R27: Planned by Destiny, @xshadesoflife

(R27 is short for Review 27)

Review : Book27 (Romance)
BOOK TITLE: Planned by Destiny
AUTHOR: @xshadesoflife

--This is my personal analysis, with the present contents of book, and the mentioned judging criteria. It may change after author edits the book or if criteria is changed.
--Any other person judging the same book, on same criteria/points, may hold different opinions/comments/suggestion/advice, than highlighted here.
--Nothing is written/criticized to offend anyone. If you don't agree, it's alright, I don't mind others having different opinions.


1. Cover, Title, Summary (6/10)
Cover is ok, but not very pulling. The quote(other than title) on the cover image, is good and makes it more appealing. The color contrast is slightly dull and gives the impression of a slow paced story with lesser life. The images on the cover, individually, are good but their collection is somewhat repelling.
The title basically depicts any one of the many elements related to the book, eg.- the theme/ characters' motive/ gist of the plot / genre etc. Your book's title relates very appropriately to the storyline and theme of story.
Summary is attractive. Just pay attention to the grammar mistakes (punctuation, spacing, spelling etc).

2. Images/photos etc., audio, video, GIFs- Graphics (4/10)
Images- cover photo, and some other character/cast photos attached in the chapters. These are relevant to the story and the characters and thus add to the interest development in readers. 

3. Grammar, Spelling, vocabulary (4/10)
Spelling mistakes- present, in the starting six chapters
Grammar: Punctuation - comma, single & double quotation marks mistakes, period placement, spacing, etc are present, at many places.
The placement of defining & non defining clauses, with determiner placement also need editing in chapters.
Word mistakes - I couldn't observe any.
Word repetitions are present (eg- that used twice in the first paragraph of first chapter) and can be reduced.
Vocabulary is kept simple, but appropriate and good for acquainting the reader well with the story.
Some sentence formation mistakes are present too. At some places, only the rotation and shuffling of words here and there, in a sentence, will be sufficient, to correct them.

4. Literary elements: plot, setting, characterization, conflicts, POVs, mood, tone (4/10)
The plot/storyline is romance+tragedy and drama fiction. While at some places, the story seems to be flowing at a natural pace, at other places it is over dramatic to the point of repulsion.
Settings (meaning living environment, clothing, conversation styles, food habits, Transportation, etc., as per the time & place cited in story) are well described, though still need some more clarification. The settings, Characterization and conflicts aren't in synchronism as the story unfolds and progresses.
Characters are developed gradually with the story progression. The way the characters open up to each other, carries the story forward but the spark and interest couldn't be maintained.
Conflicts- some are cliche (eg-Sean likes Clea but Andrew & Clea seem to like each other, love triangle), others are original but slightly non-convincing (eg-Blair's incident and happenings with her life).
The book is written in first person  POV and author wrote it adequately. The story revolves with the characters  entering adulthood, but the reactions of characters aren't portrayed well as per the characters' roles and situations they are in.
The story has flashbacks too, but they are narrated at very fast rate and they need a good amount of editing. The moods and tones too, need to be improved.
Moods (these are the emotions aroused in the reader by the write up) induced are variety, depending on the event description- cheerful, light hearted (merry scenes), depressing, uplifting, hormonal too (in case of mature scenes) etc. Tones (meaning author's attitude) are jovial, carefree, mirthful, humorous, sad, violent etc.
The POV is effectively presented.

5. Diction, writing style, pacing (6/10)
Diction is good, with a nice & fitting choice of words, but at some places the choice of adjectives, nouns, adverbs need replacement for providing the reader a good imagination (called imagery).
Writing style is informal narrative- it's unnecessarily hurried at some places, lethargic at others and moderate paced at other points in the story. The story telling needs improvement too.
Pacing is slow at some places, while it's very fast in the flashbacks and is moderate in between (in the character interactions). Sometimes, the pacing alteration is required with respect to the story progress and event unfolding (which is enjoyable too for the readers). But here it's unnaturally altered and that's slightly repulsive to the readers.  Prologue, introduction etc are not present, but the storytelling doesn't suffer from it.

6. Allusion, epigraphs, euphemism, foreshadowing, metaphors/simile, imagery (2/10)
Foreshadowing could have been used, but not utilized properly. Every chapter unfolds information gradually, of the present situation the characters are facing, and their past occurrences in the form of flashbacks.  The suspense however isn't properly maintained throughout chapters, which could have been more attractively done.
Author tried to use imagery in some scenes but it's in a very initial stage.
Other devices not used.

7. Structuring (8/10)
Starting & ending clearly presented in text. Paragraphs, dialogues are presented in a good manner. Chapter names are precisely chosen according to the content. Chapters are numbered, which gives it a professional outlook & is convenient for a reader to read and continue, where he/she left last time.
Book structure- doesn't contain introduction, prologue, cast etc., but I believe that's not required.

8. Cliffhangers, twists/turns/incident presentation (3/10)
Cliffhangers are ok but can be worked upon for more effectiveness.
Twists and turns are not judiciously disclosed. They can be unfolded one by one gradually, with each chapter, which will keep the reader bound and will make the book a more interesting read.

9. Originality, creativity (2/10)
The story has many cliches, and also many new elements too (eg-the story of Clea's friend and Andrew's past; though they are not presented well and aren't believable the way they are narrated). So in a way, some parts of the story seem original but the author hasn't been creative in using those incidents/scenes.

Rating/Marks :
6+4+4+4+6+2+8+3+2= 39/90

Reviewer's note:
The story is woven around some expected and other unexpected events/incidents. The story starts off as a good one but the flashbacks made it awkward to read as it's not narrated  interestingly and somehow doesn't suit well with the characters.

ADVICE (to author):
I have already mentioned some suggestions above, if the author would like to consider. Some more points which need attention are summarized below:

1) The concept of arranged marriage in California, seems odd and unrealistic. Though I am not denying the fact that it may happen there too, still the story narration and events which make the characters go for it, don't convince the readers much. The characters are developed well but their thought process and advocacy of arranged marriage doesn't match.

2) The events which happen with Clea's friend leading her to commit suicide, I don't know why but look unnaturally evil. Eg- Tiffany, even after her kid's death, very soon gets involved with her sister's boyfriend. That's gross and indigestible - a person becomes depressed after her kid's demise, I have a kid and I can tell you that. In that depressed state thinking about sex or revenge is highly unlikely as one has to first recover from the trauma to think straight and clear. Moreover when it was proved that it was an accident, not Blair's fault, revenge can't be the motive. Instead Blair goes into depression, that's not understandable.
Your story may have reasons for it in the later chapters, but the suicide wasn't convincing. Everything happening at such fast rate is also not very appealing.
Suggestion- you may have instead, put Tiffany through depression stage, and made the attraction between her and  Dylan in the process of her recovery (while Dylan helps out of empathy, which then develops into lust over the course of scenes/incidents/situations). But Blair's suicide wasn't necessary.

3) The settings, character development and the story events are not in synchronism and everything seem to scatter/disorient after a few chapters. Otherwise, the diction and vocabulary is good. You also need to pay attention to the grammar mistakes, they are more in this book.

If there is anything you don't understand, let me know, as an inline comment here. I will surely explain, if I find time for it.

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