little help, Gisele and Han are only listening into the conversation, apparently Logan's about to do something stupid just as Dom, Brian and Roman are still stuck on the other side.
Logan: ... Get your ass over here!
Dom: There's got to be a break up ahead!
Logan put the radio back and started to climb out the window to the car, the winch in his hand, the others tried their best to get to him as fast as they could while watching him climb onto the top of his car, however there was a bump in the road making him slip, his leg was still inside the car so he was able to catch himself but he wasn't able to catch the gun that fell and he watched tumble away.
Logan: Shit!
Logan cussed while pulling himself back up, the car is slowly being crushed but the tank right on top of it but Logan needed to hurry because the cannon was aiming for something else, luckily it was only the bridge on the other side of the road, Logan couldn't stop it from firing and only watched as Dom and Roman just got out on the other side and everyone else seemed to stop just in time, Brian however saw his chance to cross over.
Brian: Screw it.
Brian put the car into gear and sped towards the makeshift ramp the rubble from the bridge fell into, Logan watched with a smile as Brian's car leaped over the barrier in between each lane and onto his side, Brian's Skyline didn't seem to land gently but Logan managed to hook the winched around the cannon of the tank, the car was seconds from getting swallowed by the tank so Brian hit the breaks, Logan had a split second to make this perfect and he did, as his Challenger got eaten by the tank, Logan landed on the Skyline's roof as Brian found his way back behind the tank.
Logan held on as Brian weaved through oncoming cars, eventually finding the chance to climb down and into the car, sitting in the passenger seat beside Brian who was looking at him but also trying to keep an eye on the road, that was until Logan hit his shoulder making the former FBI Agent look to his friend.
Logan: That's what I'm talking about! Woooow!
Brian chuckled at him while continuing to drive following his crushed Challenger dragging behind the tank, it might not have been exactly what Logan wanted to do but it's better then him being in the car as well, finally though, the roads connected and Dom with Roman was able to join them, this might actually be the longest Roman's been quite.
Dom: Brian, that Challenger would make a nice anchor.
Logan: He got this Dom.
Brian nudged the Challenger into the other lane as they all came onto a bridge, it was a pretty long bridge so they have time but they needed to time this perfectly as Brian continued to push along the car that Logan was in moments ago, the tank didn't slow down as it continued it's way to crush cars and kill as many people as it can, all while Brian tried to nudge the Challenger over the railing.
Jah: Shaw, we've got to get rid of that car.
Shaw: Letty, go take care of the cable.
Letty sighed as she took off the headset and opened the hatch to climb out the tank, they can see what's going on through all the different camera angles in the war machine, so they know what their trying to do, Shaw didn't seem all that bothered by her going out there either, he just wants to see people getting hurt.
Logan: Roman, Brian's going to get the car on the rail. Why not give it a little kiss good luck.
Logan watched as Brian was struggling, all he was able to do was get it up on the rail but not over, the others seemed to know what he was thinking so Roman ducked behind Brian who gave the car on more big nudge into the rail, Brian moved out the way pretty quickly as Roman came in and gave it one last nudge sending the Challenger falling between the bridge, Logan and Brian cheered as Dom smiled, Roman was happy to voice his joy.
Roman: Lady luck's on our side, baby. You see me kiss that thing...!
Roman made an exaggerated kissing sound over the radio causing them to chuckle again, the merriment was gone quickly though when they spotted Letty on top of the tank, there's not going back now, that car will get hooked on the concrete under the bridge and send that thing flying, Dom wasn't going to let her get hurt and sped up a lot, Brian, Logan and Roman watched as he went after her.
Owen: Okay, Toretto. Here's your girl...
Owen turned the cannon to the other side to where Dom is now driving along side the tank, Letty watched it happen as Dom wasn't bothered, the Challenger however had stopped falling and started to raise again thanks to the cable pulling it alone.
Owen: ... And you happy ending.
Dom called to her as she looked to him, the Challenger was seconds away from getting caught under the bridge so he needed to act fast, Dom opened the car door and hung out a little, keeping the steady till it got caught and sent the girl flying through the air, Dom was quick and spun the wheel into the barrier using the momentum to push himself across the gap and tackle her mid air, both came crashing down onto a nearby cars windshield while the tank toppled over itself, it took a lot of effort and people's lives but they saved many more because of this.
Brian and Roman came to a stop by Dom's crashed out car, they all got out to see the damage just as Hobbs and Riley arrived with that helicopter, better late then never really to see the carnage that Owen just caused with just one single tank.
Hobbs: Jesus Christ.
Everyone was taken back to base, Logan, Roman, Dom, Brian, Gisele, Tej and Han, Hobbs and Riley came too but not before making sure Owen and his little team were in handcuffs, it took a while but everyone was at the base and ready to call this a day, Owen's in custody and they have the chip that Shaw was after, it's a win for everyone.
Logan: Hey, where are the rest of Shaw's goon's. You know the big guy and the Brian lookalike?
Logan asked as they all looked to him, it was a good question but none of them knew, the attention went from him though and to the NATO Commander as he walked towards Letty asking about her and why she's not in handcuffs, Dom was quick to cut him off and step up to him as he was willing to protect his family.
Dom: Not her.
They all followed Dom, well, Logan and Brian did as Dom stood between the military and Letty, Logan's question about where the others in Shaw's team were went forgotten, their main focus now is keeping Letty out of a black site prison for all the shit Shaw convinced her to do, Letty's not like them, she isn't a bad person, she's just confused.
Commander: She was working with Shaw.
Dom: Was. But she's always been one of us.
Logan, Dom and Brian stood between the Commander and Letty she seemed pretty surprised that she's been protected by them but they've been telling her since the day they first found her, she's part of their family and you never turn your back on family.
Hobbs: Let's give them a minute.
Hobbs nodded to the Commander as he sighed and walked away leaving them alone, Logan chuckled then patted Dom on his shoulder before taking his cellphone out to call the girls, let them know it's done and their coming home, only he never got an answer, not from Kathrine, Mia or Elena, it was weird but it's probably just a coincidence.
Hobbs: Hey, Kenway! You need to head this.
Logan was leaning on a rail and was a little surprised he called for him, everyone was as they looked from him to Hobbs who was dragging Shaw back into the room, Logan slipped between the bars and dropped onto the floor a little bit cocky from the win, he didn't get to gloat before but now he does.
Logan: Hey, I was hopping to see you before you left. Tell, does it hurt to know you lost?
Hobbs shook his head no to Logan as the others filled in around them, everyone in the base must be here right now and Logan didn't like the way Hobbs was looking at him, Brian and Dom joined him but kept a little distance still while they all saw the smirk plastered on Shaw's face.
Owen: It's so funny that you really think you've won. This code you live by, it's the very reason why you weren't even in the game. I told you exactly what I was gonna do if you didn't walk away, Kenway.
Back at the house, Mia, Katherine and Elena are all just relaxing and waiting for the boys to come home, they weren't worried because they all knew they were going to watch out for each other, what they didn't expect to see was a black SUV coming down the road into Mia and Brian's home, making Elena pulled her guy out as Katherine and Mia ran with the babies.
Owen: But you didn't listen. I told you I can reach out and break you whenever I want.
Logan's eyes changed from cocky and pleased to pissed and knowing, Owen loved seeing his eyes like that, he loved getting a rise out of Logan, all while back at the house, Elena found a way for them to get out, Kathrine helped Nathan down, then handed Jack to Elena before Mia jumped down as well, Kathrine though didn't think they'd get away and needed to be a diversion, so she waved them all to go, Nathan didn't want to leave his mommy but they had no other choice.
Owen: And I have. Maybe you should call Katherine again. She might pick up this time.
Everyone looked to Logan as he stood in the centre of them all, he didn't even look away from Owen as he pulled his cellphone out and pressed a button, putting the phone to his ear, this time it didn't ring, it was pretty much right away that someone picked up and he didn't need to guess who it was.
Katherine: Logan!
Logan didn't say anything and just listened as she called out to him, Dom and the others could hear her as well but they didn't do anything as Logan just listened to his wife calling out to him, begging him to get her out of this.
Owen: So, this is how it's gonna go down. You're gonna cut me loose from these cuffs, you're gonna hand me the chip, I'm gonna walk out of here and you're not gonna follow.
Commander: You must be joking.
Logan still hasn't move or said anything, he just looked at Shaw like a hungry lion would a zebra, Shaw looked from the Commander to Logan though and knew he was going to get what he wants, Logan's not going to let anything happen to Katherine, she's all he has left in this world outside these guys and his son.
Owen: Look at his face. Ask him if I'm joking.
Logan looked Owen dead in his eyes as the others watched, their heartbroken about this, Kathrine is one of them, and she's in trouble, their also worried because of what Logan might do, last time he nearly lost Katherine he beat a cocky Asian kid near half to death.
Commander: One hostage does not outweigh the threat to millions. I'm sorry, but this changes nothing.
The sound of a gun clicking caught the Commander's attention and he turned to see Hobbs pointing his very big gun straight at his head, Dom told the crew to keep their guns away while Logan still hasn't moved, just looking at Owen who now is the one with a cocky grin on his face, Logan has every intention of killing this man now, there's nothing that will stop him.
Hobbs: It changes everything. You tell your men to stand down.
The Commander gave the order as every gun in the room is aimed at Hobbs, the Commander's not willing to die for this but the others are, they'll die and kill to protect their family, the others to Shaw's crew just smiled while Logan swallowed a pretty big gulp, he's pissed and there's no hiding it from anyone.
Hobbs: Kenway. I need you to know, the moment we let him walk out that door with that chip, words like "amnesty" and "pardon". Walk out with him.
Logan still hasn't looked away from Owen as he hadn't looked away either, Logan walked closer to Owen as he used his free hand to straighten out the man's jacket, the phone still in his hand with the voices on the other side, either telling someone to shut up or calling for him to help.
Logan: I'm going to kill you. Not quick, I'll make sure you suffer.
Owen smiled to him with a small chuckle, Logan wasn't joking though he was being serious and stepped back the phone till connected to the call, Hobbs nodded to Riley who took the cuff keys from the Commander and went to un lock all of the binds, Logan past Dom and Brian though not caring about Shaw anymore and tried speaking to Katherine but she can't hear him.
As soon as they were uncuffed, one of his guys grabbed the chip and they all went to walk right out the front door, Logan still couldn't have cared a little bit about it, he just wanted to know that his wife and son are safe, he can't hear Nathan so maybe he did get out, but that didn't change anything he's still going to kill that man.
Owen: Coming, babe?
Everyone looked around the room, between Letty and everyone else, even Logan looked over to see him with still a smug grin on his face, Logan hates that he's walking out but he's going to kill him there is nothing that will change that right now, Owen Shaw dies tonight, how he's not too sure but it's coming.
Riley: Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Logan turned fully around and watched as did the others as Riley walked from Hobbs and over to Shaw, he knew there was something off about her but he wasn't sure it was this, he thought she was just too up tight but that wasn't it, she was working with Shaw the entire time, he really did have someone close to them.
Shaw: Like I said, you were never in the game. Oh and Logan...
Logan looked over to Owen, the phone still on his ear telling Katherine that she's going to be okay, she's going to be fine she just has to trust him, Owen though has other plans and smiled over to him, Logan's going to wipe that smile right off his face really, really soon.
Shaw: ... Just so you know, we're serious. I see you or anyone. The boy will get the same thing.
Logan didn't get to ask what he was talking about because he heard a gun shot through the phone, he thought that Nathan got away, he was hoping that Nathan has got away but apparently he hasn't.
Logan: Kat?... Kat! Katherine!
She didn't answer, all that did happen was Owen walking out the base with a smile on his face, Riley on his arm and chip in his possession, hearing Logan's cries was just a bonus for him, the others didn't know what to do, other then Dom who went over to him and hugged Logan, Hobbs, Brian and the others just watched while they thought about what to do, they can still save the boy, that's their main priority...
{To Be Continued!}
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