Chapter 8

The team sat around, waiting for Dick to finish getting dressed. They knew it always took a minute because he was new to dressing himself after being in rags for years.

When the door to Wally's room opened, Wally came out first and then the door closed. He walked over and sat next to Artemis, who watched the door, waiting for Dick to walk out.

"He will be a minute. He wanted to get dressed alone." Wally said, concern in his eyes, which Kauldur caught.

"What happened?" He asked.

Wally snapped up, a little shocked. "What do you mean?"

"Your eyes hold concern. Is everything okay?" He asked, catching everyone's attention.

Wally sighed, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I was helping him get dressed, and I couldn't help but notice just how many scars the kids got. He is 13 but is littered with scars that shouldn't be there on someone his age. It just... sickened me." He explained.

Just then the door opened to Wally's room and everyone glanced up. A collective gasp filled the room.

Dick was dressed in a black long sleeved v-neck shirt, Gray faded skinny jeans and black converse that were a little big on him, but they worked since his feet were still sensitive. His hair was brushed and shagged over the black mask he still wore. Dick grabbed his other arm and shrunk in on himself, almost as if he was trying to disappear.

"Woah! You look good! Are those new clothes?" Artemis asked.

"No they were mine but thats the only matching set of clothes I have from when I was younger." Wally said, standing from the couch with the rest of the team.

"Oh, well it still looks really good on you, Dick." She said. "Especially the mask."

Dick had almost forgotten it was on and reached a hand up to caress it. He couldn't help but blush at the compliment. He walked over to them, flinching slightly at his feet but tried to ignore it.

"Alright! Where should we go first?" M'gaan asked, jumping up next to Artemis.

"How about the mall?" Artemis suggested.

"Too many people. Let's try something smaller like a local clothing store." Wally said, looking over at Dick who was still rubbing the mask as if it would fall off any minute.

Artemis understood and shook her head. "Sure, let's start somewhere small." She turned to M'gaan who turned from green to a more olive skin tone. "Start up the bio ship!" She said.

"Lets go!" M'gaan said, linking arms with Connor as they shoved off. Kauldur and Artemis followed behind them.

Wally walked over to Dick and bent down to see his face. Dick gasped, jumping back a little.

"Come on, we are ready to go." He said, pointing towards the group that were already turning the corner.

Dick nodded, catching M'gaan and Connor were hooking arms and looked over at Wally who was staring at the group. Dick sucked in a shaky breath before his trembling hand wrapped around Wally's arm.

Wally looked down surprised to see him making such a bold move. He blushed seeing how clueless Dick looked when he didn't understand why Wally was so flustered. He cleared his throat.

"Sh-shall we get going?" He asked.

Dick nodded, holding on tighter as if he was afraid if he didn't he would get left behind. They walked together towards the ship, keeping a good gap between them and the group. Dick watched as the group stepped into a ship and instantly the hair on his neck stood up.

He started slowing his pace, loosening his grip on Wally. He watched as they others walked into it like it was a familiar home and Dick felt anxious. Was it okay for him to invade such a homely place? Would he dirty it up with his presence?

He didn't realize he had stopped Just one step from the opening door until he realized Wallys arm was no longer in his grasp. Instead Wally was looking at him with concern.

He pointed to the ship. "Am i... Okay to.. uhm... to enter?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Wally was confused for a minute until he realized what he meant. "Dick this is your home as well. You have free rein in this place as much as the rest of us." Wally explained.

Dick just stood there for a second trying to decide what he wanted to do. He looked over at Wally and his eyes landed on his hand. Dick looked back up and listed his own hand, pointing at it.

"My hand? Do you want to hold it for reassurance?" He asked.

Dick nodded.

Wally walked back down and held out his hand, knowing better than to grab his hand. He watched as Dick slowly gripped it and squeezed. Wally took a few steps backwards, still holding his hand, trying to guide him. At first Dick was hesitant but he eventually took his first step and it gave him the biggest relief.

He took another step and eventually fell into step with Wally who guided him to one of the chairs. The others found the moment heart touching but Wally found it as a step forward. Dick was opening up and he couldn't be more happy for him.

-line break-dont mind me-

Dick was strapped to his chair but he wasn't staying put. He had his face and palms pressed against the glass, staring in amazement at the world below. His seat belt was practically strangling him but he didn't care. He has never seen such a cool veiw and the whole time they passed clouds he made a happy giggle.

The others were watching with delight but concern that he was going to choke himself out. When they stopped, hovering over the end of a semi-crowded street, Dick was finally able to relax.

"Alright we are here. You ready to go get some new clothes?" Wally asked.

Dick nodded happily unwrapping himself and following the rest of them to the opening in the ship. They walked out onto the sidewalk and Dick immediately took notice at just how many people were walking around.

His good vibe dissipated and he hid behind Kauldur, trying to disappear behind his tallness. Kauldur just smiled a very small one but it was there. They started walking towards their first destination which was a small local clothing store called "Clothing for Goodwill." They walked into it and were surprised that it wasn't packed.

Dick slowly peaked from behind Kauldur and saw the many racks of clothing. His eyes lit up and he walked towards the jackets, instantly one catches his attention. It was a red hoodie with white drawstring. What drew him to it was the small bird in the corner of the jacket.

"Its a robin. They are morning birds. I'm surprised at the amount of detail in a brand logo." Wally said from behind Dick.

Dick bit his lip, a small smile appearing as he, even though it was nearly 3 sizes too big, grabbed it from the rack.

After that jacket, he grabbed a few more clothes before looking at shoes. They looked at a few more places, but Dick couldn't help but look in the bag with the red hoodie. He liked it for some reason and he knew it would forever be his favorite piece of clothing he ever owns. Knowing he was keeping the clothes made him emotional.

He let tears escape his eyes as they were on the bio ship. He was happy. A knew feeling he welcomed without fear for the first time.

A/N: as promised, an update! The next one I hope to have out soon, but with recent bad news it may take a minute. When I get confirmation I will share but for now I will just let you guys know I May have lung cancer. We are waiting to hear back from doctors but it's not looking good bois and or girls. But besides that tragedy in my life, I hope to have a new chapter soon!

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