-Friday morning-
You woke up to the shrill sound of your alarm.
You looked at your mirror and gave a halfassed smile.
You *super girly voice*: "omg school!!! FRIENDS!! I'm so excited!!! Yayyyyyyyy~ *normal, tired voice* UGH HOW THE HELL DO ANIME CHARACTERS DO IT?! SCHOOL IS A BITCH *groans"
You rolled around under the covers, reluctant to get up.
You finally got up, got ready for school, and went downstairs to the kitchen.
Mom: "Morning Y/N. Did you sleep well last night?"
You nodded in reply, still too drowsy to speak.
You ate a simple breakfast, then made your lunch.
You: "k, bye"
Mom: "goodbye, Y/N! Have a nice day, I love you!"
And with that, you left for school.
I hope today is boring and nothing happens so I can just SLEEP.
Once you got on school grounds you put on the best face that you could so you wouldn't look like walking trash.
Sigh I think I'm getting sick of being popular... way too much of hassle .-.
You casually made your way to your classroom, thinking to yourself. Maybe you were too caught up in your thoughts that you didn't notice a somewhat short boy that stopped in front of you, until you bumped into him.
Boy: "i-i-I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to bother you!"
You: "h-huh?! Its ok.You didn't do anything wrong!"
Boy: "really?"
The boys seem to shine with relief, confusing you greatly.
You: "uhhh yea I was the one who bumped into you..."
Feeling awkward, you rested your hand on the nape of your neck, looking down at the ground.
You: "well I gotta now..."
Then you sped to the classroom.
Plopping yourself sloppily in your desk, you released a sigh.
"Hey Y/N what's with the sigh so early in the morning?"
The voice of your best friend was so soothing at the moment. It felt like it's been so long since you've hung out with him.
You: "pffft c'mon Suga, it's school. What else? *light smile*"
He just looked out the window with a small open smile.
Suga: "it's been awhile... since we've talked. I think haha"
You hummed in response.
Today doesn't seem too bad anymore. It's clear and sunny out with some wispy clouds here and there... and I've got this lazy punk around. Somehow I've forgotten what's been bothering me these days.
Subconciously, you gave began to smile like an idiot at Suga. He looked over at you and gave a confused look.
Suga: "uhhhhhh what?"
You jumped a little and straightened your posture.
Breaking the peace of the classroom was the loud opening of the door, signaling another student entering. For you, it felt like the tranquil atmosphere was swallowed by a shadow causing chills to run down your spine.
You turned your head toward the door to, of course, see none other than Jungkook walk into the room. This time, though, his face was sour, almost angry.
Whatever not my prob-
You glared over at the source of the voice.
You looked soulessly into Jungkook's eyes, and he stared right back into yours.
Great... expect the worst Y/N...
"Hai hehe"
Jungkook's serious face changed to a silly derp face, and you remained unamused.
You *poker face*: "ok then... what's with you today? And why did you skip yesterday?"
Jungkook *smirking*: "ooh so you miiiissed meeee~?"
You: "you still haven't told me what I want to know *scoffs* duh... as if I would miss you HA!"
Jungkook: "tch stingy..."
You *clears throat*: "sooooo Suga how's life?"
You now faced Suga, trying to ignore Jungkook as he slumped in his seat, clearly doing it with an attitude.
Suga just grumbled.
Ok then...
-lunch time-
Suga: "Y/N! Fooooood!"
You: "yea yea I'll definitely eat with you today, but I gotta use the bathroom first. I'll be right back so you can go take our lunches up to the roof, k?"
Suga *grinning*: "sure"
Ahhh feeling refreshed! Thought my bladder was gonna explode ><
You rushed to get to the roof so that Suga wouldn't eat without you.
Perhaps these days you've become unaware of your surroundings, because, once again you ran into someone.
You reached down and helped the person up. It was the boy from this morning.
You: "oh it's you!"
The boy flung his head down into a deep bow, then lifted it once again.
Boy: "what a coincedence, Y/N! I've been looking for you, to be honest..."
Maybe it was the lighting, but he seemed to blush a little. You just stared down at him, bewildered.
This kid is freaking cute HES SO SHORT IS HE EVEN IN HIGH SCHOOL?!
You: "u-uh why were you looking for me?"
Boy: "well because I want to be friends with you!"
His face lit up with a bright smile.
You smiled sheepishly at him.
You: "o-oh ok that's fine haha"
Boy: "really?! Wow that was easier than I expected! Well anyway I haven't told you my name. I'm Jihoon but people tend to call me Woozi"
(I can't guarantee that Woozi's personality will be the same in the story in contrast to reality :-P sowwy)
You: "Woozi...."
You mumbled the name to yourself, making sure you wouldn't forget it.
Damn he looks like Suga's lost son haha~ oh CRAAAP I forgot that that Suga is waiting for me on the roof!
You *in a rush*: "it's nice to properly meet you, Woozi, it really is, but I need to go now. Sorry! My friend is on the roof waiting for me! I'll talk to you later though!"
You sped off after that, barely able to hear him yell goodbye to you.
You: "sorry Suga I'm here now!"
You were supporting your hands on your knees while you caught your breath.
Your friend looked up at you with tired eyes.
Suga: "what took you so long?"
You: "oh I ran into a boy named Woozi who said he wanted to be friends with me and he was so adorable. He looked almost identical to you!"
Suga: "you saying I'm cute too? *little smirk*"
You shifted your feet a little.
You: "pfft yea whatever...."
Suga: "introduce me to Woozi sometime. I need to make sure he's alright to be your friend"
You: "what are you, my grandpa something? *laughs*"
Suga: "no =__="
You: "yea whatever gramps"
You quietly cleaned up one side of the classroom while Jungkook, also strangely silent, cleaned the other side.
When that was finished you caught up to Suga and walked out of the building.
You: "we should walk home together today Suga! It's been a while, ya know?"
Suga: "sure I don't mind"
"Heyyyyyy Y/N!!! WAIT UP!"
You turned to see who called your name, and it was your newfound friend Woozi.
The cute boy caught up to you and Suga.
Woozi: "is it alright if I walk home with you? I'm going the same way as you! Oh! *turns toward Suga* you must be Y/N's friend! Hello, I'm Jihoon but just call me Woozi"
Suga stared down at him for a bit until a surprising, gummy smile spread across his face. He reached down and starting petting Woozi's hair.
Suga: "he really does look like me Y/N!"
U-uhhhhh..... so I guess.... Suga likes him? *-*
Woozi plastered an awkward, but cute smile onto his face.
You: "sooo Suuugaaa he's alright then?"
Suga: "hellsss yea"
You: "great! You can walk home with us, Woozi"
Woozi: "wow this is great day! I became friends with Y/N and her friend likes me!"
Well today wasn't so bad. This week was a disaster and way too much happened... now it's time for the weekend! Nothing can go wrong, right?
A/N ok.. so this chapter was kinda irrelevant ??? XD sorry about that I didn't want to make it super long nor did I want to keep u guys waiting :-P I apologize for I'm not the best writer and its difficult for me to come up with super awesome plotlines and scenarios as I write ><
Alsoooo I'm gonna try to put Hoseok in the story!
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