33 | Stop Losing Control

Apologies in advance for the trip to cry town.

Also yes I've had this in mind since the very beginning, guys. Just took a lot longer to get here then planned.

][ Previously: As Mob is returning home, Ryo takes Ritsu hostage and threatens to kill him if Mob doesn't give himself up. Thanks to a warning from Zeya, Mob decides the best course of action is to remove his own quirk. Unfortunately, this leads to him losing complete control. ???/Shigeo takes it from here. ][

Did being free have to come at the cost of so many lives?


Apparently, it did.


      White sprung up from the roots of his hair until it enveloped the whole tip of his head. His skin, clothes even, all glowed a piercing white. An intense glow attacked everything with its firey aura.

     The whole world around him melted away once he appeared. The boxes were torn open and melted, the walls cracked, ceiling falling in.

     But this was okay. Shigeo could manage this. He was free! That was all that mattered! Free--? Not for long if this poison continued through his system.

     The teen grabbed his arm just under the shoulder and ripped the whole thing off! Blood spilled out like crazy, pain biting to the point of tears. But..this was okay. He was okay. Shigeo let the limb drop, using telekinesis to keep any more blood from spilling.

     "AAAAA!!!" The man behind Shigeo shrieked one final cry. Shigeo spun around, eyes slightly widened in worry.

     "NOO!" He stuck his hand out, but, by the time he saw the man, the flesh had already been melted off of his bones. Shigeo withdrew his hand, a disturbed look in his bright red eyes.

     'You shouldn't have come out. Now look at what you're doing. You shouldn't be alive...' Mob's angry tone snarled in the back of his head.

     No, he wouldn't give up his body this time.

     Not if he wanted to stay.

     People died all the time, even good ones. Why then should he feel responsible for the loss of someone he never even cared about?

     Yes, this was it. If he wanted to regain control of his powers, his life, and his future, someone needed to just disappear~

     And Mob had no power here if he simply gave up caring...

     Shigeo reached his hand out over his fallen arm, reconstructing it molecule by molecule until the perfectly fixed limb was floating, all of that disgusting poison laying in a puddle on the ground. The limb's torn up end smacked against his severed shoulder, the fibers of his own body stitching themselves together. Shigeo flexed his left fingers, arm, and wrist when the operation was complete. He smiled with satisfaction.

     There were so many amazing things his powers could do~ He couldn't get why anyone would try to destroy them~

     Now then. ... It was time to save a certain little Ritsu.


     It was confirmed. Ryo was in there somewhere. But he was up in the top floor of the HPSC, the institution's very leader being held hostage along with Shigeo's brother.

     Worst part was that thanks to Ryo's quirk, no one could make a move. Even sneak attacks were pointless, since he could see them coming a mile away!

     Aizawa stood by one of the police cars at the building's base, gritting his teeth. This just wasn't fair.. How on earth were they supposed to get in? Many heroes had gathered around, but they could do nothing but stand and stare. Protocol wouldn't allow them to take any risks.

     A distant thud was heard in the distance. Aizawa idly turned his head, not assuming much of it at first. But then, in the distance, he saw large rocks of debris floating over a bright light.

     "Zeya, what's that?" He turned to the girl. The teen immediately flinched, her whole body drawn into a panic.

     "EVERYBODY GET THE F### OUT OF HERE!!!" She cried. Aizawa backed her up, leading the heroes, policemen, and gathering press alike a safe distance away from the building.

     Just in time too.


     A bright white light rocketed straight through the building! Two entire floors were blasted in an instant. Debris from said floors came crashing down on the ground right where everyone would have been standing. The top floors were trapped by a bright white aura, hovering in the air. It tilted, rocking those inside as the one in control appeared.

     The earth shook under every step. The strength of his aura, even to non Espers, was palpable! Goosebumps alerted everyone to the incoming boy. Shigeo had arrived. His body acted as a black hole. Sucking energy, even solid matter that was in the air into his vessel!

     Aizawa stared down the boy, just about to activate his quirk when--


     His entire body was telepathically thrown into the ground, knocking him out instantly.

     "Eraserhead!?!" Zeya shrieked. She fell onto her knees by his side, checking his pulse. ... Alive. A sigh of relief. But that fell away as she stared up at the middle school boy. She didn't even know there was an existing third option to the events that could go down tonight! Clearly, though, her warning hadn't helped anything in the end.

     It was almost as if Shigeo was simply destined to fail...one way or another.

     And there was no point in fighting the determination in those eyes either. ... Zeya instead turned her attention onto the fallen teacher, deciding now that taking care of him would be her one and only goal for today. The rest was up to Mob..

     Or rather...

     He entered into a running start, using his powers to force his body faster than its natural limits! Once close enough to the building, the teen jumped, soaring high above everyone's heads. He blasted the wall of the top floor open and rolled upon landing inside.

     "Well that was a little uncalled for.." In the center of the large, open office was Ryo. The top floor was a mess, partially due to Shigeo. But smears and patches of blood littered the floor as well, testifying to a scuffle the teen had missed.

     Shigeo's red eyes widened slightly at the sight of his brother, who had been cut and bruised in many places. However, his most obvious and pressing injury was the clawed and closed up eye, from which blood leaked like tears. Ryo had the younger teen in a choke hold, his other arm snuggly wrapping around Ritsu's arms and body.

     "I was just going to kill him!.. So that you'd lose control after finding out and inadvertently kill the president here!" He with a nudge of his chin gestured to the body a distance from them, already bloody and lifeless. "But then you had to go and give me hope! .. Tell me. Was this your plan all along? Because I can just as easily set things back to how they were supposed to go!"

     Shigeo didn't have time to listen to this man's buffalo chips. His left arm swung out, the first thing he tried to snap being Ryo's neck.

     The villain's neck muscles fought against having his vertebrae completely shattered.

     "Geez! Not holding back today, are we?" The man hissed before teleporting away. He reappeared behind the kid, but Shigeo simply increased his power output, which exploded right in the man's face! He crashed into a distant wall and tumbled onto the ground.

     "D#####!!" Ryo was actually hurt from that!? It wasn't even an energy shield! Just the boy's raw flex of power! Ryo glared ahead at the kid. In that moment, he was reminded of just how WEAK he was! Nothing he tried would work against the teen! Not while he was in this state at least! This realization he hated most of all. "Ehehh.." Ryo laughed weakly, then completely vanished from sight.

     It was safer if he fled. His plan would already play out well enough as it was.

     The floating part of the building was set down gently on top of what little remained of the lower layers.

     Shigeo decreased his own power level to the lowest, self contained output he could go. Mob's greedy hands grappled ahold of his mind now that Shigeo had made himself so vulnerable, but the now white haired one wouldn't be allowing him to take over anytime soon.

     His feet still made little cracks in the ground as he walked. Slowly, carefully, Shigeo approached his fallen brother. Ritsu was barely holding it together himself, one shaky hand hovering over a couple broken ribs. The other clutching his bleeding eye. Shigeo knelt down in front of his brother, his mere presence stinging the younger one's skin.

     "What happened? Let me help you." Shigeo softly spoke.

     "My eyeball's over there!" Ritsu cried, pointing in no specific direction. "That b###### tore it out!!!" Shigeo never wanted to commit murder so badly in all his life. But Ryo was gone now. He'd just have to save that anger for later.

     "Where?? I can repair it-"

     "-Ow!" Ritsu yelped as Shigeo placed a caring hand on his shoulder. The older teen tore his hand away at once, concerned by how quickly his hand had burnt through his brother's clothes. ... He was so used to Mob controlling his output...guess he forgot how hard it was to simply interact with others as he was.

     He had no intention to hide away these powers like Mob did, however. He wanted to find every possible use for them he could. They weren't just a burden. He wasn't just a burden! ... He'd just have to prove that in time.

     Since Ritsu was a little too preoccupied by the pain he was in to focus on conversation, Shigeo stood up and walked in the general direction where his brother had pointed. Maybe, if he found his eye, he could fix it..same thing he had done only a few minutes ago with his own arm. .. He was certain he could do it. He just needed to find that eye.

     "F-FREEZE!!" A simple hero with an aqua theme to his outfit threatened the child. Shigeo paused mid step, but he had no intention to stop what he was doing. The teen turned slowly to glare down the hero. Behind that one stood Endeavor and Lady Midnight, who had both crawled through a hole in the wall. Shigeo glared them all down. Since these three were so insistent to opposing him in his brother's moment of need..

     Shigeo struck out his hand, pointing at the the three. "You don't deserve to call yourself a father, you shouldn't be allowed to wear that around children, and I don't even know who the f### you are!" Shigeo was clearly p###ed. All three heroes took offense by his comment.

     A large red feather took Mob off guard, jabbing at his back. It was quickly disintegrated. Hawks dove in through a hole in the roof.

     "Daaa##, he's got a loud mouth, this kid!" Hawks chuckled. "I thought you were supposed to be the quiet and reserved type!" Shigeo's angry stare turned to Hawks instead, slowly building back up his field of power just to defend himself.

     "Do not disrupt me. I'm trying to find my brother's eye so that I can fix it. If you want a villain to hunt, go find Ryo!" Shigeo snarled.

     "Whew!.. Impressive claim for someone who just killed the president!" The winged hero chided playfully.

     "What?! No, I didn't!!! Ritsu, tell them!!" Bro was almost fainted due to the loss of blood and severe pain, keeling over his own knees he sat on.

     Hawks sighed, feeling sorry for the kid as he stepped closer. "Wrong again.. There's a reason heroes have to follow protocol as strictly as we do. We had eyes on the whole situation. That Shimazaki guy threw the president right in front of that wall you blasted, making you partially responsible for her death. I know it's not the easiest thing to take in, but it is what it is. ... We could probably find a way to excuse you somehow.. if it weren't for all the destruction," using his fingers to count, "property damage, illegal quirk usage, injured civilians -- oh! And also you killed a couple people along the way and took down a pro hero as well... So far not looking too bright for you, little man!" Hawks shrugged. He stopped his slow saunter right at the edge of Shigeo's faint yet visible aura.

     Shigeo's expression was now moreso of shock and bewilderment than anger. He pressed Hawks with a longing look, as if begging him to say it weren't true.

     He had become...a criminal?

     That easily?!?

     ...What was wrong with this world? That the act of him living out his life became illegal.

     He wanted to live...as his true self. No longer hiding under a blanket of self hatred and misery.

     Shigeo wouldn't accept it.


     "Screw you. I'm not playing your little game of cops and robbers..." Keeping his attention on Hawks, who stood there politely listening, Shigeo made clear how he truly felt. It was a perspective that had never been shared, after all. "The only reason I am in this state right now is because I just tried to kill myself a few minutes ago."

     "Shige..?" Ritsu was laying on the ground now, with his last waking breaths staring up at his brother in disbelief. Of course, Shigeo didn't mean "kill" in the way most assumed, but to him...that's what had happened. He'd almost just been deliberately destroyed by himself, which was just about as close to suicide as one can get.

     "Well I'm done letting the world step all over me. I'm done locking my true self away like a wild animal. And I'm done allowing people to treat me like a monster for merely existing... The world can fear me if it wants; I honestly don't care anymore. I just..for once in my life, want to find out what makes me happy; to know why I exist."

     Shigeo swayed, so drowsy all of a sudden. He blinked slowly, realizing a little too late that his mind was terrible fuzzy, meaning he had been fighting off this affect without even noticing for a while now.

     Shigeo turned slowly, half closed eyes getting a peek at the heroes behind him. Lady Midnight was the only one who stood there now, her sleeves torn to expel a pink mist.

     Her quirk!

     Shigeo threw up a barrier, but it was a little too late now... His mind, body and soul all felt so fuzzy. ... Strange.. it was like going to the dentist, when.. when... when....

     Shigeo collapsed on the ground, black growing through his hair from the roots again, the barrier around him dissipating.

     Hawks smiled, using his wings to fan the mist away from himself. "..I was wondering how long it'd take him to notice!"

     "Hmh.." The lady scoffed. "That's what he gets for poking fun at my costume!"

     Hawks stared at her awkwardly for a second or two. "...I mean it is a bit much."


     After Ritsu woke up, he had some things to say about the villain who was behind all of this. Information that scared quite a few.

     "Out of all the detached people I've seen, that man has got to be the worst!" Apparently, Shimazaki is very open with the people he's going to kill. "He's blind to reality! Everyone...and everything. To him, it's all fake! Nothing but figments of his own imagination. Like he thinks he's dreaming or something!"


     ...Mob sure wished he was dreaming...

     Documentation was found in Mob's coat pocket, confirming the admission the two heroes had recorded from Shigeo.

     The boy was heavily drugged to the point of barely being awake as he was put on trial...just in case the quirk binding handcuffs didn't work quite so well; as they tended to prove weaker while containing Espers. All he could do was watch tiredly all the chaos that surrounded him.

     It was mayhem. First, Endeavor's terrifying history was revealed, THEN the heroes were killing their own?? Shigeo dealing the finishing blow on the HPSC president became the final nail in his coffin. No one wanted an unstable child like him to roam free. His little speech had been reviewed as well, from it he was deemed unsafe to be among the public.

     But then where SHOULD he go?

     Many argued he should be put in a mental hospital, but he was too dangerous for that. But he was also close enough along the line of innocence for people to feel bad about just throwing him into a prison.

     In the end, after three days full of back-to-back trials and debates, which to Mob only felt like a few hours, the majority voice won.

     The only way the people would feel safe was if that boy was behind bars at Tartarus. Overwhelmed by the press and chaos pushing for this, those trying to defend Mob relented. He was to be thrown in with the world's worst. Though only labeled a C-rank villain, he would be held on the lowest level, where only villains as bad as All For One and Suzuki resided.

     Mob felt nothing. How could he?? He was so heavily drugged that on occasion he even forgot he had a tongue!

     But before he could even wrap his head around what was happening, he sat in a lonely white cell, a straight jacket tethering his arms around him.


     A week passed since his explosion.

     ...The world was suddenly so quiet...

     He could hear himself think for once. And boy did Mob have a lot to think about. He and Shigeo both were trapped in here with no one but each other. They refused to communicate, but the sensation of each others' presence, simply being able to hear their mind's stirring ... It was enough to provide some level of comfort.

     At least they weren't completely alone... He still had himself.

     But nothing else.

     Not a thing...

(The picture's just here for the vibes. Nothing else.)

     This was the meeting room.

     His family sat across from him warily, Mob able to hear their unsure breaths through holes in the thick glass. He leaned his head back in the chair, where his emotions were to be closely monitored by some machines behind a one-way mirror. If he ever went out of control, the protocol would be to fill the place with sleeping gas to ensure he couldn't escape.

     ...Why was Mob here again..? It all felt so unfair. He lost control. He blanked out.

     Apparently, he killed, hurt, and destroyed on that little rampage of his. Mob closed his eyes after his mom, dad, and brother all settled into their seats. He couldn't look his brother in the eyes. Eye... Ritsu now wore an eye patch over his right eye, which was apparently completely gone thanks to Ryo.

     The elder brother just leaned his head back, eyes closed. No emotions came to him. Nothing but a dull..numbness at the core of his heart. Where once he felt so much...now he felt nothing.

     And he didn't even need that medication to feel it.

     "Hello, Shige..." His mom mustered up the words. Her eyes were already red from hours of crying before, but here she was again still with some extra tears. Her husband rubbed her back soothingly, much in the same condition as her.

     It wasn't often that your child breaks every prison record, after all. ... Youngest prisoner. Only C-class villain to be detained at the lowest level. ... Clearly, this whole ordeal had put the family under an incomparable amount of stress!

     But of course the family was worried about Mob most of all; the boy who had gotten himself locked away for trying to save his brother.

     Mob had nothing to say. He couldn't even bring himself to respond with a simple hello back.

     "So, um, your mom and I have decided to move a little closer into town...so we can visit you more often." Mob slid his eyes open just enough to watch his father speak, the man trying his hardest to bring up the mood at least a little. Mob stared with disinterest. Not just at them, but at just about everything. It was a look Ritsu was all to familiar with from staring in the mirror... and he didn't like it.

     "Um, hey Shige." Ritsu leaned forward in his chair, elbows resting on his knees. "Thanks for saving me back there! No doubt I would have been a gonner for sure!" He tried his best to smile, to lighten the mood, to be the one that would make Mob feel better. Mob closed his eyes again, forcing the tears in his eyes to roll down his cheeks. "N-not the right topic?! Got it! I'm sorry!" The youngest waved his hands around in front of him a little, fearing he just made things worse.

     "No.." Mob's mouth finally opened, though the one word he whispered was so weak and sad. He licked his chappy lips and swallowed through his sore, dry throat. "You're good, Ritsu... I'm just....tired.." Ritsu had a hard time believing that was the only reason.

     Ritsu stood up, walked up to the class, and placed his hand flatly upon it. "...We're going to get you out of here, big bro... You won't be in here forever... I promise."

     Mob's barely opened eyes turned away, uninterested. His head pivoted right, staring his sorry excuse of a sad face down in the large reflection. His face was so pale he almost looked sick, eyes so dark and sunken-in he could probably be mistaken for dead. Mob swallowed uncomfortably again.

     "I'm not interested..." The boy rasped. This shocked everyone, especially Ritsu!

     "Wait! What?! Why??!"

     "Take a wild guess.." Mob's chin dipped back toward them again, allowing them all to think on their own. It really wasn't that complicated of a riddle to solve. "...All I wanted was to live a normal life... That was it. .. Not these powers. Not this body. Not this life." Mob pressed the back of his head against the tall-backed seat again, this time with the intention to keep the building tears in his eyes. "..I won't get that chance... Not here, not now, not ever."


     "Don't move here just because of me. Don't go to UA if you don't really want to; don't inconvenience yourself just because of me. ... It's not like anything you could do would change anything..." Those were his final words to all of them. In all, their visit was pretty brief. Ritsu told Mob that Dimple wanted to say hello too but the boy just couldn't see him. Hm... So that's what it was like...

     Mob's family left as disheartened as they had arrived. Mob was no different.

     At this rate, if Mob's spirits remained this low, there was no telling whether or not he'd even be there the next time they came to visit.

     'Alright...' Mob thought, staring up at the ceiling as people came in to move him into his usual cell. 'You win. You can have my body. ... Do whatever you want... I don't care.'

     'I've done enough damage to this world on my own.'

     '...I'm useless here...'

     And just like that, Mob's inner persona, his very personality, the thing that made Mob Mob...crumbled into pieces at Shigeo's feet. Shigeo stared down at the pile of paper-like remains; his greatest foe.

     He couldn't believe it...

     After all these years of being the most stubborn alter on the face of the earth.

     Shigeo kicked at the pieces a little bit, which were thin and fragile. He sighed to himself.

     Guess he was alone then.




     This...... was a superhuman society... in which 80% of the population possessed some uncanny ability. For decades, cities swirled with chaos and confusion following the appearance of these powers... Then a new profession emerged. Those who fought for justice and helped others in need were called heroes.

     The scraps were called Villains, those who just didn't fit quite right...

     Oh... by the way.

     This is the story of Shigeo Kageyama... and how he became the world's greatest villain.

     All in the span of only one day.

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