Chapter 16. Hiding Spots

Lucas kept his vice like grip on my hand as we ran towards the purple sign, our head start was not going to last long. I was thankful that Conner and the others before... before they fell were able to take out a big chunk of the group of hunters.

There was still a lot to come after us but not as many and they were still busy with the left over wolves, witches and vampires. I still couldn't believe that Conner was gone, I hope that he isn't but then again, I don't want him to go back into one of those cages.

In some sick and twisted way it would be better for him if he was in fact dead, as cruel and heartless as that sounds. I can't believe that these thoughts are coming into my mind. What type of monster am I if I wish that he is dead? Even if that is the better outcome for him.

I still have no clue what happened to Jordan and Bianca, I hope that they somehow made it out of here alive, if not for me for Lucas he deserves some happiness.

"Keep running!" Anton shouted as worried laced his voice, he kept looking over his shoulder at me and at the hunters that would quickly catch up with us, just because we could see the purple sign didn't mean that we were safe, we still had to make it across and then make it to a pack within the three days, if they even give us the three days that is.

I didn't trust them to give us that, not with how many we were able to kill. I bet they thought that we would all be easy to take out, that we wouldn't put up a fight and the ground would be littered with our body parts and not there own.

Anton skidded to a stop as the hunters were almost upon us now, it was a group of seven of them. We could take them I know we can. We were out of their view, shrubs and bushes hiding us. But they know where we are going. And they will follow that path until it leads to us all dead.

"Climb up." Anton pointed to one of the larger trees near us, it was heavy with leaves and could hide us. Even if they looked really hard from the ground they wouldn't spot us if we were up high enough.

"Why?" I asked the question that was on everyone's minds.

"To stay alive." He whispered. "Now hurry and don't come down, not until the moon is hidden and everything is dark enough to make your escape. Do not come down for any reason, not even me." His tone was dead serious, his eyes leaving no room for argument.

He turned to Lucas, I guess in his absence Lucas would be in charge. "Also wait until you see hunters coming back from the last sign, you know as well as I do they will be waiting to ambush you. And when you get the chance run, run hard and fast."

We all just nodded before Anton shooed us up the tree, we climbed as quickly as we could. My claws came out when we climbed up a bit higher so that the hunters wouldn't notice the marks if they got close to the tree. I used them to pull myself and so I wouldn't fall, Lucas and the vampire did the same.

The witch didn't climb, she was on the vampires back clinging on for dear life, whimpering about how she is terrified of heights. I don't blame her we were up very high and if she were to fall it would definitely kill her, break her bones to mush.

A terrible death if you ask me, because I don't believe that she would die on impact. The witches are a bit more resilient then humans it takes a bit more to kill them. But not by much.

We had climbed up as high as we could without damaging the integrity of the tree and yet still remain hidden. We could see down to the scene that was about to unfold below us yet they wouldn't see us. Even when the sun shines down brightly right on us, the good thing about old evergreen trees.

We could see the hunters circling Anton, I knew deep down that he wouldn't win this fight. But a part of me held onto hope that he would, that his wolf would fully surface and shift giving him so much strength to rip these monsters apart one by one.

But he wasn't strong enough for that, the drugs were still floating around in his system keeping the wolf locked up in a cage in his mind.

They all had wicked grins on their faces, this was not going to be a fair fight in any sense of the word. And I knew that this time they would definitely not keep their word about just capturing us in this area and not killing. With Conner I am unsure, but not with Anton. He has caused them too much trouble, we all have and they are angry that this hunt hasn't turned out the way they wanted it too.

They will take their anger and frustrations out on him. He will die slowly and painfully. Anyone could see it in the cold, dark and twisted eyes of them. Those eyes held no mercy, no humanity in them anymore. They were nothing but soulless monsters now.

Well they always were, but now it is a fact that is clear as day. There is no redemption for them, not in this life or the afterlife. They will rot in hell. Not even our kind is as cruel as they are, we have killed but always with reason, always for survival.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scene below me, the hunters were closing in on Anton almost licking their lips at the sight of him, and it made me sick. They moved as a unit working together. They all jumped forward tackling to the ground. They were going to kill him in a barbaric way. One pulled out a large hunting.

I knew what they were about to do but I couldn't look away. I watched as one started slicing the skin off him, it was like they were going to skin him alive, it was a terrible sight to witness. I thought I was going to throw up or scream. Lucas, seeing my distress pulled me closer to him as we were sharing a branch and he covered my mouth with his hand, making a shh noise in my ear. I couldn't give our position away.

I couldn't risk our safety.

They stopped skinning Anton only to cut off fingers, before moving to his wrist and his elbow, they even cut off his toes. One by one a body part would be cut off, each of them taking a turn to deliver this sick twisted torture.

He was alive for this and if he passed out they would slap him until he woke out. Tears started streaming down my face, no one deserved this. We were all silently sobbing knowing we could do nothing for him as more hunters started coming towards the scene below us.

They were laughing and celebrating I wanted to let out a growl, as did the wolf but I had to shut her up, convincing her that it would be worse for us. I had an internal battle with myself about not going down to help Anton, but he told us not too, it was as though it was his dying wish. He was always going to die, he knew it deep down he was always going to give his life for ours.

It was in his nature.

They kept asking him, well shouting at him where we were, how we escaped? How were we all so prepared for this? They wanted answers that they couldn't get from him. He refused to talk, he even stopped screaming out in pain. He didn't want them to have the satisfaction of that.

Not soon enough he was put out of his misery as one of the hunters stormed up and took the hunting knife, slicing his throat open, spilling his blood as he coughed out his breath of air.

"Forgive me." Were the last words out of his mouth as he looked up, but he wasn't looking at us he was looking up to the moon, our goddess.

I hope he finds peace in death and is happy up in the moon.

Tears streamed down my face as I watched him die, the hunters looked up towards us and I held my hand over my mouth to scared to make a sound or even move in inch in fear of them spotting us.

How many more people would I lose today? I don't know if I will be able to handle it if I make it out of here. How many people will die, people that didn't deserve to die?

They didn't look up for long thankfully they moved on heading towards the purple sign. That stupid purple sign that I no longer think will be our saving grace.

It will only cause us more pain once we get out of here. But from now on out they are meant to just be recapturing us and I couldn't go back into a cage. Not now not ever. I should've given up earlier and let them kill me. Now I am forced to run, run for my life when I have nothing left to live for.

Everyone let out one tense breathe that we were collectively holding once the hunters moved on.

Now all we had to do was wait it out, which hopefully wouldn't be for long.

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Okay, so here we are. Another day another chapter. Did you enjoy it? I sure do hope so. What are you thoughts on the story so far? hows your day? tell me everything.

Where do you think the story is going do you think that the four of them are going to make it? do you think that anyone else will die in the near future?

And as a treat in honour of Anton here is his muse. A sexy hunk of a man.

I hope you continue to read, and if you like it keep voting commenting and sharing it around!

And remember I love you all!

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