N.M part 14

Zoes POV

I woke up with a sore neck from sleeping on the comfotable yet hard couch. I fixed my glasses and looked around only to see Rapmonster with his head hanging off the couch, jimin upside down with his feet up and head hanging off the edge of the couch.

Taehyung head was lying on Jimins stomach and his hand was rubbing Jins nose. As for Jin he was ACTUALLY sitting correctly and his feet were up on the coffee table Jungkook had his feet on Jins lap and his head was on Jhopes laps almost touching sugas feet, his hand was also was streched out and off the couch.

J-hope was sleeping with his arms in his sweater keeping them warm his head was slightly tilted and....glowing. Suga was still  in the same position from last night, no wonder I couldn't move at all. I lazily looked around and the shining of someones phone got my attention since it was right infront of me.

I streched as best as I could untill I got it and looked at the name. 'Manager-nim' I answered it and put it to my ear. "Hello" My morning deep voice filled the snoring house.

"Where are you guys!!"

"At home" I yawned. "Why" my eyes were slowly closing again.

"HURRY UP AND COME TO THE PRACTICE ROOM PD-NIM WANTS TO TALK TO YOU GUYS IN- LESS THAN 25 MINUTES!!!!" That woke me up real good. I stood up and afterwards only heard a hard thump. That woke up everyone up.

"What happened!!"

Time skip

I dropped on the ground after we ran so fast I just had too the rest did the same. The door opened and we all turned to look at it. "Um sir I don't think you should go in n-now!" I saw Manager-nims back infront of the door. "Nonsense they are probably just stretching right now" Pd-nim said as he pushed past Manager-nim.

"Good morning guys" Pd-nim said. I stood up and bowed like the rest. "Good morning" I said with a smile which he gave back. I looked behind and saw Manager-nims color come back to his face. "Okay guys I got your parts for the mini drama" Pd-nim said taking out sheets of paper I didn't even see were with him

He gave each of us one. As soon as I got one I started flipping through it. Love yourself was at the top which made me intrigued. As I read we didn't really have dialogue well Jin did but the rest was only acting.

At the end of the book was a page titled character summaries. I flip to the next page and read Jimins summary than the rest,mine was last and went well with the rest of the summaries.

'Zoe will be playing the role of a nerd in high school.'

Wow so nice.

'She lives with an abusive mom which is the affect of her father leaving due to cheating. Jin will be protraded as her brother that moved away from home and some parts will show or leave clues of them being related. The kids at school bully her yet they don't she suffers of an illness.'

I think I know where this is heading so I stopped reading and instead looked up to Pd-nim. "I do know its short notice but you will be start filming tommorrow morning. J-hope and Jimim's scenes will be first. Now Instead of practing all day why don't you start reviewing and memorizing your parts. Have a good day guys." He said while walking out the door Manager-nim following him.

"This is going to be intresting" I muttered earning a few hums agreeing. I went through and started reading the first page while the others skimmed through fastly.

"Oh." They all looked at me. "There are going to be six more people in it. I think they are playing the girls part?" I said still reading. "Really?" Jimin asked before coming over to me and check. "Looks about right."

"Zoe?" I hummed and looked up. "Are you going to be able to act" Jimin asked me with a smirk. "Are you ever going to be able to grow or get jams?" I sassed back. The others looked amusingly at Jimin who looked angry.

I turned my view point back to the book and kept reading.

My phone vibrated. I ignored it probably nothing important.

But than it happened again.

And again.




"What the fu-dge!" I stopped my cursing and changed it when I saw Jins face. I gave a sheepish smile before walking over to my phone Storm sleeping near it. I picked it up and saw  200 messages. My eyes widened.

I started going through them and saw it was my family.

'Zoe you changed so much my heart'

'You debuted! Finally!'

'Im so proud of you sweetheart!'



I gave up looking at the rest when I got in incoming call from my sister. All the members looked at me curious of what was going on. I answered it and switched to my first language.

(In spanish)


'Zoe congratulations we are all so proud of you' my sister screamed into the phone making me deaf for a second.

"Thank you Ale" I said feeling a little awkward from the stares I was getting.

'How much you grown I remember when you left. You were so chubby back than and look at you now you're singing, dancing, everything you wanted to do since you were little. Oh how much we miss you. Mom does a lot.'

"How did she react when she saw it?" I asked hopeful that it was a good reaction.

'Oh I have to go Aly and Nathan are crying, but don't worry I'll send you the video! Oh and expect more phone calls! Bye love you' before I could reply back she had hung up.

I let out a sigh. "What was that about?" Suga asked. I chuckled while rubingmy nape. "That was my sister, she was congratulating me for debuting and stuff." As I finsihed talking my phone vibrated again. I looked and saw it was message from her. I opened it and realized it was a video.

The guys surrounded me as I clicked.

(In spanish but she translates it to BTS)

'Why am I here?" A woman with highlights in her hair surrounded by boys who were my cousins and than thier 2 sisters and my aunts. I think my sister was recording while my dad was setting up something on the T.V.

That woman, that woman was my beautiful mom. I got a knot stuck in my throat but swallowed it back down. (A/n: imagine this as if it were you. I almost cried)

My dad stood up after Carlos one of my older brothers connected his phone for it to show up on the T.V. ' why am I here?' She asked again. 'Just watch the video mom' my sisters voice came from behind the phone that was recording.

Carlos pressed play and the video started.
The first thing it said was 'BTS New Maknae'. It than switched to a hispanic show I remember was about lasted news in Telemundo. Al Rojo Vivo.

'A few hours ago it was published that a singer in South korea had debuted with on of the famous groups called BTS. The most exciting part was that the person who debuted was no other than a 13 year gold that is full hispanic. Things like this make our race proud. We hope they have good luck in the coming years. Now to the -.'

It was cut off there but my mom still looked comfused as she continued to stare at the T.V. after the video screen shots of Bighits official social medias appeared all saying things related to me. It than went to a fan cam from yesterday where I had introduce my self as Zoe. I could see tears start building in my moms eyes, but thats not what made her bust out sobbing.

I think it was the last thing in the video and they were my pictures from the photo shoot. The video ended with 'welcome to BTS Zoe Figueroa from your fans around the world'.

My mom was crying her green colored eyes out as she looked at the camera. 'My baby is all grown up' she said choking on her tears as my brothers went to comfort her and thats where the video ended.

The guys looked at me. I smiled and so did they but my phone blowing up again with text and calls ruined the moment.

First Day of Filming

"It feels so good outside!" V said with his arms opened wide. We had just gotten to the site where they would be filming J'hopes and Jimim's parts all in one day. It was 6:05 Am I prettt sure they could make it.

We followed Manager-nim towards what was a practice room. Well the whole building was filled with them but this one was prepared for make up and wardrobe.

As we walked in the members that weren't going to participate today sat down me included. I looked around after J-hope and Jimin were taken to get them ready. I saw a girl with black hair in what looked like dance clothes getting her make up done. We made eye contact through the mirror, she smiled and I did too.

8:35 PM

"Okay get Zoe ready!" The director yelled making two unnie come over to me. I looked at them confused. I think one of the unnies dragging me noticed my state of confusion. "Didn't you know you are going to appear in random parts so that the fans can get more confused" she giggeled out before changing me into black jeans and a white oversized sweater. She tied my hair in a quick bun before the others unnie did my make up.

"Okay now hold this and get it to jimin when you are given the cue. Okay?" I nodded taking the piece of folded paper in my hand. "Is she ready!" Someone from outside yelled. "Go on" the unnie told me.

Once I was out the director came over to me. "Okay when Jimin looks up from the umbrella you are going to be facing him. You back and when you stretch out your hand to give him the paper will be all okay? Okay! In positions!" They started the fake rain on the street. First it was J-hope running with the girl on his back than the director said cut and cued for me and Jimin to get in our places.

Jimin was at the end of the street while I was at the other. "And Action!" Jimin started running but the camera only showed his legs. I was starting to get a little wet due to the 'rain'. When Jimin was in a good distance from me he stopped lefted the umbrella along with his head and looked at the camera that I suppose was behind me.

  I heard a small snap which was my cue to give him the folded piece of paper. I stretched out my hand he looled down and took out his hand the 'rain' staining his sleeve as he was about to grab the paper. "ANDD CUT!" The director yelled. "And thats a wrap for today everyone! Good job!"

Second Day of Filming

"Suga, Jungkook are you guys ready!" The director yelled like always he yells. We were in a building that was altered to look like a hospital and in the room at at the end of the hall people would think it another 'hospital' room but in reality it was where Suga was going to do his scene.

They were getting me ready again this time I was going to be in a room acting as if a doctor is giving me some bad news that will later fit in with the story.


Third Day of Filming

"I'm ready!" V yelled in my ear. Yup today we are doing Rapmonster and his part. I'm in a school uniform today I'm going to be inside pretending to hide from some bullies.

This is hurting my pride.


(Lol author getting lazy)

Fourth Day of Filming

It was finally the day where I wouldn't just be doing parts here and there it would be my full part. We were starting with mine first and than Jins. I has the most places to go so I better do it good on my first try. "Okay there and don't touch your hair okay sweet heart" the unnie said and I nodded.

I walked out a class room the school was going as if normal, but between you and me no one was paying attention. I heard the foot steps of the other actors behind me which was my cue to turn around.

As I did I had to act like a defensive little girl. Well there goes the rest of my pride. The boys playing the part of bullies were like damn they were cute my lord. One of them pushed me gently but I was told to make it seem like more. The started getting closer and surrounding me.

I heard a small snap and that was my cue to start running. The 'bullies' startes running after me. "Cut!" The directors voice sounded through out the place which made us stop running.

"Okay next scene!" They started moving the equipment towards the next location which was infront of some run down apartments that I had to go in and do stuff. "Hey I didn't push you that hard right?" A soft voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw the boys that are just wow. "No trust me I'm fine" I said with a smile they returned. Oh my heartue. "Come on Zoe!" The guys yelled. I bowed before walking over to them.

"I see you Zoe" Jimin started teasing. I felt a heat on my face. "Be quiet" is all I could say.

Next Scene 

I walked with a bruise on my temple. Of course it was make up but it really did look real. I walked into a run down apartment where my abusive 'mom' was. As I got in they stopped it there and only showed our shadows where she 'slapped' me and 'pulled' my hair. On the wall where the shadows were shown it had a picture of Jin hugging someone and that someone was supose to be me but you couldnt see my face.

The next scene was of me in the bathroom where I start couching up blood and thats all I did alone...wait nevermind. "Okay Zoe we are going to take the last shot in this mini drama with you and jin okay" I nodded.

"Okay Zoe remember you are trying to help jin chose an outfit and than-"

"Yes I know sir." This guy has really gotten on my nerves these past few days.

"And ACTION!" I jumped slightly while sitting on Jins 'bed' he started changing every outfit  he would turn around and I would nod no. When he put on the suite and turned around I nodded yes he smiled before hugging me.

He grabbed everything and the girls diary. As he walked out I smiled looking at him as he left from the door you could see the exit and they had recorded when he left. After a few seconds I started coughing they were recording me again.

I fell on the ground coughing up more fake blood. The stopped and than postioned me to be on the floor with the white flower Jin was going to take to the girl. But it wasnt completely white anymore it had fake blood on since it was in my hand and that was the end of my part.

Time to go home and rest.

If you guys don't understand you can ask questions than :)

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