5. Hes a rugrat not a werecheetah...

"What did they call you on the lacrosse team? Bugs the Savage was it?"

The Nogitusne hadn't talked for hours, seeming to enjoy the darkened night as he worked tirelessly, keeping Bugs turned so he wouldn't see just what was going on. Bugs had reluctantly agreed, turning and looking at the dirt covered walls he sat inches from. Nothing about the place he had been led too was appealing but it screamed darkness and pain. Of course this place was where the fox would go.

His mind briefly drifted to his pack members and father, had they even noticed his absence? Of course not, he was careful not to leave a trail. His pack thought he was grieving Stiles disappearance in his own way and his father had put much of his strength in finding his youngest son. Bugs wasn't angry at any of them for this, more relieved then anything because this meant he could keep everyone safe. Everyone but himself of course.

The fox had told the older twin that something needed to be done, something so he knew Bugs was on his side. He hadn't spoken since then, having kept to himself and humming a tune so old Bugs had resorted to matching the tune with the various songs he knew, so far not one matched the tune.

It wasn't until his brothers familiar voice yet with a darker tone in it spoke that Bugs decided to turn back around. He hadn't waited for permission from the Nogitsune, who had specifically asked him to stay turned or else he would pay, Bugs didn't give a shit. He was bored and quite frankly his back was aching from sitting up so goddamn much.

Of course the Nogitusne seemed to slightly grow irritated at the rebellious Stilinski who hadn't seemed to fear him much. This intrigued the dark fox, of course he already known this about Bugs. He could see much more in the older twin then even Stiles would be able to, thus leading to his thought out question.

Bugs mouth went dry, brain working overtime in search of a reasonable explanation to this sudden question. He didn't even bother to wonder about how the fox knew that about him, no, his thoughts centered around why he cared so much. Why was this the only question the Nogitsune had spoken in hours.

"Yeah." Bugs finally spoke up, green eyes staring intently at the face of his brother. They looked even more alike now, equally matching purple bags under their eyes and disheveled hair, combined with the pale almost translucent skin, they match to a T.

"Why?" The trickster fox asked, his mouth lifting into a sinister smile, the action alone sending high alerts into Bugs.

He wasn't scared though, not anymore, he was cautious and downright paranoid but not scared.

"Because..." Bugs mind drifted back to the simpler times of his life, where his temper was the worst part and the red seeped into his mind. When he saw black and red on the, a combination so deadly it was no wonder he was given such a mortifying nickname on the field. "Because when I got on the field, I was dangerous."

"No," the fox cut in, tilting his head. "That's not it, you weren't dangerous Bugs, you were downright lethal. When the adrenaline kicked in and you felt cornered you turned into a feral savage, and fought your way to a win. How many legs did you break Bugs? How many times were you benched because of your temper? "Gentle soul anywhere else but put the boy on a field and he will become possessed." Isn't that how coach phrased you to your father one time?"

Bugs jaw tightened, nails digging into his palm as he claimed his temper and remembered that was in the past... he hoped it was in the past.

"So maybe I got a little too carried away sometimes," Bugs said through gritted teeth. "What about it?"

The Nogitusne was now full blown smirking in amusement, standing to his feet he headed for the rusty door.

"I want to see the savage in action."

"Of course you're still the team captain. You got your grades up just like Coach told you to, right?" Stiles assured his best friend while his older brother walked slightly behind them. Bugs kept running the same thing over his head, this year he was going to be different. He couldn't let himself go all savage, no matter how much Coach liked it.

"Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team. He just told me to show up at tryouts today." Scott sighed, remembering the conversation between him and Coach. His body turned back to look at the one of them having been on the team the longest. He waited until Bugs had looked back up to question. "Did coach say anything to you Bugs?"

"Other then it's Savage season?" Bugs asked with a cocked brow and amused face. "Nope, but I'm sure it doesn't mean anything."

"See?" Scott pointed from own twin to the other.

Stiles looked at his brother flatly before changing the subject entirely, "We got bigger things to deal with anyway. Did you tell Argent yet?"

"Ah." Scott knowing immediately what the question was, "I texted him but he didn't get back to me.

"Wait..." Bugs voice trailed off, looking fully invested in the conversation.

Stiles finished the rest of his brothers sentence in a very twin way, "You told him his sister came back from the dead over a text?"

Scott feigned innocence when he saw the judgment stares he was being given. "I didn't have the money to call France."

At the mention of money both twins shoulders slopes downwards and they shared a moment of panic. They knew far too well the phrase "no money" or "not enough." It was a shitty time for all those involved. Stiles was the one to answer, his tone having taken a much duller tone. "Yeah, you think you got money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a twin visit to Eichen House."

"Another notice?" Scott questioned tentatively .

"Yeah," Bugs was the one too answer this time. Nodding his head and keeping his attention of the lacrosse stick while he remembered just what he had seen on his fathers desk, "this one said, Final."

"What the hell are we even doing here anyway? We got like a 117 million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them." Stiles bluntly stated, ready to give in and go deal with the real problem At hand. Bugs feeling the exact same way, there was bigger shit to worry about. Both brothers turned their backs to the field and were ready to go full detective mode when they were stopped.

"It is now." Scott spoke up, each twin turning around in a haste.

It got silent way too fast, the trio watching as one goalie single handedly took on about 3 players throwing lacrosse balls at him. Not one got past him, not a single fucking one.

"Who the hell is that?" The Stilinskis said aloud in unison, both having the same amount of shock and accusation in their voices.

Scott didn't answer, not knowing who it was either. However they were soon answered when another freshmen pulled off his helmet and yelled aloud. "Nice, Liam. You might just be our first ever freshman captain."

The words taunted the 3 juniors, already pulling them back onto the field as Stiles said aloud. "Okay, maybe we should just practice a little bit."

While Stiles has said that aloud Bugs had also made a compromise with himself.

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad if he let the savage out.


The Stilinskis had come to one conclusion during the time it took them to get changed back into their school clothes. It was time for the infamous Stilinski Sass Inquisition.

It took one head nod from either twin and both of them surrounded the smaller freshmen as he finished packing up for class. Scott noticed the way they seemed to crowd the new player and realized it was his time to, yet again, play the damn mediator between the Stilinskis.

"Hey, Liam." Bugs got the younger boys attention first. Liam's blue eyes looking a little startled at Bugs. The older boy seeming to enjoy what he knew as upperclassmen rule.

"You want to explain what that was out there?" Those words didn't come from Bugs however, they came from the other side of Liam. His head turned quickly to catch site of an almost identical smirk plastered over Stiles face as he had questioned.

Liam composed form the almost whiplash and answered, "What do you mean?"

"That little display." Stiles answered, narrowing his eyes. Liam seemed confused when he said that, not knowing just what he was talking about.

Bugs rolled his eyes, speaking up. "Your little circus act Rugrat."

Liam scoffed at both the nickname and tone behind Bugs voice. He took a step back so he wouldn't be forced to keep moving his head around and get even further confused before answering. "What circus act?"

It was Stiles turn to roll his eyes and huff in annoyance. "You caught every shot."

Liam deadpanned. "I was in goal."

"Yeah," Bugs nodded, his arms crossing over his broad chest. Leaning against the locker. "but nothing, not a single shot got past you."

"Yeah, I was the goalie." Liam flatly answered, smirking slightly and answering quite cockily. "You guys played this game before?"

"Oh look guys, we've got a smartass Rugrat," Bugs scoffed, starting to glare at the blue eyed freshmen.

Scott sighed, knowing it was time to intervene. "You're a freshman, right?"

Liam nodded, "yeah."

Something dawned on Stiles because Bugs could tell a lightbulb had gone off in his head.  "But you weren't here last semester."

Liam hesitated for a moment, and nodded his head. His humorous tone gone, "I transferred from Devenford Prep."

Bugs could tell Scott was listening to his heart as he restated, "You transferred?"

Liam nodded, once again a moment too late, "Yeah."

Stiles and Bugs both looked at the freshmen with an unconvinced look as they knew Scott was finding out the truth. "No, you got kicked out, didn't you?"

"All right. Look!" Liam knowing he had been caught in a lie finally admitted it. "Kicked out or transferred, what do you guys care? I came here to play lacrosse. The team could use a few good players, right?"

"No. No, we don't need any more good players." Stiles immediately shot him down eyes looking at Bugs and asking," we need any more players bro?"

"Well..." Bugs drew the word out, thinking to all the best teammates that had departed the team. Jackson was gone, Isaac had said Au Revoir, Danny was MIA, and sadly there was no willing bystanders like Boyd anymore. Bugs really missed his teammates.

Scott agreed with Bugs, "Actually, we could sort of use a couple."

Stiles feeling slightly betrayed by his brother and best friend went on, "Okay, how'd you get this good? Have you always been this good? Or did it suddenly happen just once over night."

"Stiles shut up," Bugs gritted his teeth in an annoyed smile as he realized just where his brother was going with this. He never did have a damn filter, even when it came to their secret.

"Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods during the night of a full..." Stiles questioned, eye twitching slightly and looking even further off his hinges then he usually did. Liam was beginning to look even further confused and freaked out.

"Stiles." Scott huffed.

"Look," Liam sighed, annoyed with the conversation already. And he thought the freshmen were suppose to be the weird ones. "I learned from my stepfather, all right? He made team captain when he was a sophomore. Like you. And yeah... I guess I'm just that good."

He walks away from them with a smug look, big enough to infuriate Bugs as he sneers, "a cocky, smartass Rugrat. Perfect, just what we need on the team."

As if that wasn't bad enough Scott had to add, "He wasn't lying that time."


Bugs walked hastily through the halls of the school, heading straight for Pre-Calculus where he would see his girlfriend for the first time. Briefly he lifted the dark maroon shirt he had on, sniffing it to check it didn't stink like the locker room until he realized just how awkward he actually looked and dropped the shirt. Malia had told him he needed to shower once, in front of the whole class when he leaned in too kiss her and he did not need a repeat of that. It was bad enough to live down the first time, he just hoped the brief smell of laundry detergent was strong enough.

Speaking of said brunette he watched from the down the hall as she was about to walk into the classroom and suddenly paused at the entrance. Her floral legging covered legs did a 180 and turned to walk back down the hall and possibly run from number as fast as possible when Bugs showed up.

Smiling brightly at her he grabbed her shoulders, turning her back around and pushing her forward while Malia looked frightened out of her mind.

"I hate math. It's pointless." She begged while he pulled her into class.

Bugs noted Lydia and Stiles already sitting one behind the other and watching as the couple walked in. He sighed and answered his girlfriend, "It's school. School is important, and math is essential."

"To what?" Malia bluntly answered.

What the belle as math good for? Bugs thought the words to himself as he scrambled for an answer.

His younger twin was there for the comeback, tapping his brother girlfriend Stiles smirked at Malia and answered, "Knowing how much to tip at restaurants."

Lydia huffed, narrowing her eyes at the boy sitting behind her before giving Malia a real answer, "And other less important things like medicine, economics, engineering..."

Stiles still kept to his answer and shook his head, "Tipping."

"Shut up Stiles," Lydia scoffed. Turning forward in annoyance as her strawberry blonde curls whipped around her in a very Lydia way.

Bugs snickered silently while he pulled out his notebook and textbook, the bell ringing above them.

"All right, volunteers to the board. Lydia, Diego, Malia." Ms. Flemming spoke to her class, pointing to the 3 students.

"Um... I didn't volunteer." Malias head shoots up in defense, Bugs immediately filling with dread.

Ms. Flemming didn't even budge, "You did now. To the board."

"You'll do great," Bugs whispered, grinning at his girlfriend.

In response Malia growled lowly, giving him an irritated face.

"Oh shit," Bugs huffed

Malia got up, rather unwillingly, the nerves practically rolling off her as Bugs watched the girl look at the problem on the board in confusion. Thank god Lydia was there.

Stiles looked at his brother with a mischievous smirk, knowing by the expression on Bugs face that he was worried beyond words. It was nice to see Bugs constantly looking like a love struck puppy. He was just about to say something sarcastic to him, probably earning a middle finger in return, when his phone began to vibrate in his phone.

Bugs phone began to vibrate in his pocket, although, unlike his brother, he chose to ignore it and focus on the schoolwork at hand.

"Hey!" Stiles whispered to his twin, checking to see that the teacher was far too invested in helping another's student to notice them. Once his brother green eyes were on him he lifted his phone. "Look at your phone."

"What?" Bugs asked confused. "Why?"

"Because I put the same alert on yours that I did on mines," he answered back. "Look at it!"

Bugs huffed, not even questioning his brother ability to look through his phone.

"Family killed by axe wielding murdered. Still on the loose."

Bugs eyes shot up, looking at his brother who nodded. It was time to get back too work.


"An axe murderer?" The resident Kitsune asked as the quartet walked down the hallway.

"A family murdering axe murderer." Stiles clarified, his brother nodding his head as they had already done their homework on this. In the span on Ms. Flemmins lecturer they had managed to find out enough information about the crime, all without once being caught. That took some serious skill.

Scott sighed, "I already heard about it."

"Wait. What? You did? How?" Bugs fired question after question, usually the alpha had to wait until one of the twins informed him of the problem.

"My mom called me." He shrugged his shoulder and opened his locker. "She knew we'd see it on the news."

"Perfect. Let's go." Stiles nodded.

"You got your baseball bat?" Bugs questioned, ready to get down too business.

"Whoa, whoa." Scott halted them from doing something idiotic. "We've got Econ in five minutes."

"All right." Stiles flatly said, "Did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer?"

"Did you forget that your dad's the sheriff? They want us to stay out of it." Scott reasoned.

The twins scoffed, Bugs face scrunching up in annoyance. "That hasn't stopped us before."

"Are you guys kidding me? There's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?" Stiles questioned in disbelief, looking annoyed beyond belief that his twin was the only one on his side.

"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it." Kira softly reasoned.

"So the two of you, you just want to stay here, school, go to class." Bugs questioned, wagging his finger between the couple.

When they nodded their head in response Stiles sneered, "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life."

The twins huffed and turned around, their backpacks swinging around in a haste.



Can we get a ship name for these two? I'm terrible at coming up with them!


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